Explanation for asymptotic notation graph - algorithm

I am currently going over an algorithms course and I have come across the following graph
I am having a hard time understanding what f(n) stands for, what g(n) means and what c and n0 mean. Furthermore, I want to know how they are related to the concept of bounds and what that means.
Most tutorials just start by explaining how the above terms are related, but not what they mean

Imagine you wrote a program to sort a list. Your program inputs a list, performs computations for some time, then outputs a sorted list.
The "big-O" notation f(n) = O(g(n)) is a way to compare two functions f and g.
When dealing with numbers, you are used to making comparisons, for instant "x < y".
When dealing with functions, we have several different ways of making comparisons. For instance, you could say "function f is always smaller than function g" and you would write that formally: "forall n, f(n) < g(n)".
However, this comparison is a bit extreme. On the graph you have shown in your question, the purple function is not always smaller than the blue function. But you can notice that it is only larger for a few small values of n. So it makes sense to say "after a few initial values, function f finally becomes smaller than function cg" or formally "there exists a number n0 such that forall n > n0, f(n) < cg(n)".
Now, the functions we wanted to compare originally were f and g, not f and cg. However, maybe we don't care about a multiplicative constant; maybe we only care how f(n) behaves when n increases, and how g(n) behaves when n increases. For instance, maybe you notice that when n is 10 times bigger, f(n) becomes roughly 100 times bigger. This means that f(n) is roughly proportional to n^2. It doesn't matter to us whether f is about equal to n^2 + 5 or to 7 * n^2 + 2 * n + 12. What matters to us is that it's roughly proportional to n^2.
So Big-O notation gives us a way to compare two functions f(n) and g(n) while ignoring multiplicative constants, and ignoring values of f(n) and g(n) for small values of n.
f(n) = O(g(n)) litterally means "there exists a value n0 and a multiplicative constant c such that as long as n is bigger than n0, f(n) will be smaller than c g(n).
This definition is relevant to complexity analysis of algorithms. Imagine you have written an algorithm to sort a list. Let's call f(n) the maximum number of operations your algorithm needs to sort a list of n items. You want to prove that your algorithm is efficient. You want to make statements such as "f(n) = O(n^2)", which would mean roughly "if the size of the list is multiplied by 10, then the time of execution will be multiplied by less than 100". This doesn't give the exact number of operations - maybe f(n) = 4 n^2, or maybe f(n) = (n^2 - n) / 2. But who cares about the exact number. What's important is that if the list is 10 times longer, the time of execution will be at most 100 times longer.


Big-O What are the constants k and n0 in the formal definition of the order of an algorithm?

In my textbook I see the following:
Definition of the order of an algorithm
Algorithm A is order f(n) -- denoted O(f(n)) -- if constants k and n0 exist such that A requires no more than k * f(n) time units to solve a problem of size n >= n0.
I understand: Time requirements for different complexity classes grow at different rates. For instance, with increasing values of n, the time required for O(n) grows much more slowly than O(n2), which grows more slowly than O(n3), and so forth.
I do not understand: How k and n0 fit into this definition.
What is n0? Specifically, why does n have subscript 0, what does this subscript mean?
With question 1 answered, what does a 'a problem of size n >= n0' mean? A larger data set? More loop repetitions? A growing problem size?
What is k then? Why is k being multiplied by f(n)? What does k have to do with increasing the problem size - n?
I've already looked at:
Big Oh Notation - formal definition
Constants in the formal definition of Big O
What is an easy way for finding C and N when proving the Big-Oh of an Algorithm?
Confused on how to find c and k for big O notation if f(x) = x^2+2x+1
1) n > n0 - means that we agree that for small n A might need more than k*f(n) operations. Eg. bubble sort might be faster than quick sort or merge sort for very small inputs. Choice of 0 as a subscript is completely due to author preferences.
2) Larger input size.
3) k is a constant. Suppose one algorithm performs 1000*n operation for input of size n, so it is O(n). Another algorithm needs 5*n^2 operations for input of size n. That means for input of size 100, first algorithm needs 100,000 ops and the second one 50,000 ops. So, for input size about 100 you better choose the second one though it is quadratic, and the first one is linear. On the following picture you can see that n0 = 200, because only with n greater than 200 quadratic function becomes more expensive than linear (here i assume that k equals 1).
n is the problem size, however that is best measured. Thus n0 is a specific constant n, specifically the threshold after which the relationship holds. The specific value is irrelevant for big-oh, being only interested in its existence.
k is also an arbitrary constant, whose bare existence (in conjunction with n0) is important for big-oh.
Naturally, people are also interested in smaller problems, and in fact the perfect algorithm for a big problem might be decidedly inefficient for a small one, due to the constants involved.
It means the first value for n for which the rest holds true (i.e. we're only interested in high enough values for n)
Problem size, usually the size of the input.
It means you don't care about the different (for example) between 3*n^2 and 400*n^2, so any value that is high enough to satisfy the equation is OK.
All of these conditions aim to simplify the O notation, making the difference between simple and complex operations mute (e.g. you don't care if an operation is one or 20 cycles as long as the number is finite).

While calculating Big(oh), Where from upper bound g(n) comes?

For example i have f(N) = 5N +3 from a program. I want to know what is the big (oh) of this function. we say higher order term O(N).
Is this correct method to find big(oh) of any program by dropping lower orders terms and constants?
If we got O(N) by simply looking on that complexity function 5N+3. then, what is the purpose of this formula F(N) <= C* G(N)?
i got to know that, this formula is just for comparing two functions. my question is,
In this formula, F(N) <= C* G(N), i have F(N) = 5N+3, but what is this upper bound G(N)? Where it comes from? where from will we take it?
i have studied many books, and many posts, but i am still facing confusions.
Q: Is this correct method to find big(oh) of any program by dropping
lower orders terms and constants?
Yes, most people who have at least some experience with examining time complexities use this method.
Q: If we got O(N) by simply looking on that complexity function 5N+3.
then, what is the purpose of this formula F(N) <= C* G(N)?
To formally prove that you correctly estimated big-oh for certain algorithm. Imagine that you have F(N) = 5N^2 + 10 and (incorrectly) conclude that the big-oh complexity for this example is O(N). By using this formula you can quickly see that this is not true because there does not exist constant C such that for large values of N holds 5N^2 + 10 <= C * N. This would imply C >= 5N + 10/N, but no matter how large constant C you choose, there is always N larger than this constant, so this inequality does not hold.
Q: In this formula, F(N) <= C* G(N), i have F(N) = 5N+3, but what is this
upper bound G(N)? Where it comes from? where from will we take it?
It comes from examining F(N), specifically by finding its highest order term. You should have some math knowledge to estimate which function grows faster than the other, for start check this useful link. There are several classes of complexities - constant, logarithmic, polynomial, exponential.. However, in most cases it is easy to find the highest order term for any function. If you are not sure, you can always plot a graph of a function or formally prove that one function grows faster than the other. For example, if F(N) = log(N^3) + sqrt(N) maybe it is not clear at first glance what's the highest order term, but if you calculate or plot log(N^3) for N = 1, 10 and 1000 and sqrt(N) for same values, it is immediately clear that sqrt(N) grows faster, so big-oh for this function is O(sqrt(N)).

Is O(n^3) really more efficient than O(2^n)?

My algorithm class's homework claims that O(n3) is more efficient than O(2n).
When I put these functions into a graphing calculator, f(x)=2x appears to be consistently more efficient for very large n (starting from around n = 982).
Considering that for a function f(n) = O(g(n)), it must be smaller for all n greater than some n0, wouldn't this mean that from n = 982 we could say that O(2n) is more efficient?
2^n grows extremely faster than n^3. Maybe you have input wrong values into your calculator or something like that. Also note that more efficient means less time which means a lower value on the y-axis.
Let me show you some correct plots for those functions (using Wolfram Alpha):
First 2^n is smaller (but just for a tiny range), after that you can see how 2^n grows beyond it.
After this intersection the situation never changes again and 2^n remains extremely greater than n^3. That also holds for the range you analysed, so > 982, like seen in the next plot (the plot for n^3 is near the x-axis):
Also note that in the Big-O-Notation we always compare functions based on their growth. This is why something like O(n^3) does not contain functions f : f(x) <= n^3 but rather f : f(x) <= C * n^3 where C is an arbitrary constant, it could be big, it could be small. This accounts for the growth-factor in the comparison. Also note that it is allowed that the condition does not hold for a finite amount of x but there must exist some bound x' from where on the condition holds, so for every x > x'.
Compare this explanation to the complete mathematical definition from Wikipedia where C is k, x is n and x' is n_0:
Which defines, if true, that f(n) is in the set O(g(n)).
You confuse O(2n) and 2n. O(2n) is actually C*2n, where C is an arbitrary chosen positive constant. Likewise, O(n3) is D*n3, where D is another arbitrary chosen positive constant. The claim "O(n3) is more efficient than O(2n)" means that, given any fixed C and D, it is always possible to find such n0 that for any n >= n0, D*n3
< C*2n.

Counting the steps of an algorithm for an upper bound

I know that If I have a for loop, and a nested for loop, which both iterate 1 to n times, I can multiply the run times of both loops to get O(n^2). This is a clean and simple calculation. However, if you had iterations like so,
n = 2, k = 5
n = 3, k = 9
n = 4, k = 14
where k is the number of times the inner for loop iterates. At one point, it is larger than n^2, then it is exactly n^2, then it becomes less than n^2. Assuming you cannot determine k based on n, and maybe even having these points of n very far apart how do you calculate Big-O?
I tried graphing points. And at one point, I could say it was O(n^3) since some points exceed n^2, and further down, it would be O(n^2). Which one should I choose?
You state in your question that k is:
"... At one point, it is larger than n^2"
This is the uncertainty (or non-specificity) in your question that makes it hard to answer rigorously. Anyway, for the remainder of this answer, we shall assume that what you mean by the quote above is that:
For all values of n, the value of k(n) is bounded from above by
C·n^2, for some constant C>0.
From here on, let's refer to this statement as (+).
Now, since you're mentioning Big-O notation, we'll proceed to somewhat loosely define what this actually means:
f(n) = O(g(n)) means c · g(n) is an upper bound on f(n). Thus
there exists some constant c such that f(n) is always ≤ c · g(n),
for sufficiently large n (i.e. , n ≥ n0 for some constant n0).
I.e., Big-O notation is a way to describe an upper bound here for the asymptotic (limiting) behaviour of our algorithm. You write in your question, however, that:
"And at one point, I could say it was O(n^3) since some points exceed n^2, and further down, it would be O(n^2)"
Now this is a very specific analysis of how the inner loop of your algorithm behaves for specific values of n, and really not something that is related to asymptotic analysis (or Big-O notation). We're not interested in specifics about how the algorithms behaves for specific values of n, but whether we can find some general upper bound for the algorithm given n is "sufficiently large" (n ≥ n0 for some constant n0).
Now, with these comments above, we can proceed to analysing the asymptotic behaviour of your algorithm.
We can approach this using Sigma notation, making use of statement (+) above, k(n) < C·n:
The last step (++) follows from the definition of Big-O-notation, that we loosely stated above.
Hence, given that we interpret your information regarding k as (+), your algorithm runs in O(n^3) (which is an upper bound, not necessarily a tight one).

Is log(n^2)'s asymptotic order larger than or equals to log(5n)

To compare the asymptotic order of the two functions, I calculated the limit of first function over second function, when n goes to infinity.
The answer was 2 (I had to use l'hopital's rule), which means that for really high values of n, log(n^2) is larger than log(5n)
My question is: is it incorrect to say that log(n^2) is asymptotically larger than log(5n)?
My friend told me that when the limit of first function over the second function is a constant, that means that their asymptotic order is equal. Can someone confirm?
Actually log (5n) = log 5 + log n, and log (n^2) = 2 log n, so log(n^2) is larger than log 5n. In addition, we can say that log(n^2) is asymptotically larger than log 5n. One definition of Asymptotic is as follows.
The term asymptotic means approaching a value or curve arbitrarily
closely (i.e., as some sort of limit is taken). A line or curve A that
is asymptotic to given curve C is called the asymptote of C.
Depending on the context we may ignore constant factors, and write they are in the same order. We may express this by existing notations such as O, Θ and Ω. According to the widely accepted definition from the algorithmic standpoint, these two particular functions are asymptotically equivalent:
We say A(n) is asymptotically larger than B(n) if
lim n→∞A(n)/B(n) = ∞
In this case, the above limit converges to 2 (or reverse version 1/2) so they are asymptotically equal.
log(n^2) = 2 * log(n) and log(5n) = log(5) + log(n). So both are asymptotically equal when speaking about algorithms.
Assuming log base 2
If the limit was 2, then it means that log(5n) belongs to O(log(n^2)), doesn't it...
