Maven: unresolvable build extension - maven

I've been looking at google and nothing really points to this problem. When I run "mvn clean install" it returns the following error.
[ERROR] Unresolveable build extension: Plugin
org.sonatype.flexmojos:flexmojos-maven-plugin:3.8 or one of its
dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to collect dependencies for
org.sonatype.flexmojos:flexmojos-maven-plugin:jar:3.8 ()
I'm trying to figure out how to import the maven plugin flexmojos but there are no clear directions on how to do this.
How would I import this plugin into my project?

The dependency you are looking for does exist.
To troubleshoot this problem further we'd need to see your POM and the rest of your build output.
Taking a stab in the dark:
Is this the first time you're running this build on this machine? If so, a very common "gotcha" is a corporate firewall preventing access to Maven Central. The solution in this case is setup a Maven repository manager like Nexus, or configure Maven to use a HTTP proxy.

I had a similar problem. I set up the proxy in Eclipse then I discovered I also set up the proxy in my settings.xml. I deleted the proxy from settings.xml and all worked out.
I hope my situation will help!

I solved this by adding another profile parameter from my pom.xml to my mvn command, e.g. "-Pprofile-name" pointing to a non-Maven repo definition embedded inside that profile, since Maven might be looking for repo definitions to be standing alone in a settings.xml, which isn't always the case.

I resolved this by adding a settings.xml file in the ~\.m2 directory, with the appropriate configuration pointing to our internal libraries.

If this Problem is displayed in the Eclipse Environment, this is because the m2e Connector tries to download the Plugins in to your ~\.m2\ repository
to solve this, open your Eclipse Settings: Window->Preferences and go to the ->Maven->User Settings Section.
Check if either Global Settings or User Settings is connected to the settings.xml File that your Maven uses.
Generally: Maven or your m2e connector tries to download these plugins via the plugin-repositories configured in your settings.xml it's can't find them because the repository is unknown or not reachable because you are behind a proxy or so:
08.11.18, 15:54:47 MEZ: [WARN] Failed to build parent project for
08.11.18, 15:54:47 MEZ: [WARN] Failure to transfer org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin/maven-metadata.xml from was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of tycho has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer metadata org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin/maven-metadata.xml from/to tycho (
go to your settings.xml file and add:
Mirrors (in this example: central repository. Do so for any other repos accordingly e.g. tycho):
<name>Our mirror for central repo</name>
<url>http://<your host to>/nexus/content/repositories/central/</url>
<url>http://<your host to>/nexus/content/groups/public/</url>
this should fix your problems:
Eclipse Specific: if Errors prevails (e.g. unknown packaging) add lifecycle mappings via Window->Preferences->Maven->Discovery->Open Catalog and add Tycho Connector
Further you can add the lifecycle-mapping plugin that handles these lifecycle mappings in the eclipse environment: eclipse m2e lifecycle mappings

Maybe you end up here because you are running nexus for a long time.
I finally found the error Summary tab in the Repositories page.
At some point Maven Central decided to require https: and the URL listed in my configuration still was using http:.
Update the URL to use https:, Save and everything worked smoothly again!


How to solve :Could not calculate build plan: Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.6 [duplicate]

org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginResolutionException: Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:jar:2.5
at org.apache.maven.plugin.internal.DefaultPluginDependenciesResolver.resolve(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.project.registry.EclipsePluginDependenciesResolver.resolve(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.internal.DefaultMavenPluginManager.getPluginDescriptor(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.internal.DefaultMavenPluginManager.getMojoDescriptor(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultBuildPluginManager.getMojoDescriptor(
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.DefaultLifecycleExecutionPlanCalculator.setupMojoExecution(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.setupMojoExecution(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.project.registry.ProjectRegistryManager.setupMojoExecution(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.project.registry.MavenProjectFacade.getMojoExecution(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.project.configurator.AbstractCustomizableLifecycleMapping.getBuildParticipants(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.project.configurator.AbstractLifecycleMapping.configure(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.project.ProjectConfigurationManager.updateProjectConfiguration(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.project.ProjectConfigurationManager.updateProjectConfiguration(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.ui.internal.UpdateMavenProjectJob.runInWorkspace(
Caused by: org.sonatype.aether.resolution.ArtifactDescriptorException: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:jar:2.5
at org.apache.maven.repository.internal.DefaultArtifactDescriptorReader.loadPom(
at org.apache.maven.repository.internal.DefaultArtifactDescriptorReader.readArtifactDescriptor(
at org.sonatype.aether.impl.internal.DefaultRepositorySystem.readArtifactDescriptor(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.internal.DefaultPluginDependenciesResolver.resolve(
I have read where many people were able to solve this by:
Deleting the folder from the local repository and letting it re-download it (this did not work)
By configuring eclipse to target your maven installation instead of the embedded one as described here (this did not work)
Could not calculate build plan :artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:pom:2.4.3 is not available in the local repository
I am new to Maven so please excuse any of my ignorance.
This project is working on another machine, and just pulled it down from the repository on this one, with the same version of eclipse and m2e plugin installed. I have been fooling with this for over 10 hours now and it is driving me nuts (Maven has been nothing but headaches for me so far...)
After looking closer I did notice that it is not downloading the .jar files into the local repository... I am not sure if that is something obvious...
I am not given the option to add Maven Dependencies to the build path.
I had the exact same problem.
[ERROR] Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:jar:2.5: Failure to find org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:pom:2.5 in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
Had maven 3.0.5, eclipse Kepler with JBoss Dev Studio 7 installed. Computer sitting on internal network with proxy to the internet. Here's what I did.
0. Check the maven repositiory server is up
1. Check Proxy is set up and working
First I thought it was a proxy problem, I made sure that maven settings.xml contained the proxy settings (settings.xml can exist in two places one in MAVEN_HOME. The other in %userprofile%.m2\ with the later having higher precedence):
and checked that the proxy is working by trying to telnet to it:
telnet [proxy] [port number]
2. Check not Eclipse Issue
ran 'mvn compile' at command line level outside of eclipse - same issue.
If 'mvn compile' worked. But it doesn't work using the maven plugin in eclipse, see Maven plugin not using eclipse's proxy settings
3. Check not Cache Issue
Deleted all contents in my local maven repository. (Default location: ~/.m2/repository) And then reran maven - same issue came up.
4. What worked for me
Automatically download & install missing plugin:
By declaring the missing plugin in the POM file build section for pluginManagement Maven will automatically retrieve the required plugin. In the POM file, add this code for the version of the plugin you require:
Manually install missing plugin:
I went to and downloaded maven-resources-plugin-2.5.jar and maven-resources-plugin-2.5.pom . Copied it directly into the maven repository into the correct folder ( ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-resources-plugin/2.5) and reran 'mvn compile'. This solved the problem.
Following this I had another two problem with 'mvn install':
The POM for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:jar:2.10 is missing, no dependency information available
The POM for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:jar:2.3.1 is missing, no dependency information available
I approached this problem the same way as above, downloading from and
I had the exact same problem and since I read somewhere that the error was caused by a cached file, I fixed it by deleting all the files under the .m2 repository folder.
The next time I built the project I had to download all the dependencies again but it was worth it - 0 errors!!
Couple of things to try:
Doublecheck the location of the local artifact repo configured in your settings.xml file (at the following location {your home folder}/.m2/settings.xml). Are you sure the local repo is where you think it is? (Yes, a mistake I've made in the past...)
Remove entire contents of artifact repo on the new build machine (or at least anything related to Maven). You mentioned doing some artifact repo cleanup but I'm not sure what directory(ies) you removed. I've run into weird issues like these when a jar was corrupted.
Make sure you have enough disk space/quota for the local artifact repo. I have run into weird issues when I didn't have a large enough quota to hold all the artifacts, likely caused by partially downloaded jar files.
Try running with plain Maven on the command line; take Eclipse and m2e out of the equation. mvn -U dependency:resolve should do it. The -U forces Maven to download no matter what your repository update policies are. Add -X to get detailed debug logging.
Copy settings.xml from MAVEN_HOME\conf\ to USER_HOME.m2. Add proxies (if needed) in case you are behind a proxy server.
Follow easy steps to resolved the below issue:
Could not calculate build plan: Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact description for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-ar-plugin:ar:2.4 in eclipse
Issue solved ☺
i faced the same issue while using eclipse kepler and maven version 3.2,
while building the project, it showed me the same error in eclipse
there are two versions (2.5 and 2.6) of plugin under
i removed 2.5 version then it worked for me
My problem was the location of the config file.
In eclipse settings (Windows->preferences->maven->User Settings) the default config file for maven points to C:\users\*yourUser*\.m2\settings.xml. If you unzip maven and install it in a folder of your choice the file will be inside *yourMavenInstallDir*/conf/, thus probably not where eclipse thinks (mine was not). If this is the case maven won't load correctly. You just need to set the "User Settings" path to point to the right file.
It appears that there can be a lot of different causes for this issue. I experienced it after installing a new version of Eclipse (Luna). Command-line maven worked fine, but Eclipse had build issues.
I use a Certificate Authority in my JRE. This is important because this provides my authentication when downloading Maven resources. Even though my project was pointing to the appropriate JRE inside of Eclipse - Eclipse was running using a different JRE (this is apparent looking at the Java process properties in Windows task manager). My solution was to add the following in my eclipse.ini
and explicitly define the JRE I want to use.
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51\bin\javaw.exe
You should check Force Update Snapshots/Releases when updating project with maven.It worked for me :-).
Try to delete all dirs in /usr/share/maven-repo - of course then maven will die so you must re-install and try again. In my case re-install from maven ver.3. to maven2 with deleting all repositories helped.
I tried by deleting all from .m2 but that didn't help.
Some files where missing at your local repository. Usually under ${user.home}/.m2/repository/
Neets answer solves the problem. However if you dont want do download all the dependencies to your local repository again you could add the missing dependency to a project of yours and compile it.
Use the maven repository website to find the dependency.
In your case was missing.
Copy the listed XML to the pom.xml file of your project. In this case
Run mvn compile in the root folder of the pom.xml. Maven will download all missing dependencies. After the download you can remove the added dependency.
Now you should be able to import the maven project or update the project without the error.
What I found out is that while m2e is looking for v2.5 by default, my local repo has 2.6 and no 2.5.
Without going into investigation of how this came about
simply adding the dependency to pom solved the problem
This can be removed after running a build once
his issue is happening due to change of protocol from http to https for central repository. please refer following link for more details.
In order to fix the problem, copy following into your file. This will set the repository url to use https.
<name>Central Repository</name>
<name>Central Repository</name>
A more subtle reason for this could be a Settings.xml file which has a space in the first line before the doctype
Hopefully I'm not late for the party.
Encountered this using Eclipse Kepler and Maven 3.1.
The solution is to use a JDK and not a JRE for your Eclipse project. Make sure to try maven clean and test from eclipse just to download missing jars.
I had the same problem but with an other cause. The solution was to deactivate Avira Browser Protection (in german Browser-Schutz). I took the solusion from m2e cannot transfer metadata from nexus, but maven command line can. It can be activated again ones maven has the needed plugin.
Most people will tell you to check your proxy settings or delete and re-add artifacts, but I will stay away from that and give another suggestion in case that doesn't turn out to be your problem. It could be your mirror settings.
If you use maven at the office then there's a good chance maven is configured to look for your company's internal maven repository. If you're doing some work from home and you are not connected to the network this could be the problem. An obvious solution might be VPN to the office to get visibility to this repo. Another way around this is to add another mirror site to your /User/.m2/settings.xml file so if it fails to find it on your office network it will try public repo.
<!-- United States, St. Louis-->
For other maven repositories take a look here:
In my case I'm using an external maven installation with m2e. I've added my proxy settings to the external maven installation's settings.xml file. These settings haven't been used by m2e even after I've set the external maven installation as default maven installation.
To solve the problem I've configured the global maven settings file within eclipse to be the settings.xml file from my external maven installation.
Now eclipse can download the required artifacts.
After entering your proxy settings in settings.xml
<!-- proxy
| Specification for one proxy, to be used in connecting to the network.
| -->
Check whether the below tag is having the value false in settings.xml
This helped me.
In addition to what #JackDev replies, what also solved my problem was to
1) Install the jdk under directory with no spaces:
Instead of
C:/Program Files/Java
This is a known issue in Windows. I fixed JAVA_HOME as well
2) Install maven as in Java case, under C:/Maven. Fixed the M2_HOME accordingly.
3) I java 7 and java 8 on my laptop. So I defined the jvm using eclipse.ini. This is not a mandatory step if you don't have -vm entry in your eclipse.ini. I updated:
Instead of:
Good luck
If you've configured a repository in your maven's settings.xml, check if you've access to it.
When I had this problem, there were enterprise repositories configured in settings.xml but I was out of the company.
JackDev's option 3 works for me after I changed the default repository to another folder.
Below is what I see after M2E plugin automatically download the maven-resources-plugin-2.6. Maybe this could give you some hint if you want to take the manual approach. The necessary files can be downloaded from here:
If you have a proxy, you also have to clear SOCKS in
Window > Preferences > Network Connections.
I was getting the same issue.
I just installed the m2e (Maven2Eclipse)plugin from below site:
Eclipse>Help>Install New Software>Available Software Sites>Add
Name: m2e (any name is OK)
Location:m2e -
Under Install Window> Work with:
Select this new location and Add all the plugins that appear. Eclipse restart and it was running properly with no previous errors.
If your working at a company, they may be preventing you from downloading outside software and installing it. You may need to install the plugins manually or repoint to an internal mirror repository.
Try downloading a different version of maven.
I had the same problem with maven 3.5.2 , I solved my problem just downloading maven 3.0.4
Very old stuff.
Got it solved fixing the localRepository in settings.xml.
This file was copied from my other computer and the path of the .m2 repository wasn't the same.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns=""
I could solve the issue with the following steps
Install Maven separately
Set the external Maven installation in Eclipse
3. Set the proxy in settings.xml in Maven installation
Update the Maven User Settings
Update Maven project
I have shifted my project to a different machine, copied all my maven libraries from old machine to new machine, did Right click on my project >> Maven >> Update Project. And then built my project. In addition to this, I have also done this one step which is shown in screenshot. And that's all it worked!!
Go to Window --> Preferences --> Maven --> User Setting, make sure you have these settings..
Also Right click on your project --> Properties --> Maven, and make sure you have the path here to maven repository..
I am facing the same issue and none of above works, like by updating the MVN also same error, by building is also same, entered details in settings.xml though even same issue.
After that again I tried and did something different which did not did before and it works.
Its simple, I clicked the force update while updating the Mvn project.
By right clicking on the pom file, there is option under Maven,
"Update Project" and it open up one popup to select update option.
PLEASE MAKE SURE FORCE UPDATE IS CHECKED, by default is unchecked. And
bingo, that works like charm!
To solve this issue I tried below method :
(I was working on eclipse IDE)
Go to location : C:\User\local.m2\setting.xml
Open setting.xml file in any editor.
Comment the proxy setting like I did(see below setting.xml file).
Then go to eclipse & perform Maven Update from :right clicking on your solution folder(Your Project)->select Maven->Update Project.
Hope it will work for you as like me.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns=""

No versions could be resolved for groupid.artifactid

I'm having an error while listing the Mavaen Repository Artifacts in my Jenkins server configuration. Error is given below.
No versions could be resolved for groupid.artifactid rtis.rtis_2.11
But my Nexus server contains the available rtis versions correctly. My point is how I can retrieve those versions available in Nexus server to my Jenkins server?
Available versions in Nexus server
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
As I figured out, automatically upadating mavan-metadata.xml file is the solution. In order to update the file, create a task sheduler for rebuild metadata with a cron job.
Go to Administration -> Scheduled Tasks in Nexus Repo. For more info, please refer to the image given below.
Jenkins is not finding nexus repository to resolve the artifact.
Verify these settings are correct in Maven POM:
Also, Jenkins plugin help page, will give you more information on what kind of settings you might be missing while setting up your job.
You have to specify the type in the dependency to be downloaded. By default in Maven it is 'jar'. However in your case it it 'tgz' so you have to specify that provided that is possible in the Jenkins user interface. I can not see that option but it should be there.
The other potential problem is that is was flagged as not found in the local repository Jenkins is using. Then you would have to either delete the metadata or force an update of it. On the Maven commandline this would be done with -U however in your UI I am not sure.

Setup AEM Adobe CQ5 6.1 project to build/install offline

I'm new to CQ5 and looking for steps/settings I may need to do to setup an AEM adobe CQ5 6.1 project to build/install offline (not connected to internet).
I've to use our internal network Nexus (which has lot of general dependencies available except AEM related).
I've to use Maven & Java7.
Looking for possible issues/resolutions, steps & any helpful info.
Thanks all for your inputs.
After a detailed investigation, this is now resolved. Just want to share the findings so that it may help others.
The content-package-maven-plugin which was uploaded to our local nexus got corrupted.
Interestingly maven was not throwing any errors when i was trying mvn install command on my AEM project. Rather it was giving NoClassDefFound error for a further dependency of content-package-maven-plugin.
From the output of, mvn dependency:resolve-plugins, it was confirmed that the dependencies are not fully resolved for particular this plugin JAR, I tried to manually download the artifact from nexus & try to open/unjar it.
The artifact pom was corrupted and hence I uploaded the fresh artifact in nexus, and this time all went smooth.
My AEM project is now building fine with local nexus dependencies.
a typical AEM project does have lots of dependencies. There are some dependencies for the AEM platform(including granite, sling, osgi etc). These dependencies are downloaded from the adobe public repositories, unless you have a nexus repository in your company where all these dependencies are available.
If your Organization specific Nexus repository can connect to internet and download dependencies (AEM and non AEM related) atleast for the first time , then you do not need to connect to internet from your local sand box.
Theoretically, your organization specific nexus repo also might not be
connected to the internet and all the JARs can be uploaded to Nexus
manually. But, that would be the last thing I will do in my life !
Your project can download all the dependencies from the Nexus repo(only) in multiple ways.
Configure the repository configuration in your pom.xml file to point
to your internal Nexus repo.
<name>Internal Public Repository</name>
<url>URL to the public repository of your internal nexus</url>
<name>Internal Public Repository</name>
<url>URL to the public repository of your internal nexus</url>
Change your Maven settings (settings.xml) to use your internal Nexus
every time it downloads dependencies (Recommened).
settings.xml can be found in your <user>/.m2 directory or <maven-installation>/conf
<url>URL to the public repository of your internal nexus</url>

Maven: Manually install a Jar from local folder and then go online and grab & install all its dependencies

In my project's pom file I have a dependency that I can see in Maven central repository, javax.enterprise:cdi-api:jar:1.0-SP4 but for some reason I am getting on some of my computers the following error while building the project (hence the build fails):
[INFO] Unable to find resource 'javax.enterprise:cdi-api:jar:1.0-SP4' in repository central (
Any idea why I get this error only on some of my computers (I can say all the computers are using the same network)?
Why do I get this error at all? As far as I can see the jar IS in the maven central repository.
Even though maven could not locate/download the jar on some of the computers, I was able to download it manually through the browser on these computers. How could it be?
Okay, so I've downloaded the jar manually through the browser at one of the problematic computers. I want to install it manually to the local repository on this computer. So from the command line I do:
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=javax.enterprise -DartifactId=cdi-api -Dversion=1.0-SP4 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=path/to/file
...but none of its dependencies has been downloaded as well. Is there some maven plugin to install the file to the local repository AND download & install all its dependencies to the local repository?
If so, please show me how to use it.
Please check in the computers where the jar are not downloaded if the settings.xml file present in .m2 folder is having the url of the jar needed. If not add them.
You are not able to download because maven searches in the urls defined in the settings.xml file only. So if the url is not present there, even if the jar is in the central repository it wont be downloaded.
In your browser you can navigate to that link and download. Maven wont be able to do it for the reason given in the second point
Ok, looks like you need to mention your repository path in your pom file, What is the url of the repository? is it local to your network or some open url? for example:
Sample example would be like this::
<name>Codehaus Snapshots</name>
If you could paste the pom file, it would be easier to help you.
To answer your 3 point: Check the settings.xml file in .m2\settings.xml, make sure that same content is present. Sometimes settings.xml are modified directly in maven installation directory. so you better check in that location also.
To Answer your 4th point: mvn install:install installs (in simple terms copies) an artifact (jar/ear/zip/any artifact that meant for distribution) into maven local repository or into remote repository. So in your command, you just tried to install only cdi-api jar.
Whenever you run mvn compile, mvn package, mvn install, maven will scan your pom file and downloads all dependency mentioned into your local repository. I would suggest you to look your local repository and see how is it creating directory structure.

Jenkins builds not honoring third party repositories?

I'm hosting ojdbc14.jar on my network nexus instance, but only local builds seem to pass.
I have this in my pom:
After completing removing ~/.m2/, a local mvn package will find ojdbc14.jar on nexus. My jenkins builds, conversely, consistently fail on this:
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal
org.csodehaus.mojo:sql-maven-plugin:1.3:execute (sql-ddl) on project mongo-dbunit: Execution
sql-ddl of goal org.codehaus.mojo:sql-maven-plugin:1.3:execute failed: Plugin
org.codehaus.mojo:sql-maven-plugin:1.3 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Could not find artifact in central
Before you do anything, install Config File Provider Plugin
Go to Jenkins root page
Choose 'Manage Jenkins'
Choose 'Configuration files'
Choose type 'Maven settings.xml file'
Name it 'custom-maven-settings' and cut and paste contents of your ~/.m2/settings.xml file
Now back to your Maven2/3 job.
In the Build section click Advanced button
In the Maven Settings Configs drop down box choose custom-maven-settings
This setup works with our custom repository.
You have a <repositories> section in your POM, but not a <pluginRepositories>. Maven used to be a lot more sloppy about the difference between compile-time artifact dependencies and plugin dependencies, but in newer versions of Maven they're completely separate.
As others have pointed out, it might be easier to troubleshoot this by running Maven from the command line, outside of Jenkins. Just doing a build on a different machine than the one you are typically developing on will usually bring a lot issues to light.
Here's some documentation on the POM that may or may not be helpful.
I'd check and make sure that the Maven settings are the same on both machines.
Jenkins by default uses the file in $HOME/.m2/settings.xml. It's also possible for a Jenkins job to override this default.
