It's hard for me to understand the streaming table in Flink. I can understand Hive, map a fixed, static data file to a "table" but how to embody a table built on streaming data?
For example, every 1 second, 5 events with same structure are sent to a Kafka stream:
{"num":1, "value": "a"}
{"num":2, "value": "b"}
What does the dynamic table built on them look like? Flink consumes them all and store them somewhere (memory, local file, hdfs, etc.) then map to a table? Once the "transformmer" finishes processing these 5 events then clear the data and refill the "table" with 5 new events?
Any help is appreciated...
These dynamic tables don't necessarily exist anywhere -- it's simply an abstraction that may, or may not, be materialized, depending on the needs of the query being performed. For example, a query that is doing a simple projection
SELECT a, b FROM events
can be executed by simply streaming each record through a stateless Flink pipeline.
Also, Flink doesn't operate on mini-batches -- it processes each event one at a time. So there's no physical "table", or partial table, anywhere.
But some queries do require some state, perhaps very little, such as
SELECT count(*) FROM events
which needs nothing more than a single counter, while something like
SELECT key, count(*) FROM events GROUP BY key
will use Flink's key-partitioned state (a sharded key-value store) to persist the current counter for each key. Different nodes in the cluster will be responsible for handling events for different keys.
Just as "normal" SQL takes one or more tables as input, and produces a table as output, stream SQL takes one or streams as input, and produces a stream as output. For example, the SELECT count(*) FROM events will produce the stream 1 2 3 4 5 ... as its result.
There are some good introductions to Flink SQL on YouTube:, and there are training materials on github with slides and exercises:
I use ExecuteSQLRecord to run a query and write to CSV format. The table has 10M rows. Although I can split the output into multiple flow files, the query is executed by only a single thread and is very slow.
Is there a way to partition the query into multiple queries so that the next processor can run multiple concurrent tasks, each one process one partition? It would be like:
GenerateTableFetch -> ExecuteSQLRecord (with concurrent tasks)
The problem is that GenerateTableFetch only accepts table name as input. It does not accept customized queries.
Please advise if you have solutions. Thank you in advance.
You can increase the concurrency on Nifi processors (by increase the number in Councurrent Task), you can also increase the throughput, some time it works :
Also if you are working on the cluster, before the processor, you can apply load balancing on the queue, so it will distribute the workload among the nodes of your cluster (load balance strategy, put to round robin):
Check this, youtube channel, for Nifi antipatterns (there is a video on concurrency): Nifi Notes
Please clarify your question, if I didn't answer it.
Figured out an alternative way. I developed a Oracle PL/SQL function which takes table name as an argument, and produces a series of queries like "SELECT * FROM T1 OFFSET x ROWS FETCH NEXT 10000 ROWS ONLY". The number of queries is based on the number of rows of the table, which is a statistics number in the catalog table. If the table has 1M rows, and I want to have 100k rows in each batch, it will produces 10 queries. I use ExecuteSQLRecord to call this function, which effectively does the job of NiFi processor GenerateTableFetch. My next processor (e.g. ExecuteSQLRecord again) can now have 10 concurrent tasks working in parallel.
My Java application consumes real-time data and then publishes to an ORC file on S3
The problem is that as we don't know the schema of the file until we process all records, as opposed to the first record
For example:
Message 1 has attributes A & B
Message 2 has attributes A, B & C
Message 3 has attributes A & C
Because this is a real-time application I don't wish to process all messages to work out the schema, as that would be quite slow
Is it possible to add to the schema as we process the data?
I've had a look at the Java examples here but I don't see a way
Would Parquet be any better here?
I think you may be trying to fit a round peg in a square hole. It sounds like you are ingesting a stream of events with an unknown schema, and you would like to store it in a format that optimizes for a known schema.
I suppose you could buffer a set number of events (say, 1 million events) while keeping track of the schema, then purge to a file once the number is reached and begin buffering again. The drawback is each file will end up with a different schema, making it impractical to process data across multiple files.
A different solution would be to look into schemaless data stores, although you don't get the same price-performance benefits as with ORC or Parquet on S3.
There are other strategies as well, but your best bet for a long term solution is to talk to whomever manages the source of the events you are ingesting and find a way to determine the schema up front.
I am new to cassandra, I've mainly been using Hive the past several months. Recently I started a project where I need to do some of the things I did in hive with cassandra instead.
Essentially, I am trying to find a way to do an aggregate of multiple rows into a single map on query.
In hive, I simply do a group by, with a "map" aggregate. Does a way exist in cassandra to do something similar?
Here is an example of a working hive query that does the task I am looking to do:
"quantity", count(caseid)
, "title" ,casesubcat
, "id" , casesubcatid
, "category", named_struct("id",casecatid,'title',casecat)
) as casedata
from caselist
group by named_struct("id",casecatid,'title',casecat) , casesubcat, casesubcatid
Mapping query results to Map (or some other type/structure/class of your choice) is responsibility of client application and usually is a trivial task (but you didn't specify in what context this map is going to be used).
Actual question here is about GROUP BY in Cassandra. This is not supported out of the box. You can check Cassandra's standard aggregate functions or try creating user defined function, but Cassandra Way is knowing your query in advance, designing your schema accordingly, doing heavy lifting in write phase and simplistic querying afterwards. Thus, grouping/aggregation can often be achieved by using dedicated counter tables.
Another option is to do data processing in additional layer (Apache Spark, for example). Have you considered using Hive on top of Cassandra?
I am about doing some signal analysis with Hadoop/Spark and I need help on how to structure the whole process.
Signals are now stored in a database, that we will read with Sqoop and will be transformed in files on HDFS, with a schema similar to:
<Measure ID> <Source ID> <Measure timestamp> <Signal values>
where signal values are just string made of floating point comma separated numbers.
000123 S001 2015/04/22T10:00:00.000Z 0.0,1.0,200.0,30.0 ... 100.0
000124 S001 2015/04/22T10:05:23.245Z 0.0,4.0,250.0,35.0 ... 10.0
000126 S003 2015/04/22T16:00:00.034Z 0.0,0.0,200.0,00.0 ... 600.0
We would like to write interactive/batch queries to:
apply aggregation functions over signal values
To select signals that had a peak over 1000.0.
apply aggregation over aggregation
To select sources having at least a single signal that exceeded 1500.0.
apply user defined functions over samples
to select signals that after being filtered at 5.0 KHz have at least a value over 100.0.
We need some help in order to:
find the correct file format to write the signals data on HDFS. I thought to Apache Parquet. How would you structure the data?
understand the proper approach to data analysis: is better to create different datasets (e.g. processing data with Spark and persisting results on HDFS) or trying to do everything at query time from the original dataset?
is Hive a good tool to make queries such the ones I wrote? We are running on Cloudera Enterprise Hadoop, so we can also use Impala.
In case we produce different derivated dataset from the original one, how we can keep track of the lineage of data, i.e. know how the data was generated from the original version?
Thank you very much!
1) Parquet as columnar format is good for OLAP. Spark support of Parquet is mature enough for production use. I suggest to parse string representing signal values into following data structure (simplified):
case class Data(id: Long, signals: Array[Double])
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(Seq(Data(1L, Array(1.0, 1.0, 2.0)), Data(2L, Array(3.0, 5.0)), Data(2L, Array(1.5, 7.0, 8.0))))
Keeping array of double allows to define and use UDFs like this:
def maxV(arr: mutable.WrappedArray[Double]) = arr.max
sqlContext.udf.register("maxVal", maxV _)
sqlContext.sql("select * from table where maxVal(signals) > 2.1").show()
| id| signals|
| 2| [3.0, 5.0]|
| 2|[1.5, 7.0, 8.0]|
sqlContext.sql("select id, max(maxVal(signals)) as maxSignal from table group by id having maxSignal > 1.5").show()
| id|maxSignal|
| 1| 2.0|
| 2| 8.0|
Or, if you want some type-safety, using Scala DSL:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val maxVal = udf(maxV _)"*").where(maxVal($"signals") > 2.1).show()$"id", maxVal($"signals") as "maxSignal").groupBy($"id").agg(max($"maxSignal")).where(max($"maxSignal") > 2.1).show()
| id|max(maxSignal)|
| 2| 8.0|
2) It depends: if size of your data allows to do all processing in query time with reasonable latency - go for it. You can start with this approach, and build optimized structures for slow/popular queries later
3) Hive is slow, it's outdated by Impala and Spark SQL. Choice is not easy sometimes, we use rule of thumb: Impala is good for queries without joins if all your data stored in HDFS/Hive, Spark has bigger latency but joins are reliable, it supports more data sources and has rich non-SQL processing capabilities (like MLlib and GraphX)
4) Keep it simple: store you raw data (master dataset) de-duplicated and partitioned (we use time-based partitions). If new data arrives into partition and your already have downstream datasets generated - restart your pipeline for this partition.
Hope this helps
First, I believe Vitaliy's approach is very good in every aspect. (and I'm all for Spark)
I'd like to propose another approach, though. The reasons are:
We want to do Interactive queries (+ we have CDH)
Data is already structured
The need is to 'analyze' and not quite 'processing' of the data. Spark could be an overkill if (a) data being structured, we can form sql queries faster and (b) we don't want to write a program every time we want to run a query
Here are the steps I'd like to go with:
Ingestion using sqoop to HDFS: [optionally] use --as-parquetfile
Create an External Impala table or an Internal table as you wish. If you have not transferred the file as parquet file, you can do that during this step. Partition by, preferably Source ID, since our groupings are going to happen on that column.
So, basically, once we've got the data transferred, all we need to do is to create an Impala table, preferably in parquet format and partitioned by the column that we're going to use for grouping. Remember to do compute statistics after loading to help Impala run it faster.
Moving data:
- if we need to generate feed out of the results, create a separate file
- if another system is going to update the existing data, then move the data to a different location while creating->loading the table
- if it's only about queries and analysis and getting reports (i.e, external tables suffice), we don't need to move the data unnecessarily
- we can create an external hive table on top of the same data. If we need to run long-running batch queries, we can use Hive. It's a no-no for interactive queries, though. If we create any derived tables out of queries and want to use through Impala, remember to run 'invalidate metadata' before running impala queries on the hive-generated tables
Lineage - I have not gone deeper into it, here's a link on Impala lineage using Cloudera Navigator
In my database I have multiple tables where each table is a different entity type. I have an Avro schema that I use in hadoop which is a union of all the fields of these different entity types plus it has a entity type field.
What I would like to do is something along the lines of setting up a DBInputFormat with a DBWritable for each entity type that maps the entity type to the combined Avro type. Then give each DBInputFormat to something like MultipleInputs so that I can create a composite input format. The composite input format could then be given to my map reduce job so that all of the data from all the tables could be processed at once by the same mapper class.
Data is constantly added to these database tables so I need to be able to configure the DBInputFormat for each entity type/dbtable to only grab the new data and to do the splits properly.
Basically I need the functionality of DBInputFormat or DataDrivenDBInputFormat but also the ability to make a composite of them similar to what you can do with paths and MultipleInputs.
Create a view from the N input tables and set the view in the DBInputFormat#setInput. According to the Cloudera article. So, I guess data should not be updated in the table for the time the job completes.
Hadoop may need to execute the same query multiple times. It will need to return the same results each time. So any concurrent updates to your database, etc, should not affect the query being run by your MapReduce job. This can be accomplished by disallowing writes to the table while your MapReduce job runs, restricting your MapReduce’s query via a clause such as “insert_date < yesterday,” or dumping the data to a temporary table in the database before launching your MapReduce process.
Evaluate frameworks which support real time processing like Storm, HStreaming, S4 and Strembases. Some of these sit on top of Hadoop and some don't, some are FOSS and some are commercial.