Cassandra aggregate to Map - hadoop

I am new to cassandra, I've mainly been using Hive the past several months. Recently I started a project where I need to do some of the things I did in hive with cassandra instead.
Essentially, I am trying to find a way to do an aggregate of multiple rows into a single map on query.
In hive, I simply do a group by, with a "map" aggregate. Does a way exist in cassandra to do something similar?
Here is an example of a working hive query that does the task I am looking to do:
"quantity", count(caseid)
, "title" ,casesubcat
, "id" , casesubcatid
, "category", named_struct("id",casecatid,'title',casecat)
) as casedata
from caselist
group by named_struct("id",casecatid,'title',casecat) , casesubcat, casesubcatid

Mapping query results to Map (or some other type/structure/class of your choice) is responsibility of client application and usually is a trivial task (but you didn't specify in what context this map is going to be used).
Actual question here is about GROUP BY in Cassandra. This is not supported out of the box. You can check Cassandra's standard aggregate functions or try creating user defined function, but Cassandra Way is knowing your query in advance, designing your schema accordingly, doing heavy lifting in write phase and simplistic querying afterwards. Thus, grouping/aggregation can often be achieved by using dedicated counter tables.
Another option is to do data processing in additional layer (Apache Spark, for example). Have you considered using Hive on top of Cassandra?


What is the best way to ingest data from Terdata into Hadoop with Informatica?

What is the best ways to parallel ingest data from Teradata database into Hadoop with parallel data moving?
If we create a job which is simple opens one session to Teradata database it will take a lot of time to load huge table.
if we create a set of sessions to load data in parallel, and also make Select in each of the sessions, than it will make a set of Full table scans Teradata to produce a data
What is the recommended best practice to load data in parallelised streams and make unnecessary workload to Teradata?
If Tera data supports table partitioning like oracle, you could try reading the table based on partitioning points which will enable parallelism in read...
Other option you have is, split the table into multiple partitions like adding a where clause on indexed column. This will ensure index scan and you can avoid full table scan.
The most scalable way to ingest data into Hadoop form teradata, which i found is to use Teradata connector for hadoop. It is included in Cloudera & Hortonworks distributions. I will show example base on Cloudera documentation, but the same works with Hortonworks as well:
Informatica big Data edition is using standard Scoop invocation via command line and submitting set of parameters to it. So the main question is - which driver to use to make parallel connections between two MPP systems.
Here is the link to the Cloudera documentation:
Using the Cloudera Connector Powered by Teradata
And here is the digest from this documentation (You could find that this connector support different kinds of load balancing between connections):
Cloudera Connector Powered by Teradata supports the following methods for importing data from Teradata to Hadoop: Method
This optimal method retrieves data from Teradata. The connector creates one mapper per available Teradata AMP, and each mapper subsequently retrieves data from each AMP. As a result, no staging table is required. This method requires Teradata 14.10 or higher.
If you use partition names in the select clause, Power Center will select only the rows within that partition so there won't be duplicate read (don't forget to choose Database partitioning in Informatica session level). However if you use key range partition you have to choose the range as you mentioned in settings. Usually we use NTILE oracle analytical function to split the table into multiple portions so that the read will be unique across the selects. Please let me know if you have any question. If you have range/auto generated/surrogate key column in the table use it in where clause - write a sub-query to divide the table into multiple portions.

Does anybody know how to choose the data model when using impala?

There several kind of file format like impala internal table or external table format like csv, parquet, hbase. Now we need to guarantee the average insert rate is 50K row/s and each row is about 1K. And, some of the data also can be updated occasionally. We also need to do some aggregation operation on those data.
I think Hbase is not a good choose for large aggregation compute when using impala with external table. Does anybody have suggestion about it?
Thanks, Chen.
I've never worked with Impala, but I can tell you a few things based on my experience with Hive.
HBase will be faster if you have a good key design and a proper schema, because just like with Hive, Impala will translate your WHERE into scan filters, it'll depend a lot on the type of queries you run. There are multiple techniques to reduce the amount of data read by a job: from simple ones like providing start and stop rowkeys, timeranges, reading only some families/columns, the already mentioned filters... to more complex like solutions like performing realtime aggregations on your data (*) and keeping them as counters.
Regarding your insert rate, it can perfectly handle it with the proper infrastructure (better to use the HBase native JAVA API), also, you can buffer your writes to get even better performance.
*Not sure if Impala supports HBase counters.

Filter data on row key in Random Partitioner

I'm working on Cassandra Hadoop integration (MapReduce). We have used RandomPartitioner to insert data to gain faster write speed. Now we have to read that data from Cassandra in MapReduce and perform some calculations on it.
From the lots of data we have in cassandra we want to fetch data only for particular row keys but we are unable to do it due to RandomPartitioner - there is an assertion in the code.
Can anyone please guide me how should I filter data based on row key on the Cassandra level itself (I know data is distributed across regions using hash of the row key)?
Would using secondary indexes (still trying to understand how they works) solve my problem or is there some other way around it?
I want to use cassandra MR to calculate some KPI's on the data which is stored in cassandra continuously. So here fetching whole data from cassandra every time seems an overhead to me? The rowkey I'm using is like "(timestamp/60000)_otherid"; this CF contains reference of rowkeys of actual data stored in other CF. so to calculate KPI I will work for a particular minute and fetch data from other CF, and process it.
When using RandomPartitioner, keys are not sorted, so you cannot do a range query on your keys to limit the data. Secondary indexes work on columns not keys, so they won't help you either. You have two options for filtering the data:
Choose a data model that allows you to specify a thrift SlicePredicate, which will give you a range of columns regardless of key, like this:
SlicePredicate predicate = new SlicePredicate().setSlice_range(new SliceRange(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(start), ByteBufferUtil.bytes(end), false, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
ConfigHelper.setInputSlicePredicate(conf, predicate);
Or use your map stage to do this by simply ignoring input keys that are outside your desired range.
I am unfamiliar with the Cassandra Hadoop integration but trying to understand how to use the hash system to query the data yourself is likely the wrong way to go.
I would look at the Cassandra client you are using (Hector, Astynax, etc.) and ask how to query by row keys from that.
Querying by the row key is a very common operation in Cassandra.
Essentially if you want to still use a RandomPartitioner and want the ability to do range slices you will need to create a reverse index (a.k.a. inverted index). I have answered a similar question here that involved timestamps.
Having the ability to generate your rowkeys programmatically allows you to emulate a range slice on rowkeys. To do this you must write your own InputFormat class and generate your splits manually.

MultipleInputs with DBInputFormat in Hadoop

In my database I have multiple tables where each table is a different entity type. I have an Avro schema that I use in hadoop which is a union of all the fields of these different entity types plus it has a entity type field.
What I would like to do is something along the lines of setting up a DBInputFormat with a DBWritable for each entity type that maps the entity type to the combined Avro type. Then give each DBInputFormat to something like MultipleInputs so that I can create a composite input format. The composite input format could then be given to my map reduce job so that all of the data from all the tables could be processed at once by the same mapper class.
Data is constantly added to these database tables so I need to be able to configure the DBInputFormat for each entity type/dbtable to only grab the new data and to do the splits properly.
Basically I need the functionality of DBInputFormat or DataDrivenDBInputFormat but also the ability to make a composite of them similar to what you can do with paths and MultipleInputs.
Create a view from the N input tables and set the view in the DBInputFormat#setInput. According to the Cloudera article. So, I guess data should not be updated in the table for the time the job completes.
Hadoop may need to execute the same query multiple times. It will need to return the same results each time. So any concurrent updates to your database, etc, should not affect the query being run by your MapReduce job. This can be accomplished by disallowing writes to the table while your MapReduce job runs, restricting your MapReduce’s query via a clause such as “insert_date < yesterday,” or dumping the data to a temporary table in the database before launching your MapReduce process.
Evaluate frameworks which support real time processing like Storm, HStreaming, S4 and Strembases. Some of these sit on top of Hadoop and some don't, some are FOSS and some are commercial.

Storage of parsed log data in hadoop and exporting it into relational DB

I have a requirement of parsing both Apache access logs and tomcat logs one after another using map reduce. Few fields are being extracted from tomcat log and rest from Apache log.I need to merge /map extracted fields based on the timestamp and export these mapped fields into a traditional relational db ( ex. MySQL ).
I can parse and extract information using regular expression or pig. The challenge i am facing is on how to map extracted information from both logs into a single aggregate format or file and how to export this data to MYSQL.
Few approaches I am thinking of
1) Write output of map reduce from both parsed Apache access logs and tomcat logs into separate files and merge those into a single file ( again based on timestamp ). Export this data to MySQL.
2) Use Hbase or Hive to store data in table format in hadoop and export that to MySQL
3) Directly write the output of map reduce to MySQL using JDBC.
Which approach would be most viable and also please suggest any other alternative solutions you know.
It's almost always preferable to have smaller, simpler MR jobs and chain them together than to have large, complex jobs. I think your best option is to go with something like #1. In other words:
Process Apache httpd logs into a unified format.
Process Tomcat logs into a unified format.
Join the output of 1 and 2 using whatever logic makes sense, writing the result into the same format.
Export the resulting dataset to your database.
You can probably perform the join and transform (1 and 2) in the same step. Use the map to transform and do a reduce side join.
It doesn't sound like you need / want the overhead of random access so I wouldn't look at HBase. This isn't its strong point (although you could do it in the random access sense by looking up each record in HBase by timestamp, seeing if it exists, merging the record in, or simply inserting if it doesn't exist, but this is very slow, comparatively). Hive could be conveinnient to store the "unified" result of the two formats, but you'd still have to transform the records into that format.
You absolutely do not want to have the reducer write to MySQL directly. This effectively creates a DDOS attack on the database. Consider a cluster of 10 nodes, each running 5 reducers, you'll have 50 concurrent writers to the same table. As you grow the cluster you'll exceed max connections very quickly and choke the RDBMS.
All of that said, ask yourself if it makes sense to put this much data into the database, if you're considering the full log records. This amount of data is precisely the type of case Hadoop itself is meant to store and process long term. If you're computing aggregates of this data, by all means, toss it into MySQL.
Hope this helps.
