How to throw exception from Spring AOP declarative retry methods? - spring

I'm implementing some retry handling in my methods using Spring Retry.
I have a Data Access Layer (DAL) in my application and a Service Layer in my application.
My Service layer calls the DAL to make a remote connection to retrieve information. If the DAL fails it will retry. However, if the number of retries fails I would like to rethrow an exception.
In my current project I something very similar to this:
public class Application {
public Service service() {
return new Service();
class Service {
DataAccessLayer dal;
public void doSomethingWithFoo() {
Foo foo = dal.getFoo()
// do something with Foo
class DataAccessLayer {
public Foo getFoo() {
// call remote HTTP service to get Foo
public Foo recover(RemoteAccessException e) {
// log the error?
// how to rethrow such that DataAccessLayer.getFoo() shows it throws an exception as well?
My Application has a Service and the Service calls DataAccessLayer getFoo. If getFoo fails a number of times the DAL will handle the retries. If it fail's after that I'd like my Service layer to do something about it. However I'm not sure how to let that be known. I'm using intelliJ and when I try to throw e; in the #Recover recover method I don't get any warnings that DataAccessLayer.getFoo throws any exceptions. I'm not sure if it will. But I'd like the IDE to warn me that when the retries fail a new exception will be thrown to let the Service layer know to expect it. Otherwise if it calls dal.getFoo it doesn't know to handle any errors. How is this typically handled? Should I not use the AOP declarative style and go for imperative?

You can change getFoo() (and recover()) to add throws <some checked exception> and wrap the RemoteAccessException in it (in recover()).
That will force the service layer to catch that exception.


Set permissions/authentication for spring-cloud-stream message consumer so it passes #PreAuthorize checks

I consume messages from spring-cloud-stream through a Consumer<MyMessage> Implementation. As part of the message handling I need to access methods that are protected with #PreAuthorize security-checks. By default the Consumer run unauthenticated so message-handling fails.
public Consumer<MyMessage> exampleMessageConsumer(MyMessageConsumer consumer) {
return consumer::handleMessage;
Secured Method:
#PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('ROLE_ADMIN') or hasAuthority('ROLE_USER')")
public void doSomething() { ... }
I dont just want to bypass security, so what is the easiest way to authenticate my Consumer so it passes the check?
EDIT: we are using google pubsub as a binder
For the Kafka binder:
Add an #EventListener to listen for ConsumerStartedEvents; you can then add the authentication to the security context via the SecurityContextHolder; this binds it to the thread; the same thread is used to call the listener.
I found two possible solutions to my problem
use springs RunAs support (baeldung) to add permissions to a security context for a specific method. If i do this i need to add ROLE_RUN_AS_USER to my secured methods. At scale this would complicated annotations a lot.
Manually change the security context before executing the handler method and return it to its original state afterwards.
I went with the second option. I would have liked a transparent solution but there does not appear to be one.
To make this work i created a class that wraps a functional interface with the changing code and returns it.
public class RunAs {
public interface RunAsMethod {
void runWithException() throws Throwable;
public static <T> Consumer<T> createWriteConsumer(Consumer<T> originalConsumer) {
return message -> runWithWritePermission(() -> originalConsumer.accept(message));
public static void runWithWritePermission(final RunAsMethod func) {
final Authentication originalAuthentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
final AnonymousAuthenticationToken token = new AnonymousAuthenticationToken(
originalAuthentication != null ? originalAuthentication.getPrincipal() : "system",
AuthorityUtils.createAuthorityList("ROLE_ADMIN", "SCOPE_write")
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException("exception during method with altered permissions", e);
} finally {

Jooq configuration per request

I'm struggling to find a way to define some settings in DSLContext per request.
What I want to achieve is the following:
I've got a springboot API and a database with multiple schemas that share the same structure.
Depending on some parameters of each request I want to connect to one specific schema, if no parameters is set I want to connect to no schema and fail.
To not connect to any schema I wrote the following:
public DefaultConfiguration defaultConfiguration;
public void init() {
Settings currentSettings = defaultConfiguration.settings();
Settings newSettings = currentSettings.withRenderSchema(false);
Which I think works fine.
Now I need a way to set schema in DSLContext per request, so everytime I use DSLContext during a request I get automatically a connection to that schema, without affecting other requests.
My idea is to intercept the request, get the parameters and do something like "DSLContext.setSchema()" but in a way that applies to all usage of DSLContext during the current request.
I tried to define a request scopeBean of a custom ConnectionProvider as follows:
public class ScopeConnectionProvider implements ConnectionProvider {
public Connection acquire() throws DataAccessException {
try {
Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();
String schemaName = getSchemaFromRequestContext();
return connection;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DataAccessException("Error getting connection from data source " + dataSource, e);
public void release(Connection connection) throws DataAccessException {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DataAccessException("Error closing connection " + connection, e);
But this code only executes on the first request. Following requests don't execute this code and hence it uses the schema of the first request.
Any tips on how can this be done?
Thank you
Seems like your request-scope bean is getting injected into a singleton.
You're already using #RequestScope which is good, but you could forget to add #EnableAspectJAutoProxy on your Spring configuration class.
class Config {
This will make your bean run within a proxy inside of the singleton and therefore change per request.
Nevermind, It seems that the problem I was having was caused by an unexpected behaviour of some cacheable function I defined. The function is returning a value from the cache although the input is different, that's why no new connection is acquired. I still need to figure out what causes this unexpected behaviour thought.
For now, I'll stick with this approach since it seems fine at a conceptual level, although I expect there is a better way to do this.
*** UPDATE ***
I found out that this was the problem I had with the cache Does java spring caching break reflection?
*** UPDATE 2 ***
Seems that setting schema in the underlying datasource is ignored. I'm currently trying this other approach I just found (

Spring Transaction Doesn't Rollback

We have a Spring Transaction rollback issues, where rollback doesn't seems to be working.
Within my service layer method which is annotated with #Transactional I call three different DAOImpl classes to insert 3 records. The middle insert do a get from a 4th table to populate a description field but this get failed. I expect the first insert to rollback but it doesn't seems to be happening.
Few Points:
The 'Get' method throws a Runtime Exception
We are using org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager and MySQL datasource defined in applicationContext.xml. Beans are created in Beans.xml which is imported into ApplicationContext.xml
No #Transactional annotation in DAO layer
We have used <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager"/> again in applicationContext.xml
We are using Spring 3.1
Code snippets....
Service Class- This is somthing similar to what I have .... I tested with and without #Autowired. The transaction enable method is called within the service class.
public class CustomerService {
CustomerOrderDAO customerOrderDAOImpl;
CustomerItemDAO customerItemDAOImpl;
CustomerPromotionDAO customerPromotionDAOImpl;
PromotionDAO promotionDAOImpl;
//other variables
public CustomerOrder handleIncomingOrders(CustomerOrder customerOrder) {
try {
return customerOrder;
} catch (Exception e) //TO-DO catch proper exception
//Send error response
return customerOrder;
public void saveOrderDetails(CustomerOrder customerOrder) throws Exception {
while (promotionsIterator.hasNext()) {
while (customerItemIterator.hasNext()) {
Any idea?
The default behaviour of #Transactional is that transactional behaviour is added with a proxy around the object (the CustomerService in your example). From the reference docs (scroll down):
In proxy mode (which is the default), only external method calls coming in through the proxy are intercepted. This means that self-invocation, in effect, a method within the target object calling another method of the target object, will not lead to an actual transaction at runtime even if the invoked method is marked with #Transactional.
In your example, an external call to the handlingIncomingOrders() passes through the proxy and hits the target object (an instance of the CustomerService). However, the subsequent call to saveOrderDetails() is a normal method call inside the target object, thus the transactional behaviour in the proxy is never invoked. However, if the saveOrderDetails() was called from another class, you will find that the transactional behaviour will work as expected.
The solution in your case would be calling saveOrderDetails(customerOrder); as proxyBean.saveOrderDetails(customerOrder); Where proxybean is the Object on whichhandleIncomingOrders` is being called.
If CustomerService is singleton (Defualt scope) it can be as simple as adding below code to the Service class. (adding a self reference as autowired)
CustomerService customerService; // As this is injected its a proxy
and in the Method use it as
public CustomerOrder handleIncomingOrders(CustomerOrder customerOrder) {
try {
return customerOrder;
} catch (Exception e) //TO-DO catch proper exception
//Send error response
return customerOrder;
If its scope is Prototype the one of possible simple solution will be as follows.
public CustomerOrder handleIncomingOrders(CustomerOrder customerOrder, CustomerService customerService) {
try {
return customerOrder;
} catch (Exception e) //TO-DO catch proper exception
//Send error response
return customerOrder;
And where you are calling handleIncomingOrders use changes suggested in below code.
bean.handleIncomingOrders(customerOrder); //Suppose this is old code
Change it to
bean.handleIncomingOrders(customerOrder, bean);// THough it appears as we are sending reference to `THIS` as parameter whcihc can be unnecessary, in case of `Proxy`while inside your method `this` and `Passed reference` will point to different Obejects.

Using Spring AOP, How can I intercept a exception just when it occurred?

Some code like this:
public class A {
private B b;
public void a() {
//AAA: some logic process that maybe throw exception
public class B {
public void b() {
//BBB: some logic process maybe also throw exception
Both exceptions in A.a() and B.b() need to be intercept, so i use #AfterThrowing annotation do it. but the question is, when i call A.a() in other code and exception has occurred in B.b(), the Advice will execute twice! because exception that occurred in B.b() was propagating to its caller A.a().
I can't swallow the exception silently, because i use spring-amqp, above codes is on Consumer side, i need some message processing that based on the exceptions that occurred in Consumer.
#Around does not work too since i can't swallow the throwed exception.
So, How can i intercept a exception just when it occurred? ignore propagation of it.
Any reply is greatly appreciated.

Controlling inner transaction settings from outer transaction with Spring 2.5

I'm using Spring 2.5 transaction management and I have the following set-up:
#Transactional(noRollbackFor = { Exception.class })
public void execute() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// persist failure in database (so the transaction shouldn't fail)
// the exception is not re-thrown
public void execute() {
// do something which throws a RuntimeException
The failure is never persisted into DB from Bean1 because the whole transaction is rolled back.
I don't want to add noRollbackFor in Bean2 because it's used in a lot of places which don't have logic to handle runtime exceptions properly.
Is there a way to avoid my transaction to be rolled back only when Bean2.execute() is called from Bean1?
Otherwise, I guess my best option is to persist my failure within a new transaction? Anything else clean I can do?
This is one of the caveats of annotations... your class is not reusable!
If you'd configure your transactions in the XML, if would have been possible.
Assuming you use XML configuration: if it's not consuming expensive resources, you can create another instance of bean2 for the use of the code you specified. That is, you can configure one been as you specified above, and one with no roll back for exception.
