Set permissions/authentication for spring-cloud-stream message consumer so it passes #PreAuthorize checks - spring-boot

I consume messages from spring-cloud-stream through a Consumer<MyMessage> Implementation. As part of the message handling I need to access methods that are protected with #PreAuthorize security-checks. By default the Consumer run unauthenticated so message-handling fails.
public Consumer<MyMessage> exampleMessageConsumer(MyMessageConsumer consumer) {
return consumer::handleMessage;
Secured Method:
#PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('ROLE_ADMIN') or hasAuthority('ROLE_USER')")
public void doSomething() { ... }
I dont just want to bypass security, so what is the easiest way to authenticate my Consumer so it passes the check?
EDIT: we are using google pubsub as a binder

For the Kafka binder:
Add an #EventListener to listen for ConsumerStartedEvents; you can then add the authentication to the security context via the SecurityContextHolder; this binds it to the thread; the same thread is used to call the listener.

I found two possible solutions to my problem
use springs RunAs support (baeldung) to add permissions to a security context for a specific method. If i do this i need to add ROLE_RUN_AS_USER to my secured methods. At scale this would complicated annotations a lot.
Manually change the security context before executing the handler method and return it to its original state afterwards.
I went with the second option. I would have liked a transparent solution but there does not appear to be one.
To make this work i created a class that wraps a functional interface with the changing code and returns it.
public class RunAs {
public interface RunAsMethod {
void runWithException() throws Throwable;
public static <T> Consumer<T> createWriteConsumer(Consumer<T> originalConsumer) {
return message -> runWithWritePermission(() -> originalConsumer.accept(message));
public static void runWithWritePermission(final RunAsMethod func) {
final Authentication originalAuthentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
final AnonymousAuthenticationToken token = new AnonymousAuthenticationToken(
originalAuthentication != null ? originalAuthentication.getPrincipal() : "system",
AuthorityUtils.createAuthorityList("ROLE_ADMIN", "SCOPE_write")
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException("exception during method with altered permissions", e);
} finally {


Micrometer filter is ignored with CompositeMeterRegistry

I use Spring Boot 2.1.2.RELEASE, and I try to use Micrometer with CompositeMeterRegistry. My goal is to publish some selected meters to ElasticSearch. The code below shows my sample config. The problem is, that the filter is completely ignored (so all metrics are sent to ElasticSearch), although I can see in the logs that it was processed ("filter reply of meter ..." lines).
Strangely, if I define the MeterFilter as a Spring bean, then it's applied to ALL registries (however, I want it to be applied only on "elasticMeterRegistry").
Here is a sample configuration class:
public class AppConfiguration {
public ElasticConfig elasticConfig() {
return new ElasticConfig() {
public String get(final String k) {
return null;
public MeterRegistry meterRegistry(final ElasticConfig elasticConfig) {
final CompositeMeterRegistry registry = new CompositeMeterRegistry();
registry.add(new SimpleMeterRegistry());
registry.add(new JmxMeterRegistry(new JmxConfig() {
public Duration step() {
return Duration.ofSeconds(10);
public String get(String k) {
return null;
}, Clock.SYSTEM));
final ElasticMeterRegistry elasticMeterRegistry = new ElasticMeterRegistry(elasticConfig, Clock.SYSTEM);
elasticMeterRegistry.config().meterFilter(new MeterFilter() {
public MeterFilterReply accept(Meter.Id id) {
final MeterFilterReply reply =
? MeterFilterReply.NEUTRAL
: MeterFilterReply.DENY;"filter reply of meter {}: {}", id.getName(), reply);
return reply;
return registry;
So, I expect ElasticSearch to receive only "logback" metrics, and JMX to receive all metrics.
I have played with filters and found a "solution", but I don't really understand why the code above doesn't work.
This works:
elasticMeterRegistry.config().meterFilter(new MeterFilter() {
public MeterFilterReply accept(Meter.Id id) {
final MeterFilterReply reply =
? MeterFilterReply.ACCEPT
: MeterFilterReply.DENY;"filter reply of meter {}: {}", id.getName(), reply);
return reply;
The difference is: I return ACCEPT instead of NEUTRAL.
Strangely, the following code does not work (ES gets all metrics):
MeterFilter.accept(id -> id.getName().startsWith("logback")));
But this works:
MeterFilter.accept(id -> id.getName().startsWith("logback")));
So, it seems that instead of NEUTRAL, the filter should return ACCEPT. But for meters not starting with "logback", my original filter (with NEUTRAL) returns DENY. Then why are those metrics published to ElasticSearch registry?
Can someone explain this?
This is really a composite of questions. I'll just point out a few points.
For the MeterRegistry bean you defined, Spring Boot will auto-configure an ElasticMeterRegistry bean as there's no ElasticMeterRegistry bean. Instead of creating a CompositeMeterRegistry bean on your own, just define a custom ElasticMeterRegistry bean which is applied the MeterFilter you want and let Spring Boot create one (CompositeMeterRegistry bean) for you.
For MeterFilterReply, ACCEPT will accept the meter immediately, DENY will deny the meter immediately, and NEUTRAL will postpone the decision to next filter(s). Basically meters will be accepted unless there's any DENY.

Spring Boot Exception(Error) Handling for RESTful Services

I have the following RESTful Services method :
public String ajouterField(#Valid #ModelAttribute("field") Fields field, Model model) throws IOException {;
return displayListeChamps( model);
The method is working fine and my question is how to handle any error (database not connected ...) or every issue that can happen durring the execution of this RESTful Services method.
You can use #ControllerAdvice
Refer to the code below
public String NyExceptionHandlerAdvice {
private final Logger logger = ...;
public void handleMyRunTimeException(Exception e) {
logger.error("Exception : ", e);
Best Practice is:
You can have your code throw RunTimeExceptions and handle all of them together or separately in handler methods similar to handleMyRunTimeException above.
You can decide what status code your request should return upon exception.
Basically you'll have to a sort of exception handler for any kind of exception your method might throw:
public class FooController{
// ...
#ExceptionHandler({ CustomException1.class, CustomException2.class })
public void handleException() {
Here's a nice article about that:

How to get StateContext in StateMachineListener and how to config states to implement my statechart?

My First Question:
In my StateMachineConfiguration.class.
public StateMachineListener<CompanyStatus, CompanyEvents> listener() {
return new StateMachineListenerAdapter<CompanyStatus, CompanyEvents>() {
public void transition(Transition<CompanyStatus, CompanyEvents> transition) {
if(transition.getTarget().getId() == CompanyStatus.COMPANY_CREATED) {"公司创建,发送消息到用户服务和菜单服务");
// how to get stateContext in there?
StateContext stateContext;
Message message = new Message.Builder<String>().messageType(CompanyStatus.COMPANY_CREATED.toString()).build();
In my service.
log.debug("Request to save Company : {}", companyDTO);
Company company = companyMapper.toCmpy(companyDTO);
company =;
.setHeader("companyId", company.getId())
return companyMapper.toCmpyDTO(company);
How I can get message header[companyId] in listener?
My Second Question:
In StateMachineListener you could use its stateContext method which gives you access to StateContext. StateContext then have access to message headers via its getMessageHeaders.
Original listener interface didn't expose that much so we had to add new method which exposes context which were introduced to machine later than listener interface were created. This because we need not to break things and we generally like to be backward compatibility.

Spring WS (DefaultWsdl11Definition) HTTP status code with void

We have a (working) SOAP web service based on Spring WS with DefaultWsdl11Definition.
This is basically what it looks like:
public class OurEndpoint {
#PayloadRoot(namespace = "somenamespace", localPart = "localpart")
public void onMessage(#RequestPayload SomePojo pojo) {
// do stuff
It is wired in Spring and it is correctly processing all of our SOAP requests. The only problem is that the method returns a 202 Accepted. This is not what the caller wants, he'd rather have us return 204 No Content (or if that is not possible an empty 200 OK).
Our other endpoints have a valid response object, and do return 200 OK. It seems void causes 202 when 204 might be more appropriate?
Is it possible to change the response code in Spring WS? We can't seem to find the correct way to do this.
Things we tried and didn't work:
Changing the return type to:
org.w3c.dom.Element <- not accepted
Adding #ResponseStatus <- this is for MVC, not WS
Any ideas?
Instead of what I wrote in the comments it is possibly the easiest to create a delegation kind of solution.
public class DelegatingMessageDispatcher extends MessageDispatcher {
private final WebServiceMessageReceiver delegate;
public DelegatingMessageDispatcher(WebServiceMessageReceiver delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public void receive(MessageContext messageContext) throws Exception {
if (!messageContext.hasResponse()) {
TransportContext tc = TransportContextHolder.getTransportContext();
if (tc != null && tc.getConnection() instanceof HttpServletConnection) {
((HttpServletConnection) tc.getConnection()).getHttpServletResponse().setStatus(200);
Then you need to configure a bean named messageDispatcher which would wrap the default SoapMessageDispatcher.
public MessageDispatcher messageDispatcher() {
return new DelegatingMessageDispatcher(soapMessageDispatcher());
public MessageDispatcher soapMessageDispatcher() {
return new SoapMessageDispatcher();
Something like that should do the trick. Now when response is created (In the case of a void return type), the status as you want is send back to the client.
When finding a proper solutions we've encountered some ugly problems:
Creating custom adapters/interceptors is problematic because the handleResponse method isn't called by Spring when you don't have a response (void)
Manually setting the status code doesn't work because HttpServletConnection keeps a boolean statusCodeSet which doesn't get updated
But luckily we managed to get it working with the following changes:
* If a web service has no response, this handler returns: 204 No Content
public class NoContentInterceptor extends EndpointInterceptorAdapter {
public void afterCompletion(MessageContext messageContext, Object o, Exception e) throws Exception {
if (!messageContext.hasResponse()) {
TransportContext tc = TransportContextHolder.getTransportContext();
if (tc != null && tc.getConnection() instanceof HttpServletConnection) {
HttpServletConnection connection = ((HttpServletConnection) tc.getConnection());
// First we force the 'statusCodeSet' boolean to true:
// Next we can set our custom status code:
Next we need to register this interceptor, this can be easily done using Spring's XML:
<bean class="com.something.NoContentInterceptor"/>
A big thanks to #m-deinum for pointing us in the right direction!
To override the afterCompletion method really helped me out in the exact same situation. And for those who use code based Spring configuration, here´s how one can add the interceptor for a specific endpoint.
Annotate the custom interceptor with #Component, next register the custom interceptor to a WsConfigurerAdapter like this:
public class EndpointConfig extends WsConfigurerAdapter {
* Add our own interceptor for the specified WS endpoint.
* #param interceptors
public void addInterceptors(List<EndpointInterceptor> interceptors) {
interceptors.add(new PayloadRootSmartSoapEndpointInterceptor(
new NoContentInterceptor(),
NAMESPACE and LOCAL_PART should correspond to the endpoint.
If someone ever wanted to set custom HTTP status when returning non-void response, here is solution:
Spring Boot WS-Server - Custom Http Status

Disconnect client session from Spring websocket stomp server

I've searched quite a bit and been unable to find this: Is there a way that a spring websocket stomp server can disconnect a client based on the sessionId (or really based on anything at all)?
It seems to me that once a client connects to a server there is nothing that allows the server to disconnect the client.
Actually using some workarounds you can achieve what you want.
For that you should do:
Use java configuration (not sure if it is possible with XML config)
Extend your config class from WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurationSupport and implement WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer interface
Create custom sub-protocol websocket handler and extend it from SubProtocolWebSocketHandler class
In your custom sub-protocol websocket handler override afterConnectionEstablished method and you will have access to WebSocketSession :)
I've created sample spring-boot project to show how we can disconnect client session from server side:
You can also disconnect session by implementing a custom WebSocketHandlerDecorator:
public class WebSocketConfig<S extends ExpiringSession> extends AbstractSessionWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer<S> {
public void configureWebSocketTransport(final WebSocketTransportRegistration registration) {
registration.addDecoratorFactory(new WebSocketHandlerDecoratorFactory() {
public WebSocketHandler decorate(final WebSocketHandler handler) {
return new WebSocketHandlerDecorator(handler) {
public void afterConnectionEstablished(final WebSocketSession session) throws Exception {
protected void configureStompEndpoints(final StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
.setHandshakeHandler(new DefaultHandshakeHandler(
new UndertowRequestUpgradeStrategy() // If you use undertow
// new JettyRequestUpgradeStrategy()
// new TomcatRequestUpgradeStrategy()
As far as I know the API doesn't provide what you are looking for, on server-side you can only detect disconnect events. If you want to disconnect a certain client I think you must go for a litte workaround, e.g. this one:
Write a client-side javascript function that is able to trigger a disconnect
As soon as your client is connected to the server, generate a client ID in your javascript and send it to the server. Remember the ID on the client, you'll need it in step (4).
At the time you want the server to disconnect the connection to the specific client (identified by the ID), send a message containing the ID back to the client.
Now your client javascript evaluates the message send from the server and decides to call the disconnect function you wrote in step (1).
Your client disconnects itself.
The workaround is a bit cumbersome but it'll work.
I relied on the idea of #Dániel Kis and implemented the websocket session management with the key point of storing websocket sessions for authenticated users in Singleton-like object.
public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void configureWebSocketTransport(WebSocketTransportRegistration registration) {
registration.addDecoratorFactory(new WebSocketHandlerDecoratorFactory() {
public WebSocketHandler decorate(final WebSocketHandler handler) {
return new WebSocketHandlerDecorator(handler) {
public void afterConnectionEstablished(final WebSocketSession session) throws Exception {
// We will store current user's session into WebsocketSessionHolder after connection is established
String username = session.getPrincipal().getName();
WebsocketSessionHolder.addSession(username, session);
Class to store websocket users' sessions WebsocketSessionHolder. I use 'synchronized' blocks for thread safety. Actually this blocks are not expensive operations because each of methods (addSession and closeSessions) are used not so often (On establishing and terminating connection). No need to use ConcurrentHashMap or SynchronizedMap here because we perform bunch of operations with the list in these methods.
public class WebsocketSessionHolder {
static {
sessions = new HashMap<>();
// key - username, value - List of user's sessions
private static Map<String, List<WebSocketSession>> sessions;
public static void addSession(String username, WebSocketSession session)
synchronized (sessions) {
var userSessions = sessions.get(username);
if (userSessions == null)
userSessions = new ArrayList<WebSocketSession>();
sessions.put(username, userSessions);
public static void closeSessions(String username) throws IOException
synchronized (sessions) {
var userSessions = sessions.get(username);
if (userSessions != null)
for(var session : userSessions) {
// I use POLICY_VIOLATION to indicate reason of disconnecting for a client
And the final touch - terminating (disconnecting) specified user websocket sessions ("ADMIN" in the example), say in some Controller
public class PageController {
public void killSessions() throws Exception {
In case of xml configuration you can use <websocket:decorator-factories> in the <websocket:transport> of your <websocket:message-broker>.
Create custom WebSocketHandlerDecorator and WebSocketHandlerDecoratorFactory which implement decorate method.
This may seem brief but I am not certain what the implementation would look like in your case. But, I think there are some circumstances that would warrant this workaround/solution:
Set a timeout on the back-end (say 30 seconds):
This is how you would do it with Spring Boot Websocket (and Tomcat):
public ServletServerContainerFactoryBean websocketContainer() {
ServletServerContainerFactoryBean container = new ServletServerContainerFactoryBean();
return container;
If you want to keep the session open - continue to send messages or else actively send ping/pongs. In the case that you want the session to disconnect, stop the ping/pong interaction somewhere suitable in you application.
Of course, if you are wanting to disconnect immediately, this doesn't seem to be an appropriate solution. But if you are simply trying to reduce the number of active connections, ping/pong may be a good fit since it keeps a session open only so long as messages are actively being sent, preventing the session from being closed prematurely.
first you have to introduce a class as your User class by inheritance then use it like this:
if (userObject instanceof User) {
User user = (User) userObject;
if (user.getId().equals(userDTO.getId())) {
for (SessionInformation information : sessionRegistry.getAllSessions(user, true)) {
