public key issue on installing google-cloud-sdk on ec2 - amazon-ec2

I'm installing google-cloud-sdk on an AWS ec2.
As first step I'd updated YUM with Cloud SDK repo information as reported on GCP official doc. But when I try to install gcp sdk by:
sudo yum install google-cloud-sdk
i got:
Public key for ******************-google-cloud-sdk-316.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm is not installed
And I don't understand how to resolve the issue because the wget (from the ec2 machine) of the gpg keys works.
Someone knwos how to resolve it?
My /etc/yum.repos.d/google-cloud-sdk.repo:
name=Google Cloud SDK

Is always recommended use the latest version of Cloud SDK, also, about the error message you are getting usually could be mitigated on two ways:
Disable the rpm signature check in YUM repo config
Import the public keys on server
Regarding to the point 2, you can import the key pair as is recommended in the official Ec2 documentation.


Aws elastic beanstalk cli setup on Mac

I am trying to install aws elastic beanstalk cli on my mac machine. In the prerequisites it says that Python requires following:
Xcode openssl zlib readline
But, on running the command, I get:
-bash: Xcode: command not found
How am I suppose to install this?
An alternative solution is to run the aws cli inside a docker container. It will eliminate the possible issues which may be caused by the OS/library upgrading in the future.

How do I create ~/.aws/credentials file for Up on MAC

I'm developing a bot for Telegram and I am using Up to create a Lambda function for AWS. The problem is that when I want to create the function I get an error saying:
Error: Cannot find credentials, visit for help.
How do I create the ".aws" folder and the "credentials" file? Under what folder will this be saved? Is it in the same folder I created my bot?
This is on MAC.
After installing the AWS CLI for Mac, type aws configure to initialize the credentials file for the first time.
If you have homebrew you can install awscli like this:
brew update
brew install awscli
And then use the following to configure your aws with you access id and token:
aws configure
First, you need to install AWS CLI for OSX using the following link. Refer the documentation for Install the AWS Command Line Interface on macOS for more details.
Then you need to create AWS Programmatic Access Credentials (After creating a AWS IAM User) and download the credentials. For this you need to go to the IAM section of AWS Web Console. Refer the documentation for Understanding and Getting Your Security Credentials for more details.
Then configure the credentials using the shell commands. Refer the documentation Configuring the AWS CLI for more details.
Install AWS CLI in your mac OS from link below:
Verify installation. Change to aws instead of aws2 incase you are using version-1
$ aws2 --version
$ aws2 configure
You need to configure your CLI before you can use it.
"Quick Configuration
For general use, the 'aws configure' command is the fastest way to set up your AWS CLI installation."

Amazon Linux AMI - Upgrade OPenssh version

I am using a Amazon Linux AMI base ec2 instance. The current openssh version on the instance is
Question is how to upgrade it to openssh 6.4.
I was searching it and could not find the answer
An updated openssh package is available in the Amazon Linux AMI repositories. This update adds fixes for CVE-2014-2653 and CVE-2014-2532. To install the update run:
sudo yum install openssh

Installing openstack on mac

I am unable to find how to install openstack on my macbook.
I tried googling but every where i am getting for ubuntu and not for mac
Kindly help me to install as i am a noob in openstack
Late reply but just in case:
You can install VirtualBox and get ubuntu running on it. Directly installing OpenStack on your macbook is usually a bad thing to do since it can mess up your system.
Very late answer but this is to install the openstack command line clients.
first, you have to have python installed on your machine. Open the terminal and type python --version. If you see something like Python 2.7.9, go to next step.
So now, you have to install pip. Pip is a python package manager. You do this by typing easy_install pip. Should work.
Then you have to install every clients one by one.
(taken straight from
ceilometer - Telemetry API
cinder - Block Storage API and extensions
glance - Image service API
heat - Orchestration API
neutron - Networking API
nova - Compute API and extensions
sahara - Database Processing API
swift - Object Storage API
trove - Database service API
openstack - Common OpenStack client supporting multiple services
And the way to install those, one by one, is by calling:
pip install python-PROJECTclient.
So, for instance, you go pip install python-openstackclient. Or pip install python-novaclient. You do that for every client that you need.
Don't forget, before you be able to use those APIs, you have to set up particular environment variables in your shell by sourcing an "openrc" file:
Once this is done, you may use the clients API.
You can install Openstack's python-client which is tools for sending command via http.
But there is no official option to install Openstack services on mac, yet. You can use Hypervisor like Virtualbox and Vmware to install Linux and launch Openstack Services, or docker.
It looks like progress has been made since these last posts. The easiest answer for just testing out OpenStack on your local machine is to use devstack.
NOTE: The tutorial mentions to mv samples/localrc . but the file name has been updated to local.conf. Also, I copied the file over instead of moving it.
DevStack Homepage:

On-Prem Install without using yum command

If datacenter doesn't allow commands like yum, rpm, is there an alternative way to do an on-prem install of OPDK?
They will actually have to install their own local yum repository -- this means building up a rpm repository outside the data center and then brining that into the data center. Then you point yum on the Apigee machine to the internal yum repository.
We have a couple clients who have done this (who probably don't want it advertised so contact me directly for who has done it this way).
You can setup yum client and yum server. Yum client being the machine in the datacenter and yum server which is the machine from which you can pull all required repositories.
Yum will be used to download repositories for open ldap , postgres and qpid.
If for initial testing you are setting up an "sa" ( standalone) installation without analytics you would not require yum. ( If we use analytics all dependencies for analytics(postgres and qpid ) are installed via yum)
