I would be grateful for your advices regarding the following:
I have PostgeSQL 13, WindowsServer 2016 and would like to use PostgreSQL as a database for Informatica Repository.
I have created user and database in PostgreSQL, opened port 5432 on firewall, but Informatica Pre-installation system check can not connect to PostgreSQL(please see settings in the attached picture)Screenshot
Thank you in advance for your answers
The adventures are going further.
I was able to install Informatica,but now when I try to create a Repository Service, it fails with message "Error occured loading library pmpostgresql.dll". System error encountered is 126
In airflow connection to Oracle database getting error as ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure.
telnet working from ubuntu where airflow is installed so I don't think any firewall issue.
Please find the screenshot.
Please help.
enter image description here
There was a change in oracle 19 client: Some network stacks do not correctly handle Out Of Band breaks which are enabled by default in Oracle Database 19c. It may be on firewalls, switches or docker, so in this case you just need to add disable_oob=on in sqlnet.ora, to disable it.
I am trying to install Informatica Server.
During domain configuration repository database information I get database connectivity error.
Error: Test Connection Failed. Correct the database connection information and test the connection again.
But when I connect using same details through Oracle SQL Developer to this database, it works fine.
I am using service name and port number field from the TNS File, still getting this error.
I think you can check tomcat log, catalina.out logs. This will help on finding out real issue.
Go to command prompt and type ping localhost and see if its responding anything. May be you can use IP and check host file.
Iam able to open the admin web page just after installing informatica 9.6.1 on windows 10, but when i restart my machine (or when laptop went to sleep mode) again when checked the admin page says
"This site can’t be reached <hostname> refused to connect."
URL is <my machine hostname>:6008/administrator/
Is there something going wrong with the 6008 port after installation?
I used this URL for installation
I searched a lot on the internet but could not fix this issue.
Tried start/stop Informatica services, dint work.
please help
I had same problem while working on windows system with Informatica 9.6.1.
I believe any of the 3 processes: pmrepagent, pmserver and tomcat/JAVA services
is/are not running. In simple words Informatica is not up and running.
This helped me out.
open Command prompt in Admin mode
cd C:\Informatica\9.6.1\tomcat\bin
infaservice.bat startup
for more details refer this KB article
If you have also faced such problem while connecting to Informatica post installation then i recommend to check if you are well connected to the database which you opted while installing informatica (For eg. Oracle,sql server etc) with the same user and password which was seperately created to link the database with informatica.
If still you cannot open the Administrator homepage then you can cross check if the Informatica services are already started.You can restart the service if it is stopped and then the homepage will get open.
Seems like the service is not started. Please check the services and make sure Informatica is set to start automatically and that it's able to connect to DBMS where repository DB has been created.
When i installed Informatica that time i was able to login to admin console. But after restart i got - "site refused to connect " error. My informatica service & oracle db serv are running. But still i could not able to login to admin console. What is did was - i login to the schema what i used while installing informatica server through dbeaver tool. On my astonishment, after that im now able to connect admin console.
I found another error that caused this kind of issue.
Check in your system where information is installed and search for "Catalina.out"
See the error:
org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase clearReferencesThreads SEVERE: [localhost-startStop-2] The web application [/csm] appears to have started a thread named [phoneHomeScheduler] but has failed to stop it.
This is very likely to create a memory leak.
You need to restart the system and re-process the services.
I am new to Programming. I am learning JAVA and for DB i wanted to learn Oracle so I downloaded sqldeveloper from Oracle website. It was a zip file so I didnot have to install anything, simply extracted it. When I open the sqldeveloper and try to make a new connection, it shows error.
Test failed: IO Error: The network adapter could not establish the connection.
I am not sure what to put in username and pwd. and i am also not sure if i have to connect this to jdk or jre or set classpath for database.
Can anyone help me?? I have uploaded the snapshot of the error too.
You downloaded a client.
You did NOT download the server component though - the actual database.
SQL Developer just allows you to work with an existing database.
No worries, you're not that far away. You have several options.
Oracle Database Express Edition (XE) - it's completely free.
We also have a VirtualBox appliance you can use for personal learning purposes, also completely free.
I talk about this and give step by step instructions here.
Check if oracle service, TNSListener service is up and running before trying to make any new connection from sql developer.
Even if TNS Service is down , connection can not be established with oracle instance.
I am new to Programming. I am learning JAVA and for DB i wanted to learn Oracle so I downloaded sqldeveloper from Oracle website. It was a zip file so I didnot have to install anything, simply extracted it. When I open the sqldeveloper and try to make a new connection, it shows error.
Test failed: IO Error: The network adapter could not establish the connection.
I am not sure what to put in username and pwd. and i am also not sure if i have to connect this to jdk or jre or set classpath for database.
Can anyone help me?? I have uploaded the snapshot of the error too.
You downloaded a client.
You did NOT download the server component though - the actual database.
SQL Developer just allows you to work with an existing database.
No worries, you're not that far away. You have several options.
Oracle Database Express Edition (XE) - it's completely free.
We also have a VirtualBox appliance you can use for personal learning purposes, also completely free.
I talk about this and give step by step instructions here.
Check if oracle service, TNSListener service is up and running before trying to make any new connection from sql developer.
Even if TNS Service is down , connection can not be established with oracle instance.