-Multiple spring boot apps are deployed to IBM liberty 20x
All the Spring boot app should access properties from multiple properties file.
Acording to the reference https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEQTP_liberty/com.ibm.websphere.wlp.doc/ae/cwlp_sharedlibrary.html
tried below configuration in server.xml by creating folder "customProps" at "wlp\usr\servers\controller1"
<library id="allpropeties">
<fileset dir="${server.config.dir}/customProps" includes="*.properties" />
But gets the below error as applicaiton not able to locate the properties file:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: class path resource [test.properties] cannot be opened because it does not exist
Where to keep multiple common properties files and what configuration has to be added to server.xml
As a simple answer you could try copying the properties file to the default global shared library location:
You could use this without additional server config, and/or read through some of the doc for additional configuration considerations.
In which class in the source code of spring-boot or spring is the application.yml file or application.properties processed?
For spring boot (version 2.x) the application properties are loaded from the environment into the context via a PropertySourceLoader.
In for example the spring-boot-2.6.3.jar we can find the following file:
# PropertySource Loaders
Where PropertiesPropertySourceLoader loads .properties and .xml files, and YamlPropertySourceLoader loads .yml and .yaml.
These are loaded with the SpringFactoriesLoader, which we can see in action in org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener (deprecated) or org.springframework.boot.context.config.StandardConfigDataLocationResolver (via ConfigDataEnvironmentPostProcessor -> ConfigDataEnvironment -> ConfigDataLocationResolvers) :
this.propertySourceLoaders = SpringFactoriesLoader.loadFactories(PropertySourceLoader.class,
You can read in the ConfigFileApplicationListener JavaDoc that the properties are indeed loaded with this class:
EnvironmentPostProcessor that configures the context environment by loading properties from well known file locations. By default properties will be loaded from 'application.properties' and/or 'application.yml' files in the following locations:
If you're interested in context loading from the environment in spring(boot), I suggest you setup your project with maven, download the sources jars, and have a look around in the mentioned factories file. You will find more relevant code in the org.springframework.boot.env and org.springframework.boot.context (config and properties) packages.
You can find your application.yml or application.properties at the src/main/resources. You can have as many as possible configurations for your spring boot application for every case. Lets assume that you have 3 local-profiles like demo, production and server, so you made 3 configuration and assumingyou set for active profile the demo at the application.yml . I hope you get the idea. Its the first thing that actually is running before the springboot is up.
Please look the officials docs !
I'm new to JPA and Liberty. Could anyone please explain how to relate/link the server.xml, web.xml and persistence.xml configuration to set up the database connection?
your help on this is much appreciated.
In Liberty, you define the location of the JDBC driver jar files and configure a dataSource element with a JNDI name. This knowledge center page contains an example for MySQL,
Directly quoting from the above page,
<dataSource id="DefaultDataSource" jndiName="jdbc/mySQL">
<jdbcDriver libraryRef="MySQLLib"/>
<properties databaseName="SAMPLEDB" serverName="localhost" portNumber="3306"/>
<library id="MySQLLib">
<file name="C:/mysql-connector-java-x.x.xx/mysql-connector-java-x.x.xx.jar"/>
After this, you can configure the jta-data-source element in your persistence.xml pointing at the JNDI name that you chose. For example,
<persistence-unit name="ExamplePersistenceUnit">
The above is sufficient to get it working, without involving web.xml.
The deployment descriptor (web.xml) gives you the option of adding a level of indirection/mapping and the ability to configure some additional settings such as shareability and container vs application authentication. You can do this by defining a resource reference in web.xml pointing to the data source. Resource references have names in java:comp/env, java:module/env, java:app/env or java:global/env that reflect their visibility. I'll use java:module in the following example, meaning that the reference we are defining is only visibility within the same module (the web module that provides the web.xml),
After defining the resource reference above, the data source continues to be available at the JNDI name specified in server.xml, but also becomes available via the JNDI name of the resource reference, meaning you could alternately specify,
Deployment descriptors can also do some more advanced things like defining a data source in place of the server config. However, to keep this answer simple, I've skipped over that possibility.
This IBM KnowledgeCenter topic is a good place to start
I have a spring-boot application with annotations instead of context.xml.
In my src/main/resources folder I have: application-dev.properties and application-test.properties.
which work perfectly for different profiles (while running with VM option like -Dspring.profiles.active=dev)
Now I need to externalize this properties with file in /opt/software/Tomcat8/conf/app.properties
Some props override each other, some don't.
in Tomcat config context.xml I say:
<Environment name="app.properties"
type="java.lang.String" override="false"/>
How to use it via JNDI in my application configuring app with no XML but annotations in Spring-bot application class?
I need it to have priority to inner jar properties according to
Link to Spring-boot.doc
One solution I found was to have the vm argument -Dloader.path with the external path when executing the application. Please keep in mind if you're using a fat jar you may need to create the package in Zip model, otherwise it will not work.
This is a spring 2.5 based project. I need to load a externalized property file when
application server starts up.I am shipping my solution to 10 users.(10 Jboss instances) where
each connect to their own database schema. Each user has a client id value saved in the
database. This will be the name of the externalized property file. If the property file name is fixed I could
load as below
location="classpath:/tmp/client001.properties" />
please help to find a approach how to load this when name of the property file (client001) is in the
Loading dynamic externalized property files
You could take the name of the file from a system variable, loaded with the corresponding value on each server.
Take a look at this question.
Spring: Injecting different properties file according to profile
I am trying to get Spring working with tomcat JNDI resource to access my database. My project works if a META-INF/context.xml in my project with the resource information but once I remove it it stops.. why.
If you deploy a Web application in Tomcat, in the deployment process, Tomcat will copy the META-INF/context.xml file in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/ so the context will be available for your application. Take in mind, that if you remove context.xml from you application because you dont want it, you also have to delete it manually from $CATALINA_HOME/conf/
If you have edited the server.xml for including your dababase resource and is not working when you remove context.xml it could be because you made some mistake defining your resourde in server.xml
When resource is in server.xml, in context you should make a reference to global resource in server.xml. For example:
<Context crossContext="true" reloadable="true" >
<ResourceLink name="jdbc/myApp" type="javax.sql.DataSource" global="jdbc/myApp" />
This is unrelated to Spring.
To use JNDI you are expected to define the various resources either as global configuration or as application specifici configuration. For example JNDI DataSource Configuration
Why do you expect it to work in any other case? How would Tomcat know which resources to provide if you don't define them?
You define a resouce in your server.xml but you have to associate the resource with your web application. That is why you also need to modify context.xml