cmd converts em-dash to hyphen on pasting. Any workaround? - cmd

I want to be able to paste file paths into cmd with em dashes (—, alt 0151) in them.
cmd converts them to ones where the em dashes have been replaced by a hyphen.
Manual input:
(Keyboard) D:\—\image.png
(cmd) D:\—\image.png
Entering this would open the file as expected.
Pasted input:
(Clipboard) D:\—\image.png
(cmd) D:\-\image.png
Entering this would give me an error because a directory named hyphen doesn't exist.
This is baffling because the file system supports paths to have such a character - I can access this file if I type the path manually, and programs can open it just fine.
Why convert a character that is supported? If it wasn't supported when the conversion was added, why not remove the conversion when the support was added?
More importantly, how can I work around this while keeping the em dashes? I have programs that depend on such paths and it'd be inconvenient to change them in all of them.
Similar to:
How to deal with an em dash in a filename
Using “En Dash” in an input file to a batch file
Rename Files having EmDash using a Batch File
Changing the code page made no difference.

My workaround was to create an AutoHotKey script to parse the path being pasted and to send alt 0151 whenever it encounters an em dash.
It could be faster, but it works - which is miles better than receiving an error.
#SingleInstance, force
tooltip, exited!
Clipboard := stored
sleep, 300
#IfWinActive ahk_exe cmd.exe
cliptext := clipboard
stored := ClipboardAll
StringGetPos, garbage, cliptext, —
garbage =
if !ErrorLevel {
Loop, Parse, cliptext
char = %A_LoopField%
If (char == "—") {
clipboard := sentence
sendinput, ^v
SendInput {alt down}{numpad0}{numpad1}{numpad5}{numpad1}{alt up}
sentence := ""
} else if (char == "") {
char := " "
gosub define_sentence
} else {
gosub define_sentence
; send sentence when EOL
gosub define_sentence
Clipboard := sentence := SubStr(sentence, 1, -1)
sendinput, ^v
sleep 200
Clipboard := stored
stored =
sentence =
} else {
sendinput, ^v
sentence := sentence . char
tool := "s= " . sentence . "`n" . "c= " . char
tooltip, %tool%
On another note, the highlight.js for autohotkey doesn't seem to work which is great.


Ctrl+Z behaviour in terminal

string s;
cout << "---" << endl
for(auto c: s) cout << int(c) << endl;
cout << "Exiting";
If my input is Ctrl+Z, then I press enter once, and my program exits immediately.
If I enter a character before pressing Ctrl+Z, then I have to press enter twice, and my program does not exit.
I had always interpreted Ctrl+Z as the EOF character. getline would continue until it reaches this character, at which point getline tests false and my program would exit. I'm curious why my program interprets Ctrl+Z as the substitute character 26, depending on whether there is a preceding character or not, and why it was necessary for me to press Enter twice in the second example?
26 is code of ^Z on your platform , and ^Z is a EOF marker for terminal, that's true. Characters with codes less than 32 are control characters for ASCII -compatible platform, I hope you know that. 26 isn't a substitute character, it's actual control code, ^Z or some "bug" character are substitutes. getline reads input until EOL (end-of-line, designated as CR by ASCII) or EOF (end of file, end of stream, designated as SUB) is encountered in stream, so ^Z is read with the second call of getline. That behavior is absolutely correct.
It is defined by platform (or, more precisely, by terminal type) if characters are sent to input buffer immediately or after some flush command occurred. Usual cause of buffer flush is EOL character, that's your ENTER (CR - Carriage return). Tat's why program receives EOF after Enter in your case. Note that some platform use LF (line feed) as EOL, and some - a pair of LF+CR. C literal '\n' is to be correctly translated into particular EOL marker.
Note, that you can use different delimiter:
template< class CharT, class Traits, class Allocator >
std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>& getline(
std::basic_istream<CharT,Traits>& input,
std::basic_string<CharT,Traits,Allocator>& str,
CharT delim );
ASCII table with substitute Control+ :

Accepting only alphanumerics in Golang and ncurses

So, I'm teaching myself some Golang by making a simple resource management game with ncurses. I'm using this library to connect Golang to ncurses.
I've made a simple text input panel that takes in one character at a time, displays it, and then adds it to a string composing the user's response. Here's what it looks like:
// Accept characters, printing them until end
ch := window.GetChar()
kstr := gc.KeyString(ch)
response := ""
cur := 0
for kstr != "enter" {
// Diagnostic print to get key code of current character
window.MovePrint(0, 0, ch)
// If its a backspace or delete, remove a character
// Otherwise as long as its a regular character add it
if ((ch == 127 || ch == 8) && cur != 0){
response = response[:len(response)-1]
window.MovePrint(y, (x + cur), " ")
} else if (ch >= 33 && ch <= 122 && cur <= 52) {
window.MovePrint(y, (x + cur), kstr)
response = response + kstr
// Get next character
ch = window.GetChar()
kstr = gc.KeyString(ch)
However, the arrow and function keys seem to be coming up as keycodes already associated with the normal a-zA-Z characters. For example, right-arrow comes up as 67 and F1 as 80. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here, or if there's a better approach to taking in alphanumerics through ncurses? I'd like to avoid ncurses fields and classes as much as possible, because the point here is to learn Golang, not ncurses. Thanks!
If you do not enable the keypad mode, (n)curses will return the individual bytes which make up a special key.
To fix, add this to your program's initialization:
stdscr.Keypad(true) // allow keypad input
which will return special keys such as right-arrow as values above 255. goncurses has symbols defined for those, e.g., KEY_RIGHT.

Navigate Shell command not working when the path includes an hash

I'm having problem using the Navigate Shell command when the path include an # sign.
; this will create 2 folders at the root of your C: drive
myPath1 := "C:\delete_me\"
myPath2 := "C:\delete#me\"
if !FileExist(myPath1)
FileCreateDir, %myPath1%
if !FileExist(myPath2)
FileCreateDir, %myPath2%
; make an Explorer active and press Alt-1 and Alt-2
strWinId := WinExist("A")
TrayTip, %myPath1%, %strWinId%
For pExp in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
if (pExp.hwnd = strWinId)
try pExp.Navigate(myPath1)
strWinId := WinExist("A")
TrayTip, %myPath2%, %strWinId%
For pExp in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
if (pExp.hwnd = strWinId)
try pExp.Navigate(myPath2)
Alt-1 works well. But, with Alt-2, the Navigate command returns "file:///C:/delete#me/ » not found.".
If there is no "/" after the "#" (eg myPath := "C:\delete#me"), it works. But this cannot be a solution because the destination path can be deeper in a subfolder (eg. "C:\delete#me\xyz").
I tried to encode the "#", replacing it with "%23", without success. Found nothing on the web or MSDN about that. Any idea?
[keywords: haskmark, hashtag, number sign or pound]
I have what looks to be a working solution for this, which I've also posted here:
4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explorer - Page 3 - AutoHotkey Community
;Explorer Windows Manipulations - Page 5 - Scripts and Functions - AutoHotkey Community
;Navigate2 Method (IWebBrowser2)
;4 options to change the current folder in Windows Explorer - AutoHotkey Community
;windows - Navigate Shell command not working when the path includes an hash - Stack Overflow
;an AutoHotkey v1.1 script
;note: will create folder: %A_Desktop%\abc#def\abc#def
;q:: ;explorer - navigate to folder (tested on Windows 7)
WinGet, hWnd, ID, A
WinGetClass, vWinClass, % "ahk_id " hWnd
if !(vWinClass = "CabinetWClass") && !(vWinClass = "ExploreWClass")
vDir = %A_Desktop%\abc#def\abc#def
;vDir = %A_Desktop%\abc def\abc def
if !FileExist(vDir)
FileCreateDir, % vDir
DllCall("shell32\SHParseDisplayName", WStr,vDir, Ptr,0, PtrP,vPIDL, UInt,0, Ptr,0)
for oWin in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
if (oWin.HWND = hWnd)
if !InStr(vDir, "#")
VarSetCapacity(SAFEARRAY, A_PtrSize=8?32:24, 0)
NumPut(1, SAFEARRAY, 0, "UShort")
NumPut(1, SAFEARRAY, 4, "UShort")
NumPut(vPIDL, SAFEARRAY, A_PtrSize=8?16:12, "Ptr")
NumPut(DllCall("shell32\ILGetSize", Ptr,vPIDL, UInt), SAFEARRAY, A_PtrSize=8?24:16, "Int")
DllCall("shell32\ILFree", Ptr,vPIDL)
If you want to open a new window, there's no need for COM or unreliable workarounds: just run the folder.
Run C:\delete#me
If you want to open the path in an existing window which is already active, the simplest and most effective workaround is this:
SendInput {F4}{Esc}{Raw}C:\delete#me`n
So in the context of your script, you could use the following function to work around the # when it is present:
Navigate(pExp, myPath2)
Navigate(Exp, Path)
if RegExMatch(Path, "#.*\\")
SendInput {F4}{Esc}{Raw}%Path%`n
Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a solution to this. Shell.Application Navigate command fails if the path includes a hash (# as in C:\C#Projects).
Using AutoHotkey, the workaround would be to rely on the "second best" approach as identified by the tests in this thread:
run, Explorer.exe
Sleep, 500
strFolder := A_ScriptDir
Send, {F4}{Esc}
Sleep, 500
ControlSetText, Edit1, C:\delete#me, A
ControlSend, Edit1, {Enter}, A
When I saw that Navigate couldn't handle hash, I was shocked,
but sure enough I replicated the error.
I thought I'd try the short form path just in case. It works!
if vDir contains #
Loop, %vDir%, 2, 0 ;(0/1/2=files/both/folders, 0/1=recurse no/yes)
vDir := A_LoopFileShortPath
The following approach doesn't require a visible address bar, or SendInput,
also the previous navigation history is maintained.
In the worst-case scenario of a hash in the short-form path of the dir above the target dir,
a go-between folder is used which is navigated to.
A link is created there, invoked, and deleted.
Below, the workaround code is indented, to separate it from the standard code.
A hotkey of ctrl+q, when an Explorer window is active, launches the script.
^q:: ;explorer - navigate to directory (use go-between dir if short-form path of dir above target contains #)
WinGet, hWnd, ID, A
WinGetClass, vWinClass, ahk_id %hWnd%
if vWinClass not in CabinetWClass,ExploreWClass
vDir2 = %A_Desktop%\Go-Between ;go-between dir
vDir3 = C:\delete#me ;target dir
if (SubStr(vDir3, 1-1) = "\")
vDir3 := SubStr(vDir3, 1, -1)
if !InStr(FileExist(vDir3), "D")
vPathLnk := ""
if vDir3 contains #
Loop, %vDir3%, 2, 0 ;(0/1/2=files/both/folders, 0/1=recurse no/yes)
vDir3 := A_LoopFileShortPath
;vDir4 is the short-form path of the dir above the target
;paths of problem target dirs are of the form: *#*\*
;where there is at least one hash with a backslash to its right
SplitPath, vDir3, , vDir4
if vDir4 contains #
if !InStr(FileExist(vDir2), "D")
FileCreateDir, %vDir2%
if !InStr(FileExist(vDir2), "D")
MsgBox error`, go-between dir not found:`r`n%vDir2%
vNameLnk = Go-Between.lnk
vPathLnk = %vDir2%\%vNameLnk%
FileCreateShortcut, %vDir3%, %vPathLnk%
for oWin in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
if (hWnd = oWin.Hwnd)
vDir1 := oWin.Document.Folder.Self.Path
if (vDir1 = vDir3)
if vDir3 contains #
if !(vDir1 = vDir2)
while !(oWin.ReadyState = 4)
Sleep 10
oItem := oWin.Document.Folder.Items.Item(vNameLnk)
oWin := ""
if !(vPathLnk = "")
FileRecycle, %vPathLnk% ;send to recycle bin
;if !(vPathLnk = "")
;FileDelete, %vPathLnk% ;delete

D: executeShell on Windows to run another program not returning immediately

I'm using D as a scripting language for Windows 7 console stuff to automate boring tasks. One of my scripts (open.exe) is supposed to allow me to open stuff from the command line without me having to specify which program I use (I have a configuration file with this stuff). Now, I use executeShell to do this, and call something like start [name of program I want to use] [name of input file]. If I do this directly from the shell, it returns immediately, but if I do it using my D script, it doesn't return until the program that it opens is closed. What should I do to allow it to return immediately?
For reference purposes, this is the business logic of my script (the main method just does some argument parsing for piping purposes):
immutable path = "some//path//going//to//config//file.conf";
void process(string input) {
string extension = split(input,".")[1]; //get file extension from input
auto config = File(path,"r"); auto found = false;
while (!config.eof()){
auto line = chomp(config.readln());
if (line[0]!='#') { //skip comment lines
auto divided = split(line, ":");
if (divided[0] == extension) {
found = true;
auto command = "start " ~ divided[1] ~ " " ~ input;
auto result = executeShell(command);
//test for error code and output if necessary
if (!found)
writeln("ERROR: Don't know how to open " ~ input);
From the top of the std.process documentation:
Execute and wait for completion, collect output - executeShell
The Windows start program spawns a process and exits immediately. D's executeShell does something else. If you'd like to spawn another program, use the appropriate functions: spawnProcess or spawnShell.

Catch copy/paste of empty text on Windows from AutoHotKey script

By default on Windows, when copying text, it gets put in the clipboard. But when attempting to copy empty text, the clipboard is untouched. For example, selecting no text in your editor, then hitting ctrl+c, will cause no change in the clipboard.
Problem is, I need to catch this event with AutoHotKey. Since the clipboard is unchanged, I have no idea how to do this cleanly (without a timeout, that is).
Does anyone have any idea how to do this?
Edit: To clarify, I'm sending the ctrl+c from within AutoHotKey. I'm doing so to tell if any text is selected, i.e., I'm sending ctrl+c, then checking if any text was copied to the clipboard or not. Problem is, if no text is selected, the clipboard handlers for AutoHotKey never get called, forcing me to use a timeout, which isn't good practice.
Here is what I did. Since the clipboard is a variable in AutoHotkey, you can check to see if it is empty. I first cleared the clipboard, send control+c, then see if the clipboard is still empty. You can temporarily move the current clipboard to a temporary place first if you want.
ClipSaved := ClipboardAll
Clipboard = ; empties the clipboard
Send ^+{Left} ; I just used highlight left to select text, you can replace this with
; whatever your program uses to select an input.
Send ^c ; attempt to copy text
If Clipboard = ; checks to see if clipboard is empty
break ; Put what you want to do if the clipboard is empty, I used break to stop a loop
Clipboard := ClipSaved ; puts the original clipboard contents back
I was searching text from an open document in which the user can choose a forward or backward direction. When going backwards, it would get stuck in a loop at the beginning of the document. I set a loop limit to keep it from being an infinite loop, but it still wasted time having to wait for the loop to finish. I used the break function to end the loop if the clipboard was empty.
To give credit where credit is due, I got the inspiration from another post which had other tood tips. It posted you can check for a blank variable with this script.
v := ""
If v =
MsgBox v = ""
If (v = "")
MsgBox v = ""
From the AutoHotkey documentation website I found out how to temporarily store and replace the clipboard content.
ClipSaved := ClipboardAll ; Save the entire clipboard to a variable of your choice.
;... here make temporary use of the clipboard, such as for pasting Unicode text via Transform Unicode ...
Clipboard := ClipSaved ; Restore the original clipboard. Note the use of Clipboard (not ClipboardAll).
ClipSaved = ; Free the memory in case the clipboard was very large.
Hope this helps.
Here's the solution I currently use. Basically, it comes down to sending ctrl+c, waiting a certain timeout, then seeing if text was actually copied. If it wasn't, I know there is not selection.
There is no way, afaik, to avoid waiting a timeout, since Windows takes a certain time to perform the copy operation. I set the timeout to 0.15 seconds, so it isn't too bad.
Here's the function I use whenever I want to grab the contents of the clipboard, or check if it's empty. I always call this function first:
clipped_text :=
clip_empty := false
ClipSaved =
is_clipped := false
clip_speed := 0.15
Clip() {
global ClipSaved
global clip_empty
global clipped_text
global is_clipped
global clip_speed
if (!is_clipped) {
ClipSaved := ClipboardAll ; Save the entire clipboard to a variable of your choice.
; msgbox % ClipSaved
is_clipped := true
clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard
Send ^{c}
ClipWait clip_speed
if (ErrorLevel = 1)
clip_empty := false
clip_empty := true
clipped_text := clipboard
And I use this function to actually get the contents of the clipboard or check if it's empty:
IsTextSelected() {
global ClipSaved
global clip_empty
global clipped_text
if (clip_empty == true) {
return true
else {
return false
To get the contents of the clipboard I just look at the clipped_text variable.
After performing a "Clip()" operation, I always call the following function to restore the clipboard (this function is called once for multiple calls of Clip()):
UnClip() {
global ClipSaved
global clip_empty
global clipped_text
global is_clipped
is_clipped := false
Clipboard := ClipSaved
ClipSaved =
While not an actual answer to this question, a google search might lead you here if you are looking for a way to catch text on paste and modify it before pasting.
Here's the script which eliminates whitespace from text pasted from clipboard on CTRL + V:
Trimmed := RegExReplace(Clipboard, "^\s+", "")
Trimmed := RegExReplace(Trimmed, "\s+$", "")
Clipboard = %Trimmed%
SendInput ^v
I think I have a solution. Set aside current clipboard, then copy. Compare what you have copied to an empty string.. if it's equal, then something was copied; otherwise, nothing was copied. At then, restore the clipboard to what you saved. Here is a code sample demonstrating the principle.
ClipSaved := ClipboardAll ; Save the entire clipboard to a variable of your choice.
; ... here make temporary use of the clipboard, such as for pasting Unicode text via Transform Unicode ...
Clipboard := ; Clear the clipboard
if (Clipboard = "") {
Send, you copied nothing
} else {
Send, you copied something
Clipboard := ClipSaved ; Restore the original clipboard. Note the use of Clipboard (not ClipboardAll).
ClipSaved = ; Free the memory in case the clipboard was very large.
Actually, I was hoping that there is another way to simply test if the cursor is currently selecting anything. I have asked this question on the AutoHotkey forums (, but until or if there is a better answer, I will use the above method.
Script for babylon (Middle Mouse Key for firefox):
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
send {LButton}{LButton}
Send ^c
sleep, 100
send {F10}
sleep, 100
SendInput {Raw}%clipboard%
send {enter}
I had the same problem - I would send the copy command, but it wouldn't copy anything. I tried working with timers to no avail.
Here is what I ended up doing (trying different modes):
thisclipboard := clipboard . a_now ;add NOW so that it won't possibly be the same as the contents of the clipboard
if(clipboard == thisclipboard){
if(clipboard == thisclipboard){
Maybe you should hotkey the Ctrl + C instead, that way any time that hotkey is pressed you will know.
You might want to make sure to send the normal Ctrl + C action to windows so you can copy.
consider this example:
msgbox, % "Clipboard Changed even if you didnt copy anything"
. "(...not really but you tried at least)"
That message will fire up every time you press Ctrl + C even if you didnt copy anything to the clipboard. At the same time you will be sending the native function of Ctrl + C to windows so your clipboard WILL change if you copied something.
From the help file:
~: When the hotkey fires, its key's native function will not be blocked (hidden from the system).
You might want to also have an onClipboardChange to check when the clipboard really changed.
