D: executeShell on Windows to run another program not returning immediately - windows

I'm using D as a scripting language for Windows 7 console stuff to automate boring tasks. One of my scripts (open.exe) is supposed to allow me to open stuff from the command line without me having to specify which program I use (I have a configuration file with this stuff). Now, I use executeShell to do this, and call something like start [name of program I want to use] [name of input file]. If I do this directly from the shell, it returns immediately, but if I do it using my D script, it doesn't return until the program that it opens is closed. What should I do to allow it to return immediately?
For reference purposes, this is the business logic of my script (the main method just does some argument parsing for piping purposes):
immutable path = "some//path//going//to//config//file.conf";
void process(string input) {
string extension = split(input,".")[1]; //get file extension from input
auto config = File(path,"r"); auto found = false;
while (!config.eof()){
auto line = chomp(config.readln());
if (line[0]!='#') { //skip comment lines
auto divided = split(line, ":");
if (divided[0] == extension) {
found = true;
auto command = "start " ~ divided[1] ~ " " ~ input;
auto result = executeShell(command);
//test for error code and output if necessary
if (!found)
writeln("ERROR: Don't know how to open " ~ input);

From the top of the std.process documentation:
Execute and wait for completion, collect output - executeShell
The Windows start program spawns a process and exits immediately. D's executeShell does something else. If you'd like to spawn another program, use the appropriate functions: spawnProcess or spawnShell.


Using a Batch File to send Arguments to MFC Application with a GUI

I'm looking for the best possible approach to incorporate a batch file to send arguments to the MFC application rather than relying on the GUI interface. Does anyone know the best method to go about doing this?
I use the following code in my InitInstance method of my app class:
LPWSTR *szArglist = nullptr;
int iNumArgs = 0;
szArglist = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLine(), &iNumArgs);
if (iNumArgs > 0 && szArglist != nullptr)
for (int iArg = 0; iArg < iNumArgs; iArg++)
CString strArg(szArglist[iArg]);
int iDelim = strArg.Find(_T("="));
if (iDelim != -1)
CString strParamName = strArg.Left(iDelim);
CString strParamValue = strArg.Mid(iDelim + 1);
if (strParamName.CollateNoCase(_T("/lang")) == 0)
(LPCTSTR)GetProgramPath(), (LPCTSTR)strParamValue.MakeUpper());
if (!PathFileExists(m_strPathLanguageResourceOverride))
m_strPathLanguageResourceOverride = _T("");
// Free memory allocated for CommandLineToArgvW arguments.
As you can see, I use the CommandLineToArgvW method to extract and process the command line arguments.
A GUI program can receive command line arguments just like a command line program can.
Your Application class (CWinApp, if memory serves) contains a member named m_lpCmdLine that contains the command line arguments (if any) in a CString.
If you also want to deal with shell parameters, you'll probably also want to look at WinApp::ParseCommandLine and CCommandLineInfo (note, if you're dealing with a Wizard-generated program, chances are that WinApp::ParseCommandLine is already being called by default).

JScript: identifying whether double quotes are passed to a WSH script

There are situations when it is important to identify whether double quotes are passed as arguments to a WSH script. For example because they should be passed to another executable to be run.
The standard parsing functions/objects:
objArgs = WScript.Arguments;
for (i = 0; i < objArgs.length; i++)
do not differentiate between:
cscript foo.js "bar"
cscript foo.js bar
Is it possible with some other approach?
Note: I also tried to sort of escape them with several combinations like:
cscript foo.js '"bar"'
It seems that they are simply stripped away.
Following #Ekkehard.Horner suggestions:
// parseArgs.js
// Parsing jscript script arguments verbatim
var Shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"),
wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\\\.\\root\\cimv2"),
guid = (new ActiveXObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib")).GUID.substring(0,38),
winver="\"" + windir + "\\System32\\winver.exe\" " + guid,
pcol, pid, cmd;
// Run winver.exe hidden and get this script ID as its ParentProcessId
winver=winver.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\");
Shell.Run("winver " + guid, 0);
pcol = new Enumerator (wmi.ExecQuery(
"SELECT * From Win32_Process WHERE CommandLine='"+ winver + "'",
"WQL", 32));
for (; !pcol.atEnd(); pcol.moveNext()){
var prc = pcol.item();
// Get the command line for the found PID
pcol = new Enumerator (wmi.ExecQuery(
"SELECT * From Win32_Process WHERE ProcessID="+ pid,
"WQL", 32));
for (; !pcol.atEnd(); pcol.moveNext()){
var prc = pcol.item();
cmd =prc.CommandLine;
// Parse command line for arguments
var ags,
parseCmd=function(cmd){// WMI trims initial spaces
var p = new Object(),
re =/^"/.test(cmd) ? /"[^"]+" */ : /\S+\s*/;
p.nxt=re.test(cmd) ? cmd.match(re)[0] : ""; // extract next token
p.rst=cmd.replace(re, "") ; // remainder
// Strip c/wscript path
// Remove WSH "//xxx" options
ags=ags.replace(/\/\/\w+ +/g, "")
// Strip script name and get arguments
// Loop args and store as an array
var i=1, aags=[];
while(ags != ""){
var p =parseCmd(ags);
aags.push(p.nxt.replace(/ +$/, ""));
WScript.Echo(i, p.nxt);
Running parseArgs.js gives:
> cscript //nologo parseArgs.js "hello" world
cscript //nologo parseArgs.js "hello" world
"hello" world
1 "hello"
2 world
The line:
> parseArgs.js "hello" world
gives similar results.
Do we need such a convoluted script? Short answer: no. Long: depends.
In general, assuming you know the name of your script when it is run, you could query WMI for it.
Anyway, when you deploy your script, you do not normally have control on the deploy directory. So, if there is another script running under the same name, you can't know for sure which one is yours.
Another not so edge case is when there are two or more instances of your script running.
The strategy here is to run some dummy standard Windows executable (winver.exe) hidden, passing to it a GUID. In this way, it is safe to identify winver.exe command line by the unique GUID and consequently your script as the parent of winver.exe.
winver.exe does not require arguments, but does not protest if you pass some to it.

Implementing my shell using c, Change the directory

Implementing my own shell
I did not post the whole code to save your time,
briefly i used exec() to execute the command lines
my problem is clarified in a comment line below
thanks for any help
int main()
int pid[2];
char inbuf[10];
printf("\n\nSimple Shell using C\n");
char hostname[1024];
hostname[1023] = '\0';
gethostname(hostname, 1023);
char resolved_path[100];
realpath("./", resolved_path);
printf("Maram #%s :<%s>$ ", hostname,resolved_path); //MY PROBLEM: For cd command ex: cd Desktop/Folder.. does not go in this directory and the resolved path does not change
printf("[my shell] :");
pip(inbuf, 0, 1);
return 0;
/// ALSO, how can I print a command not found if an entered command line is not correct?
Nowhere in this program do you call chdir() -- which is the only way to change your current process's directory (barring functional equivalents such as fchdir(); which still retain the fundamental restriction that they impact only the current process and not its parents).
Using an exec-family call to launch an external program which changes its own directory has no effect -- that program's directory is separate from your shell's. The shell must change its own directory without forking if you want to have any effect.

Read Windows Command Prompt STDOUT

I have a command line application that runs on a windows server. The command prompt remains open when the program is running, and log messages are output to the command prompt window as the program functions.
My need is to read the messages that appear on the command prompt as the program runs, and then run particular commands if a specific set of words appear in the messages.
What's the easiest way to do this on a windows machine? (without modifying the app)
Reading those two posts will give you the solution:
Capturing console output.
The idea is to to run your app (not modifying it) from your new app (written in C#) and redirect its input-output here, reading and writing as you please.
An example could be:
Process proc;
void RunApp()
proc = new Process();
proc.StartInfo.FileName = "your_app.exe";
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = ""; // If needed
proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
proc.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(InterProcOutputHandler);
void InterProcOutputHandler(object sendingProcess, DataReceivedEventArgs outLine)
// Read data here
// Send command if necessary

C - passing an unknown command into execvp()

I'm writing a fake shell, where I create a child process and then call execvp(). In the normal shell, when I enter an unknown command such as 'hello' it returns 'hello: Command not found.' However, when I pass hello into execvp(), it doesn't return any error by default and just continues running the rest of my program like nothing happened. What's the easiest way to find out if nothing was actually run? here's my code:
if(fork() == 0)
execvp(cmd, args);
int status = 0;
int corpse = wait(&status);
printf(Child %d exited with a status of %d\n", corpse, status);
I know that if corpse < 0, then it's an unknown command, but there are other conditions in my code not listed where I don't want to wait (such as if & is entered at the end of a command). Any suggestions?
All of the exec methods can return -1 if there was an error (errno is set appropriately). You aren't checking the result of execvp so if it fails, the rest of your program will continue executing. You could have something like this to prevent the rest of your program from executing:
if (execvp(cmd, args) == -1)
You also want to check the result of fork() for <0.
You have two independent concerns.
1) is the return value of execvp. It shouldn't return. If it does there is a problem. Here's what I get execvp'ing a bad command. You don't want to wait if execvp fails. Always check the return values.
int res = execvp(argv[1], argv);
printf ("res is %i %s\n", res, strerror(errno));
// => res is -1 No such file or directory
2) The other concern is background processes and such. That's the job of a shell and you're going to need to figure out when your program should wait immediately and when you want to save the pid from fork and wait on it later.
