ORDS - Oracle Rest Data Services 503 error - oracle

installation : oracle database 19c
apex 20.1
apache tomcat
ords 18.4
and apache httpd for proxy and caching
i am getting this error on sign on ... please help. tried resetting the apex pub userpassword, unlocking the already unlocked account... idk what else to try... article out there are very vague when it comes to this error

Go into your ORDS config directory. There will be an XML file in there for each connection pool. Edit it and update the password field as below.
conf/apex.xml -- Put a ! in front of the password
<entry key="db.password">!NewPASSWORD</entry>
You need to restart ORDS for it to pick up any changes in its config files.
Read more on: How to Update the ORDS_PUBLIC_USER Password


Airflow Database connction Ad hoc querie getting error "ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure"

In airflow connection to Oracle database getting error as ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure.
telnet working from ubuntu where airflow is installed so I don't think any firewall issue.
Please find the screenshot.
Please help.
enter image description here
There was a change in oracle 19 client: Some network stacks do not correctly handle Out Of Band breaks which are enabled by default in Oracle Database 19c. It may be on firewalls, switches or docker, so in this case you just need to add disable_oob=on in sqlnet.ora, to disable it.

Oracle ORDS - How to bypass 404 error on Standalone

I have been trying to establish a connection to use ORDS and was successful once, but now I am receiving a 404 error when I try to connect to my database on ORDS.
When I first log onto, I receive the following messages:
The service is disabled in this environment
Stack Trace
DisabledException [statusCode=404, reasons=[The service is disabled in this environment]]
This is what I've tried:
java -Doracle.net.tns_admin=C:\Users\ip4169\Desktop\ORDS\ords -jar ords.war validate
-> Completed validating Oracle REST Data Services version 19.4.0.r3521226. Elapsed time: 00:00:15.700[CHECK]
java -Doracle.net.tns_admin=C:\Users\ip4169\Desktop\ORDS\ords -jar ords.war standalone
enter image description here->
oejs.Server:main: Started #8299ms [CHECK]
I've checked my TNSORA.net files and see my database information is included inside.
Here is the ORDS error page:
If someone could please assist me through this I would be very grateful!
The 404 was happening at login time while trying to access SQL Developer Web for a user.
Two things to check:
the database connection pool is correctly configured
the schema is rest enabled
In this case the pool wasn't being established at startup because the ORDS_PUBLIC_USER password wasn't correct - ORDS couldn't create database connections.
Once the database user password was reset to what was defined in the pool config XML file, an ords restart showed the pool being established. Check the stdout when starting ords for errors!
If on the other hand you're getting errors trying to access the App in general at the /ords/sql-developer url, then -
You need to ensure SQL Developer Web is enabled.
Add these lines to your defaults.xml file and restart ords
<entry key="feature.sdw">true</entry>
<entry key="restEnabledSql.active">true</entry>

Informatica Domain Configuration database connection during Powercenter installation

I am trying to install Informatica Server.
During domain configuration repository database information I get database connectivity error.
Error: Test Connection Failed. Correct the database connection information and test the connection again.
But when I connect using same details through Oracle SQL Developer to this database, it works fine.
I am using service name and port number field from the TNS File, still getting this error.
I think you can check tomcat log, catalina.out logs. This will help on finding out real issue.
Go to command prompt and type ping localhost and see if its responding anything. May be you can use IP and check host file.

cannot connect to Oracle Database 11g Express Edition

I am trying to locally connect to Oracle Database 11g Express Edition
Previously when I used to go to Programs > Oracle Database 11g Express Edition > Getting started
it used to show me the page to login in the browser and I could login and view everything.
But now, as soon as I click on Getting started, it goes to the URL
but says "...could not connect to"
Please help me. I have no idea where to get started. How do I troubleshoot the issue?
Please make sure the service of oracle-xe is running if you are using winOS,
and you could "ps -ef" if you are using linuxOS. If the service and daemon
is up and running then paste the log of your bdump.
where is the Oracle Event Log located?
Shows you the how to.
May be the problem is with the windows authentication mode.
What you can try is editing sqlnet.ora file.
I had similar issue on windows10- could not use the 'Get Started' choice- (which opens APEX admin console). Found I could connect to DB locally (without the #dbname) but not over sqlnet (with #XE). TNS ping found service fine. Issue was windows firewall- turned it off for the local network, and now can connect with sqlplus user/pwd#xe AND the 'Get Started' link to APEX works.

ora 12560 tns protocol adapter error- while connecting to oracle

I have oracle 9i already installed in my machine. I am trying to connect to the oracle but while connection i am getting "ora 12560 tns protocol adapter error" type of error. i have tried it with the default pass scott/tiger , system/manager..
When i tried to connect to the oracle using default credentials i am getting the above error.
is it the problem with the username and password ? if so how can i get the username and password which is already set ?
IME, ORA-12560 means the Oracle Universal Installer messed up your listener configuration.
Assuming you have an Oracle 9i Server installed on your computer, here's a list of things to check.
does "lsnrctl status" show your database instance?
does "tnsping my_service_name" work?
do tnsnames.ora and listener.ora contain entries for your database? Are the hostname / port etc. correct?
If the configuration is wrong, your best bet is to start netca, remove your existing listener configuration and re-configure it.
One question, though: Why do you want to run Oracle 9i? Do you have to support some kind of legacy application / database? (Oracle 11gR2 is so much nicer than 9i)
Start -> Run -> services.msc
Select the oracle service name and right click on it then select start.
