Maven tests run locally but fail in github action - maven

I'm trying to run the basic maven java action listed here on my repo here:
The mvn -B package --file pom.xml cmd runs correctly in my local repo, but the tests fails in the github action with the following error (full log here):
Exception: Cannot load dictionary at rita_dict.js /home/runner/work/rita2/rita2
So its clear that the dictionary resource is not being found when run via the github action. But why would the file (src/main/java/rita_dict.js) be found by maven locally, but not when run in the action ?

Switched to specifying the resource in /src/main/resources as suggested by P3trur0 (not sure why it wasn't working when specified as a resource in maven) after which builds work as expected


How does the Jenkins config file provider plugin work?

How does the config file provider plugin work?
I have a Jenkinsfile for a declarative pipeline (multi-branch build) that contains:
configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: 'maven-settings', variable: 'MAVEN_SETTINGS')]) {
sh 'mvn -B -s $MAVEN_SETTINGS -DWHERE="$WHERE" deploy'
I have tried running this on two different Jenkins installations one which is installed directly and runs as daemon and another running as a container (jenkinsci/blueocean).
When run on the direct the Jenkins Config File Provider plugin is able to provide the required settings.
provisioning config files...
copy managed file [Maven settings] to file:/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/redacted#tmp/config8989354118161621860tmp
When run under the jenkinsci/blueocean container it fails with:
provisioning config files...
not able to provide the file [ManagedFile: id=maven-settings, targetLocation=null, variable=MAVEN_SETTINGS], can't be resolved by any provider - maybe it got deleted by an administrator
I have created a managed maven-settings.xml file with id maven-settings for blue/ocean but it is not being picked up.
I've also tried copying it to ~/.m2/settings.xml
By contrast the working installation does not have any managed files (settings.xml or otherwise) and I am unable to locate any maven settings file in the workspace. I'm not sure what the #tmp directory is. It is deleted by the time a build finishes.
So my question is:
Where should I put the settings to make the configFileProvider pass them on for the jenkinsci/blueocean build job?
How does the config file provider plugin work?
I have no idea what its doing so its hard to debug. The source is here but Java, Maven & Jenkins are not my main area.
What differences are there when Jenkins itself run as a container?
This answer suggests the the config file provider is unnecessary.
There is a similar question which is unanswered but it relates to a maven plugin.
I have part of the answer. My maven-settings file wasn't being picked up because I was using the file name rather than the file Id which is different.
The remaining part of the question is how is the original Jenkins instance able to generate this file without it being listed as a managed file.

Travis CI doesn`t see my changes in github files

I have a github repository in the organization and the Travis file has been changed to:
language: java
jdk: oraclejdk8
mvn installation
mvn test
however, it looked different and contained a ant test command that was removed.
Recently, when I try to restart a job, do the following again:
Ant test 0,23 USD Buildfile: build.xml does not exist! The
construction was unsuccessful The "ant test" command ended at 1.
and in the config view there is no current travis file with github.
What's the problem? why Travis doesnt see my changes in github files?

Deploying Oracle Service Bus With Maven: Deploys Fine From One Directory But Fails From Another

I'm attempting to create an automated build and deployment for an OSB (Oracle Service Bus) composite. Such a system consists of two commands (run via command prompt from the directory in which the POM resides) after setting up Maven and the OSB plugin on the build server:
mvn package
mvn deploy -DoracleServerUrl=http://serverurl:port -DoraclUsername=username -DoraclePassword=password
This fails in the build system with the following exception:
The session cannot be activated due to the existence of conflicts.
But I believe, at it's core, this is because the build system creates the package with the first command during the build phase, and then deploys with the second command during the release phase.
If I take the code directly and run the two commands from the directory 1:
the commands run and the composite deploys fine.
If I literally copy the same code from Directory 1 to Directory 2 and run the same commands from directory 2:
the second command fails with the same exception cited above.
This isn't a one-off situation either - I can recreate it dozens of times consistently. Running the commands from Directory 1 always succeeds while running the commands from Directory 2 always fails with the exception noted above.
And yes, this is a simple default HelloWorld composite - as simple as can be with no references to absolute paths.
Is there a cache in Maven or OSB that's "remembering" the original path from which the composite was first deployed or some other mechanism that prevents a composite from being deployed from a different location?
If your pom.xml resides in /path/directory1/pom.xml , your OSB project would get deployed as directory1 - redeploying as directory2 could then cause conflicts that you observe.
If you need to deploy it from a different location, you could place it in /path2/directory1/pom.xml
For your example, this should work:
Copy your project's content to the path similar to below and then run the maven deployment

Running mule application in MuleStudio

While running mule application in MuleStudio, I see 2 options.
Run As > Mule Application
Run As > Mule Application with Maven
I always used first option which worked fine, until a point of time when I defined maven filter. Using the first option the filters were not getting resolved, so I tried to run using second option which resulted in the following error --
[12:04:57] Starting build...
Error: Could not find or load main class local
I created a test project for sharing this problem and uploaded it on github
pom.xml >
Please suggest me, what is the right way to resolve filters in MuleStudio.
FYI ... the filtered property is resolved correctly if I build on terminal using mvn command
it could be issue with maven setup on your local machine.

ld: library not found for -lLIBRARY_NAME, only when trying to build using jenkins

I have a project that when built from my machine everything runs smoothly. However, when I push my changes and try to generate the build using jenkins, I'm getting the library not found error message.
This is weird because if I login into the jenkins server and I try to do a manual build, everything works as expected, perfect. It's only when I build from withing jenkins that my build is failing.
I'm assuming LIBRARY_NAME as the name of whatever library, in my case is an internal static library.
Any suggestions?
I've setup: Library Search Headers, Other Linker Flags, Target Dependencies, Proper Architectures
I wrestled with this for three weeks until I accidentally stumbled onto this with the help of a coworker. Basically, you must be sure that the path structure created in your repository is replicated in the .jenkins workspace. To do this just be sure that in your project/job configuration in jenkins the Source Code Management > Subversion > Repository URL field must be at the same level as specified in jenkins in your script or Build > Execute Shell > Command field. So here are my settings as an example:
above Jenkins URL = https://myDuncwa.local/duncwa-repo
above Jenkins Build = "cd $WORKSPACE/mobileapps/projects/PictureBoard/trunk/PictureBoard" and line 2 "xcodebuild -project PictureBoard.xcodeproj" no quotes.
above Subversion URL repository = https://myDuncwa.local/duncwa-repo
This will cause the directory structure mobileapps/projects/PictureBoard in my repository to replicated in the .jenkins/jobs/PictureBoard/workspace/mobileapps/projects/PictureBoard directory that is created automatically by jenkins. Note: 1) This will copy the entire repository so be prepared to change this later and 2) .jenkins is a hidden directory created by the install in the installing user's home directory or "~/"
