Time and Space Complexity of This Algorithm - complexity-theory

Despite reading some previous questions here on stackoverflow and watching a few videos including this
one, time and space complexity are going straight over my head. I need to find the time and space complexity of this algorithm
public static int aPowB(int a, int b){
if(b == 0){
return 1;
int halfResult = aPowB(a, b/2);
if(b%2 == 0){
return halfResult * halfResult;
return a * halfResult * halfResult;
An explanation of the answer would be appreciated so I can try to understand. Thank you.

First of all, the inputs are a and b, so we can expect the time/space complexity to be dependent on this two parameters.
With recursive algorithms, always try to write down the recurrence relation for the time complexity T first. Here it's
T(a, 0) = O(1) // base case
T(a, b) = T(a, b/2) + O(1) // recursive call + some O(1) stuff at the end
This equation is one of the standard ones that you should just know by heart, so we can immediately give the solution
T(a, b) = O(log b)
(If you don't know the solution by hard, just ask yourself how many times you can divide b by 2 until you hit 0.)
The space complexity is also O(log b) because that's the depth of the recursion stack.


Program efficiency: Algorithm vs Implementation

I was watching a lecture about program efficiency where the professor said:
"If I measure running time, it will certainly vary as the algorithm change. (...) But one of the problems is that it will also vary as a function of the implementation (...) If I use a loop that's got a couple of more steps inside of it in one algorithm than another, it's going to change the time."
I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the implementation's influence.
So my question is: Why can't we consider those extra loop steps inside of one algorithm, when compared to the other, simply something that is necessary for it to run and that is also a part of the algorithm's efficiency? Or did I completely miss the point here?
Thank you!
They are pointing out the difference between "algorithm" and "specific code written in a programming language". "Algorithm" is somewhat of a vague term and "algorithms" are often described in pseudo-code that can be either very detailed, or not detailed at all.
For instance, consider the following algorithm, to test whether a number n is prime or not:
If any number d between 2 and the square root of n divides n:
Return False (n is not prime)
Return True (n is prime)
How exactly do you loop over the numbers between 2 and the square root? You could do:
bool is_prime(int n)
int s = sqrt(n);
for (int d = 2; d <= s; d++)
if (n % d == 0)
return false;
return true;
bool is_prime(int n)
for (int d = 2; d * d <= n; d++)
if (n % d == 0)
return false;
return true;
Those two codes both implement the algorithm that I described. However, they might not have exactly the same runtime, since the former requires computing sqrt(n) once, but the latter requires computing d * d at every iteration in the loop.
Computer scientists want to be able to discuss the complexity of the algorithm that I described above in pseudo-code. And they don't want someone to give the boring answer "Sorry, the complexity of that algorithm is impossible to calculate, because we don't know if it's implementation A or implementation B".

How do I find the complexity of this recursive algorithm? Replace pattern in string with binary number

This algorithm essentially finds the star (*) inside a given binary string, and replaces it with 0 and also 1 to output all the different combinations of the binary string.
I originally thought this algorithm is O(2^n), however, it seems to me that that only takes into account the number of stars (*) inside the string. What about the length of the string? Since if there are no stars in the given string, it should technically still be linear, because the amount of recursive calls depends on string length, but my original O(2^n) does not seem to take that into account as it would become O(1) if n = 0.
How should I go about finding out its time and space complexity? Thanks.
static void RevealStr(StringBuilder str, int i) {
//base case: prints each possibility when reached
if(str.length() == i) {
//recursive step if wild card (*) found
if(str.charAt(i) == '*') {
//exploring permutations for 0 and 1 in the stack frame
for(char ch = '0'; ch <= '1'; ch++) {
//making the change to our string
str.setCharAt(i, ch);
//recur to reach permutations
RevealStr(str, i+1);
//undo changes to backtrack
str.setCharAt(i, '*');
//if no wild card found, recur next char
RevealStr(str, i+1);
Edit: I am currently thinking of something like, O(2^s + l) where s is the number of stars and l the length of the string.
The idea of Big-O notation is to give an estimate of an upperbound, i.e. if the order of an algorithm is O(N^4) runtime it simply means that algorithm can't do any worse than that.
Lets say, there maybe an algorithm of order O(N) runtime but we can still say it is O(N^2). Since O(N) never does any worse than O(N^2). But then in computational sense we want the estimate to be as close and tight as it will give us a better idea of how well an algorithm actually performs.
In your current example, both O(2^N) and O(2^L), N is length of string and L is number of *, are valid upperbounds. But since O(2^L) gives a better idea about algorithm and its dependence on the presence of * characters, O(2^L) is better and tighter estimate (as L<=N) of the algorithm.
Update: The space complexity is implementation dependant. In your current implementation, assuming StringBuilder is passed by reference and there are no copies of strings made in each recursive call, the space complexity is indeed O(N), i.e. the size of recursive call stack. If it is passed by value and it is copied to stack every time before making call, the overall complexity would then be O(N * N), i.e. (O(max_number_of_recursive_calls * size_of_string)), since copy operation cost is O(size_of_string).
To resolve this we can do a manual run:
Base: n=1
RevealStr("*", 1)
It meets the criteria for the first if, we only ran this once for output *
Next: n=2
RevealStr("**", 1)
RevealStr("0*", 2)
RevealStr("00", 2)
RevealStr("01", 2)
RevealStr("1*", 2)
RevealStr("10", 2)
RevealStr("11", 2)
Next: n=3
RevealStr("***", 1)
RevealStr("0**", 2)
RevealStr("00*", 2)
RevealStr("000", 3)
RevealStr("001", 3)
RevealStr("01*", 2)
RevealStr("010", 3)
RevealStr("011", 3)
RevealStr("1**", 2)
RevealStr("10*", 2)
RevealStr("100", 3)
RevealStr("101", 3)
RevealStr("11*", 2)
RevealStr("110", 3)
RevealStr("111", 3)
You can see that with n=2, RevealStr was called 7 times, while with n=3 it was called 15. This follows the function F(n)=2^(n+1)-1
For the worst case scenario, the complexity seems to be O(2^n) being n the number of stars

“Operations to consider”(ex. If, return, assign..) when calculating time complexity

I’m studying algorithm - time complexity and recursion.
I’m actually ok with solving recursion, cuz it’s simple math. But code part is the problem.
For example, This is the problem I’ve brought :
public int P(int x , int n){
if (n == 0){
return 1;
if (n % 2 == 1){
int y = P(x, (n - 1) / 2);
return x * y * y;
int y = P(x, n / 2);
return y * y;
It is a simple power function. T(n)=O(g(n)) is running time of this function for large, and I have to find it.
The solution says,
“When the power is odd an extra multiplication operation is performed. To work out time complexity, let us first look at the worst scenario, meaning let us assume that one additional multiplication operation is needed.”
However, I do not understand the next part, the solution says that :
Recursion relation is
T(n) = T(n/2) + 3, T(1)=1
1) Why is the constant part 3?
if (n % 2 == 1){
int y = P(x, (n - 1) / 2);
return x * y * y;
2) I actually don’t get exactly why T(1)=1 also.
I’m puzzled with.. which operations should we consider while calculating time complexity?
For example, T(1)=1 part must be related with
if (n == 0){
return 1;
if (n % 2 == 1){
int y = P(x, (n - 1) / 2);
return x * y * y;
This part, and I want to ask whether T(1)=1 comes from if statement/assign statement/return statement..
I understand afterwards, solving the recursion relation above, but I’m stuck with the recursion relation itself.
Please help me algo gurus..
which operations should we consider while calculating time complexity?
The answer will disappoint you a bit: it doesn't matter what operations you count. That's why we use big-Oh in analysing algorithms and expressing their time/memory requirements. It is an asymptotic notation that describes what happens to the algorithm for large values of n. By the definition of Big-Oh, we can say that both 1/2n^2 and 10n^2+6n+100 are O(n^2), even if they are not the same function. Counting all the operations, will just increase some constant factors, and that's why it doesn't really matter which ones you count.
By the above, the constants are simply O(1). This disregards details, since both 10 and 10000 are O(1), for example.
One could argue that specifying the exact number of operations in the expression T(n) = T(n/2) + 3 is not very correct, since there is no definition for what an operation is, and moreover the same operation might take a different amount of time on different computers, so exactly counting the number of operations is a bit meaningless at best and simply wrong at worst. A better way of saying it is T(n) = T(n/2) + O(1).
T(1)=1 represents the base case, which is solved in constant time (read: a constant number of operations at each time). Again, a better (more formal) way of saying that is T(1)=O(1).

how to write a recurrence relation for a given piece of code

In my algorithm and data structures class we were given a few recurrence relations either to solve or that we can see the complexity of an algorithm.
At first, I thought that the mere purpose of these relations is to jot down the complexity of a recursive divide-and-conquer algorithm. Then I came across a question in the MIT assignments, where one is asked to provide a recurrence relation for an iterative algorithm.
How would I actually come up with a recurrence relation myself, given some code? What are the necessary steps?
Is it actually correct that I can jot down any case i.e. worst, best, average case with such a relation?
Could possibly someone give a simple example on how a piece of code is turned into a recurrence relation?
Okay, so in algorithm analysis, a recurrence relation is a function relating the amount of work needed to solve a problem of size n to that needed to solve smaller problems (this is closely related to its meaning in math).
For example, consider a Fibonacci function below:
if(a==1 || a==0)
return 1;
return Fib(a-1) + Fib(a-2);
This does three operations (comparison, comparison, addition), and also calls itself recursively. So the recurrence relation is T(n) = 3 + T(n-1) + T(n-2). To solve this, you would use the iterative method: start expanding the terms until you find the pattern. For this example, you would expand T(n-1) to get T(n) = 6 + 2*T(n-2) + T(n-3). Then expand T(n-2) to get T(n) = 12 + 3*T(n-3) + 2*T(n-4). One more time, expand T(n-3) to get T(n) = 21 + 5*T(n-4) + 3*T(n-5). Notice that the coefficient of the first T term is following the Fibonacci numbers, and the constant term is the sum of them times three: looking it up, that is 3*(Fib(n+2)-1). More importantly, we notice that the sequence increases exponentially; that is, the complexity of the algorithm is O(2n).
Then consider this function for merge sort:
ary_start = Merge(ary[0:n/2]);
ary_end = Merge(ary[n/2:n]);
return MergeArrays(ary_start, ary_end);
This function calls itself on half the input twice, then merges the two halves (using O(n) work). That is, T(n) = T(n/2) + T(n/2) + O(n). To solve recurrence relations of this type, you should use the Master Theorem. By this theorem, this expands to T(n) = O(n log n).
Finally, consider this function to calculate Fibonacci:
two = one = 1;
for(i from 2 to n)
temp = two + one;
one = two;
two = temp;
return two;
This function calls itself no times, and it iterates O(n) times. Therefore, its recurrence relation is T(n) = O(n). This is the case you asked about. It is a special case of recurrence relations with no recurrence; therefore, it is very easy to solve.
To find the running time of an algorithm we need to firstly able to write an expression for the algorithm and that expression tells the running time for each step. So you need to walk through each of the steps of an algorithm to find the expression.
For example, suppose we defined a predicate, isSorted, which would take as input an array a and the size, n, of the array and would return true if and only if the array was sorted in increasing order.
bool isSorted(int *a, int n) {
if (n == 1)
return true; // a 1-element array is always sorted
for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
if (a[i] > a[i+1]) // found two adjacent elements out of order
return false;
return true; // everything's in sorted order
Clearly, the size of the input here will simply be n, the size of the array. How many steps will be performed in the worst case, for input n?
The first if statement counts as 1 step
The for loop will execute n−1 times in the worst case (assuming the internal test doesn't kick us out), for a total time of n−1 for the loop test and the increment of the index.
Inside the loop, there's another if statement which will be executed once per iteration for a total of n−1 time, at worst.
The last return will be executed once.
So, in the worst case, we'll have done 1+(n−1)+(n−1)+1
computations, for a total run time T(n)≤1+(n−1)+(n−1)+1=2n and so we have the timing function T(n)=O(n).
So in brief what we have done is-->>
1.For a parameter 'n' which gives the size of the input we assume that each simple statements that are executed once will take constant time,for simplicity assume one
2.The iterative statements like loops and inside body will take variable time depending upon the input.
Which has solution T(n)=O(n), just as with the non-recursive version, as it happens.
3.So your task is to go step by step and write down the function in terms of n to calulate the time complexity
For recursive algorithms, you do the same thing, only this time you add the time taken by each recursive call, expressed as a function of the time it takes on its input.
For example, let's rewrite, isSorted as a recursive algorithm:
bool isSorted(int *a, int n) {
if (n == 1)
return true;
if (a[n-2] > a[n-1]) // are the last two elements out of order?
return false;
return isSorted(a, n-1); // is the initial part of the array sorted?
In this case we still walk through the algorithm, counting: 1 step for the first if plus 1 step for the second if, plus the time isSorted will take on an input of size n−1, which will be T(n−1), giving a recurrence relation
Which has solution T(n)=O(n), just as with the non-recursive version, as it happens.
Simple Enough!! Practice More to write the recurrence relation of various algorithms keeping in mind how much time each step will be executed in algorithm

How to find recurrence relation from recursive algorithm

I know how to find recurrence relation from simple recursive algorithms.
For e.g.
QuickSort(A,LB, UB){
key = A[LB]
i = LB
j = UB + 1
i = i + 1
}while(A[i] < key)
j = j - 1
}while(A[j] > key)
if(i < j){
}while(i <= j)
T(n) = T(n - a) + T(a) + n
In the above recursive algorithm it was quite easy to understand how the input size is reducing after each recursive call. But how to find recurrence relation for any algorithm in general, which is not recursive but might also be iterative. So i started learning how to convert iterative algorithm to recursive just to make it easy to find recurrence relation.
I found this link http://refactoring.com/catalog/replaceIterationWithRecursion.html.
I used to convert my linear search algorithm to recursive.
while(A[PTR]!=x && PTR<=UB){
print("Element does not exist")
got converted to
if(A[PTR]!=x && PTR<=UB){
return -1
return search(A,PTR+1,UB,x)
return PTR
This gives the recurrence relation to be T(n) = T(n-1) + 1
But i was wondering is this the right approach to find recurrence relation for any algorithm?
Plus i don't know how to find recurrence relation for algorithms where more than one parameter is increasing or decreasing.
unsigned greatest_common_divisor (const unsigned a, const unsigned b)
if (a > b)
return greatest_common_divisor(a-b, b);
else if (b > a)
return greatest_common_divisor(a, b-a);
else // a == b
return a;
First of all, algorithms are very flexible so you should not expect to have a simple rule that covers all of them.
That said, one thing that I think will be helpful for you is to pay more attention to the structure of the input you pass to your algorithm than to the algorithm yourself. For example, consider that QuickSort you showed in your post. If you glance at those nested do-whiles you are probably going to guess its O(N^2) when in reality its O(N). The real answer is easier to find by looking at the inputs: i always increases and j always decreases and when they finaly meet each other, each of the N indices of the array will have been visited exactly once.
Plus I don't know how to find recurrence relation for algorithms where more than one parameter is increasing or decreasing.
Well, those algorithms are certainly harder than the ones with a single variable. For the euclidean algorithm you used as an example, the complexity is actually not trivial to figure out and it involves thinking about greatest-common-divisors instead of just looking at the source code for the algorithm's implementation.
