How do I find the complexity of this recursive algorithm? Replace pattern in string with binary number - algorithm

This algorithm essentially finds the star (*) inside a given binary string, and replaces it with 0 and also 1 to output all the different combinations of the binary string.
I originally thought this algorithm is O(2^n), however, it seems to me that that only takes into account the number of stars (*) inside the string. What about the length of the string? Since if there are no stars in the given string, it should technically still be linear, because the amount of recursive calls depends on string length, but my original O(2^n) does not seem to take that into account as it would become O(1) if n = 0.
How should I go about finding out its time and space complexity? Thanks.
static void RevealStr(StringBuilder str, int i) {
//base case: prints each possibility when reached
if(str.length() == i) {
//recursive step if wild card (*) found
if(str.charAt(i) == '*') {
//exploring permutations for 0 and 1 in the stack frame
for(char ch = '0'; ch <= '1'; ch++) {
//making the change to our string
str.setCharAt(i, ch);
//recur to reach permutations
RevealStr(str, i+1);
//undo changes to backtrack
str.setCharAt(i, '*');
//if no wild card found, recur next char
RevealStr(str, i+1);
Edit: I am currently thinking of something like, O(2^s + l) where s is the number of stars and l the length of the string.

The idea of Big-O notation is to give an estimate of an upperbound, i.e. if the order of an algorithm is O(N^4) runtime it simply means that algorithm can't do any worse than that.
Lets say, there maybe an algorithm of order O(N) runtime but we can still say it is O(N^2). Since O(N) never does any worse than O(N^2). But then in computational sense we want the estimate to be as close and tight as it will give us a better idea of how well an algorithm actually performs.
In your current example, both O(2^N) and O(2^L), N is length of string and L is number of *, are valid upperbounds. But since O(2^L) gives a better idea about algorithm and its dependence on the presence of * characters, O(2^L) is better and tighter estimate (as L<=N) of the algorithm.
Update: The space complexity is implementation dependant. In your current implementation, assuming StringBuilder is passed by reference and there are no copies of strings made in each recursive call, the space complexity is indeed O(N), i.e. the size of recursive call stack. If it is passed by value and it is copied to stack every time before making call, the overall complexity would then be O(N * N), i.e. (O(max_number_of_recursive_calls * size_of_string)), since copy operation cost is O(size_of_string).

To resolve this we can do a manual run:
Base: n=1
RevealStr("*", 1)
It meets the criteria for the first if, we only ran this once for output *
Next: n=2
RevealStr("**", 1)
RevealStr("0*", 2)
RevealStr("00", 2)
RevealStr("01", 2)
RevealStr("1*", 2)
RevealStr("10", 2)
RevealStr("11", 2)
Next: n=3
RevealStr("***", 1)
RevealStr("0**", 2)
RevealStr("00*", 2)
RevealStr("000", 3)
RevealStr("001", 3)
RevealStr("01*", 2)
RevealStr("010", 3)
RevealStr("011", 3)
RevealStr("1**", 2)
RevealStr("10*", 2)
RevealStr("100", 3)
RevealStr("101", 3)
RevealStr("11*", 2)
RevealStr("110", 3)
RevealStr("111", 3)
You can see that with n=2, RevealStr was called 7 times, while with n=3 it was called 15. This follows the function F(n)=2^(n+1)-1
For the worst case scenario, the complexity seems to be O(2^n) being n the number of stars


Search a word in a matrix runtime comlexity

Trying to analyze the runtime complexity of the following algorithm:
Problem: We have an m * n array A consisting of lower case letters and a target string s. The goal is to examine whether the target string appearing in A or not.
for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < n; j++){
if(A[i][j] is equal to the starting character in s) search(i, j, s)
boolean search(int i, int j, target s){
if(the current position relative to s is the length of s) then we find the target
looping through the four possible directions starting from i, j: {p,q} = {i+1, j} or {i-1, j} or {i, j+1} or {i, j-1}, if the coordinate is never visited before
search(p, q, target s)
One runtime complexity analysis that I read is the following:
At each position in the array A, we are first presented with 4 possible directions to explore. After the first round, we are only given 3 possible choices because we can never go back. So the worst runtime complexity is O(m * n * 3**len(s))
However, I disagree with this analysis, because even though we are only presented with 3 possible choices each round, we do need to spend one operation to check whether that direction has been visited before or not. For instance, in java you probably just use a boolean array to track whether one spot has been visited before, so in order to know whether a spot has been visited or not, one needs a conditional check, and that costs one operation. The analysis I mentioned does not seem to take into account this.
What should be the runtime complexity?
Let us suppose that the length of the target string is l and the runtime complexity at a given position in the matrix is T(l). Then we have:
T(l) = 4 T(l- 1) + 4 = 4(3T(l - 2) + 4) + 4 = 4(3( 3T(l -3) + 4) + 4)) + 4 = 4 * 3 ** (l - 1) + 4 + 4 *4 + 4 * 3 * 4 + ...
the +4 is coming from the fact that we are looping through four directions in each round besides recursively calling itself three times.
What should be the runtime complexity?
The mentioned analysis is correct and the complexity is indeed O(m * n * 3**len(s)).
For instance, in java you probably just use a boolean array to track whether one spot has been visited before, so in order to know whether a spot has been visited or not, one needs a conditional check, and that costs one operation.
That is correct and does not contradict the analysis.
The worst case we can construct is the matrix filled with only one letter a and a string aaaa....aaaax (many letters a and one x at the end). If m, n and len(s) are large enough, almost each call of the search function will generate 3 recursion calls of itself. Each of that calls will generate another 3 calls (which gives us total 9 calls of depth 2), each of them willl generate another 3 calls (which gives us total 27 calls of depth 3) and so on. Checking current string character, conditional checks, spawning a recursion are all O(1), so complexity of the whole search function is O(3**len(s)).
The solution is brute force. We have to touch each point on the board. That makes O(m*n) operation.
Now for each point, we have to run dfs() to check if the word exist. So we get
O(m * n * timeComplexityOf dfs)
this is a dfs written in python. Examine the time complexity
def dfs(r,c,i):
# O(1)
if i==len(word):
return True
# O(1)
# set is implemented as a hash table.
# So, time complexity of look up in a set is O(1)
if r<0 or c<0 or r>=ROWS or c>=COLS or word[i]!=board[r][c] or (r,c) in path_set:
return False
# O(1)
# O(1)
res=(dfs(r+1,c,i+1) or
dfs(r-1,c,i+1) or
dfs(r,c+1,i+1) or
# O(1)
return res
Since we dfs recursively calling itself, think about how many dfs calls will be on call stack. in worst case it will length of word. Thats why
O ( m * n * word.length)

Time Complexity of a recursive function where the base case isn't O(1)

Most recursive functions I have seen being asked about (e.g. Fibonacci or Hanoi) have had O(1) returns, but what would the time complexity be if it wasn't O(1) but O(n) instead?
For example, a recursive Fibonacci with O(n) base case:
class fibonacci {
static int fib(int n) {
if (n <= 1)
for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
// something
return n;
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
public static void main (String args[])
int n = 9;
The base case for the function that you’ve written here actually still has time complexity O(1). The reason for this is that if the base case triggers here, then n ≤ 1, so the for loop here will run at most once.
Because so many base cases trigger when the input size is small, it’s comparatively rare to get a base case whose runtime is, say, O(n) when the input to the algorithm has size n. This would mean that the base case is independent of the array size, which can happen but is somewhat unusual.
A more common occurrence - albeit one I think is still pretty uncommon - would be for a recursive function to have two different parameters to it (say, n and k), where the recursion reduces n but leaves k unmodified. For example, imagine taking the code you have here and replacing the for loop on n in the base case with a for loop on k in the base case. What happens then?
This turns out to be an interesting question. In the case of this particular problem, it means that the total work done will be given by O(k) times the number of base cases triggered, plus O(1) times the number of non-base-case recursive calls. For the Fibonacci recursion, the number of base cases triggered computing Fn is Fn+1 and there are (Fn+1 - 1) non-base-case calls, so the overall runtime would be Θ(k Fn+1 + Fn+1) = Θ(k φn). For the Towers of Hanoi, you’d similarly see a scaling effect where the overall runtime would be Θ(k 2n). But for other recursive functions the runtime might vary in different ways, depending on how those functions were structured.
Hope this helps!

Worst Case Time Complexity of an Algorithm that relies on a random result to terminate?

Suppose we have a recursive function which only terminates if a randomly generated parameter meets some condition:
define (some-recursive-function)
x = (random in range of 1 to 100000);
if (x == 10)
return "this function has terminated";
I understand that for infinite loops, there would not be an complexity defined. What about some function that definitely terminates, but after an unknown amount of time?
Finding the average time complexity for this would be fine. How would one go about finding the worse case time complexity, if one exists?
Thank you in advance!
EDIT: As several have pointed out, I've completely missed the fact that there is no input to this function. Suppose instead, we have:
{define (some-recursive-function n)
x = (random in range of 1 to n);
if (x == 10)
return "this function has terminated";
Would this change anything?
If there is no function of n which bounds the runtime of the function from above, then there just isn't an upper bound on the runtime. There could be an lower bound on the runtime, depending on the case. We can also speak about the expected runtime, and even put bounds on the expected runtime, but that is distinct from, on the one hand, bounds on the average case and, on the other hand, bounds on the runtime itself.
As it's currently written, there are no bounds at all when n is under 10: the function just doesn't terminate in any event. For n >= 10, there is still no upper bound on any of the cases - it can take arbitrarily long to finish - but the lower bound in any case is as low as linear (you must at least read the value of n, which consists of N = ceiling(log n) bits; your method of choosing a random number no greater than n may require additional time and/or space). The case behavior here is fairly uninteresting.
If we consider the expected runtime of the function in terms of the value (not length) of the input, we observe that there is a 1/n chance that any particular invocation picks the right random number (again, for n >= 10); we recognize that the number of times we need to try to get one is given by a geometric distribution and that the expectation is 1/(1/n) = n. So, the expected recursion depth is a linear function of the value of the input, n, and therefore an exponential function of the input size, N = log n. We recover an exact expression for the expectation; the upper and lower bounds are therefore both linear as well, and this covers all cases (best, worst, average, etc.) I say recursion depth since the runtime will also have an additional factor of N = log n, or more, owing to the observation in the preceding paragraph.
You need to know that there are "simple" formulas to calculate the complexity of a recursive algorithm, using of course recurrence.
In this case we obviously need to know what is that recursive algorithm, because in the best case, it is O(1) (temporal complexity), but in the worst case, we need to add O(n) (having into account that numbers may repeat) to the complexity of the algorithm itself.
I'll put this question/answer for more facility:
Determining complexity for recursive functions (Big O notation)

Example of Big O of 2^n

So I can picture what an algorithm is that has a complexity of n^c, just the number of nested for loops.
for (var i = 0; i < dataset.len; i++ {
for (var j = 0; j < dataset.len; j++) {
//do stuff with i and j
Log is something that splits the data set in half every time, binary search does this (not entirely sure what code for this looks like).
But what is a simple example of an algorithm that is c^n or more specifically 2^n. Is O(2^n) based on loops through data? Or how data is split? Or something else entirely?
Algorithms with running time O(2^N) are often recursive algorithms that solve a problem of size N by recursively solving two smaller problems of size N-1.
This program, for instance prints out all the moves necessary to solve the famous "Towers of Hanoi" problem for N disks in pseudo-code
void solve_hanoi(int N, string from_peg, string to_peg, string spare_peg)
if (N<1) {
if (N>1) {
solve_hanoi(N-1, from_peg, spare_peg, to_peg);
print "move from " + from_peg + " to " + to_peg;
if (N>1) {
solve_hanoi(N-1, spare_peg, to_peg, from_peg);
Let T(N) be the time it takes for N disks.
We have:
T(1) = O(1)
T(N) = O(1) + 2*T(N-1) when N>1
If you repeatedly expand the last term, you get:
T(N) = 3*O(1) + 4*T(N-2)
T(N) = 7*O(1) + 8*T(N-3)
T(N) = (2^(N-1)-1)*O(1) + (2^(N-1))*T(1)
T(N) = (2^N - 1)*O(1)
T(N) = O(2^N)
To actually figure this out, you just have to know that certain patterns in the recurrence relation lead to exponential results. Generally T(N) = ... + C*T(N-1) with C > 1means O(x^N). See:
Think about e.g. iterating over all possible subsets of a set. This kind of algorithms is used for instance for a generalized knapsack problem.
If you find it hard to understand how iterating over subsets translates to O(2^n), imagine a set of n switches, each of them corresponding to one element of a set. Now, each of the switches can be turned on or off. Think of "on" as being in the subset. Note, how many combinations are possible: 2^n.
If you want to see an example in code, it's usually easier to think about recursion here, but I can't think od any other nice and understable example right now.
Consider that you want to guess the PIN of a smartphone, this PIN is a 4-digit integer number. You know that the maximum number of bits to hold a 4-digit number is 14 bits. So, you will have to guess the value, the 14-bit correct combination let's say, of this PIN out of the 2^14 = 16384 possible values!!
The only way is to brute force. So, for simplicity, consider this simple 2-bit word that you want to guess right, each bit has 2 possible values, 0 or 1. So, all the possibilities are:
We know that all possibilities of an n-bit word will be 2^n possible combinations. So, 2^2 is 4 possible combinations as we saw earlier.
The same applies to the 14-bit integer PIN, so guessing the PIN would require you to solve a 2^14 possible outcome puzzle, hence an algorithm of time complexity O(2^n).
So, those types of problems, where combinations of elements in a set S differs, and you will have to try to solve the problem by trying all possible combinations, will have this O(2^n) time complexity. But, the exponentiation base does not have to be 2. In the example above it's of base 2 because each element, each bit, has two possible values which will not be the case in other problems.
Another good example of O(2^n) algorithms is the recursive knapsack. Where you have to try different combinations to maximize the value, where each element in the set, has two possible values, whether we take it or not.
The Edit Distance problem is an O(3^n) time complexity since you have 3 decisions to choose from for each of the n characters string, deletion, insertion, or replace.
int Fibonacci(int number)
if (number <= 1) return number;
return Fibonacci(number - 2) + Fibonacci(number - 1);
Growth doubles with each additon to the input data set. The growth curve of an O(2N) function is exponential - starting off very shallow, then rising meteorically.
My example of big O(2^n), but much better is this:
public void solve(int n, String start, String auxiliary, String end) {
if (n == 1) {
System.out.println(start + " -> " + end);
} else {
solve(n - 1, start, end, auxiliary);
System.out.println(start + " -> " + end);
solve(n - 1, auxiliary, start, end);
In this method program prints all moves to solve "Tower of Hanoi" problem.
Both examples are using recursive to solve problem and had big O(2^n) running time.
c^N = All combinations of n elements from a c sized alphabet.
More specifically 2^N is all numbers representable with N bits.
The common cases are implemented recursively, something like:
vector<int> bits;
int N
void find_solution(int pos) {
if (pos == N) {
bits[pos] = 0;
find_solution(pos + 1);
bits[pos] = 1;
find_solution(pos + 1);
Here is a code clip that computes value sum of every combination of values in a goods array(and value is a global array variable):
fun boom(idx: Int, pre: Int, include: Boolean) {
if (idx < 0) return
boom(idx - 1, pre + if (include) values[idx] else 0, true)
boom(idx - 1, pre + if (include) values[idx] else 0, false)
println(pre + if (include) values[idx] else 0)
As you can see, it's recursive. We can inset loops to get Polynomial complexity, and using recursive to get Exponential complexity.
Here are two simple examples in python with Big O/Landau (2^N):
def fib(num):
if num==0 or num==1:
return num
return fib(num-1)+fib(num-2)
for i in range(0,num):
#tower of Hanoi
def move(disk , from, to, aux):
if disk >= 1:
# from twoer , auxilart
move(disk-1, from, aux, to)
print ("Move disk", disk, "from rod", from_rod, "to rod", to_rod)
move(disk-1, aux, to, from)
n = 3
move(n, 'A', 'B', 'C')
Assuming that a set is a subset of itself, then there are 2ⁿ possible subsets for a set with n elements.
think of it this way. to make a subset, lets take one element. this element has two possibilities in the subset you're creating: present or absent. the same applies for all the other elements in the set. multiplying all these possibilities, you arrive at 2ⁿ.

How can I find T (1) when I measure the complexity of an algorithm

Question 01:
How can I find T (1) when I measure the complexity of an algorithm?
For example
I have this algorithm
Int Max1 (int *X, int N)
int a ;
if (N==1) return X[0] ;
a = Max1 (X, N‐1);
if (a > X[N‐1]) return a;
else return X[N‐1];
How can I find T(1)?
Question 2 :
T(n)= T(n-1) + 1 ==> O(n)
what is the meaning of the "1" in this equation
Max1(X,N-1) Is the actual algorithm the rest is a few checks which would be O(1)
as regardless of input the time taken will be the same.
The Max1 function I can only assume is finding array highest number in array this would be O(n) as it will increase in time in a linear fashion to the number of input n.
Also as far as I can tell 1 stands for 1 in most algorithms only letters have variable meanings, if you mean how they got
T(n-1) + 1 to O(n), it is due to the fact you ignore coefficients and lower order terms so the 1 is both cases is ignored to make O(n)
Answer 1. You are looking for a complexity. You must decide what case complexity you want: best, worst, or average. Depending on what you pick, you find T(1) in different ways:
Best: Think of the easiest input of length 1 that your algorithm could get. If you're searching for an element in a list, the best case is that the element is the first thing in the list, and you can have T(1) = 1.
Worst: Think of the hardest input of length 1 that your algorithm could get. Maybe your linear search algorithm executes 1 instruction for most inputs of length 1, but for the list [77], you take 100 steps (this example is a bit contrived, but it's entirely possible for an algorithm to take more or less steps depending on properties of the input unrelated to the input's "size"). In this case, your T(1) = 100.
Average: Think of all the inputs of length 1 that your algorithm could get. Assign probabilities to these inputs. Then, calculate the average T(1) of all possibilities to get the average-case T(1).
In your case, for inputs of length 1, you always return, so your T(n) = O(1) (the actual number depends on how you count instructions).
Answer 2. The "1" in this context indicates a precise number of instructions, in some system of instruction counting. It is distinguished from O(1) in that O(1) could mean any number (or numbers) that do not depend on (change according to, trend with, etc.) the input. Your equation says "The time it takes to evaluate the function on an input of size n is equal to the time it takes to evaluate the function on an input of size n - 1, plus exactly one additional instruction".
T(n) is what's called a "function of n," which is to say, n is a "variable" (meaning that you can substitute in different values in its place), and each particular (valid) value of n will determine the corresponding value of T(n). Thus T(1) simply means "the value of T(n) when n is 1."
So the question is, what is the running-time of the algorithm for an input value of 1?
