CMake Error variable not found LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR (Gate-9.0) - installation

So, I'm currently installing Gate-9.0 it's a simulation kit based on Geant4. I'm following the installation guide in the documents which uses the
ccmake ../Gate-9.0
When itry to configure, it gives me this CMake Error:
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but
they are set to NOTFOUND. Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
used as include directory in directory/home/art/Documents/Gate-9.0
used as include directory in directory /home/art/Documents/Gate-9.0
used as include directory in directory /home/art/Documents/Gate-9.0
I have the LIBXML2 library installed so i'm not really sure what to do. I'm not entirely familiar with linux-mint (and linux in general) so i appreciate any suggestions. Thanks! :)

I had a similar problem in the GATE 8.2 installation with optical photon applications. In ccmake, you need to press [t] to toggle advanced mode. There, you will have to find the lines that cause your problem:
Change them to:
*LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR (path_to_include)/include/libxml2
*LIBXML2-LIBRARY (path_to_lib)/lib/
After that, you should be able to successfully configure, generate and compile.


how to use specific toolchain in Eclipse

I have met with some issues in using the toolchain in Eclipse. I need the tool chain for cross compilation purpose
Currently my build method is to use makefile and I always have to
export LD=
But is it possible to use the information in for setting up Eclipse CDT.
I have tried to create the C/C++ Settings>Environment variables with the same environments settings as my . However it always run into error when i build
Error: Program "make" not found in PATH
my path in the environmental setup file is as follows:
Just like to know what is wrong? and what steps have i missed out in configuration steps

After running make, get 'no rule to make target' error when looking for openGL framework after updating macOS and xcode

I have come back to working on a school project after a short hiatus. However, I can't get it to build anymore. We were provided with the following cmake file:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
SET(VTK_DIR /Users/hank/Hartree/VTK/install/lib/cmake/vtk-6.0)
find_package(VTK REQUIRED)
add_executable(astro MACOSX_BUNDLE astro)
target_link_libraries(astro ${VTK_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(astro vtkHybrid)
After running cmake and trying to compile the project with make, I get the following error:
*** No rule to make target >'/Applications/>loper/SDKs/MacOSX10.12.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework', >needed by ''. Stop.
I think I updated my os and xcode during my break from the project, and that caused the issue. I don't know a whole lot about cmake or makefiles, but I think that somehow the path to openGL is getting messed up. Poking through my file system I have found the paths
and I have been able to find the OpenGL frameworks in those directories, but there is no MacOSX10.12.sdk directory.
I found the following similar questions here and here. However, I have not been using Qt, and when I run xcode-select -pit prints the correct path /Applications/
Any ideas how to fix this?
I received exactly the same error when installing an application from source code. I solved this problem by duplicate the "MacOSX10.13.sdk" directory in
and rename it "MacOSX10.12.sdk".
I am not an expert in MacOSX or cmake, therefore my answer may not be the best solution and may even cause problems, but it does solve this problem for me. If anyone knows the correct way to do, I'd like to know it.
Here are what I tried:
At beginning, cmake can not find "CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT" after configuration.
I first changed the cmake settings to
but this does not work. Same error.
Then I updated my Mac to MacOSX 10.13 High Sierra. This time cmake can correctly set
but still generates the same error. Therefore I believe the problem comes from the application source code.
I googled how to install MacOSX10.12.sdk and find this post:SDKs.
The easiest way may be finding the old sdk from TimeMachine. But I just bought my Mac and it doesn't have the old version sdk. Therefore I simply duplicate and rename the sdk to try, and it works. I think putting the sym link of the real MacOSX10.12.sdk in the folder will be the best solution to this problem.

Trouble installing hmatrix through MSYS2 on Windows 10

I've been trying to install hmatrix on my (64-bit) Windows 10 computer; after searching through and trying many possible solutions (including the instructions under "Windows" and "Alternative Windows Build" given here), I decided to pursue the course of action given on this Reddit thread.
However, when I type in the command
cabal install hmatrix -fopenblas --extra-lib-dir=${c:\msys64\mingw64\bin} --extra-include-dir=${c:\msys64\mingw64\include}
into the MSYS2 shell, the following log is given:
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring hmatrix-
Failed to install hmatrix-
Build log ( C:\Users\Christian\AppData\Roaming\cabal\logs\hmatrix- ):
Configuring hmatrix-
cabal.exe: Missing dependency on a foreign library:
* Missing C library: libopenblas
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
provides this library (you may need the "-dev" version). If the library is
already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the flags
--extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
cabal: Leaving directory 'C:\msys64\tmp\cabal-tmp-4244\hmatrix-'
cabal.exe: Error: some packages failed to install:
hmatrix- failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
However, when I check the directory c:\msys64\mingw64\bin, I see that libopenblas.dll is right there; I don't know why cabal can't seem to find it.
Any insight into why this is not working or what to do?
The files libopenblas.dll.a and libopenblas.a are in the directory c:\msys64\mingw64\lib. Is it possible I need to somehow include this directory as well? (If I do, how would I do that?)
I also downloaded the files in Alex Vorobiev's comment below and put them in c:\msys64\mingw64\bin if they are .dlls or c:\msys64\mingw64\lib if they are .libs. The header files were already contained in c:\msys64\include\openblas.
I tried several variations on the command in the original post after making these changes, including switching \bin with \lib and switching \include with \include\openblas, but all of them still give the same error.
I'm a bit suspicious about the
if os(windows)
if flag(openblas)
extra-libraries: libopenblas
in the cabal file, could you unpack it and remove the "lib" part? If that doesn't work please post a log with -v3 output. I've seen quite a few people with troubles installing this package. So could you also open a ticket on the GHC bug tracker if this doesn't work (and CC me "Phyx-")?
Secondly, you never said which version of GHC you're using. 8.0.1 should have far less trouble (and won't need the hack to get it working in GHCi) since the runtime linker has been overhauled and should be much better on Windows. 8.0.2 will likely include the new import libraries support as well.

Cannot install SDL using mingw/msys

I don't know whether this is actually an SDL issue or just me not knowing how to build packages from msys/mingw. What I have done thus far:
downloaded latest mingw-get-inst.exe from sourceforge and ran it. This installed a C:\MinGW\ directory with msys inside. This brought me to my first bit of confusion. When I opened the mingw shell, rather than bringing me to my /home/ directory as I expected ( I have used mingw before and remember this being weird ) it placed me in /c/Users/me/.
I figured that this must be my home directory and put the extracted SDL-1.2.15/ in this location.
I then ran:
cd SDL-1.2.15
./configure --help
but received sh: ./configure: No such file or directory.
I then created a /c/MinGW/msys/1.0/home/ directory, set that as the HOME environment variable, moved the SDL folder into it and tried to configure again with the same result.
There are a few things I really dont understand about installing packages that I hope someone can clear up. I have installed a few before and the ./configure; make; make install; seems to be a common procedure. I know msys provides the functionality for make, but is configure a file that is supposed to be included in each package? If so, why is it not in the SDL package/how do configure it?
I have been following instructions from here and they seem to have worked for others in the comments. The bottom-most comment tells that mingw-get-inst works, though I did try it both ways.
I have a feeling my lack of msys/mingw knowledge is my problem.
I am on windows 7.
I had the same problem as you describe and I got SDL, SDL_image and SDL_ttf working after some research.
It seems that the configure file exists only in the source code packages. I found that out after I downloaded the SDL_image source. So, the problem probably lies in that the configure file comes only in the source packages.
However, I'm having other problems so I'm not sure this has fixed it for me, but it seems like it should.

How to build xmlsec on Windows

I am trying to build xmlsec on Windows... I am not an experienced C/C++ developer and not really familiar with the build process if something along the lines of "make ... make install" doesn't do the trick.
xmlsec comes with a Win32 subdirectory, a nice ECMAScript configure.js that takes an optional bunch of parameters and a readme which explains that after running the configure, "nmake ... nmake install" should do the trick. (Obviously it isn't quite that easy or I wouldn't be posting here!)
xmlsec also depends on a number of other libraries (see here for a graphic). I have downloaded the sources for those libraries.
My problem is that I don't know how to arrange those sources, or what to tell the configure.js script, in order to get a build to work.
For instance, the nmake process complains that it can't find "iconv.h" (iconv is one of the required libraries), which is not surprising because there isn't one. Instead there is an "" and an ""... which I don't know what to do with to produce the required 'iconv.h".
(I am using MS Visual Studio 2010 at the command prompt (which I think is the recommended approach.)
Does anybody out there know how to do this? Any help at all would be very much appreciated.
Mike Peat
You don't need to build xmlsec, you can directly download the wheel file from this link
It has all the dependencies installed with it.
have you tried the Msys with Mingw32 compiler? In Msys, you can do make and make install trick. I have successful with Msys in compile xmlsec. If you want to use Msys and have difficulties, I can help.
Anyway, in general, there must be a iconv.h file in the pre-compile folder provided by Zlatkovic (i.e C:\iconv\include\iconv.h). You may want to download again the folder. After figure out where all the dependencies are, put the path in environment path. For your information, I once tried with the configure.js but not successful. Hope that you are luckier than me :D
Hi Kristine (#Kristine T) - (and thanks for getting back to me!)
I had not been doing "make clean", but have now done so ("make clean", followed by "make" - no change in the result though).
The problem I get with the "make" is that it throws an error on compiling "dl.c" saying that "PACKAGE" is undefined (line 295).
I have also had problems using the compiled version of libxml2 - "configure" always says it can't find it (it is there, but...), so I have been using the --with-libxml-src=... parameter to configure, giving it the full source of libxml2 to work with, getting configure to at least finish OK.
I don't have the same problems with openssl or libxslt where I can either tell configure about the compiled version (using --with-XXX={path-to-dir}, or just omit ={path} bit, in which case it seems to find MinGW's own versions, but that doesn't work with libxml2.
