How can I achieve the row grouping in Angular Slickgrid API?
I need this type of row group
Ref Link with data loaded from the server.
In my scenario. When we add a row using "addRowData" the newly added row should be grouped with the parent row/ with the above row
My requirement is to draw 3 charts in a row and break the row after that for next sequence of charts
There are multiple ways to do this using BIRT Designer:
Add a grid and put a chart into each cell
Add a table, group the contents, put a chart in the group footer, hide the details rows
Add a crosstab, change the aggregated totals to charts and hide whatever content you want hidden
Use dynamic text, HTML, and the JavaScript API to display the charts in divs
Organize your grouping or crosstab dimensions to be in sets of 3.
I am trying to create a standardized dashboard using dc.js. One question that i require help with is if its possible to filter the visuals based on a selection of the data table rows.
I am thinking of populating a table with unique column values and then using it to view filtered data.
I found a similar question here how to filter data in dcjs/crossfilter on selection of datatable row?
Not sure if there is another way of doing it internally in dc.js and hence the question.
Here is a sample dashboard made using spotfire. Here i can filter the data by selecting unique values from the filters on the right.
Thank you.
You can try the multiple select menu widget which was contributed in this PR:
This will be included in the 2.1 release of dc.js
Using jqGrid - would like to drag from Table A into an arbitrary row in Table B. Would like the rows of Table B to highlight as I hover over them during a drag. Is this possible?
Even better, can I insert into arbitrary fields in the destination row upon drop?
What I am doing is populating a row field-by-field.
Wanting to add a new row under the current row based on a data condition and make that row span all columns. So I'm thinking add it in a formatter but I'm not sure how to get the spanning.