Angular Groundoverlay - agm

I am looking for groundoverlay library in AGM. Is there is any way to show overlay transparent images on google map something as shown below in the link.
Google Maps GroundOverlay
I am using below code for image overlay
<agm-map [latitude]="latitude" [longitude]="longitude" (mapReady)="onMapReady($event)" onresize="mapBounds($event)">
<agm-overlay [latitude]= 53.52000659999999 [longitude]= 13.404954>
<img [src] = 'this.imageUrl' alt="imagetoShow">


how to do image crop in using hotspot feature

io I need to know that how to do image crop in using hotspot feature. I searched a whole for this but I didn't find any example for it. can any one help me from this
here is my code :
className={`${styles.bigImage} cropped-img`}
please do a example code because i found a documentation but I don't know how to use that crop method.

Cropping And Showing Image Squared and non squared image like Instagram

Hello people I am very much in need of help as i want to build similar functionality like Instagram. I have to crop the image same as Instagram does and want to show button which shows Image like Zoomed one pic and original one pic. I have refereed this link but I am not getting exactly what i want.enter link description here
I Want something like this

High Resolution Image Using Google Chart API

I am using Google chart API to get a chart in image form via URL.
The URL I am passing in my 'img' tag is :,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,74D3EF|EDEDED&chd=t:-1|-1|-1|-1|52,48&chs=122x122&chp=4.7
I am getting the image as I want, just wanted to know if i can get a high resolution image ?
Set the "chs" parameter to the dimensions you want:,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,74D3EF|EDEDED&chd=t:-1|-1|-1|-1|52,48&chs=500x500&chp=4.7
The ImageChart API supports images up to 30000 pixels total (eg, 500x600). If you need a higher resolution chart, you will have to switch to another chart API (like the Google Visualization API).

jquery + instagram + image montage

I'm having trouble integrating to jquery plugins. and
I can get the image montage to work no problem OR the instagram photos to load but I can't make the instagram photos into the image montage. I am calling the same div class for both functions.
Did you check if they are overriding some function like window.onLoad() or setting a timer that is also used by the other?
I have one kind of instagram image loader running at feel free to look at the code there.

Library for drawing images in the browser

Is there a javascript library to draw images directly in the browser and save them to png or jpeg?
I want to use an alternative to services like, and and dont want to rely on third-party services and apis like these ones.
Is processingjs the right solution? I want a solution that works everywhere so please no nodejs and so on.
I need tools like a brush, paintbrush, pencil, layers, filters and so on - just like the real photoshop.
You could also draw all sorts of images and animations using
Then you can save them using straightforward JS:
var canvas = document.getElementById("my_canvas_element");
var imageToExport = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg");
document.write('<img src="'+img+'"/>');
Try processingjs
For image saving, just use data-urls:
Get image data in JavaScript?
