Cropping And Showing Image Squared and non squared image like Instagram - image

Hello people I am very much in need of help as i want to build similar functionality like Instagram. I have to crop the image same as Instagram does and want to show button which shows Image like Zoomed one pic and original one pic. I have refereed this link but I am not getting exactly what i want.enter link description here
I Want something like this


How can I make a Resizable/Responsive main Image with links that stick to the size of the image within?

I am trying to have a base image for my website which will be responsive/resizable. However I need to pin point links to to parts of the image even if its altered or distorted.
Any help would be great!

Open Graph Stories with Big Images

Our app shares a custom open graph story that included a 1200x630px preview image. The preview image however always displays as a small square when posted to the Facebook timeline.
As mentioned here, the header of the website I'm linking to already contains og:image and og:image:width and og:image:height. Still the image is cropped and only a square on the left is visible.
Is there any trick to make the image use the full width? User generated images are not the solution to go for because it removes the link from the open graph object and also stores the image in the user's photo albums.
I know that this has to be possible somehow because it works for apps such as Runtastic Results.

Image Overlay With Coordinates

I recently have a project which invovles attempting to automatically "mock-up" images with a standard logo. For example, I have 1000 images of products, and I have one logo image that needs to be placed (over-layed) on top of each image. I know I can do this with ColdFusion's imageOverLay() function. However, I assume this always puts the overlayed image right in the middle of the underlying image (assuming they have the same width and height parameters). I was wondering if there was any way possible to specify and X/Y coordinate of the top-left corner of the overlaying image, and have the overlayed image placed in that location?
An example of a site:
You'll notice that all of the products have an image properly placed on the products. And I can assure you this wasn't done by hand. They must have a way to specifying where the overlaying image should go for each product, and then it just automatically puts the overlaying image (logo) in that spot. Can anyone think of any other way to do this? Is there some sort of advanced image library I could use with ColdFusion?
Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
I believe this got answered over on the Adobe forums and you are correct #Leigh; imagePaste was the solution.
I still can't comment on a question so posting this as an answer.

Fancy Apps image gallery with comments

I currently have a basic Fancy Box gallery (link calls larger image and title that is then displayed in the Fancy box).
How/ What would be the best way to integrate a comments system into this? Each photo has member comments but I need a way to show these next to the photo in Fancybox.
You may consider my fancybox "a la" Facebook ;)
You could insert any html in the right area.
Simple, Just like you display each picture with their independent comments, you will just display them into a larger box on click on a picture. just like facebook. Use whatever ajax u are currently using in the page into the box.

How does facebook handle resizing of images

Hello I am building a social network similar to facebook and I really need some help on how to handle the images in my website. I would like to know how sites like facebook manage the resizing of their images. An example would be looking at someones photo album. The length and width are not just simply changed. They are done in a more professional way to make the image still look clear and not stretched. Do they use a special tool for this. Another example would be profile pics when they are loaded to your message wall. Your friends profile pics are centered and cropped accordingly and then re sized. How do they go about doing this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
They resize proportionally with an imaging library like GD, Imagick or others.
The presentation in the gray area is just that, presentation so HTML and CSS.
They stretch the images proportionally so that they don't look wrong; if you make the image 37.5% wider... you also make it 37.5% taller.
If we knew what language you are familiar with, we could probably suggest something to help with this.
