Ignore formatting in Slack App when reading messages - slack

I'm building a Slack App which is only interested in actual user input in message, regardless if it's bold, italic, or a web link.
What would be the best way to remove all the formatting characters, such as _, *, etc, and leave actual text only?

The best solution is actually to ignore the text param entirely, as it is inherently lossy, and to instead parse what you want from the blocks param, which gives an exact representation of what the user saw in their slack client message field when they posted their message.
To demonstrate this, here's a simple example
what you type
parsing text from blocks
​a b
a *b*
[{"type":"text","text":"a "},{"type":"text","text":"b","style":{"bold":true}}]
a b
a *b*
a *b*
[{"type":"text","text":"a *b*"}]
a *b*
Unfortunately for now, the Slack API does not give you the blocks param in command events, only message events. Hopefully they will fix this, but until then you may wish to use regular messages instead of slash commands.

If you are using node.js there is a module for this:
Note that this is for markdown and not Slack's variant mrkdwn so it might not work.

Managed to get the unformatted message in python by looping through the array.
def semakitutu(message, say):
user = message['user']
# print(message)
hasira = message['blocks']
hasira2 = hasira[0]['elements'][0]['elements']
urefu = len(hasira2)
swali = ''
for x in range(urefu):
say(f"Hello <#{user}>! I am running your request \n {swali}")```


Writing Capybara expectations to verify phone numbers

I'm using AWS Textract to pull information from PDF documents. After the scanned text is returned from AWS and persisted to a var, I'm doing this:
phone_number = '(555) 123-4567'
scanned_pdf_text.should have_text phone_number
But this fails about 20% of the time because of the non-deterministic way that AWS is returning the scanned PDF text. On occasion, the phone numbers can appear either of these two ways:
(555)123-4567 or (555) 123-4567
Some of this scanned text is very large, and I'd prefer not to go through the exercise of sanitizing the text coming back if I can avoid it (I'm also not good at regex usage). I also think using or logic to handle both cases seems to be a little heavy handed just to check text that is so similar (and clearly near-identical to the human eye).
Is there an rspec matcher that'll allow me to check on this text? I'm also using Capybara.default_normalize_ws = true but that doesn't seem to help in this case.
Assuming scanned_pdf_text is a string and the only differences you're seeing is in spaces then you can just get rid of the spaces and compare
scanned_pdf_text.gsub(/\s+/, '').should eq('(555)123-4567') # exact
scanned_pdf_text.gsub(/\s+/, '').should match('(555)123-4567') # partial
scanned_pdf_text.gsub(/\s+/, '').should have_text('(555)123-4567') # partial

Receiving SMS from SIM

I'm wondering, when I try to receive sms text message from a SIM using AT+CMGL, can a message contain OK<CR><LF>? if so how should I know where is the end of the message?
This is a good question, and as you have identified if the information text contains a final result code you loose, because there is no way to know.
This is partially covered in V.250 which forbids the modem to introduce false final result codes if it breaks up lines:
Note that the DCE may insert intermediate characters in very long
information text responses, in order to avoid overrunning DTE receive
buffers. If intermediate characters are included, the DCE shall
not include the character sequences "0 " (3/0, 0/13) or "OK"
(4/15, 4/11, 0/13), so that DTE can avoid false detection of the end
of these information text responses.
And also several command (+GMI, +GMM, +GMR, +GSN, +GOI and +GCAP) are explicitly forbidden to produce text that embed the OK final result code (but it does not mention anything about ERROR...).
Similarly for 27.007 it forbids some commands (+CGMI, +CGMM, +CGMR, +CGSN, +CEER and +CLAC) from containing OK (and again no mention of ERROR...).
27.005 does not specify anything regarding embedded final result codes, so to avoid the issue of embedded final result codes for AT+CMGL you need to read the message in PDU mode, there you have a guarantee that the information text will not contain OK, ERROR, etc.

How do I remove HTML encoded characters from a string?

I have a string which contains some HTML encoded characters and I want to remove them:
"<div>Hi All,</div><div class=\"paragraph_break\">< /></div><div>Starting today we are initiating PoLS.</div><div class=\"paragraph_break\"><br /></div><div>Please use the following communication protocols:<br /></div><div>1. Task Breakup and allocation - Gravity<br /></div><div>2. All mail communications - BC messages<br /></div><div>3. Reports on PoC / Spikes: Writeboard<br /></div><div>4. Non story related tasks: BC To-Do<br /></div><div>5. All UI and HTML will communicated to you through BC.<br /></div><div>6. For File sharing, we'll be using Dropbox.<br /></div><div>7. Use Skype for lighter and generic desicussions. However, in case you need any approvals, data for later reference, etc, then please use BC. PoLS conversation has been created on skype.</div><div class=\"paragraph_break\"><br /></div><div>You'll have been given necessary accesses to all these portals. Please start using them judiciously.</div><div class=\"paragraph_break\"><br /></div><div>All the best!</div><div class=\"paragraph_break\"><br /></div><div>Thanks,<br /></div><div>Saurav<br /></div>"
What you want to do is doable many ways. Perhaps looking at why you might want to do that will help. Usually when I want to remove encoded HTML, I want to recover the contents of the HTML. Ruby has some modules that make it easy.
require 'cgi'
require 'nokogiri'
html = "<div>Hi All,</div><div class=\"paragraph_break\">< /></div><div>Starting today we are initiating PoLS.</div><div class=\"paragraph_break\"><br /></div><div>Please use the following communication protocols:<br /></div><div>1. Task Breakup and allocation - Gravity<br /></div><div>2. All mail communications - BC messages<br /></div><div>3. Reports on PoC / Spikes: Writeboard<br /></div><div>4. Non story related tasks: BC To-Do<br /></div><div>5. All UI and HTML will communicated to you through BC.<br /></div><div>6. For File sharing, we'll be using Dropbox.<br /></div><div>7. Use Skype for lighter and generic desicussions. However, in case you need any approvals, data for later reference, etc, then please use BC. PoLS conversation has been created on skype.</div><div class=\"paragraph_break\"><br /></div><div>You'll have been given necessary accesses to all these portals. Please start using them judiciously.</div><div class=\"paragraph_break\"><br /></div><div>All the best!</div><div class=\"paragraph_break\"><br /></div><div>Thanks,<br /></div><div>Saurav<br /></div>"
puts CGI.unescapeHTML(html)
which outputs:
<div>Hi All,</div><div class="paragraph_break">< /></div><div>Starting today we are initiating PoLS.</div><div class="paragraph_break"><br /></div><div>Please use the following communication protocols:<br /></div><div>1. Task Breakup and allocation - Gravity<br /></div><div>2. All mail communications - BC messages<br /></div><div>3. Reports on PoC / Spikes: Writeboard<br /></div><div>4. Non story related tasks: BC To-Do<br /></div><div>5. All UI and HTML will communicated to you through BC.<br /></div><div>6. For File sharing, we'll be using Dropbox.<br /></div><div>7. Use Skype for lighter and generic desicussions. However, in case you need any approvals, data for later reference, etc, then please use BC. PoLS conversation has been created on skype.</div><div class="paragraph_break"><br /></div><div>You'll have been given necessary accesses to all these portals. Please start using them judiciously.</div><div class="paragraph_break"><br /></div><div>All the best!</div><div class="paragraph_break"><br /></div><div>Thanks,<br /></div><div>Saurav<br /></div>
If I want to take it a step farther and remove the tags, retrieving all the text:
puts Nokogiri::HTML(CGI.unescapeHTML(html)).content
Will output:
Hi All,Starting today we are initiating PoLS.Please use the following communication protocols:1. Task Breakup and allocation - Gravity2. All mail communications - BC messages3. Reports on PoC / Spikes: Writeboard4. Non story related tasks: BC To-Do5. All UI and HTML will communicated to you through BC.6. For File sharing, we'll be using Dropbox.7. Use Skype for lighter and generic desicussions. However, in case you need any approvals, data for later reference, etc, then please use BC. PoLS conversation has been created on skype.You'll have been given necessary accesses to all these portals. Please start using them judiciously.All the best!Thanks,Saurav
Which is where I usually want to get when I see that sort of string.
Ruby's CGI makes encoding and decoding HTML easy. The Nokogiri gem makes it easy to remove the tags.
I think the easiest way to do this is, Assuming you want to use the html in the string.
raw CGI.unescapeHTML('The string you want to manipulate')
If you have assigned that string to a variable s, is this the result you want?
puts s.gsub(/<[^&]*>/, '')
I would suggest:
clean = str.gsub /<.+?>/, ''

Issues with Sinatra and Heroku

So I've created and published a Sinatra app to Heroku without any issues. I've even tested it locally with rackup to make sure it functions fine. There are a series of API calls to various places after a zip code is consumed from the URL, but Heroku just wants to tell me there is an server error.
I've added an error page that tries to give me more description, however, it tells me it can't perform a `count' for #, which I assume means hash. Here's the code that I think it's trying to execute...
if weather_doc.root.elements["weather"].children.count > 1
curr_temp = weather_doc.root.elements["weather/current_conditions/temp_f"].attributes["data"]
raise error(404, "Not A Valid Zip Code!")
If anyone wants to bang on it, it can be reached at, http://quiet-journey-14.heroku.com/ , but there's not much to be had.
Hash doesn't have a count method. It has a length method. If # really does refer to a hash object, then the problem is that you're calling a method that doesn't exist.
That # doesn't refer to Hash, it's the first character of #<Array:0x2b2080a3e028>. The part between the < and > is not shown in browsers (hiding the tags themselves), but visible with View Source.
Your real problem is not related to Ruby though, but to your navigation in the HTML or XML document (via DOM). Your statement
weather_doc.root.elements["weather"].children.count > 1
navigates the HTML/XML document, selecting the 'weather' elements, and (tries to) count the children. The result of the children call does not have a method count. Use length instead.
BTW, are you sure that the document contains a tag <weather>? Because that's what your're trying to select.
If you want to see what's behind #, try
raise probably_hash.class.to_s

Find email addresses in large data stream

I have a large text file full of random data and want to pull out all the email addresses from it.
I would like to do this in Ruby, with pseudo code like this:
monster_data_string = "asfsfsdfsdfsf sfda **joe#example.com** sdfdsf"
Does anyone know what Ruby email regular expression I would use to accomplish this?
Please keep in mind that I'm looking for a Ruby answer to this. I have already tried numerous regex found by googling but most of them cause Ruby runtime errors stating that characters like "+" and "" are invalid/unrecognized.*
What I have already tried is:
but I receive Ruby errors stating that "+" is an invalid character
Thanks in advance
Watch this...
f = File.open("content.txt")
content = f.read
r = Regexp.new(/\b[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}\b/)
emails = content.scan(r).uniq
puts YAML.dump(emails)
If you're getting an error message about + or * being invalid in regexes, you're doing something very wrong. This is a valid regex in Ruby, although it's not the one you want:
For one thing, you don't want to anchor the regex to the start and end of lines (^ and $) if you're trying to pluck the addresses from "random" text. But once you've gotten rid of the anchors, your regex will match **joe#example.com in your test string, which I presume you don't want. This regex from Regular-Expressions.info does a better job, but read that page for tips on tweaking it to meet your particular needs.
Finally (and you may already know this), you won't want to use the match() method because that will only find the first match. Try scan() instead.
Given that it is not possible to parse every valid email address using a regexp you are left with two choices:
Make a regexp that matches as many valid email addresses as possible and live with the the fact that some valid but rarely used forms of email address might get overlooked.
Make a regexp that Matches anything that "might be" an email address and then live with the false positives
I use the second approach to weed out obviously wrong email addresses when validating user sign up email addresses on a web page
Gleaned from Ruby Cookbook which has a very good section on email address validation:
valid = '[^ #]+'
Apparently there is a 6343 character Perl regexp written by Paul Warren that does a very good job and also works in Ruby, but even that is not foolproof (I think it might also have some performance implications).
What kind of runtime error messages are you gettting? Is it regarding the regexps as invalid, or is it breaking due to the target string being too large?
To try and help you get there (though not very elegantly, I admit):
I think the start and end anchors (^ and $) aren't helping. You may also want to filter the asterisks?:
irb(main):001:0> mds = "asfsfsdfsdfsf sfda **joe#example.com** sdfdsf"
=> "asfsfsdfsdfsf sfda **joe#example.com** sdfdsf"
irb(main):003:0> mds.match(/^([^#\s]+)#((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i)
=> nil
irb(main):004:0> mds.match(/([^#\s]+)#((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})/i)
=> #<MatchData "**joe#example.com" 1:"**joe" 2:"example.com">
irb(main):005:0> mds.match(/([^#\s*]+)#((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})/i)
=> #<MatchData "joe#example.com" 1:"joe" 2:"example.com">
Even better,
require 'yaml'
content = "asfsfsdfsdfsf sfda **joe#example.com.au** sdfdsf cool_me#example.com.fr"
r = Regexp.new(/\b([a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+)#([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+?)(\.[a-zA-Z.]*)\b/)
emails = content.scan(r).uniq
puts YAML.dump(emails)
will give you
- - joe
- example
- .com.au
- - cool_me
- example
- .com.au
