Issues with Sinatra and Heroku - ruby

So I've created and published a Sinatra app to Heroku without any issues. I've even tested it locally with rackup to make sure it functions fine. There are a series of API calls to various places after a zip code is consumed from the URL, but Heroku just wants to tell me there is an server error.
I've added an error page that tries to give me more description, however, it tells me it can't perform a `count' for #, which I assume means hash. Here's the code that I think it's trying to execute...
if weather_doc.root.elements["weather"].children.count > 1
curr_temp = weather_doc.root.elements["weather/current_conditions/temp_f"].attributes["data"]
raise error(404, "Not A Valid Zip Code!")
If anyone wants to bang on it, it can be reached at, , but there's not much to be had.

Hash doesn't have a count method. It has a length method. If # really does refer to a hash object, then the problem is that you're calling a method that doesn't exist.

That # doesn't refer to Hash, it's the first character of #<Array:0x2b2080a3e028>. The part between the < and > is not shown in browsers (hiding the tags themselves), but visible with View Source.
Your real problem is not related to Ruby though, but to your navigation in the HTML or XML document (via DOM). Your statement
weather_doc.root.elements["weather"].children.count > 1
navigates the HTML/XML document, selecting the 'weather' elements, and (tries to) count the children. The result of the children call does not have a method count. Use length instead.
BTW, are you sure that the document contains a tag <weather>? Because that's what your're trying to select.

If you want to see what's behind #, try
raise probably_hash.class.to_s


Ruby Capybara Element not found error handling

internet.find(:xpath, '/html/body/div[1]/div[10]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[5]/div/div[2]/a').text
I am looping through a series of pages and sometimes this xpath will not be available. How do I continue to the next url instead of throwing an error and stopping the program? Thanks.
First, stop using xpaths like that - they're going to be ultra-fragile and horrendous to read. Without seeing the HTML I can't give you a better one - but at least part way along there has to be an element with an id you can target instead.
Next, you could catch the exception returned from find and ignore it or better yet you could check if page has the element first
if internet.has_xpath?(...)
internet.find(:xpath, ...).text
... whatever you want to do when it's not on the page
As an alternative to accepted answer you could consider #first method that accepts count argument as the number of expected matches or null to allow empty results as well
internet.first(:xpath, ..., count: nil)&.text
That returns element's text if one's found and nil otherwise. And there's no need to ignore rescued exception
See Capybara docs

How can I get Watir to make a fresh reference on a non-stale element?

A portion of some tests I am writing calls for checking if an option gets removed from a select list once that option has been used. I am inconsistently getting this error: timed out after 60 seconds, waiting for {:xpath=>"//select[#id = 'newIdentifierType']//option", :index=>31} to be located (Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException)
It causes my test to fail maybe 2-3 times out of 10 runs and seems kind of random. I think Watir is looking for the "old" select list with this ID since it caches the element and may also include that it had 32 items, but it times out since a select list with this ID and 32 items no longer exists. The new select list has the same ID but only 31 items.
Is there a way to always get a new reference on this element even though it's not technically going stale? Am I experiencing this problem due to a different issue?
My current code for getting the options in the select list:
#browser.elements(:xpath => "//select[#id = 'newIdentifierType']//option")
I am using Ruby/Cucumber with Selenium and Watir Webdriver level. I first tried defining the element as a select_list in a page-object but moved it to the step definitions using #browser.element to see if that would stop the timeout. I thought it may ignore Watir's cached elements and get the most current one with the ID, but that does not appear to be the case.
Please avoid using XPath with Watir. Everything you can do with XPath, Watir has a much more readable API to handle.
To check for a specific option not being there, you should avoid collections and locate directly:
el = browser.select_list(id: "newIdentifierType").option(value: "31"))
# or
el = browser.select_list(id: "newIdentifierType").option(text: "This one"))
Then to see if it has gone away:
# or
That won't test the right thing if the entire DOM has changed, though, so you might need to just relocate:
browser.select_list(id: "newIdentifierType").option(text: "This one")).present?
If you are intent on using a collection, the correct way to get the list of options is:
options = 'newIdentifierType').options
el = options.find { |o| o.text == 'This one' }
# Do things

Make 1 page objects Two Elements ID's to 1 page object Variable

I am using the page object Gem with Watir. During testing I found that I have a field that has the same contents that show in the same location but have separate unique ID's. The difference is before you get to the page.
I tried using Xpaths:
select_list(:selectionSpecial, :xpath => "//select[#id='t_id9' OR #id='t_id7']")
But was met with a script error.
They are static ID's but I want to force them into one variable since that would allow me to use "populate_page_with" feature.
I have a long winded way currently, but I am fishing for a more efficient way that works with the page object Features.
Does anyone know of a way to do this?
Your approach of using xpath can work. The problem is the syntax errors in the xpath selector. It should be:
"//select[#id='t_id9' or #id='t_id7']"
The start should be a // rather than a \
Using or is case-sensitive; it has to be lower case
There was also a missing closing ' for the first id attribute
Personally, I find css and xpath selectors harder to use. I would go with the id locator with a regex. The following gives the same results, but some will find it easier to read.
select_list(:selectionSpecial, :id => /^t_id(7|9)$/)

Get full path in Sinatra route including everything after question mark

I have the following path:
I want absolutely everything that comes after "" in a string.
Using a splat doesn't work (only catches "foo/bar"):
get '/browse/*' do
Neither does the regular expression (also only catches "foo/bar"):
get %r{/browse/(.*)} do
The x and y params are all accessible in the params hash, but doing a .map on the ones I want seems unreasonable and un-ruby-like (also, this is just an example.. my params are actually very dynamic and numerous). Is there a better way to do this?
More info: my path looks this way because it is communicating with an API and I use the route to determine the API call I will make. I need the string to look this way.
If you are willing to ignore hash tag in path param this should work(BTW browser would ignore anything after hash in URL)
updated answer
get "/browse/*" do
p "#{request.path}?#{request.query_string}".split("browse/")[1]
Or even simpler
get "/browse/*" do
a = "#{params[:splat]}?#{request.env['rack.request.query_string']}"
"Got #{a}"

HtmlUnit getByXpath returns null

I am coding with Groovy, however, I don't believe its a language specific set of questions.
I actually have two questions
First Question
I've run into an issue while using HtmlUnit. It is telling me that what I am trying to grab is null.
The page I'm testing it on is:
My code:
client = new WebClient(BrowserVersion.FIREFOX_3)
client.javaScriptEnabled = false
page = client.getPage(url)
//coming up as null
title = page.getByXPath("//html/body/div[4]/div/div[3]/div/div/div/div/div/div/div/div/div/div/h1/a")
println title
This simply prints out: []
Is this because the page uses onclick()? If so, how would I get around that? Enabling javascript creates a mess in my cmd prompt.
Second Question
I am wanting to also get the image but am having trouble because when I attempt to get the XPath (via firebug) it shows up as: //*[#id="gmi-ResViewSizer_img"]
How do I handle that?
First Answer:
Your XPATH was off by one in the predicate filter for the 4th div of the body, it should be the 3rd div. It appears the HTML for the site can/does change from when you had origionally snagged the XPATH using Firebug. You may need to adjust your XPATH to accommodate for potential change and be less sensitive to some differences in document structure.
Maybe something like this:
Second Answer: The XPATH that you listed will work. It may look odd/short(and may not be the most efficient), but // starts at the root node and looks throughout every node in the tree, * matches on any element(to include the img) and the [] predicate filter restricts it to those that have an id attribute who's value equals "gmi-ResViewSizer_img".
There are many other options for XPATHs that could work as well. It will also depend on how often the HTML structure changes. This is one that also works for the page referenced to select that img:
I had the same problem, I solved when I realize iframe tags on page, try call
where n is the position in frame in iframe collection. It's work for me !!!
Thanks a lot.
