Laradock 404 Not Found Files with Symlink to Storage - laravel

I Created a Laravel app and I am using a windows PC in combination with Docker and Laradock.
Docker runs on WSL2 but mounted to my windows drives (I know, it is very slow and I should switch to working in the Linux Filesystem).
I want to use Laravel's filesystem because I use envoyer to deploy my app.
Therefor I created a symlink from public/storage to storage/app/public (default) with php artisan storage:link in the workspace container.
My IDE (PHPStorm) correctly displays the files from the link.
Uploading images and thus moving them to the storage folder works as well.
The problem with Laradock (local development setup) is that if I use the URL from the asset() function (mywebsite.test/storage/file.txt for example), I get 404 Not Found.
This problem does not persist on my staging linux server. Everything works fine over there.
Someone any idea what the problem could be?

Apparently the issue was that you should always make the symlink in the workspace container.
My process was the following:
docker-compose down
docker-compose up
docker ps to get workspace container id
docker exec -it [workspace-container-id] bash
php artisan storage:link in project folder. If this does not work, you can create it manualy from the public folder with ln -sf ../storage/app/public storage


Storage symlink doesn't work with Laravel and Vue in Namecheap CPanel (LiteSpeed)

I am trying to access my image files stored inside storage/app/public/subfolder/ using symlink inside /public folder in my Laravel app. Everything works fine in my local setup and also in Jelastic Apache deployment, but it doesn't seem to work in CPanel with LiteSpeed. I am trying to access the files using the link /storage/subfolder/image.png but it is not accessible on CPanel deployment.
I tried creating and deleting storage symlink hundreds of times, but it didn't work. Below are few things I tried:
Deleting and creating symlink again and again using php artisan storage:link command.
Creating symlink using linux command ln -s ../storage/app/public storage inside public folder.
Running Artisan::call('storage:link') using a web route entry.
Redeploying and reconfiguring the app several times and creating storage symlink.
In all of these failed attempts I can verify that storage symlink is created every time inside public folder. I can navigate and view files from public/storage/ folder using CPanel terminal without any issues but can't access them in the deployed app.
I have exact same configuration in Jelastic Apache deployment and in my local deployment and there it is working without any issues.
Additionally, I tried creating a storage directly manually inside public folder with the same structure and it worked. But symlink doesn't work.
I found below error log while checking error logs from CPanel.
2022-11-06 05:07:07.342556 [ERROR] [1669834] [T0] [HTAccess] Failed to open [/home/user/my-project/public/storage/subfolder/.htaccess]: Permission denied
There is no .htaccess inside subfolder but it is there in my public folder.
What might be the issue?
After making linking you storage to your public path using storage:link you can access your folder :
After a long search, I finally found the cause.
Somehow the storage/app/public directory didn't have sufficient permissions. So, I gave permissions to that public folder recursively using chmod and everything works fine now.
The symlink was working fine but it was not working due to permission issues in the parent folder.
This is a bit weird as I have never manually altered permissions in any Laravel folders in any of my other deployments.

How to edit files which are made by Laradock workspace

I've newly started to use Laradock to build my Laravel projects but I have a problem in editing the files such as Controllers, Models, etc which are made by the php artisan command in the Laradock workspace. The reason is the user in the workspace is a root and on the other side, I'm trying to edit the file in my editor by a common user. So every time I have to run the command chmod -R 777 /newCreatedFile.php to change the permission. So is there any solution to handle this problem?
By the way my OS is ubuntu 18.04
In the Laradock Getting Started guide, it explains how to get Laradock running as a specified user:
Note: You can add --user=laradock to have files created as your host’s user. Example:
docker-compose exec --user=laradock workspace bash
I believe this should solve your issue, as you will no longer have the Docker user running these commands. Try it out!
Note: The core issue may just be that whatever user Laradock is running as is not creating files with group permissions that allows the host machine's user write capabilities, hence why the --user flag can be used. It may not actually be running as the root user itself.

Laravel - How to revert local storage symlink and refresh

When I save images to storage they show in the storage/app directory, but they don't show in public/storage. I also noticed that a storage/app/public directory seems to have been created which also contains everything within storage/app.
I can't work out how I managed to cause this mess, and I think it might make sense to revert these directories to how it should have been to begin with (with a new laravel project), remove any existing symlinks, and start again - does this sound like the best approach? And how would I go about doing this if I have set the symlink up incorrectly?
You can always delete the link:
cd public
rm storage
And create a new one without using the storage:link command if you need to link different locations:
\File::link(storage_path('dir1'), public_path('dir2'));
Or create a symlink manually:
ln -s /full/path/to/storage/dir1 /full/path/to/public/dir2
I had this problem and I fixed it by adding this to my deployment script:
cd public
rm storage
cd ..
php artisan storage:link
Before you do that, you can SSH into your deployment server and navigate to the /public folder. You might see a storage folder in there, and you should notice it's a symlink. You should leave it there and add my above commands to your deployment script.
If you remove storage link manually, you'll need to skip these on the first deployment:
cd public
rm storage
cd ..
Then every deployment after, you can do:
cd public
rm storage
cd ..
php artisan storage:link
If you don't do that, your deployment will fail probably because if rm storage throws an error, it will fail the build. Pay close attention to what I'm saying. You must be very specific when doing CLI commands, unless you can add some bash script that handles the 2 cases where ./public/storage exists (1) and when it doesn't (2).
You might gloss over my mention about deleting the storage symlink reference manually, but don't forget that if you deployment script does it and then fails for another reason, the symlink will be gone.
Someone should post an answer that uses a bash script to ensure both cases can be handled. I don't have the skill for that.
NOTE: php artisan storage:link only works while you are in the root directory of your project. That's why my above script starts with cd public and why it does cd ... If you aren't in the root at the time, the php artisan command will fail.
That is actually how it should be! Laravel has a command to symlink your public directory to the storage directory:
php artisan storage:link
The idea is to keep a persistent storage between deployments.
This convention will keep your publicly accessible files in one
directory that can be easily shared across deployments when using zero
down-time deployment systems like Envoyer.
Simple Way
Go to public folder Just delete/remove the storage link inside public/
Then Run the command
php artisan storage:link
the above command will link storage again
For windows users, I have tested this with Windows 10 and Laravel 7
cd to your <project_root>/public directory and run rmdir storage - it will remove the link
cd back to project root directory and run php artisan storage:link to link again
The links should now be refreshed and viewable without issues.
php artisan storage:link --force

Laradock (container) files on Windows

I installed docker toolbox 1.11.2 and Laradock v.2 cloned from GitHub.
Everything seems to work except the laradock_workspace_1. When is generated it does not create files on the host machine (Windows 7 64-bit). In the docker-compose.yml I have tried playing with the volumes as suggested here
### Laravel Application Code Container ######################
build: ./volumes/application
- ../:/var/www/laravel
If I change the last line to ../.. then run docker-compose up, docker exec -it laradock_workspace_1 ls and I can see that it is traversing the folders on the host machine. I just don't see any files.
My goal here is to make the actual Laravel code external so I can edit them on the host machine and use git.
I can use the Kitematic app to make the changes I want but they seem lost if I do a docker-compose down. (and I get errors about things still being in use.)
I'm new to docker so any help is appreciated.
First, make sure your docker-machine is running. If it is, then follow below:
Open up Virtualbox GUI and right click your docker vm, and select settings, then go to Shared Folders.
Change the c\users to whatever folder your code lies in, like this:
This will mount your desired folder to /c/Users in the docker-machine vm.
After this, change the docker-compose.yml in the laradock folder to this:
### Laravel Application Code Container ######################
build: ./volumes/application
- /c/Users/
The logic behind this is, since we are running the docker in a VM, the docker-compose command looks for folder in the VM, not in the windows machines. Thats why we have provided the VM machine path to the docker-compose file.

How to run laravel 5.0 project on localhost without use php artisan serve

I have created a laravel 5.0 project with php artisan serve, now i need to know how to run laravel 5.0 project run without start php artisan serve, i have already browse lot of websites no one help me..
You need to change "server.php" to "index.php" then copy ".htaccess" from public to root directory.
Laravel sever Folder is "public". There is an index.php so you can run you project from there.
Suppose if you using UbuntuOS then you have to create your local server in public directory. Suppose your folder name is laravel_test then go in that directory and run some thing like this
php -S localhost:8000 -t public
If you using windows then access public folder from URL.
Actually it's bad practise to access folder from URL but for local its good. You also can go with host entry. Just make sure that your target folder is "public" directory.
Normally you would have WAMP/XAMPP installed. You can access Laravel project like below
But this is not recommended. You should create Virtual host for example
laravel.local that pints to server-root/laravel/public.
this is how you create virtual host.
Or even better go for a Laravel Homestead .
How is your .htaccess file configured?
Try with localhost/laravel/public/index.php
Use http://localhost/projectName/public
It will be work. but in case if you have another Route and you can not access that Route and get the error like " Page Not Found " then please use the following command
sudo a2enmod rewrite
Now open the http://localhost/projectName/public/yourRoute
This is a little late but still applicable, what I like to do (using ubuntu 14.x+) is put my laravel project (let's say Project1) in my var directory, so it would be in /var/Project1, then symlink the public folder to somewhere in /var/www(+/html depending on apache version).
Symlink can be done something like this:
ln -s /var/Project1/public /var/www/html
This keeps your internal files off the grid so to speak, this is untested so if I've missed anything just comment and I will amend this post.
Obviously if your http root is /var/www/html you can put your project in /var/www/Project1
If you have access to xampp or wampp on your operating system you can more or less configure your virtual host like in the instruction below:
This instruction shows how to run it locally on your PC, but it works generally the same on any hosting portals. In most case in payed portals you have any web panels to configure your public folder that reference to /public folder in laravel folder's structure.
