Clion can't load external libraries - std

After cloning a repo from github, my Clion can't load std libs, and I can't use them.
It should be like this:
How can i solve this problem?
Thanks a lot.


How to make CLion stop flagging PlatformIO dependencies with "file not found"?

I'm experimenting with using PlatformIO and the CLion IDE. I'm pretty new to C++ and writing for embedded hardware. I got PlatformIO working and my simple program compiles and runs but CLion highlights my PlatformIO dependencies as not being found.
I've seen it said that CLion looks where cmake looks, but CMakeLists.txt says
That URL seems like a dead end in terms of helping me solve my problem.
I was playing a little bit more with CLion and PlatformIO and wanted to use the library manager as well.
The installed libraries are located in {PROJECT_DIR}/.pio/libdeps/
I was not able to detect all libraries automatically, but with the method described below, I could get rid of the CLion warninings by explicitly defining the dependencies in the CMakeListsUser.txt likes this
For the few dependencies I got, this is sufficient. But of course it is not ideal to add every dependency manually. So if somebody has a better solution, please share it.
Original Answer
I stumbled on a similar issue, but maybe this could help you or others.
In my case, I added the ArduinoLog library in the "lib" folder. Although I was able to compile my code, the import showed up as an error and I had no code completion.
As described in the XMakeList.txt, I was able to resolve this issue, by adding a "CMakeListsUser.txt" in the root project directory with the following content.
After a rebuild and a restart I got no more errors and the code completion worked as expected. Maybe you can add the folder of your PlatformIO libraries there as well.
Seems like the best way to do it is to go to Tools->PlatformIO->Re-Init. New dependencies should stop showing up as missing.
It worked for me.

How to use vcpkg to install (manage) my own library?

I'm using vcpkg for a little while in a Windows project with a few external libraries, and internal ones too. Now project is going to be ported to macOS and vcpkg seems to help a lot on getting those external libraries on macOS.
Can I manage my own libraries with vcpkg?
Can I manage my own libraries with vcpkg?
Yes take a look at overlay-ports
You basically write a manifest (vcpkg.json) and a portfile.cmake for your library and have it in an overlay or custom registry.

Opencv_world build error with cmake from the git source

So, is there a way to build opencv_world with cmake? I need to use the xfeatures2d module to use SURF and also the world300.lib for my project. Since world300.lib and world300d.lib are available in the prebuilt libraries for opencv3.0.0 shipping from the opencv website and the xfeatures2d is in the opencv extra modules, is there a work-around to solve this issue?
Have you already tried to set the "BUILD_opencv_world" value in the CMake-GUI?
Do you have any error message?

How to compile this GitHub Project on Mac? No instructions

I'm really interested in an Arduino IDE project from GitHub, but since I'm a new programmer i don't have figured out how to compile those source files on my Mac. There is already ported to Mac as it shows on the version changelog but i just does not know how to do it.
Can someone provide instructions for me?
GitHub link:
So as I'm sure you've noticed, that project is a vcxproj-- i.e visual studio. Compiling it on Mac would require some finagling. I don't have experience myself, but I found this in my queries for you
How to support both vcxproj to cmake on a project?
You're going to want to read up on a lot of resources to try to get a better understanding and maybe form a better google query. Alternatively the easiest route would just to get your hands on a windows machine to build this
Good luck!
You have two options:
1) There's already a cmake project included in the project file. It's used for compiling it at Linux
2) There's also a Qt .pro file, also included in the project files, that you can load at Qt Creator

How to Debug Following Program in Xcode

I'm using Xcode 3.2.1 on OSX 10.6.8, and I want to study how Avogadro works by debugging its source code. There is a CMake guide here:
that explains how to do it (and the sources are provided), but I am not very familiar with debugging. How do I organize the source files into a new Xcode project and step through a compiled version?
Here is the git clone command:
git clone --recursive git://
I spot a folder called /Users/Eric/Desktop/avogadro-squared/avogadro/avogadro/src but I'm unsure as to how to proceed with setting flags etc., since the project is originally compiled in Cmake.
I'm not familiar with Avogadro but I just downloaded the source. There are not any xcode projects that I could find. So if you want to use Xcode to debug it you will need to create the necessary projects. How do you do that? Well, Avogadro seems to be built up with several other sub modules, openqube, openbabel, and eigen in particular. So you will need to create xcode projects for them also (if they don't have them already.)
This is not a small job, you'll need to read the makefiles and see what libraries they need etc...
But, and this is the good news, once it is done you will have learn a lot about how Avogadro is built which will help you learn how Avogadro works, which was your goal.
And when you are done, you can then offer up your changes to the community, after all, that is what open source is all about, right?
Avogadro uses CMake, and CMake is a build system generator (part of the reason we chose it). So you can use its generator mechanism to request an Xcode build system. There is a general answer on StackOverflow to generate an Xcode project using CMake. You are looking at the superbuild which gathers/builds all dependencies - you really want to go into the avogadro subfolder and open that in Xcode.
