How to compile this GitHub Project on Mac? No instructions - macos

I'm really interested in an Arduino IDE project from GitHub, but since I'm a new programmer i don't have figured out how to compile those source files on my Mac. There is already ported to Mac as it shows on the version changelog but i just does not know how to do it.
Can someone provide instructions for me?
GitHub link:

So as I'm sure you've noticed, that project is a vcxproj-- i.e visual studio. Compiling it on Mac would require some finagling. I don't have experience myself, but I found this in my queries for you
How to support both vcxproj to cmake on a project?
You're going to want to read up on a lot of resources to try to get a better understanding and maybe form a better google query. Alternatively the easiest route would just to get your hands on a windows machine to build this
Good luck!

You have two options:
1) There's already a cmake project included in the project file. It's used for compiling it at Linux
2) There's also a Qt .pro file, also included in the project files, that you can load at Qt Creator


Linker error building Adobe DNG SDK on MacOS 11

I am working on a project that uses Adobe's DNG SDK 1.6 library, and it is supposed to work on Windows and MacOS.
The library has instructions on how to build it for both platforms, but I had to figure out an error that came up on Windows with Visual Studio. I am not very experienced with big C++ projects so it was not trivial but I got it working. Most of my own code will be done in C# .Net Core, calling the native libraries using a wrapper class with P/Invoke.
Now for Mac that's a different story, I have a MacOS 11 VM, installed Xcode 12.5.1 and followed the steps provided, as expected, it does not work. Bare in mind this is my first time touching Xcode and MacOS.
The project I am trying to build is dng_validate, and it depends on two libraries built by these projects: XMPFiles64 and XMPCore64.
The library projects build without any hiccups, each one of them creating a ".a" file in the folder: dng_sdk_1_6/xmp/toolkit/public/libraries/macintosh/intel_64_libcpp/Debug, they are named libXMPFilesStaticDebug.a and libXMPCoreStaticDebug.a respectively.
When I try to build the dng_validate project, I get the following error:
Library not found for -lXMPFilesStaticDebug
Because of the the error starting with an "l" instead of "lib", under both libraries project settings, I changed the "Executable Prefix" setting to "l" instead of "lib". Rebuilt both of them and made sure the file names changed as expected. But the error persists when trying to build the main project.
Under dng_validate's project settings, there is a setting called "Library Search Paths" and it does point to the proper aforementioned folder using a relative path. I even changed it to an absolute path to see if that would make it work.
I am really lost here, does anyone have an idea of what might be causing it?
Well... After asking on other forums and almost hiring a freelancer to fix this for me, I tried another shot in the dark of renaming the library files and it worked.
I changed the extensions of libXMPFilesStaticDebug.a and libXMPCoreStaticDebug.a from ".a" to ".dylib" and it just compiled and blew my mind with it.

wxwidgets platform.h error: no such file or directory wx/setup.h

I am using Code::Blocks with wxwidgets and I have include and lib folders under Document\wxwidgets. I am very new to c++ libraries. In Code::Blocks project initialization, I entered the location for wxwidgets. Then in setting/global enviornment variables I entered in base the Document\wxwidgets again. Still, I am not able to run the app. It shows the error in the include/wx/platform.h file where it says
C:\Users\Programming coder\Documents\wxwidgets\include\wx\platform.h|148|fatal error: wx/setup.h: No such file or directory|
I am not able to solve this and would appreciate some help. Also I checked and the wx folder does not seem to be there in the location. I don't know if that is normal.
Also, I downloaded the headers(include) from the wxwidgets github repo download page, wxWidgets-3.1.1-headers.7z. Any help appreciated.
Also, I am aware some questions exist already, but their problems are in different because most are using linux. Also I am using Code::Blocks IDE.
You need to build wxWidgets itself before building the applications using it. Its build process will create the setup.h file which is currently missing.
Note that, in principle, you could also use precompiled binaries, but in this case you must use exactly the same compiler as was used for compiling them, i.e. TDM gcc.

Working with openFrameworks in Qt-Creator

How can I use OF within Qt Creator environment?
I fact , how should I build the lib and add it in my .pro file and all.
I have successfully done a porting of open frameworks project in creator loading plain Makefile projects.
You can add the includes directory in the file projectName.includes to have auto-completition and file navigation (just do it with a find shell command against OF_PATH/libs) and it is very handy.
Moreover config.make and addons.make let you use the builtin project-creation tools and workflow provided by the official community project management system, and also add external binary/libraries/shared components with the standard gcc command (-I for example).
In this way you can use QtCreator and do not care about .pro/.pri files and use the makefile projects (I have tested it both on linux and mac/osx) and I think there will be no problem also with arch compiling.
Also no problem with C++11 (even if I haven't tested all new features of the language).
See this post in the official forum.
Check out this github repository: There is a qmake project file (.pro) if you want to build openFrameworks using qtcreator as well as a qmake include file (.pri) if you want to use oF in your own projects.
This is exactly what you want to do. Get the openFrameworks.pri file and include it in your .pro file by adding include(openFrameworks.pri).
Qt itself provide an open-framework called Qt-Complex. Go through it and you can find how to add a framework to your project there.
To update this topic again, since OF9.0, QT Creator is now officially supported (and even the default recommended IDE!).
See this setup Guide:

How to Debug Following Program in Xcode

I'm using Xcode 3.2.1 on OSX 10.6.8, and I want to study how Avogadro works by debugging its source code. There is a CMake guide here:
that explains how to do it (and the sources are provided), but I am not very familiar with debugging. How do I organize the source files into a new Xcode project and step through a compiled version?
Here is the git clone command:
git clone --recursive git://
I spot a folder called /Users/Eric/Desktop/avogadro-squared/avogadro/avogadro/src but I'm unsure as to how to proceed with setting flags etc., since the project is originally compiled in Cmake.
I'm not familiar with Avogadro but I just downloaded the source. There are not any xcode projects that I could find. So if you want to use Xcode to debug it you will need to create the necessary projects. How do you do that? Well, Avogadro seems to be built up with several other sub modules, openqube, openbabel, and eigen in particular. So you will need to create xcode projects for them also (if they don't have them already.)
This is not a small job, you'll need to read the makefiles and see what libraries they need etc...
But, and this is the good news, once it is done you will have learn a lot about how Avogadro is built which will help you learn how Avogadro works, which was your goal.
And when you are done, you can then offer up your changes to the community, after all, that is what open source is all about, right?
Avogadro uses CMake, and CMake is a build system generator (part of the reason we chose it). So you can use its generator mechanism to request an Xcode build system. There is a general answer on StackOverflow to generate an Xcode project using CMake. You are looking at the superbuild which gathers/builds all dependencies - you really want to go into the avogadro subfolder and open that in Xcode.

Setting up a large Xcode project

I have a large exiting C++ project involving:
4 applications
50+ libraries
20+ third party libraries
It all builds fine on Windows using VS8, Linux using QMake (project uses Qt a lot). I also build it on OS X using QMake but I was wanting to setup an Xcode project to handle it in an IDE. I'm struggling to setup proper configuration to easily define dependencies, both to internal libraries and to the third party. I can do property sheets and .pri files in my (disturbed) sleep, but would appreciate some advice on building such large projects in Xcode.
I've been experiencing with Xcode configuration files and #including one from another but it does not seem to work as I would expect, especially when defining standard locations for header files etc.
Is there some good book describing the process of setting up Xcode (remember it's C++, I'm not wanting to learn ObjC at this time)?
Or maybe a good open source project I could learn from?
Step in to Xcode may be the book you're looking for. It's got a whole section devoted to using AppleScript to automate configuration includes. I've been going through the book myself on O'Reilly Safari as I've found myself in a situation similar to yourself!
