Controller Parameter giving a strange error - spring

I have a wrote a project using spring boot my controller were just working fine until I have added
'params' to getmapping annotation
my PlaneTypeVersionedApi Interface down below;
public interface PlaneTypeVersionedApi {
#GetMapping(value = "/plane", params = "v1")
ResponseEntity<String> getOnePlaneByProduce1(#RequestParam("plane-type")String planeType);
my PlaneTypeVersionedApiImpl Class down below;
public class PlaneTypeVersionedApiImpl implements PlaneTypeVersionedApi {
private final PlaneCallerService planeCallerService;
public PlaneTypeVersionedApiImpl (PlaneCallerService planeCallerService) {
this.planeCallerService = planeCallerService;
public ResponseEntity<String> getOnePlaneByProduce1(String planeType) {
return ResponseEntity.ok(planeCallerService.getPlaneType(planeType));
when I try on Postman for my controller;
I have 400 bad request and saying
Resolved [org.springframework.web.bind.UnsatisfiedServletRequestParameterException: Parameter conditions "v1" not met for actual request parameters: plane-type={light-weight?v1}]

The syntax of the query parameters on the url is not valid.
Here is the correct syntax : localhost:9080/version/plane?plane-type=light-weight&v1.

your url is bad not sure what your intent use of params
example 1 valid url = localhost:9080/version/plane?plane-type=light-weight&v1=
using #RequestParam("plane-type") String plane-type
#RequestParam("v1") String v1 is enough to get the value no need use of attribute params
example 2 if you want to use params
#GetMapping(value = "/plane", params = {"v1"}) this mean you want v1 value
ResponseEntity<String> getOnePlaneByProduce1(#RequestParam("v1")String v1);
example 3 you want both
#GetMapping(value = "/plane", params = {"v1","plane-type"}) this mean you want v1 value and plane-type
ResponseEntity<String> getOnePlaneByProduce1(#RequestParam("v1")String v1, #RequestParam("plane-type") String plane-type);
params option just mean that endpoint require to have those params if one you specific is not there it gonna complain


Error 400 when receiving data from URL parameters en Spring MVC

I am trying to receive data from an URL with two parameters like this one:
No matter the approach, I am always getting a 400 error, but if I access the URL without the two parameters, the controller returns the view correctly (without the parameters, naturally)
This is the code of my controller:
#RequestMapping(value = "/xxx" )
public class BuscadorIncidenciasController extends BaseControllerWeb {
public String tickets(Model model, #RequestParam ("codprovincia") String codprovincia, #RequestParam ("municipio") String municipio, HttpServletRequest request) throws NoAjaxException {
Extra info: if I use this URL:
And this code:
#RequestMapping(value = "/xxx" )
public class BuscadorIncidenciasController extends BaseControllerWeb {
#RequestMapping(value = "buscar/{codprovincia}/{municipio}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String buscar(#PathVariable Integer codprovincia, #PathVariable Integer municipio ,Model model, HttpServletRequest request) throws NoAjaxException {
It gets the parameters correctly. The problem is that I have to use the first URL. I have reviewed similar questions about similar issues, and I have implemented the solutions to those issues, but I get the 400 error regardless what I try (add value="xxx=, required=false, and other suggestions.)
For RequestParam, you need to explicitly add 'name' attribute
#RequestParam(name = "codprovincia"), #RequestParam (name = "municipio")
No need to for HttpServletRequest, unless you have reason
Also, in your 'tickets' method, RequestMapping is not conforming to your URL path.
I think it should be

Does Springboot #RequestParam support List<Object> params in get request

Springboot #RequestParam annotation can pass basic list parameters, just like:
public String requestParamDemo(#RequestParam("list")List<Long> list) {
return list.toString();
and in postman, GET request localhost:8998/param?list=1,3,100 is works, "1,3,100" can be converted to List, but how or if Springboot #RequestParam support custom Generics such as below:
public String paramWithObjList(#RequestParam("objList")List<AaParam> objList) {
System.out.println("objList = " + objList);
return objList.toString();
import lombok.Data;
public class AaParam {
private int id;
private String name;
postman request: GET url: localhost:8998/objlist?objlist=[{id: 1, name: "aa"},{id: 2, name: "bb"}]
I tested in local and it didn't work.
Want to know if #RequestParam can do that or any alternative way to implement it.
Hope this suggestion holds good for your requirement.
I would suggest going with #RequestBody code will look like this
#PostMapping(path = "/objlist", consumes = "application/json", produces = "application/json")
public String paramWithObjList(#RequestBody List<AaParam> objList) {
System.out.println("objList = " + objList);
return objList.toString();
Note: please add some ObjectPaser in your actual logic (for example Jackson )
Postman request would be like this

Access absolute path of resource when using #RequestMapping in spring boot controller

I am using #RquestMapping for mapping url to controller method.
#RequestMapping(path = "/api/tasks")
public class TaskController { ....
and methods inside controller have /{id} with request mapping annotations.
path = "/{taskId},
method = RequestMethod.GET
public Map<String, Object> methodOne(...
I want to access http method and absolute path (configured path) for that method inside.
i.e. I want to get /api/tasks/{taskId} as value (not the /api/tasks/1 if api is called for task id 1) and GET as method inside of the methodOne.
I checked the HandlerMapping but it returns actual path of resource called by client. Not the configured path for the method / resource.
Any help or guidance would be highly appreciated. Thank you.
String[] pathReqMappingAnnotationOnControllerClass = this.getClass().getAnnotation(RequestMapping.class).path();
Method method = TaskApiController.class.getMethod("getListOfTasks", HttpServletRequest.class, HttpServletResponse.class);
String[] pathReqMappingAnnotationOnControllerMethod = method.getAnnotation(RequestMapping.class).path();
String wholePath = pathReqMappingAnnotationOnControllerClass[0] + pathReqMappingAnnotationOnControllerMethod[0];
//pathReqMappingAnnotationOnControllerMethod will be empty array if method is not annotated for path
#RequestMapping(path = "/{id}", method = [RequestMethod.DELETE])
public void test(#PathVariable("id") String id, HttpServletRequest request) {
\\ Code Here
In the method parameter, id is the pathVariable. And request method is accessible in the request variable (Although I do not know what is the point as you are limiting it to only accept GET requests)
As suggested by #codedetector, best option is if you have request object or you can add one if you dont have it.
#RequestMapping(path = "/{taskId}, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String methodOne(HttpServletRequest request){
String test = request.getRequestURI();
return test;
If you dont have request object in your method, with below code you can get any URL on your system.
import org.springframework.hateoas.mvc.ControllerLinkBuilder
ControllerLinkBuilder linkBuilder = ControllerLinkBuilder.linkTo(methodOn(YourController.class).getSomeEntityMethod(parameterId, parameterTwoId))
URI methodUri = linkBuilder.Uri()
String methodUrl = methodUri.getPath()
I am not sure why you need in this format "/api/tasks/{taskId}" as value (not the /api/tasks/1 )but i can think of using a constant use it for your #RequestMapping path parameter and then easily after getting absolute path , replace/append it with that constant.
String pathParam ="/{taskId}"
#RequestMapping(path = "/{id}", method = [RequestMethod.DELETE])
public void test(#PathVariable("id") String id, HttpServletRequest request) {
case 1:
case 2:
private void method1(){};
private void method2(){};
private void method3(){};

Spring - Query parameters without question mark

I'm having an issue parsing an URL with Spring.
My endpoint is
#RequestMapping(path = "/register", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String userActivation(#RequestParam("token") String token, #RequestParam("code") String code, final Map<String, Object> model) {
So I am expecting a token and a code in the URL.
The problem I am facing is that the service redirecting to my page omits the question mark, something like:
Which Spring fails to match to my endpoint.
Is there any way to handle this?
You can re-write you method using #PathVariable instead of #RequestParam
So you'll have an URL like http://myapp/register/sdgddfs/fdasgas, and an annotation for method
#RequestMapping(path = "/register/{token}/{code}")
public String userActivation(#PathVariable("token") String token, #PathVariable("code") String code) { ... }

DTO has only null with GET request params, but not POST #RequestBody

I'm trying to get my query params in a DTO like in this question but my DTO has always null value.
Is there anything wrong in my code ? I made it as simple as possible.
GET http://localhost:8080/api/test?a=azaz => null
POST http://localhost:8080/api/test with {"a":"azaz"} => "azaz"
Controller with a GET and a POST:
#RequestMapping(path = {"/api"}, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public class MyController {
// GET: dto NOT populated from query params "?a=azaz"
#RequestMapping(method = GET, path = "test")
public #ResponseBody String test(TestDto testDto){
return testDto.toString(); // null
// POST: dto WELL populated from body json {"a"="azaz"}
#RequestMapping(method = POST, path = "test")
public #ResponseBody String postTest(#RequestBody TestDto testDto){
return testDto.toString(); // "azaz"
public class TestDto {
public String a;
public String toString() {
return a;
Thanks !
Full Spring boot sample to illustrate it
The problem is that you are missing setter for the field.
public void setA(String a) {
this.a = a;
should fix it.
I'm assuming that you have done required configuration like having Jackson mapper in the class path, consume json attribute, getter and setter in DTO classes etc.
One thing missed here is, in RequestMapping use value attribute instead of path attribute as shown below
#RequestMapping(method = POST, value= "/test", consumes="application/json")
public #ResponseBody String postTest(#RequestBody TestDto testDto){
return testDto.toString();
And, make sure that you set content-type="application/json" while sending the request
I think what you are trying to do is not possible. To access the query Parameter you have to use #RequestParam("a"). Then you just get the String. To get your object this way you have to pass json as Parameter. a={"a":"azaz"}
Kind regards
