Spring - Query parameters without question mark - spring

I'm having an issue parsing an URL with Spring.
My endpoint is
#RequestMapping(path = "/register", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String userActivation(#RequestParam("token") String token, #RequestParam("code") String code, final Map<String, Object> model) {
So I am expecting a token and a code in the URL.
The problem I am facing is that the service redirecting to my page omits the question mark, something like:
Which Spring fails to match to my endpoint.
Is there any way to handle this?

You can re-write you method using #PathVariable instead of #RequestParam
So you'll have an URL like http://myapp/register/sdgddfs/fdasgas, and an annotation for method
#RequestMapping(path = "/register/{token}/{code}")
public String userActivation(#PathVariable("token") String token, #PathVariable("code") String code) { ... }


Error 400 when receiving data from URL parameters en Spring MVC

I am trying to receive data from an URL with two parameters like this one:
No matter the approach, I am always getting a 400 error, but if I access the URL without the two parameters, the controller returns the view correctly (without the parameters, naturally)
This is the code of my controller:
#RequestMapping(value = "/xxx" )
public class BuscadorIncidenciasController extends BaseControllerWeb {
public String tickets(Model model, #RequestParam ("codprovincia") String codprovincia, #RequestParam ("municipio") String municipio, HttpServletRequest request) throws NoAjaxException {
Extra info: if I use this URL:
And this code:
#RequestMapping(value = "/xxx" )
public class BuscadorIncidenciasController extends BaseControllerWeb {
#RequestMapping(value = "buscar/{codprovincia}/{municipio}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String buscar(#PathVariable Integer codprovincia, #PathVariable Integer municipio ,Model model, HttpServletRequest request) throws NoAjaxException {
It gets the parameters correctly. The problem is that I have to use the first URL. I have reviewed similar questions about similar issues, and I have implemented the solutions to those issues, but I get the 400 error regardless what I try (add value="xxx=, required=false, and other suggestions.)
For RequestParam, you need to explicitly add 'name' attribute
#RequestParam(name = "codprovincia"), #RequestParam (name = "municipio")
No need to for HttpServletRequest, unless you have reason
Also, in your 'tickets' method, RequestMapping is not conforming to your URL path.
I think it should be

spring mvc truncating special symbols

We have an application created in spring-boot. We have a rest controller in place as below
#RequestMapping(value = "getDataFromSpaceForTypeForSpaceId/{gridName}/{spaceName}/{dataType}/{spaceId}", method = GET, produces = "application/json")
public DetailedJsonView getDataFromSpaceForTypeForSpaceId(#PathVariable String spaceId,
#PathVariable String dataType,
#PathVariable String gridName,
#PathVariable String spaceName) throws Exception {
Object detailedObject = spaceAccessorService.getDetailedDataFromSpaceForTypeNameWithSpaceId(gridName, spaceName, dataType, spaceId);
String detailedXml = ObjectMarshallarService.marshal(detailedObject);
return new DetailedJsonView(detailedXml);
for the urls like this it works fine
for the urls like this the last variable spaceId
Now what we see on the above url is that spaceId comes as InterestRates instead of InterestRates#MUREX:RATES:EMEA:2015-01-01.
I am not sure how i can resolve that

How to specify multiple parameters in POST method

I have Model called Loan:
public class Loan {
private int loan_id;
private String clientName;
private String clientSurname;
private Double amount;
private int days;
//getters and setters
And Controller
public class MyController {
MyService myService;
#RequestMapping(value = "/makeAction",method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String makeLoan(){
return myService.makeAction(...);
The question is: how to bypass multiple variables via adressbar like:
and so on.
UPD: Another attempt failed:
#RequestMapping(value="/makeLoan",method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String makeLoan(#PathVariable("loan_id")int loan_id,
#PathVariable("name") String clientName,
#PathVariable("surname") String clientSurname,
#PathVariable("amount") double amount,
#PathVariable("days") int days ) throws Exception {
return myService.makeLoan(loan_id,clientName,clientSurname,amount,days);
P.S tried #PathVariables - failed to use
Thanks you all for helping me with this
The final code looks like that:
#RequestMapping(value = "/makeAction")
public String makeLoan(#RequestParam("loan_id")int loan_id,
#RequestParam("clientName")String clientName,
#RequestParam("clientSurname")String clientSurname,
#RequestParam("amount")double amount,
#RequestParam("days")int days ) throws Exception {
return loanService.makeAction(loan_id,clientName,clientSurname,amount,days);
I had to remove GET/POST method and switch #PathVariable to #RequestParam
Well, first of all, you shouldn't put parameters for POST in the URL.
URL parameters are used for GET, and they are separated with & so in your case:
For POST you should submit parameters as request body parameters. Parameters are bound with #RequestParam annotation like #SMA suggested.
In your method define them with RequestParam annotation like:
public String makeLoan(#RequestParam(value="clientName", required=false) String clientName) {//and others, and hope you meant & to seperate request parameters.
Well, assuming you're using spring MVC, this could be helpful:
How to explictely obtain post data in Spring MVC?
Be aware that if you're using a POST method, your parameters should be read in the request body...

Spring MVC RequestMapping PathVariable in the first place

I would like to set for each user's own profile link.
Like this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/{userlogin}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String page(#PathVariable("userlogin") String userlogin, ModelMap model) {
return "user";
But static pages get this expression too..
Like this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/hello", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String hello() {
System.out.println("hello mapping");
return "hello";
That is when I request GET request "hello" that calls both controllers.
I would like to do that, user controller calls only if other methods not called.
Console, when I calls localhost:8080/123:
Console, when I calls localhost:8080/hello:
hello mapping
hello mapping
I want to get only
hello mapping
when calls localhost:8080/hello
Who knows how it can be implemented?
Spring MVC can use URI Template Patterns with Regular Expressions. Provided :
userlogin only contain digits
others URL immediately under root contains at least one non digit character
you can use that in your #RequestMapping :
#RequestMapping(value = "/{userlogin:\\d+}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String page(#PathVariable("userlogin") String userlogin, ModelMap model) {
If the separation between userlogin and other URL is different from what I imagined, it can be easy to adapt.

how to capture multiple parameters using #RequestParam using spring mvc?

Suppose a hyperlink is clicked and an url is fired with the following parameter list myparam=myValue1&myparam=myValue2&myparam=myValue3 . Now how can I capture all the parameters using #RequestParam in spring mvc?
My requirement is I have to capture all the params and put them in a map.
Please help!
#RequestMapping(value = "users/newuser", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String saveUser(#RequestParam Map<String,String> requestParams) throws Exception{
String userName=requestParams.get("email");
String password=requestParams.get("password");
//perform DB operations
return "profile";
You could use RequestParam in the above mentioned manner.
It seems you can't get
because all your params have same name "myparam"
Try this instead:
public ModelAndView method(#RequestParam("myparam") List<String> params) { }
To get all parameters at once try this:
public ModelAndView postResultPage(#RequestParam MultiValueMap<String, String> params)
This feature is described in the #RequestParam java doc (3. Paragraph):
Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a web request parameter. Supported for annotated handler methods in Servlet and Portlet environments.
If the method parameter type is Map and a request parameter name is specified, then the request parameter value is converted to a Map assuming an appropriate conversion strategy is available.
If the method parameter is Map<String, String> or MultiValueMap<String, String> and a parameter name is not specified, then the map parameter is populated with all request parameter names and values.
As of Spring 3.0, you can also use MultiValueMap to achieve this:
A rudimentary example would be:
public String someMethod(#RequestParam MultiValueMap<String,String> params) {
final Iterator<Entry<String, List<String>>> it = params.entrySet().iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
final String k = it.next().getKey();
final List<String> values = it.next().getValue();
return "dummy_response";
If anyone is trying to do the same in Spring Boot, use RequestBody in place of RequestParam
Spring mvc can support List<Object>, Set<Object> and Map<Object> param, but without #RequestParam.
Take List<Object> as example, if your object is User.java, and it like this:
public class User {
private String name;
private int age;
// getter and setter
And you want pass a param of List<User>, you can use url like this[0].name=Alice&users[0].age=26&users[1].name=Bob&users[1].age=16
Remember to encode the url, the url after encoded is like this:
Example of List<Object>, Set<Object> and Map<Object> is displayed in my github.
You can use for multiple Params as such
public String saveUser(#RequestParam("email") String userName, #RequestParam("password") String password) throws Exception{
//your code
//perform DB operations
return "profile";
For params with same name, you can use MultiValueMap<String ,String>. Then all the values would be present as List
You can use multiple #RequestParam annotations as shown below.
#RequestParam(value="myparam1", required = true) <Datatype> myparam1,
#RequestParam(value = "myparam2", required = false) <Datatype> myparam2,
