YouTube Data API v3 shows quota 0 out of 0 - youtube-data-api

I'm using YouTube Data API v3 to retrieve a video info (title, description, thumb) when a user pasted the URL into my internal system. I started getting an 403 error about quota.
When I open Console Developers Dashboard, it shows 45 requests in the last 30 days (that system is not used all the time).
When I click to get an overview from that API, under Quotas, my queries per day shows 0 without possibility of change that limit.
I got a message at the top of the page to request more quota limit but when I follow that link the form tells my current limit is 0 and to require a new limit - which is 0! Can't proceed without any number greater than 0.
Does anyone knows if that is a bug?

This is intended behavior see issue #211012781
Hi. If you're seeing Queries per day quota set to 0 and the API is indeed enabled, then this means that your project’s access to YouTube Data API Service has been disabled.
You should’ve received a notice via email regarding this action, which also contains the steps that need to be taken to regain the project’s access. But just in case you missed it, please fill out and submit the exceptions form below:


Live streams health status polling in YouTube v3 API

I have multiple live streams to YouTube being pushed 24/7 from IP cameras. In YouTube studio live stream interface, there is a column per live stream showing health of inbound connection & data.
(see snip below).
This shows for each currently 'live' live stream if the inbound data rate is 'excellent', 'good', 'poor', or 'no data'. I have to believe if the YouTube studio live interface is able to poll and display this, it should be available in the YouTube live v3 API.
However, I can't find anything on it. My need is I want to create automation to query status every 15 min or so and alert me if one of my camera sources goes down. Does anyone have insights on where to get this from the YouTube v3 API?
The answer to your question is straightforward:
Use the LiveStreams.list API endpoint, queried with the request parameter mine set to true and look for the following property of the JSON response:
status.healthStatus (string)
The status code of this stream.
Valid values for this property are:
good – There are no configuration issues for which the severity is warning or worse.
ok – There are no configuration issues for which the severity is error.
bad – The stream has some issues for which the severity is error.
noData – YouTube's live streaming backend servers do not have any information about the stream's health status.
Also, don't forget to pass status to the request parameter part too.

Google Admin SDK : Reports API Activities : Watch > Sends a tones of same notification

I have created a Gsuite channel as per this reference and its working fine. I can receive the webhooks for all the admin activities.
The problem is sometimes event such as "ADD_GROUP_MEMBER" or "REMOVE_GROUP_MEMBER" getting 10 to 12 times for the same user email and group email. I am also sending the response 200 for each webhooks but still, Gsuite keeps sending me the same events.
You can check on the attached events. I have received one webhook at 19:17:24 with some group member change. After 54 seconds I have again received the same event with all the same data. This happens almost 12 times. It only happens sometimes but when it happens it just hangs my server. Any idea of how can I prevent this?
Any help would be appreciated Thanks!!
Posting this just for documentation purposes.
This behaviour has been reported in Issue Tracker (I guess the author of this question reported it). Anyone who is experiencing this can keep track of the issue by clicking the star on the top left of the referenced page.
Google Admin SDK : Reports API Activities : Watch > Sends a tones of same notification

YouTube Data API returns "Access Not Configured" error, although it is enabled

My internally used web solution to retrieve YouTube video statistics that is based on this example ( now fails to work. Not sure when exactly it happened, but it used to work couple of months ago.
I now tried to run unedited example code (apart from adjusting the CLIENT_ID, of course), and I am getting exactly the same error:
"domain": "usageLimits",
"reason": "accessNotConfigured",
"message": "Access Not Configured. YouTube Data API has not been used in project 123 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.",
"extendedHelp": "" } ], "code": 403, "message": "Access Not Configured. YouTube Data API has not been used in project 123 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry."
When I check the YouTube API in developer console, it shows enabled status, and the Credentials compatible with this API include the ID used to authenticate the client. I can see the statistics for credential use increment when I retry the API call attempts, and the metrics reflect the number of requests and also show that the error rate is 100%. But there is no extra info on those failed attempts in the console to help on debugging the problem.
I have deleted and recreated API key and OAuth key, but that did not change anything.
Had there been any extra info on those errors on the developer console side, for example client quote exceeded, I could see how to fix this. Now I am completely stuck.
Create a new project
Weirdly, creating a new project just gets the API to work properly!
The error message is unfortunately a red herring: your project's access to YouTube Data API Services is automatically disabled after a 90 day inactivity period.
You should have received a notice via email regarding this action, which also contains the steps that need to be taken to regain access: please fill out and submit the exceptions form.
Try to start a new Project with new oAuthCliedID & oAuthClientSecret
What seems to have done it for me after a lot of fiddling was to:
Go to the OAuth consent screen of the project.
Enter an Application name.
Press Save.
Lo and behold, after 5 minutes it started working.

Is LUIS limited for use?

I have been receiving exception in my application saying
Exception: Response status code does not indicate success: 403 (Quota Exceeded).
Does this means we are only allowed 1000 hits per application per month on the LUIS?
Anyother justification are welcomed around this exceptions.
There are several quotas on LUIS's keys usage:
Free key:
5 calls / second
10 000 calls / month
Standard key:
50 calls / second
See Azure portal's capture below where the 5/second is visible for free plan:
And link to LUIS pricing here
There is also (or was) an out of Azure preview key good for only 1000 messages per month on a rolling daily window. Not sure if it’s still there but it could be what you’re running into. It was called the bootstrap key and was just using your programmatic api key as the runtime key.
It is also depending on the starter key that was created for each user when using LUIS free from first time, we need to migrate the luis model to a Azure resource, only then we can use 10,000 message free per month as per F0 plan, else it will be 1000 for each user authorizing key.
Reference link

Error "Fatal SparkPostError: Exceed Sending Limit" when sandbox=true

I send the message via SparkPost API with option sandbox=true.
I get error "Fatal SparkPostError: Exceed Sending Limit"
I can't find description of the error in DOCs, Google or stackoverflow.
Anybody know what issues with sandbox of SparkPost? How much is limit for sandbox? When does it refresh?
The sandbox options allows you to send using the domain. It is currently limited to 50 sends for the lifetime of the account. At this time you should have a verified sending domain to use going forward. If you are looking for information on testing using SparkPost, take a look at this support document:

