Live streams health status polling in YouTube v3 API - youtube-data-api

I have multiple live streams to YouTube being pushed 24/7 from IP cameras. In YouTube studio live stream interface, there is a column per live stream showing health of inbound connection & data.
(see snip below).
This shows for each currently 'live' live stream if the inbound data rate is 'excellent', 'good', 'poor', or 'no data'. I have to believe if the YouTube studio live interface is able to poll and display this, it should be available in the YouTube live v3 API.
However, I can't find anything on it. My need is I want to create automation to query status every 15 min or so and alert me if one of my camera sources goes down. Does anyone have insights on where to get this from the YouTube v3 API?

The answer to your question is straightforward:
Use the LiveStreams.list API endpoint, queried with the request parameter mine set to true and look for the following property of the JSON response:
status.healthStatus (string)
The status code of this stream.
Valid values for this property are:
good – There are no configuration issues for which the severity is warning or worse.
ok – There are no configuration issues for which the severity is error.
bad – The stream has some issues for which the severity is error.
noData – YouTube's live streaming backend servers do not have any information about the stream's health status.
Also, don't forget to pass status to the request parameter part too.


MS Teams Incoming Webhook issue

I've created an incoming Teams Webhook connector within a Teams group (using the method below).
I can successfully curl to the webhook internally and get the message to display ok.
MS have checked my tenant and access is as expected.
When I apply my URL for the webhook to any external service they eventually come back stating there was a problem detected with the webhook (Please make sure that your webhook endpoint of xxx is responding with a 2xx response code within 30 seconds of initial connection.)
Can anyone advise what else may need to be done?
In Microsoft Teams, choose More options (⋯) next to the channel name and then choose Connectors.
Scroll through the list of Connectors to Incoming Webhook, and choose Add.
Enter a name for the webhook, upload an image to associate with data from the webhook, and choose Create.
Copy the webhook to the clipboard and save it. You'll need the webhook URL for sending information to Microsoft Teams.
Choose Done.
Incoming webhooks are special type of Connector in Teams that provide a simple way for an external app to share content in team channels and are often used as tracking and notification tools. Teams provides a unique URL to which you send a JSON payload with the message that you want to POST, typically in a card format. Cards are user-interface (UI) containers that contain content and actions related to a single topic and are a way to present message data in a consistent way. Please test the incoming webhook url using postman and let us know the payload result or status code. Would be help full for us to understand more.

Create transcription from 'UnmixedMeetingAudio' buffer as soon as those are received - bot with application hosted media

I have created a bot using bot framework (.net) with application hosted media using the sample provided here. Bot attends any incoming peer to peer or group calls in Microsoft Teams. While in the meeting I am able to receive audio buffers as participants speak up in AudioMediaReceived event handler inside CallHandler.cs class provided in the samples. Now I want to generate transcript out of it. I want some guidance about:
Can this be done at the end of the meeting, I am confused as it's stated on a number of places (1)(2) that
"You may not use this SDK to record or otherwise persist media content
from calls or meetings that your bot accesses"
In which scenario this fits? Is it possible to generate wave(.wav) file out of the byte array (UnmixedAudioBuffer data) received and use that for transcription at the end of the meeting?
Since we receive audio frames at a very quick pace (50 frames per second), If I am to generate the transcript asynchronously and real time, how should I do it. Is it about converting buffer data to .wav or in memory stream and using some cloud speech service/API?
There's a speech service provided by Microsoft as well as speech to text resource provided by Google cloud.
your guidance is highly appreciated.
It's a bad idea to try to get a bot to transcribe meetings for you for the reasons you've already seen. However, you're in luck because Microsoft already transcribes meetings automatically.
You can record a meeting in Teams by following the instructions here:
If you save the recorded meeting to Microsoft Stream then you can even edit the transcript. If you save the meeting to OneDrive and SharePoint then this page implies the feature should be available in the future:

YouTube Data API v3 shows quota 0 out of 0

I'm using YouTube Data API v3 to retrieve a video info (title, description, thumb) when a user pasted the URL into my internal system. I started getting an 403 error about quota.
When I open Console Developers Dashboard, it shows 45 requests in the last 30 days (that system is not used all the time).
When I click to get an overview from that API, under Quotas, my queries per day shows 0 without possibility of change that limit.
I got a message at the top of the page to request more quota limit but when I follow that link the form tells my current limit is 0 and to require a new limit - which is 0! Can't proceed without any number greater than 0.
Does anyone knows if that is a bug?
This is intended behavior see issue #211012781
Hi. If you're seeing Queries per day quota set to 0 and the API is indeed enabled, then this means that your project’s access to YouTube Data API Service has been disabled.
You should’ve received a notice via email regarding this action, which also contains the steps that need to be taken to regain the project’s access. But just in case you missed it, please fill out and submit the exceptions form below:

Why insert request got an error response via Youtube API?

I request an insert api via Youtube API for starting live streaming and I got an error such as below image.
I knew that it's available live streaming with other tools.(refer to
I have submitted their review request for using a scopes, and our project was accepted by them.
Same request with other client ID is working, but my clientId not working.
Can you explain why it happens?
To be able to live stream on mobile, your channel will need to have at least 1,000 subscribers.

Chromecast Status Code 2001

I have an application thats send around 150+ KB to the Chromecast Dongle using the sample HelloText app from GitHub, however on the onReceive callback, I receive a Unknown Status Code 2001.
What does this status code imply since it's not documented anywhere in the official SDK documentation?
Are you breaking your data into smaller pieces and send or you are trying to send everything in one shot? I believe there is a limit of 64K per message (I might be wrong on the exact number though, but it is < 150K). 2001 error code means it is an invalid requests.
