Pure Prolog Meta-Interpreter with one Rule - prolog

I wonder whether there is a pure Prolog meta-interpreter with
only one rule. The usual Prolog vanilla meta-interpreter has two
rules. It reads as follows:
solve((A, B)) :- solve(A), solve(B). /* rule 1 */
solve(H) :- program(H, B), solve(B). /* rule 2 */
This Prolog vanilla meta-interpreter uses two rules /* rule 1 */
and /* rule 2 */. And the rest is facts. The program that
is executed is represented by program facts. Here is an example program:
program(append([], X, X), true).
program(append([X|Y], Z, [X|T]), append(Y, Z, T)).
program(nrev([], []), true).
program(nrev([H|T], R), (nrev(T, S), append(S, [H], R))).
And an example query:
?- solve(nrev([1,2,3], X)).
X = [3, 2, 1] .
Is there a way to represent the program differently as facts, and
then code a different meta-interpreter, which would use only facts
except for a single rule instead of two rules? Something that would
work for all pure Prolog programs, not only the nrev example?

Here is one idea, using a list to hold the rest of the computation:
solve([X|Xs]) :- program(X, Ys, Xs), solve(Ys).
program(true, Xs, Xs).
program(append([],X,X), Xs, Xs).
program(append([X|Y], Z, [X|T]), [append(Y,Z,T)|Xs], Xs).
program(nrev([],[]), Xs, Xs).
program(nrev([H|T],R), [nrev(T,S),append(S,[H],R)|Xs], Xs).
With test call (where one needs to wrap the call in a list).
?- solve([nrev([1,2,3],X)]).
X = [3,2,1] ? ;
Arguably, one could represent the program/3 facts as a DCG instead, for increased readability (but then it might not be considered a "fact" any more).

Here is another approach, known as binarization with continuation.
Its from this logic transformers paper here by Paul Tarau (2021).
solve(X) :- program(X, Y), solve(Y).
program(append([],X,X,C), C).
program(append([X|Y],Z,[X|T],C), append(Y,Z,T,C)).
program(nrev([],[],C), C).
program(nrev([H|T],R,C), nrev(T,S,append(S,[H],R,C))).
A little sanity check shows that it wurks:
?- solve(nrev([1,2,3], X, true)).
X = [3, 2, 1] ;

If ;/2 is allowed, then this seems to work:
solve(H) :- ((X, Y) = H, solve(X), solve(Y)); (program(H :- B), solve(B)).
program(append([], X, X) :- true).
program(append([X|Y], Z, [X|T]) :- append(Y, Z, T)).
program(nrev([], []) :- true).
program(nrev([H|T], R) :- (nrev(T, S), append(S, [H], R))).
?- solve(nrev([1,2,3], X)).
X = [3, 2, 1] ;


Can single sided unification improve error handling?

Inspired by this question, I am trying to harden error
handling of reverse/2. So I tried this implementation:
reverse(X, Y) :- reverse(X, [], Y).
reverse(X, _, _) :- var(X), throw(error(instantiation_error,_)).
reverse([], X, R) :- !, R = X.
reverse([X|Y], Z, R) :- !, reverse(Y, [X|Z], R).
reverse(X, _, _) :- throw(error(type_error(list,X),_)).
Everything works fine, until I try reverse/2 as a generator:
?- reverse([1,2,3],X).
X = [3, 2, 1].
?- reverse(2,X).
ERROR: Type error: `list' expected, found `2' (an integer)
?- reverse(X,Y).
ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
Can single sided unification change the situation, some typical solution based on single sided unification so that the generator reverse(X,Y) would still work? Single sided unification is available in SWI-Prolog 8.3.19.
I am afraid I cannot present a single sided unification solution. Its rather that normal unification in the form of (\=)/2 could be useful. I hardly use (\=)/2 ever. The solution is inspired by Dijkstra guards if-fi, link to paper at end of this post:
Cond1 -> ActionList1
Condn -> ActionList2
The if-fi aborts if none of the conditions Cond1,..,Condn is satisfied. So we
simply use a conjunction of the negation of the conditions:
reverse(X, Y) :- reverse(X, [], Y).
reverse(X, _, _) :- X \= [], X \= [_|_], throw(error(type_error(list,X),_)).
reverse([], X, R) :- R = X.
reverse([X|Y], Z, R) :- reverse(Y, [X|Z], R).
Seems to work:
?- reverse([1,2,3],X).
X = [3, 2, 1].
?- reverse(2,X).
ERROR: Type error: `list' expected, found `2' (an integer)
?- reverse(X,Y).
X = Y, Y = [] ;
X = Y, Y = [_1778] ;
X = [_1778, _2648],
Y = [_2648, _1778] ;
So single sided unification might be the wrong approach? I dont know. The above solution incures an overhead, unless some indexing might optimize away (\=)/2. Could even work in connection with attributed variables.
Nondeterminacy and Formal Derivation of Programs
Edsger W. Dijkstra - Burroughs Corporation
This seems to work (a straightforward translation to use => of reverse/2 in library(lists)):
reverse(List, Reversed) =>
reverse(List, [], Reversed, Reversed).
reverse([], Ys, Reversed, Tail) =>
Reversed = Ys,
Tail = [].
reverse([X|Xs], Rs, Reversed, Tail) =>
Tail = [_|Bound],
reverse(Xs, [X|Rs], Reversed, Bound).

Prolog meta-interpreters and single sided unification

I tried this vanilla interpreter:
solve(true) :- !, true.
solve(X is E) :- !, X is E.
solve((A,B)) :- !, solve(A), solve(B).
solve(H) :- clause(H,B), solve(B).
Can we use it to meta-interpret some code? I tried this code,
requires SWI-Prolog 8.3.19, which runs fine normally:
sumlist([X|Y], R) => sumlist(Y, H), R is X+H.
sumlist([], R) => R is 0.
?- sumlist([1,2,3],X).
X = 6.
?- sumlist(X,Y).
ERROR: No rule matches sumlist(_21604,_21606)
But meta-interpretation goes wrong. The reason is that clause/2
doesn’t know about rules that use single sided unification:
?- clause(sumlist(A,B),C).
A = [_22728|_22730],
C = (sumlist(_22730, _22736), B is _22728+_22736) ;
A = [],
C = (B is 0).
?- solve(sumlist([1,2,3],X)).
X = 6.
?- solve(sumlist(X,Y)).
SWI-Prolog wurde unerwartet beendet.
Is there a solution for meta-interpreters and single sided unification?
One way out of the dilemma and stay inside the ISO core standard, is to translate single sided unfication to a combination of nonvar/1, (=)/2 and (==)/2, like here:
?- clause(sumlist(X,Y),Z), write((sumlist(X,Y):-Z)), nl, fail; true.
sumlist(_A, _B) :- nonvar(_A), _A = [_C|_D], sumlist(_D, _E), _B is _C+_E
sumlist(_A, _B) :- nonvar(_A), _A = [], _B is 0
Of course we need to add the built-ins nonvar/1, (=)/2 and (==)/2 as well to the meta interpreter:
solve(true) :- !.
solve(X is E) :- !, X is E.
solve(nonvar(X)) :- !, nonvar(X).
solve(X == Y) :- !, X == Y.
solve(X = Y) :- !, X = Y.
solve((A, B)) :- !, solve(A), solve(B).
solve(H) :- clause(H, B), solve(B).
Meta-interpreting sumlist/2 now works fine:
?- solve(sumlist([1,2,3],X)).
X = 6
?- solve(sumlist(X,Y)).
But the translator might challenge a Prolog system concering clause indexing. It moves away the functors from the head into the body. So the Prolog system would need some body front indexing as pioneered by YAP and found in Jekejeke Prolog.
Open Source:
Yet Another Pattern Matcher
Vanilla Interpreter, Expansion Solution

PROLOG: Determining if elements in list are equal if order does not matter

I'm trying to figure out a way to check if two lists are equal regardless of their order of elements.
My first attempt was:
areq([H1|T1], L):- member(H1, L), areq(T1, L).
However, this only checks if all elements of the list on the left exist in the list on the right; meaning areq([1,2,3],[1,2,3,4]) => true. At this point, I need to find a way to be able to test thing in a bi-directional sense. My second attempt was the following:
areq([H1|T1], L):- member(H1, L), areq(T1, L), append([H1], T1, U), areq(U, L).
Where I would try to rebuild the lest on the left and swap lists in the end; but this failed miserably.
My sense of recursion is extremely poor and simply don't know how to improve it, especially with Prolog. Any hints or suggestions would be appreciated at this point.
As a starting point, let's take the second implementation of equal_elements/2 by #CapelliC:
equal_elements([], []).
equal_elements([X|Xs], Ys) :-
select(X, Ys, Zs),
equal_elements(Xs, Zs).
Above implementation leaves useless choicepoints for queries like this one:
?- equal_elements([1,2,3],[3,2,1]).
true ; % succeeds, but leaves choicepoint
What could we do? We could fix the efficiency issue by using
selectchk/3 instead of
select/3, but by doing so we would lose logical-purity! Can we do better?
We can!
Introducing selectd/3, a logically pure predicate that combines the determinism of selectchk/3 and the purity of select/3. selectd/3 is based on
if_/3 and (=)/3:
selectd(E,[A|As],Bs1) :-
if_(A = E, As = Bs1,
(Bs1 = [A|Bs], selectd(E,As,Bs))).
selectd/3 can be used a drop-in replacement for select/3, so putting it to use is easy!
equal_elementsB([], []).
equal_elementsB([X|Xs], Ys) :-
selectd(X, Ys, Zs),
equal_elementsB(Xs, Zs).
Let's see it in action!
?- equal_elementsB([1,2,3],[3,2,1]).
true. % succeeds deterministically
?- equal_elementsB([1,2,3],[A,B,C]), C=3,B=2,A=1.
A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 ; % still logically pure
Edit 2015-05-14
The OP wasn't specific if the predicate
should enforce that items occur on both sides with
the same multiplicities.
equal_elementsB/2 does it like that, as shown by these two queries:
?- equal_elementsB([1,2,3,2,3],[3,3,2,1,2]).
?- equal_elementsB([1,2,3,2,3],[3,3,2,1,2,3]).
If we wanted the second query to succeed, we could relax the definition in a logically pure way by using meta-predicate
tfilter/3 and
reified inequality dif/3:
equal_elementsC([X|Xs],Ys2) :-
tfilter(dif(X),Xs ,Xs0),
Let's run two queries like the ones above, this time using equal_elementsC/2:
?- equal_elementsC([1,2,3,2,3],[3,3,2,1,2]).
?- equal_elementsC([1,2,3,2,3],[3,3,2,1,2,3]).
Edit 2015-05-17
As it is, equal_elementsB/2 does not universally terminate in cases like the following:
?- equal_elementsB([],Xs), false. % terminates universally
?- equal_elementsB([_],Xs), false. % gives a single answer, but ...
%%% wait forever % ... does not terminate universally
If we flip the first and second argument, however, we get termination!
?- equal_elementsB(Xs,[]), false. % terminates universally
?- equal_elementsB(Xs,[_]), false. % terminates universally
Inspired by an answer given by #AmiTavory, we can improve the implementation of equal_elementsB/2 by "sharpening" the solution set like so:
equal_elementsBB(Xs,Ys) :-
To check if non-termination is gone, we put queries using both predicates head to head:
?- equal_elementsB([_],Xs), false.
%%% wait forever % does not terminate universally
?- equal_elementsBB([_],Xs), false.
false. % terminates universally
Note that the same "trick" does not work with equal_elementsC/2,
because of the size of solution set is infinite (for all but the most trivial instances of interest).
A simple solution using the sort/2 ISO standard built-in predicate, assuming that neither list contains duplicated elements:
equal_elements(List1, List2) :-
sort(List1, Sorted1),
sort(List2, Sorted2),
Sorted1 == Sorted2.
Some sample queries:
| ?- equal_elements([1,2,3],[1,2,3,4]).
| ?- equal_elements([1,2,3],[3,1,2]).
| ?- equal_elements([a(X),a(Y),a(Z)],[a(1),a(2),a(3)]).
| ?- equal_elements([a(X),a(Y),a(Z)],[a(Z),a(X),a(Y)]).
In Prolog you often can do exactly what you say
areq([H1|T1], L):- member(H1, L), areq(T1, L).
bi_areq(L1, L2) :- areq(L1, L2), areq(L2, L1).
Rename if necessary.
a compact form:
member_(Ys, X) :- member(X, Ys).
equal_elements(Xs, Xs) :- maplist(member_(Ys), Xs).
but, using member/2 seems inefficient, and leave space to ambiguity about duplicates (on both sides). Instead, I would use select/3
?- [user].
equal_elements([], []).
equal_elements([X|Xs], Ys) :-
select(X, Ys, Zs),
equal_elements(Xs, Zs).
^D here
1 ?- equal_elements(X, [1,2,3]).
X = [1, 2, 3] ;
X = [1, 3, 2] ;
X = [2, 1, 3] ;
X = [2, 3, 1] ;
X = [3, 1, 2] ;
X = [3, 2, 1] ;
2 ?- equal_elements([1,2,3,3], [1,2,3]).
or, better,
equal_elements(Xs, Ys) :- permutation(Xs, Ys).
The other answers are all elegant (way above my own Prolog level), but it struck me that the question stated
efficient for the regular uses.
The accepted answer is O(max(|A| log(|A|), |B|log(|B|)), irrespective of whether the lists are equal (up to permutation) or not.
At the very least, it would pay to check the lengths before bothering to sort, which would decrease the runtime to something linear in the lengths of the lists in the case where they are not of equal length.
Expanding this, it is not difficult to modify the solution so that its runtime is effectively linear in the general case where the lists are not equal (up to permutation), using random digests.
Suppose we define
digest(L, D) :- digest(L, 1, D).
digest([], D, D) :- !.
digest([H|T], Acc, D) :-
term_hash(H, TH),
NewAcc is mod(Acc * TH, 1610612741),
digest(T, NewAcc, D).
This is the Prolog version of the mathematical function Prod_i h(a_i) | p, where h is the hash, and p is a prime. It effectively maps each list to a random (in the hashing sense) value in the range 0, ...., p - 1 (in the above, p is the large prime 1610612741).
We can now check if two lists have the same digest:
same_digests(A, B) :-
digest(A, DA),
digest(B, DB),
DA =:= DB.
If two lists have different digests, they cannot be equal. If two lists have the same digest, then there is a tiny chance that they are unequal, but this still needs to be checked. For this case I shamelessly stole Paulo Moura's excellent answer.
The final code is this:
equal_elements(A, B) :-
same_digests(A, B),
sort(A, SortedA),
sort(B, SortedB),
SortedA == SortedB.
same_digests(A, B) :-
digest(A, DA),
digest(B, DB),
DA =:= DB.
digest(L, D) :- digest(L, 1, D).
digest([], D, D) :- !.
digest([H|T], Acc, D) :-
term_hash(H, TH),
NewAcc is mod(Acc * TH, 1610612741),
digest(T, NewAcc, D).
One possibility, inspired on qsort:
split(_,[],[],[],[]) :- !.
split(X,[H|Q],S,E,G) :-
split(<,X,[H|Q],[H|S],E,G) :-
split(=,X,[X|Q],S,[X|E],G) :-
split(>,X,[H|Q],S,E,[H|G]) :-
cmp([H|Q],L2) :-
A simple solution using cut.
Some sample queries:
?- areq([],[]).
?- areq([1],[]).
?- areq([],[1]).
?- areq([1,2,3],[3,2,1]).
?- areq([1,1,2,2],[2,1,2,1]).

Write a Prolog predicate next(X,List,List1)

Prolog predicate next(X, List,List1), that returns in List1 the next element(s) from List that follows X, e.g., next(a,[a,b,c,a,d],List1), will return List1=[b,d].
I have tried following:
next(X, [X,Y|List], [Y|List1]) :- % X is the head of the list
next(X, [Y|List], List1).
next(X, [Y|List], List1) :- % X is not the head of the list
X \== Y,
next(X, List, List1).
next(_,[], []).
First, whenever possible, use prolog-dif for expressing term inequality!
Second, the question you asked is vague about corner cases: In particular, it is not clear how next(E,Xs,Ys) should behave if there are multiple neighboring Es in Xs or if Xs ends with E.
That being said, here's my shot at your problem:
next(E,Xs,Ys) :-
list_item_nexts([I|Xs],E,Ys) :-
list_item_nexts([E,X|Xs],E,[X|Ys]) :-
Let's see some queries!
?- next(a,[a,b,c,a,d],List1).
List1 = [b,d] ;
?- next(a,[a,a,b,c,a,d],List1).
List1 = [a,d] ;
?- next(a,[a,a,b,c,a,d,a],List1).
List1 = [a,d] ;
Note that above queries succeed, but leave behind useless choicepoints.
This inefficiency can be dealt with, but I suggest figuring out more complete specs first:)
This version is deterministic for the cases given by #repeat using if_/3 and (=)/3. It shows how purity and efficiency can coexist in one and the same Prolog program.
next(E, Xs, Ys) :-
xs_e_(Xs, E, Ys).
xs_e_([], _E, []).
xs_e_([X|Xs], E, Ys) :-
if_(X = E, xs_e_xys(Xs, E, Ys), xs_e_(Xs, E, Ys)).
xs_e_xys([], _E, []).
xs_e_xys([X|Xs], E, [X|Ys]) :-
xs_e_(Xs, E, Ys).
%xs_e_xys([X|Xs], E, [X|Ys]) :- % alternate interpretation
% xs_e_([X|Xs], E, Ys).

Prolog ERROR out of global stack

arg(A, L) :- forall(member(S, L), (ass(S), \+ con(S,A))).
If I run arg(r, [a,b]) it will work but if I run arg(r,X) it returns: ERROR out of global stack. I would like it to return [a,b]. I understand this is because L is unbounded, but how can I fix this.
In the predicate:
arg(A, L) :- forall(member(S, L), (ass(S), \+ con(S,A))).
May have a limitation in your case as described in the SWI Prolog documentation for forall/2:
If your intent is to create variable bindings, the forall/2 control
structure is inadequate. Possibly you are looking for maplist/2,
findall/3 or foreach/2.
So in this case, you may be better off with:
arg(A, L) :- findall(S, (ass(S), \+ con(S,A)), L).
Which will yield:
?- arg(r, X).
X = [a, b].
?- arg(r, [a,b]).
