Can single sided unification improve error handling? - prolog

Inspired by this question, I am trying to harden error
handling of reverse/2. So I tried this implementation:
reverse(X, Y) :- reverse(X, [], Y).
reverse(X, _, _) :- var(X), throw(error(instantiation_error,_)).
reverse([], X, R) :- !, R = X.
reverse([X|Y], Z, R) :- !, reverse(Y, [X|Z], R).
reverse(X, _, _) :- throw(error(type_error(list,X),_)).
Everything works fine, until I try reverse/2 as a generator:
?- reverse([1,2,3],X).
X = [3, 2, 1].
?- reverse(2,X).
ERROR: Type error: `list' expected, found `2' (an integer)
?- reverse(X,Y).
ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
Can single sided unification change the situation, some typical solution based on single sided unification so that the generator reverse(X,Y) would still work? Single sided unification is available in SWI-Prolog 8.3.19.

I am afraid I cannot present a single sided unification solution. Its rather that normal unification in the form of (\=)/2 could be useful. I hardly use (\=)/2 ever. The solution is inspired by Dijkstra guards if-fi, link to paper at end of this post:
Cond1 -> ActionList1
Condn -> ActionList2
The if-fi aborts if none of the conditions Cond1,..,Condn is satisfied. So we
simply use a conjunction of the negation of the conditions:
reverse(X, Y) :- reverse(X, [], Y).
reverse(X, _, _) :- X \= [], X \= [_|_], throw(error(type_error(list,X),_)).
reverse([], X, R) :- R = X.
reverse([X|Y], Z, R) :- reverse(Y, [X|Z], R).
Seems to work:
?- reverse([1,2,3],X).
X = [3, 2, 1].
?- reverse(2,X).
ERROR: Type error: `list' expected, found `2' (an integer)
?- reverse(X,Y).
X = Y, Y = [] ;
X = Y, Y = [_1778] ;
X = [_1778, _2648],
Y = [_2648, _1778] ;
So single sided unification might be the wrong approach? I dont know. The above solution incures an overhead, unless some indexing might optimize away (\=)/2. Could even work in connection with attributed variables.
Nondeterminacy and Formal Derivation of Programs
Edsger W. Dijkstra - Burroughs Corporation

This seems to work (a straightforward translation to use => of reverse/2 in library(lists)):
reverse(List, Reversed) =>
reverse(List, [], Reversed, Reversed).
reverse([], Ys, Reversed, Tail) =>
Reversed = Ys,
Tail = [].
reverse([X|Xs], Rs, Reversed, Tail) =>
Tail = [_|Bound],
reverse(Xs, [X|Rs], Reversed, Bound).


Pure Prolog Meta-Interpreter with one Rule

I wonder whether there is a pure Prolog meta-interpreter with
only one rule. The usual Prolog vanilla meta-interpreter has two
rules. It reads as follows:
solve((A, B)) :- solve(A), solve(B). /* rule 1 */
solve(H) :- program(H, B), solve(B). /* rule 2 */
This Prolog vanilla meta-interpreter uses two rules /* rule 1 */
and /* rule 2 */. And the rest is facts. The program that
is executed is represented by program facts. Here is an example program:
program(append([], X, X), true).
program(append([X|Y], Z, [X|T]), append(Y, Z, T)).
program(nrev([], []), true).
program(nrev([H|T], R), (nrev(T, S), append(S, [H], R))).
And an example query:
?- solve(nrev([1,2,3], X)).
X = [3, 2, 1] .
Is there a way to represent the program differently as facts, and
then code a different meta-interpreter, which would use only facts
except for a single rule instead of two rules? Something that would
work for all pure Prolog programs, not only the nrev example?
Here is one idea, using a list to hold the rest of the computation:
solve([X|Xs]) :- program(X, Ys, Xs), solve(Ys).
program(true, Xs, Xs).
program(append([],X,X), Xs, Xs).
program(append([X|Y], Z, [X|T]), [append(Y,Z,T)|Xs], Xs).
program(nrev([],[]), Xs, Xs).
program(nrev([H|T],R), [nrev(T,S),append(S,[H],R)|Xs], Xs).
With test call (where one needs to wrap the call in a list).
?- solve([nrev([1,2,3],X)]).
X = [3,2,1] ? ;
Arguably, one could represent the program/3 facts as a DCG instead, for increased readability (but then it might not be considered a "fact" any more).
Here is another approach, known as binarization with continuation.
Its from this logic transformers paper here by Paul Tarau (2021).
solve(X) :- program(X, Y), solve(Y).
program(append([],X,X,C), C).
program(append([X|Y],Z,[X|T],C), append(Y,Z,T,C)).
program(nrev([],[],C), C).
program(nrev([H|T],R,C), nrev(T,S,append(S,[H],R,C))).
A little sanity check shows that it wurks:
?- solve(nrev([1,2,3], X, true)).
X = [3, 2, 1] ;
If ;/2 is allowed, then this seems to work:
solve(H) :- ((X, Y) = H, solve(X), solve(Y)); (program(H :- B), solve(B)).
program(append([], X, X) :- true).
program(append([X|Y], Z, [X|T]) :- append(Y, Z, T)).
program(nrev([], []) :- true).
program(nrev([H|T], R) :- (nrev(T, S), append(S, [H], R))).
?- solve(nrev([1,2,3], X)).
X = [3, 2, 1] ;

The unification algorithm in Prolog

I'm trying to program the unification algorithm in Prolog to verify if two expressions can unify by returning boolean True/False:
I found this implementation usefull:
var(A),A=B. % without occurs check
nonvar(A),var(B),A=B. % without occurs check
Here is a partial implementation of something like the Martelli and Montanari unification algorithm described at The comments for each part refer to the corresponding rewrite rule from the algorithm. Note that there is no need for an explicit conflict rule, we can just fail if no other rule applies.
% assuming a universe with function symbols g/2, p/2, q/2
% identical terms unify (delete rule)
unify(X, Y) :-
X == Y,
% a variable unifies with anything (eliminate rule)
unify(X, Y) :-
X = Y.
% an equation Term = Variable can be solved as Variable = Term (swap rule)
unify(X, Y) :-
unify(Y, X).
% given equal function symbols, unify the arguments (decompose rule)
unify(g(A, B), g(X, Y)) :-
unify(A, X),
unify(B, Y).
unify(p(A, B), p(X, Y)) :-
unify(A, X),
unify(B, Y).
unify(q(A, B), q(X, Y)) :-
unify(A, X),
unify(B, Y).
?- unify(q(Y,g(a,b)), p(g(X,X),Y)).
?- unify(q(Y,g(a,b)), q(g(X,X),Y)).
?- unify(q(Y,g(a,a)), q(g(X,X),Y)).
Y = g(a, a),
X = a.
One or two things remain for you to do:
Generalize the decompose rule to deal with arbitrary terms. You might find the =.. operator useful. For example:
?- Term = r(a, b, c), Term =.. FunctorAndArgs, [Functor | Args] = FunctorAndArgs.
Term = r(a, b, c),
FunctorAndArgs = [r, a, b, c],
Functor = r,
Args = [a, b, c].
You will need to check if two terms have the same functor and the same number of arguments, and whether all corresponding pairs of arguments unify.
Find out if your professor would like you to implement the occurs check, and if yes, implement it.

How to evaluate a variable with string value?

My code does perfect with numbers, but error with single quotation. I'm trying to write a foldl function. When i do foldl1(concat, ['a','b'], X), it reports like "ERROR: Arithmetic: 'ab/0' is not a function". what is the problem? prolog does not allow using is with string?
foldl1(P, [H], X) :-
X is H.
foldl1(P, [H|T], X) :-
foldl1(P, T, Y),
call(P, H, Y, Z),
X is Z.
is/2 evaluates the arithmetic expression to the right, and unifies the result with the term to the left. Unification is also performed against the head' arguments, so you can write a simplified foldl1/3 like
foldl1(_, [H], H).
foldl1(P, [H|T], Z) :-
foldl1(P, T, Y),
call(P, H, Y, Z).
?- foldl1(plus,[1,2,3],R).
R = 6 ;
?- foldl1(concat,[1,2,3],R).
R = '123' ;
I would place a cut after the recursion base, since [H] and [H|T] where T=[] overlap, to avoid any last call - that would anyway fail - on eventual backtracking, like the redo induced by me, inputting ; after the expected first answer while the interpreter waits for my choices.
After the cut (hope you can easily spot where to place it) we get:
?- foldl1(plus,[1,2,3],R).
R = 6.
?- foldl1(concat,[1,2,3],R).
R = '123'.
Now the interpreter 'knows' there are no more answers after the first...
It's also possible to implement a foldl1/3 predicate using first-argument indexing to avoid spurious choice-points without cuts and that is also tail-recursive. From the Logtalk library meta object:
:- meta_predicate(foldl1(3, *, *)).
foldl1(Closure, [Head| Tail], Result) :-
fold_left_(Tail, Closure, Head, Result).
fold_left_([], _, Result, Result).
fold_left_([Arg| Args], Closure, Acc, Result) :-
call(Closure, Acc, Arg, Acc2),
fold_left_(Args, Closure, Acc2, Result).
Sample calls:
?- meta::foldl1(plus,[1,2,3],R).
R = 6.
?- meta::foldl1(concat,[1,2,3],R).
R = '123'.

Prolog's built-in reverse function acting odd

Given the following code:
fun(a, [b]).
fun(b, [c]).
fun(c, [d]).
fun(d, [e]).
fun(e, []).
xyz(X, Y):-
fun(X,Z) -> findall([A|B], (member(A,Z), xyz(A,B)), L),
flatten(L,F), sort(F,J), reverse(J,Y); Y = [].
With the query xyz(a,X) I get the expected output X = [e,d,c,b]..
What could possibly be throwing this off? Does this have to do with the sort function? If so, according to the documents in the links below, alpha or numeric order of precedence could be throwing this off, but it still doesn't explain by cs40 is going before cs30. I am having a hard time finding a correlation. How can I fix this issue?
By the way, the fun function could have multi-element lists such as fun(a, [b,c], where a has multiple dependencies b and c. This aspect shouldn't matter too much regarding the current issue that I have, but just getting this fact out there.
Thanks to #lurker, I've made some great progress.
Given the following code:
final_xyz(X, Y):- xyz(X, R), reverse(R, Y).
xyz(X, Y) :-
fun(X,Z) -> findall([A|B], (member(A,Z), xyz(A,B)), L),
flatten(L,Y); Y = [].
In an attempt to fix this, I updated the code to:
( length(Z,1) -> xyz(X,J), reverse(J,Y)
xyz2(X,B), sort(B,C), reverse(C,Y)
xyz(K, [X|Y]):- fun(K, [X]), !, xyz(X, Y).
xyz(_, []).
xyz2(X, Y) :-
fun(X,Z) -> findall([A|B], (member(A,Z), xyz2(A,B)), L),
flatten(L,Y); Y = [].
Very clumsy approach, but this seems to work for me now. I'll work on making it more efficient.
The issue is that you are wanting to reverse the final result, but your reverse is being done in each recursive call to xyz/2. If you do a trace on your xyz(cs140a, X) call, you'll see it's being called a few times on different recursions.
If you want it once at the end, then you can write it this way:
final_xyz(X, Y) :-
xyz(X, R),
reverse(R, Y).
xyz(X, Y) :-
fun(X,Z) -> findall([A|B], (member(A,Z), xyz(A,B)), L),
flatten(L,Y); Y = [].
And then calling final_xyz(cs140a, X) yields, X = [m16a,cs30,cs40,cs110].
Here's an alternative approach to your xyz predicate which avoids the findall and the flatten. This version should avoid cyclical paths and doesn't show duplicates:
xyz(X, Y) :-
fun(X, L),
xyz(L, [], R),
reverse(R, Y).
xyz([H|T], A, R) :-
( memberchk(H, A)
-> xyz(T, A, R)
; fun(H, L)
-> xyz(L, [H|A], R1),
xyz(T, R1, R)
; xyz(T, [H|A], R)
xyz([], A, A).

swi Prolog - Error arguments not sufficiently Instantiated

I am new to Prolog and when I query
sortedUnion([1,1,1,2,3,4,4,5], [0,1,3,3,6,7], [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]).
I get an error
Exception: (7) unite([_G114, _G162, _G201, _G231, _G243], [_G249, _G297, _G336, _G357, _G369], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) ?
So I am hoping someone will be able to tell me where my code is mistaken and why it is wrong?
%undup(L, U) holds precisely when U can be obtained from L by eliminating repeating occurrences of the same element
undup([], []).
undup([X|Xs], [_|B]) :- remove(X,Xs,K), undup(K, B).
remove(Y,[Y|T],D) :- remove(Y,T,D).
remove(Y,[S|T],[S|R]) :- not(Y = S), remove(Y,T,R).
%sortedUnion(L1,L2,U) holds when U contains exactly one instance of each element
%of L1 and L2
sortedunion([H|T], [S|R], [F|B]) :- undup([H|T], N), undup([S|R], M), unite(N,M,[F|B]).
unite([], [], []).
unite([X], [], [X]).
unite([], [X], [X]).
unite([H|T], [S|R], [X|Xs]) :- S=H, X is S, unite(T, R, Xs).
unite([H|T], [S|R], [X|Xs]) :- H<S, X is H, unite(T, [S|R], Xs).
unite([H|T], [S|R], [X|Xs]) :- S<H, X is S, unite([H|T], R, Xs).
An advice first: try to keep your code as simple as possible. Your code can reduce to this (that surely works)
sortedunion(A, B, S) :-
append(A, B, C),
sort(C, S).
but of course it's instructive to attempt to solve by yourself. Anyway, try to avoid useless complications.
sortedunion(A, B, S) :-
undup(A, N),
undup(B, M),
unite(N, M, S).
it's equivalent to your code, just simpler, because A = [H|T] and so on.
Then test undup/2:
1 ?- undup([1,1,1,2,3,4,4,5],L).
L = [_G2760, _G2808, _G2847, _G2877, _G2889] ;
Clearly, not what you expect. The culprit should that anon var. Indeed, this works:
undup([], []).
undup([X|Xs], [X|B]) :- remove(X,Xs,K), undup(K, B).
2 ?- undup([1,1,1,2,3,4,4,5],L).
L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ;
Now, unite/3. First of all, is/2 is abused. It introduces arithmetic, then plain unification suffices here: X = S.
Then the base cases are hardcoded to work where lists' length differs at most by 1. Again, simpler code should work better:
unite([], [], []).
unite( X, [], X).
unite([], X, X).
Also, note the first clause is useless, being already covered by (both) second and third clauses.
