How to not lose Request attributes when making async (asynchronous) from one Rest Service to another - spring

Currently I'm facing the following issue:
Rest service (Implemented using Spring Boot)
Inside my rest service I need to make an asynchronous call to another rest service.
I'm using #Async into the public method that will perform the async call.
I'm using Feign Client to make that rest call.
I'm intercepting the request using a feign.RequestInterceptor
Now the problem:
In the current implementation of the RequestInterceptor we have
public void apply(RequestTemplate requestTemplate) {
/// Getting a NullPointer here as obviously we have changed the from one thread to another
/// when the async call was made
final HttpServletRequest request = ((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes())
//some other irrelevant logic for this example....
As we move from one thread to the spawned thread, the information is lost.
I'm assuming it has to do with the threadlocal and somehow I should pass the information to an inheritablethreadlocal.
What should be the approach to be able to pass the ServletRequestAttributes to the spawned thread, without losing the information? (basically I'm interested in be able to preserve headers that came in the original thread).


Implementing Spring's EventListener to listen to events per request: sync vs async?

In my API I have a POST request which alters data.
The underlying code looks something like this:
public class FooControllerImpl implements FooController {
private final FooService fooService;
public FooRsDto alterFoo(#RequestBody FooRqDto body, #PathVariable fooId) {
return fooService.alterFoo(body, fooId);
Inside fooService.alterFoo(...) I want to publish an event which will be processed inside an implementation of EventListener which in turn will publish data to a websocket channel.
But from the javadoc it follows that a simple implementation of EventListener will be synchronous. Does that mean that:
It will be synchronous within a thread where a request is processed?
It will be synchronous within the whole application? (meaning I won't be able to publish from listener to a websocket to different users, so I'll have to resort to making an async listener?)
Ok, it seems that I've found the answer. Accorindg to the javadoc for SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster where it's stated that:
By default, all listeners are invoked in the calling thread.
So, not using async seems ok in this particular use case.

Spring webflux how to return 200 response to client before processing large file

I am working on a Spring Webflux project,
I want to do something like, When client make API call, I want to send success message to client and perform large file operation in background.
So client does not have to wait till my entire file is process.
For try out I made sample code as below
REST controller
#GetMapping(value = "/{jobId}/process")
#ApiOperation("Start import job")
public Mono<Integer> process(#PathVariable("jobId") long jobId) {
return service.process(jobId);
File processing Service
public Mono<Integer> process(Integer jobId) {
return repository
job -> {
File file = new File("read.csv");
return processFile(file);
Following is my stack
Spring Webflux 2.2.2.RELEASE
I try to make this call using WebClient, but till entire file is not processed I am not getting response.
As one of the options, you can run processing in a different thread.
For example:
Create an Event Listener Link
Enable #Async and #EnableAsync Link
Or use deferent types of Executors from Java concurrency package
Or manually run the thread
Also for Kotlin you can use Coroutines
You can use the subscribe method and start a job with its own scope in background.
As long as you do not tie this to your response publisher using one of the zip/merge or similar operators your job will be run on background on its own scheduler pool.
subscribe() method returns a Disposable instance which can later be used cancel the background job by calling dispose() method.

Why filter chain is called twice for an asynchronous endpoint

I'm developing a Spring boot based app. I noticed that for asynchronous endpoints authentication filter is called twice, for regular endpoints it's called once. I couldn't find the reason, but I found an issue in the net , where it's said that filters for async endpoints are called twice, before and after async endpoint execution. It would explain double authentication call. I'd like to know is this expected behavior, why it's done like that and how to avoid double authentication.
I found a way how to avoid filter being firing second time after async endpoint finished. The thing I need to do is to analyse what kind of dispatcher is assigned to the request, if it's async - proceed further on filter chain. I added the following method to the filter:
public final void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
throws ServletException, IOException {
if (request.getDispatcherType() == DispatcherType.ASYNC) {
filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
} else {
super.doFilter(request, response, filterChain);
I am seeing exactly the same behavior and I think it is related to the fact that asynchronous call is being split into 2 phases.
At first, regular container thread is kicked and an interim response is generated, but that response is not being returned to the client it is being held back until async dispatcher competes. Once async thread is done processing interim response is replaced with the real one from async thread and returned to the client.
Both threads go through the same filter chain. Therefore you see duplicate invocation.
If you want your filter to be invoked once you should extend from OncePerRequestFilter. It will check if your filter was already invoked during the course of the request (even though the request handling consists of 2 stages each of them handled by their own threads).
I had the same problem with a concrete implementation of the class AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter, I belive to solve it It's better create a custom implementation of whaterver class that implements OncePerRequestFilter, in my particular case I created an implementation of AuthenticationFilter.

Heavy REST Application

I have an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) that posts Data to Microservices (MCS) via Rest. I use Spring to do this. The main Problem is that i have 6 Microservices, that run one after one. So it looks like this: MCS1 -> ESB -> MCS2 -> ESB -> ... -> MCS6
So my Problem looks like this: (ESB)
#RequestMapping(value = "/rawdataservice/container", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public void rawContainer(#RequestBody Container c)
// Here i want to do something to directly send a response and afterwards execute the
// heavy code
// In the heavy code is a postForObject to the next Microservice
And the Service does something like this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/container", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public void addDomain(#RequestBody Container container)
RestTemplate rt = new RestTemplate();
rt.postForObject("",container, Container.class);
But i dont know how to do this. I looked up the post for Location method, but i dont think it would solve the Problem.
I have a chain of Microservices. The first Microservice waits for a Response of the ESB. In the response the ESB posts to another Microservice and waits for a response and the next one does the same as the first one. So the Problem is that the first Microservice is blocked as long as the complete Microservice Route is completed.
ESB Route
Maybe a picture could help. 1.rawdataService 2.metadataservice 3.syntaxservice 4.semantik
// Here i want to do something to directly send a response and afterwards execute the
// heavy code
The usual spelling of that is to use the data from the http request to create a Runnable that knows how to do the work, and dispatch that runnable to an executor service for later processing. Much the same, you copy the data you need into a queue, which is polled by other threads ready to complete the work.
The http request handler then returns as soon as the executor service/queue has accepted the pending work. The most common implementation is to return a "202 Accepted" response, including in the Location header the url for a resource that will allow the client to monitor the work in progress, if desired.
In Spring, it might be ResponseEntity that manages the codes for you. For instance
See also:
How to respond with HTTP 400 error in a Spring MVC #ResponseBody method returning String?
REST - Returning Created Object with Spring MVC
From the caller's point of view, it would invoke RestTemplate.postForLocation, receive a URI, and throw away that URI because the microservice only needs to know that the work as been accepted
Side note: in the long term, you are probably going to want to be able to correlate the activities of the different micro services, especially when you are troubleshooting. So make sure you understand what Gregor Hohpe has to say about correlation identifiers.

HttpWebRequest async versus Begin/End

I have a Web API project whose controller in turn makes web requests to a third party REST interface. My controller CRUD functions i have marked as async however the implementation is such that i use HttpWebRequest blocking functions GetRequestStream and GetResponse.
Is this suitable or should i use the Begin/End methods of HttpWebRequest too. This seems like overkill as it would be asyncing an already async operation, or would it allow more concurrent outgoing web requests?
Looking for the best solution for throughput both incoming and outgoing.
the controller is marked async but the implementation uses synchronous HttpWebRequest calls, in that my controller is awaiting Task.Run( sync web request )
Think about what is happening in the request. The request comes in and ASP.NET takes a thread pool thread to handle the request. The controller action queues the work to the thread pool (taking up another thread), and then awaits that work, freeing up the original request thread. You haven't gained anything by using await because there's still a thread pool thread blocking on the web request.
For this reason, you should almost never use Task.Run (or any other method that queues work to the thread pool) on ASP.NET.
Is this suitable or should i use the Begin/End methods of HttpWebRequest too. This seems like overkill as it would be asyncing an already async operation
It's not really asynchronous right now; there's still a thread being blocked. I call this "queue blocking work to a thread pool thread and then await it" technique fake asynchrony.
The appropriate fix is to use HttpClient, which was designed for asynchronous use; or, you could use TaskFactory<T>.FromAsync to wrap the Begin/End methods into an awaitable task.
The thing i dont understand though is if i use await HttpClient.SendAsync then somewhere something must be blocking waiting for a response
No, there doesn't have to be something blocking somewhere. As I describe on my blog, in a truly asynchronous scenario (i.e., not fake-asynchrony), there is no thread.
I would recommend you to retain the async methods, and use HttpClient instead of HttpWebRequest, because it supports asynchronous calls as well.
Let's have a look at a pseudo example of a CarsController calling a third party service.
public class CarsController : ApiController
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Get(int id)
//Get a car by its id
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
//Read the content directly
string result = await client.GetStringAsync("");
//process the result returns from the thrid party REST service
return Ok(result);
As you can see, HttpClient supports reading String/ Stream/ ByteArray asynchronously via GetXXXAsync() methods.
If you want to access to the underlying response content, that can be achieved by using the following code:
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetResponseStream(int id)
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
HttpResponseMessage responseMessage =await client.GetAsync("", HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead);
HttpContent content = responseMessage.Content;
//using one of the ReadAsync methods
string text =await content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return Ok(text);
Hope this help.
Asynchrony on the server is separate and independent from asynchrony on the client.
You can call a synchronous Web API method asynchronously from the client with WebRequest.GetResponseAsync, or you can call an asynchronous Web API method synchronously from the client with WebRequest.GetResponse, or you can have asynchrony on both sides, which is probably the best approach. You don't need to use Begin/End APM-style WebRequest APIs, unless you target .NET 4.0 on the client. Use Task-based async APIs instead.
In either case, a complete HTTP request will be sent to the client when your Web API controller method has fully finished, regardless of whether it is implemented as synchronous or asynchronous (Task-based).
