Implementing Spring's EventListener to listen to events per request: sync vs async? - spring

In my API I have a POST request which alters data.
The underlying code looks something like this:
public class FooControllerImpl implements FooController {
private final FooService fooService;
public FooRsDto alterFoo(#RequestBody FooRqDto body, #PathVariable fooId) {
return fooService.alterFoo(body, fooId);
Inside fooService.alterFoo(...) I want to publish an event which will be processed inside an implementation of EventListener which in turn will publish data to a websocket channel.
But from the javadoc it follows that a simple implementation of EventListener will be synchronous. Does that mean that:
It will be synchronous within a thread where a request is processed?
It will be synchronous within the whole application? (meaning I won't be able to publish from listener to a websocket to different users, so I'll have to resort to making an async listener?)
Ok, it seems that I've found the answer. Accorindg to the javadoc for SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster where it's stated that:
By default, all listeners are invoked in the calling thread.
So, not using async seems ok in this particular use case.


ServiceActivator invoked twice when only one message is published

I have the following JUnit test that is basically an example of a production test.
private MessageChannel messageChannel;
private Handler handler;
public void testPublishing() {
SomeEvent event = new SomeEvent(); // implements Message
Thread.sleep(2000); // sleep 2 seconds
Mockito.verify(handler, times(1))
The service activator is the someMethod method inside the Handler class. For some reason this test fails stating that someMethod was invoked twice even though only a single message was published to the channel. I even added code to someMethod to print the memory address of the message consumed and both invocations are the exact same address. Any idea what could cause this?
NOTE: I built this basic code example as a test case and it verifies as single invocation as I'd expect, but what could possibly (in my production system test) cause the send operation to result in 2 separate invocations of the service activator?
NOTE2: I added a print statement inside my real service activator. When I have the #SpyBean annotation on the handler and use the Mockito.verify(... I get two print outs of the input. However, if I remove the annotation and the verify call then I only get one print out. However, this does not happen in the simple demo I shared here.
NOTE3: Seems to be some sort of weird SpyBean behavior as I am only seeing the single event downstream. No idea why Mockito is giving me trouble on this.

How to not lose Request attributes when making async (asynchronous) from one Rest Service to another

Currently I'm facing the following issue:
Rest service (Implemented using Spring Boot)
Inside my rest service I need to make an asynchronous call to another rest service.
I'm using #Async into the public method that will perform the async call.
I'm using Feign Client to make that rest call.
I'm intercepting the request using a feign.RequestInterceptor
Now the problem:
In the current implementation of the RequestInterceptor we have
public void apply(RequestTemplate requestTemplate) {
/// Getting a NullPointer here as obviously we have changed the from one thread to another
/// when the async call was made
final HttpServletRequest request = ((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes())
//some other irrelevant logic for this example....
As we move from one thread to the spawned thread, the information is lost.
I'm assuming it has to do with the threadlocal and somehow I should pass the information to an inheritablethreadlocal.
What should be the approach to be able to pass the ServletRequestAttributes to the spawned thread, without losing the information? (basically I'm interested in be able to preserve headers that came in the original thread).

Spring webflux how to return 200 response to client before processing large file

I am working on a Spring Webflux project,
I want to do something like, When client make API call, I want to send success message to client and perform large file operation in background.
So client does not have to wait till my entire file is process.
For try out I made sample code as below
REST controller
#GetMapping(value = "/{jobId}/process")
#ApiOperation("Start import job")
public Mono<Integer> process(#PathVariable("jobId") long jobId) {
return service.process(jobId);
File processing Service
public Mono<Integer> process(Integer jobId) {
return repository
job -> {
File file = new File("read.csv");
return processFile(file);
Following is my stack
Spring Webflux 2.2.2.RELEASE
I try to make this call using WebClient, but till entire file is not processed I am not getting response.
As one of the options, you can run processing in a different thread.
For example:
Create an Event Listener Link
Enable #Async and #EnableAsync Link
Or use deferent types of Executors from Java concurrency package
Or manually run the thread
Also for Kotlin you can use Coroutines
You can use the subscribe method and start a job with its own scope in background.
As long as you do not tie this to your response publisher using one of the zip/merge or similar operators your job will be run on background on its own scheduler pool.
subscribe() method returns a Disposable instance which can later be used cancel the background job by calling dispose() method.

Spring Boot Webflux/Netty - Detect closed connection

I've been working with spring-boot 2.0.0.RC1 using the webflux starter (spring-boot-starter-webflux). I created a simple controller that returns a infinite flux. I would like that the Publisher only does its work if there is a client (Subscriber). Let's say I have a controller like this one:
public class Demo {
#GetMapping(value = "/")
public Flux<String> getEvents(){
return Flux.create((FluxSink<String> sink) -> {
// TODO e.g. fetch data from somewhere"DATA");
}).doFinally(signal -> System.out.println("END"));
Now, when I try to run that code and access the endpoint http://localhost:8080/ with Chrome, then I can see the data. However, once I close the browser the while-loop continues since no cancel event has been fired. How can I terminate/cancel the streaming as soon as I close the browser?
From this answer I quote that:
Currently with HTTP, the exact backpressure information is not
transmitted over the network, since the HTTP protocol doesn't support
this. This can change if we use a different wire protocol.
I assume that, since backpressure is not supported by the HTTP protocol, it means that no cancel request will be made either.
Investigating a little bit further, by analyzing the network traffic, showed that the browser sends a TCP FIN as soon as I close the browser. Is there a way to configure Netty (or something else) so that a half-closed connection will trigger a cancel event on the publisher, making the while-loop stop?
Or do I have to write my own adapter similar to org.springframework.http.server.reactive.ServletHttpHandlerAdapter where I implement my own Subscriber?
Thanks for any help.
An IOException will be raised on the attempt to write data to the socket if there is no client. As you can see in the stack trace.
But that's not good enough, since it might take a while before the next chunk of data will be ready to send and therefore it takes the same amount of time to detect the gone client. As pointed out in Brian Clozel's answer it is a known issue in Reactor Netty. I tried to use Tomcat instead by adding the dependency to the POM.xml. Like this:
Although it replaces Netty and uses Tomcat instead, it does not seem reactive due to the fact that the browser does not show any data. However, there is no warning/info/exception in the console. Is spring-boot-starter-webflux as of this version (2.0.0.RC1) supposed to work together with Tomcat?
Since this is a known issue (see Brian Clozel's answer), I ended up using one Flux to fetch my real data and having another one in order to implement some sort of ping/heartbeat mechanism. As a result, I merge both together with Flux.merge().
Here you can see a simplified version of my solution:
public class Demo {
public interface Notification{}
public static class MyData implements Notification{
public boolean isEmpty(){…}
#GetMapping(value = "/", produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
public Flux<ServerSentEvent<? extends Notification>> getNotificationStream() {
return Flux.merge(getEventMessageStream(), getHeartbeatStream());
private Flux<ServerSentEvent<Notification>> getHeartbeatStream() {
return Flux.interval(Duration.ofSeconds(2))
.map(i -> ServerSentEvent.<Notification>builder().event("ping").build())
.doFinally(signalType ->System.out.println("END"));
private Flux<ServerSentEvent<MyData>> getEventMessageStream() {
return Flux.interval(Duration.ofSeconds(30))
.map(i -> {
// TODO e.g. fetch data from somewhere,
// if there is no data return an empty object
return data;
.filter(data -> !data.isEmpty())
.map(data -> ServerSentEvent
I wrap everything up as ServerSentEvent<? extends Notification>. Notification is just a marker interface. I use the event field from the ServerSentEvent class in order to separate between data and ping events. Since the heartbeat Flux sends events constantly and in short intervals, the time it takes to detect that the client is gone is at most the length of that interval. Remember, I need that because it might take a while before I get some real data that can be sent and, as a result, it might also take a while before it detects that the client is gone. Like this, it will detect that the client is gone as soon as it can’t sent the ping (or possibly the message event).
One last note on the marker interface, which I called Notification. This is not really necessary, but it gives some type safety. Without that, we could write Flux<ServerSentEvent<?>> instead of Flux<ServerSentEvent<? extends Notification>> as return type for the getNotificationStream() method. Or also possible, make getHeartbeatStream() return Flux<ServerSentEvent<MyData>>. However, like this it would allow that any object could be sent, which I don’t want. As a consequence, I added the interface.
I'm not sure why this behaves like this, but I suspect it is because of the choice of generation operator. I think using the following would work:
return Flux.interval(Duration.ofMillis(500))
.map(input -> {
return "DATA";
According to Reactor's reference documentation, you're probably hitting the key difference between generate and push (I believe a quite similar approach using generate would probably work as well).
My comment was referring to the backpressure information (how many elements a Subscriber is willing to accept), but the success/error information is communicated over the network.
Depending on your choice of web server (Reactor Netty, Tomcat, Jetty, etc), closing the client connection might result in:
a cancel signal being received on the server side (I think this is supported by Netty)
an error signal being received by the server when it's trying to write on a connection that's been closed (I believe the Servlet spec does not provide that that callback and we're missing the cancel information).
In short: you don't need to do anything special, it should be supported already, but your Flux implementation might be the actual problem here.
Update: this is a known issue in Reactor Netty

e4 RCP synchronous processing of events

I have got multiple instances of a class which listen to a certain event.
private final void doSomething(#UIEventTopic(Events.A) Object object) {
//do something
My question is: if I use the synchronous method IEventBroker.send, will this method reliably wait until all of the listening objects are done? My tests indicate yes, but I would just like to make sure.
The JavaDoc for IEventBroker.send says:
Publish event synchronously (the method does not return until the
event is processed).
Internally the event broker uses the OSGi EventAdmin.sendEvent method, which says:
Initiate synchronous delivery of an event. This method does not return
to the caller until delivery of the event is completed.
So, Yes synchronous delivery is guaranteed.
