error is prompted when I use #target in spring aop - spring

I find the same question in there but didn`t find a useful answer, so I support more details. My code is the following.
public #interface DS {
String value();
public class AnnotationAspect {
public Object around(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
String dsName = getDataSourceAnnotation(joinPoint).value();
System.out.println("enter in aspect:" + dsName);
return joinPoint.proceed();
here is a demo,
just run the application you can see the error stack trace
Unable to proxy interface-implementing method
[public final void org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.RegistrationBean.onStartup
(javax.servlet.ServletContext) throws javax.servlet.ServletException]
because it is marked as final: Consider using interface-based JDK proxies instead!
seems I need to change the aop proxy type to JDK, but when I did this, another error is prompted.
The bean 'dispatcherServlet' could not be injected as a 'org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet' because it is a JDK dynamic proxy
Does anyone help me? thank you!

R.G's solution is correct, you ought to limit the pointcut scope. BTW, looking at your aspect code, I noticed this contrived way of getting the annotation value:
private DS getDataSourceAnnotation(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) {
Class<?> targetClass = joinPoint.getTarget().getClass();
DS dsAnnotation = targetClass.getAnnotation(DS.class);
if (Objects.nonNull(dsAnnotation)) {
return dsAnnotation;
else {
MethodSignature methodSignature = (MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature();
return methodSignature.getMethod().getAnnotation(DS.class);
I suggest you just bind the annotation to an advice method parameter like this:
package com.yh.application;
import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Before;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class AnnotationAspect {
#Before("#target(ds) && within(com.yh..*)")
public void interceptDS(JoinPoint joinPoint, DS ds) {
System.out.println(joinPoint + " -> DS value = " + ds.value());
I forgot to explain why you were getting the error in the first place: Pointcuts like this(), target(), #this(), #target() can only be determined dynamically during runtime because they access active object instances. Hence, all possible Spring components (also internal ones) are being aspect-woven, which is also the reason why the workaround to limit the aspect scope by using statically evaluated pointcut designators like within() help you avoid the problem.
But actually, using a statically evaluated pointcut designator in the first place, if it is a viable alternative, is the best idea. It is also faster than weaving the world, creating dozens or hundreds of proxies, and then to dynamically evaluate pointcuts over and over again. Luckily, in this case such an alternative exists: #within().
public class AnnotationAspect {
public void interceptDS(JoinPoint joinPoint, DS ds) {
System.out.println(joinPoint + " -> DS value = " + ds.value());


Aspect does not triggered

I am trying to implement read-only data source in my application.
According to the following repo implementation, this aspect method should be called when a transaction happens but it never triggers this method(This line never printed to the console - System.out.println("Aspect executed");
public class TransactionReadonlyAspect {
public Object proceed(ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint, org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional transactional) throws Throwable {
System.out.println("Aspect executed");
try {
if (transactional.readOnly()) {
return proceedingJoinPoint.proceed();
} finally {
And also in the following class it initializes the default datasource no matter what,
How can I make this works or what are the other confihgurations I need to add ?
package com.programmingsharing.demoreadwriterouting.conf;
import com.programmingsharing.demoreadwriterouting.context.DatabaseEnvironment;
import com.programmingsharing.demoreadwriterouting.datasource.MasterSlaveRoutingDataSource;
import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class DataSourceConfiguration {
private String mstUrl;
private String mstUsername;
private String mstPassword;
private String slaveUrl;
private String slaveUsername;
private String slavePassword;
public DataSource dataSource(){
MasterSlaveRoutingDataSource masterSlaveRoutingDataSource = new MasterSlaveRoutingDataSource();
Map<Object, Object> targetDataSources = new HashMap<>();
targetDataSources.put(DatabaseEnvironment.UPDATABLE, masterDataSource());
targetDataSources.put(DatabaseEnvironment.READONLY, slaveDataSource());
// Set as all transaction point to master
return masterSlaveRoutingDataSource;
public DataSource slaveDataSource() {
HikariDataSource hikariDataSource = new HikariDataSource();
return hikariDataSource;
public DataSource masterDataSource() {
HikariDataSource hikariDataSource = new HikariDataSource();
return hikariDataSource;
context is always printed null
CONTEXT.get() : null
public class DatabaseContextHolder {
private static final ThreadLocal<DatabaseEnvironment> CONTEXT = new ThreadLocal<>();
public static void set(DatabaseEnvironment databaseEnvironment) {
public static DatabaseEnvironment getEnvironment() {
System.out.println("CONTEXT.get() : " + CONTEXT.get());
return CONTEXT.get();
public static void reset() {
Also this is always null, none of the environment variables doe not set
DatabaseContextHolder.getEnvironment() : null
public class MasterSlaveRoutingDataSource extends AbstractRoutingDataSource {
protected Object determineCurrentLookupKey() {
System.out.println("DatabaseContextHolder.getEnvironment() : " + DatabaseContextHolder.getEnvironment());
return DatabaseContextHolder.getEnvironment();
That obviously not the answer to your Q, however I would discourage you from using that datasource routing "solution" you are referring to.
The problem is from spring-tx perspective transaction is read-only if and only if the outermost transaction definition is readonly, please check some examples of execution stacks below:
// current tx is read-only regardless readonly=false definition
// current tx is not read-only regardless readonly=true definition
"AspectJ" solution does not take into account that spring-tx convention and thus it is basically wrong.
Technically, we may determine whether transaction is read-only or not via calling TransactionSynchronizationManager#isCurrentTransactionReadOnly method, unfortunately that won't help us much because spring-tx may acquire resources (jdbc connection) before marking transaction as read-only, this problem was mentioned by Vlad Mihalcea in Read-write and read-only transaction routing with Spring:
Not only that the hibernate.connection.provider_disables_autocommit allows you to make better use of database connections, but it’s the only way we can make this example work since, without this configuration, the connection is acquired prior to calling the determineCurrentLookupKey method TransactionRoutingDataSource.
There are two options:
if you are using Hibernate - just follow Vlad's recommendations
if you are not using Hibernate you need to take into account that you need to control outermost transaction definitions only - just place there your own annotations/aspects and do not depend on spring-tx stuff.

Process requests with and without #RequestBody in the #Around advice

I have such aspect-based logging:
public void loggableAnnotation() {}
public Object simpleProcess(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
return this.processWithBody(joinPoint, null);
#Around("loggableAnnotation() && args(#org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody body,..)")
public Object processWithBody(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, Object body) throws Throwable {
// do things
And it works fine when I perform request with #RequestBody, advice processWithBody() is triggered. But when I perform request that doesn't have a #RequestBody (only #PathVariable and #RequestParam) the simpleProcess() is not triggered, instead in the processWithBody() I receive path variable value as the body parameter.
Why does it happen and how do I pocess two types of requests differently (in the same advice if possible)?
You are making three basic miskates:
You are trying to match parameter argument annotations from within args(), but there it has no effect, which is why processWithBody(..) matches an unwanted parameter and binds it to body. It should be transferred to an execution() pointcut.
Your pointcut syntax is wrong, even if you transfer it to execution(), i.e. something likeexecution(* *(#org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody *, ..)) would match if the type(!) of the parameter has a #RequestBody annotation, not the parameter itself.In order to achieve that you need to put the parameter itself into parentheses like (*), i.e. execution(* *(#org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody (*), ..)).
You have to make sure that the pointcuts are mutually exclusive, otherwise multiple advices shall match on the same joinpoint. To be precise, you need to differentiate between the following cases:
methods annotated by #Loggable with a first method parameter annotated by #RequestBody
methods annotated by #Loggable with a first method parameter not annotated by #RequestBody
methods annotated by #Loggable without any parameters
Here is an example in plain Java + AspectJ (no Spring or Spring AOP), but the aspect syntax should be identical in Spring AOP:
Annotation + driver application:
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
public #interface Loggable {}
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Application application = new Application();
application.doNotLogMe("foo", 11);
application.doNotLogMeEither("foo", 11);
application.logMe("foo", 11);
application.logMeToo("foo", 11);
public void doNotLogMe(#RequestBody String body, int number) {}
public void doNotLogMeEither() {}
public void doNotLogMeEither(String body, int number) {}
#Loggable public void logMe(#RequestBody String body, int number) {}
#Loggable public void logMeToo(String body, int number) {}
#Loggable public void logMeToo() {}
As you can see, I am using the differentiating the three cases mentioned above and also satisfy your need for a common helper method which I called logIt(..). There you can put all the complex logging stuff you want to use without having any duplicate code in your advice methods.
package de.scrum_master.aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Around;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut;
public class MyAspect {
public void loggableAnnotation() {}
"loggableAnnotation() && " +
"execution(* *())"
public Object simpleProcessWithoutParameters(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
return logIt(joinPoint, null);
"loggableAnnotation() && " +
"execution(* *(!#org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody (*), ..))"
public Object simpleProcessWithParameters(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
return logIt(joinPoint, null);
"loggableAnnotation() && " +
"execution(* *(#org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody (*), ..)) && " +
"args(body, ..)"
public Object processWithBody(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, Object body) throws Throwable {
return logIt(joinPoint, body);
private Object logIt(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, Object body) throws Throwable {
System.out.println(joinPoint + " -> " + body);
return joinPoint.proceed();
Console log:
execution(void, int)) -> foo
execution(void, int)) -> null
execution(void -> null
P.S.: The difference between execution(* *(#MyAnn *)) and execution(* *(#MyAnn (*))) is subtle and thus tricky. Unfortunately, it is not properly documented here where it should be. To be precise, the latter case is not documented at all, only maybe in some AspectJ release notes and of course in unit tests. But no normal user would look there.

Logging not working in web application using Spring AOP

using Spring AOP, I'm trying to put logging in my web application for an object called corelation like below :-
public class LoggingCorrelationEnrichingAspect {
private static final Logger logger = getLogger(LoggingCorrelationEnrichingAspect.class);
public Object wrapWithCorrelationContext(ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint) throws Throwable {"Entering "+ proceedingJoinPoint.getSignature().getName() +" with Correlation Id:: "
+ ((Map)proceedingJoinPoint.getArgs()[0]).get(CommerceConnectorConstants.HttpHeaders.CORRELATION_ID).get());
return ((Mono<?>) proceedingJoinPoint.proceed());
#Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})
public #interface Correlated {}
In my main REST Controller operation, using #Correlated annotation, I'm trying to log this corellation like below :-
#GetMapping(path = "/products}", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE)
public Mono<ProductBeanResponse> getProducts(
#RequestHeader(name = Test.HttpHeaders.TENANT_ID, required = true) UUID tId,
#RequestHeader(name = Test.HttpHeaders.CORRELATION_ID, required = true) UUID correlationId
However, when I test my service using PostMan tool and see the applicaiton logs, the corelation id is never logged :-"Entering "+ proceedingJoinPoint.getSignature().getName() +" with Correlation Id:: "
+ ((Map)proceedingJoinPoint.getArgs()[0]).get(CommerceConnectorConstants.HttpHeaders.CORRELATION_ID).get());
Please advise is this a configuration issue in Spring AOP.
This can get working in either of below two ways
Provide fully qualified name of Correlated in the pointcut definition as #Around("#annotation(com.x.y.z.Correlated)")
Update the Aspect method signature to include the Correlated as second argument
public Object wrapWithCorrelationContext(ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint, Correlated correlated ) throws Throwable {"Entering "+ proceedingJoinPoint.getSignature().getName() +" with Correlation Id:: "
+ ((Map)proceedingJoinPoint.getArgs()[0]).get(CommerceConnectorConstants.HttpHeaders.CORRELATION_ID).get());
return ((Mono<?>) proceedingJoinPoint.proceed());
Let know in comments if anything else is required.
P.S.: Also as pointed out by M. Deinum make sure to remove object cast.

JoinPoint to match EntityManager methods

I am trying to intercept calls to the find method in EntityManager.
public Map<String, String> get() {
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
DleTestData data = em.find(DleTestData.class, "1");
map.put(data.getId(), data.getName() + " : " + data.getRegion());
return map;
I have an advice written like this:
public class MyAdvice {
#Around("execution(* javax.persistence.EntityManager.*(..))")
public Object aroundFind(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) {
System.err.println("before em find called : " + joinPoint);
Object o = null;
try {
o = joinPoint.proceed();
System.err.println("after em find advice called : " + joinPoint);
} catch (Throwable e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return o;
The output show calls intercepted but the find method doesn't get matched in the pointcut.
Can you suggest what am I doing wrong here?
before em find called : execution(Metamodel
javax.persistence.EntityManager.getMetamodel()) after em find advice
called : execution(Metamodel
The Spring AOP manual states that Spring AOP only works for Spring beans/components.
The same manual also describes how you can apply AOP to non-Spring classes via full AspectJ via LTW (load-time weaving). It is pretty easy to configure.
If you experience any problems weaving into a basic class from the javax..* package because maybe the class is loaded before LTW is activated (even though you should be able to do that if you use javaagent:/path/to/aspectjweaver.jar), you can still switch from execution() to call() pointcut. As long as the calls are in your own application code it should be easy to intercept via AspectJ. But you do need AspectJ for it, not Spring AOP, because the latter neither supports non-Spring beans (as mentioned above) nor call() pointcut (as mentioned in the Spring manual).
Update after OP's comment:
I just checked the EntityManager Javadoc for you: Method getMetaModel() is part of the interface while get() is not. Consequently, the pointcut fails to find it.

How can I get a list of instantiated beans from Spring?

I have several beans in my Spring context that have state, so I'd like to reset that state before/after unit tests.
My idea was to add a method to a helper class which just goes through all beans in the Spring context, checks for methods that are annotated with #Before or #After and invoke them.
How do I get a list of instantiated beans from the ApplicationContext?
Note: Solutions which simply iterate over all defined beans are useless because I have many lazy beans and some of them must not be instantiated because that would fail for some tests (i.e. I have a beans that need a java.sql.DataSource but the tests work because they don't need that bean).
For example:
public static List<Object> getInstantiatedSigletons(ApplicationContext ctx) {
List<Object> singletons = new ArrayList<Object>();
String[] all = ctx.getBeanDefinitionNames();
ConfigurableListableBeanFactory clbf = ((AbstractApplicationContext) ctx).getBeanFactory();
for (String name : all) {
Object s = clbf.getSingleton(name);
if (s != null)
return singletons;
I had to improve it a little
AbstractApplicationContext context;
public void cleanup() {
private void resetAllMocks() {
ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = context.getBeanFactory();
for (String name : context.getBeanDefinitionNames()) {
Object bean = beanFactory.getSingleton(name);
if (Mockito.mockingDetails(bean).isMock()) {
I am not sure whether this will help you or not.
You need to create your own annotation eg. MyAnnot.
And place that annotation on the class which you want to get.
And then using following code you might get the instantiated bean.
ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider scanner = new ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider(false);
scanner.addIncludeFilter(new AnnotationTypeFilter(MyAnnot.class));
for (BeanDefinition beanDefinition : scanner.findCandidateComponents("")){
This way you can get all the beans having your custom annotation.
applicationContext.getBeanDefinitionNames() does not show the beans which are registered without BeanDefinition instance.
package io.velu.core;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
public class Core {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Core.class);
String[] singletonNames = context.getDefaultListableBeanFactory().getSingletonNames();
for (String singleton : singletonNames) {
Console Output
As you can see in the output, environment, systemProperties, systemEnvironment beans will not be shown using context.getBeanDefinitionNames() method.
Spring Boot
For spring boot web applications, all the beans can be listed using the below endpoint.
class ExportController {
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
#ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK)
String[] registeredBeans() {
return printBeans();
private String[] printBeans() {
AutowireCapableBeanFactory autowireCapableBeanFactory = applicationContext.getAutowireCapableBeanFactory();
if (autowireCapableBeanFactory instanceof SingletonBeanRegistry) {
String[] singletonNames = ((SingletonBeanRegistry) autowireCapableBeanFactory).getSingletonNames();
for (String singleton : singletonNames) {
return singletonNames;
return null;
I've created a gist ApplicationContextAwareTestBase.
This helper class does two things:
It sets all internal fields to null. This allows Java to free memory that isn't used anymore. It's less useful with Spring (the Spring context still keeps references to all the beans), though.
It tries to find all methods annotated with #After in all beans in the context and invokes them after the test.
That way, you can easily reset state of your singletons / mocks without having to destroy / refresh the context.
Example: You have a mock DAO:
public void MockDao implements IDao {
private Map<Long, Foo> database = Maps.newHashMap();
public Foo byId( Long id ) { return database.get( id ) );
public void save( Foo foo ) { database.put( foo.getId(), foo ); }
public void reset() { database.clear(); }
The annotation will make sure reset() will be called after each unit test to clean up the internal state.
Using the previous answers, I've updated this to use Java 8 Streams API:
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void resetMocks() {
ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = ((AbstractApplicationContext) applicationContext).getBeanFactory();
.map(n -> beanFactory.getSingleton(n))
// My ConfigurableListableBeanFactory isn't compiled for 1.8 so can't use method reference. If yours is, you can say
// .map(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory::getSingleton)
.filter(b -> Mockito.mockingDetails(b).isMock())
