How to get script interpreter name inside a script? - shell

If I want to know my shell, I can write:
echo $0
Inside a makefile shell, I can type :
echo $$0
How can I do it inside a shell script?
echo $0 #shows '' instead of 'bash'

The $0 variable refer to the name used to invoke the command. When a script is invoked with the #! prefix (a.k.a. shebang), then $0 will be the name that was used to refer to the script.
When running one of the *sh scripts (bash, sh, dash, ...), there are few ways to find which specific script engine was used. One option is to query the symlink '/proc/$$/exe' which will point to the name of the shell engine. The readlink can be used to query the link
ls -l /proc/$$/exe
lrwxrwxrwx 1 owner owner 0 Dec 2 18:21 /proc/8/exe -> /usr/bin/bash
S=$(readlink /proc/$$/exe)
echo "Running under $S"
Another option, when you only need to tell if you are running under bash, you can use one of the $BASH variables: $BASH, $BASH_VERSION, ...
if [ "$BASH" ] ; then
echo "Running in bash"
echo "Running something else"


Definitively determine if currently running shell is bash or zsh

How can I definitively determine if the currently running shell is bash or zsh?
(being able to disambiguate between additional shells is a bonus, but only bash & zsh are 100% necessary)
I've seen a few ways to supposedly do this, but they all have problems (see below).
The best I can think of is to run some syntax that will work on one and not the other, and to then check the errors / outputs to see which shell is running. If this is the best solution, what command would be best for this test?
The simplest solution would be if every shell included a read-only parameter of the same name that identified the shell. If this exists, however, I haven't heard of it.
Non-definitive ways to determine the currently running shell:
# default shell, not current shell
basename "${SHELL}"
# current script rather than current shell
basename "${0}"
# BASH_VERSINFO could be defined in any shell, including zsh
if [ -z "${BASH_VERSINFO+x}" ]; then
echo 'zsh'
echo 'bash'
# executable could have been renamed; ps isn't a builtin
shell_name="$(ps -o comm= -p $$)"
echo "${shell_name##*[[:cntrl:][:punct:][:space:]]}"
# scripts can be sourced / run by any shell regardless of shebang
# shebang parsing
On $ prompt, run:
echo $0
but you can't use $0 within a script, as $0 will become the script's name itself.
To find the current shell (let's say BASH) if shebang / magic number executable was #!/bin/bash within a script:
echo "Script is: $0 running using $$ PID"
echo "Current shell used within the script is: `readlink /proc/$$/exe`"
script_shell="$(readlink /proc/$$/exe | sed "s/.*\///")"
echo -e "\nSHELL is = ${script_shell}\n"
if [[ "${script_shell}" == "bash" ]]
echo -e "\nI'm BASH\n"
Script is: /tmp/ running using 9808 PID
Current shell used within the script is: /usr/bin/bash
SHELL is = bash
This will work, if shebang was: #!/bin/zsh (as well).
Then, you'll get the output for SHELL:
SHELL is = zsh
While there is no 100% foolproof way to achieve it, it might help to do a
Both are shell variables (not environment variables), which are set by the respective shell. In the respective other shell, they are empty.
Of course, if someone on purpose creates a variable of this name, or exports such a variable and then creates a subshell of the different kind, i.e.
# We are in bash here
zsh # the subshell will see BASH_VERSION even though it is zsh
this approach will fail; but I think if someone is really doing such a thing, he wants to sabotage your code on purpose.
This should work for most Linux systems:
cat /proc/$$/comm
Quick and easy.
Working from comments by #ruakh & #oguzismail, I think I have a solution.
\shopt -u lastpipe 2> /dev/null
shell_name='bash'; : | shell_name='zsh'

Script to read user input not running when run with sh interpreter

This may be a duplicate of bash user input if, but the answers do not solved my problem, so I think there is something else.
I have the next script:
echo "Do that? [Y,n]"
read input
if [[ $input == "Y" || $input == "y" ]]; then
echo "do that"
echo "don't do that"
and when I do sh
Also I have
read -n1 -p "Do that? [y,n]" doit
case $doit in
y|Y) echo yes ;;
n|N) echo no ;;
*) echo dont know ;;
and when I do sh
I think my bash has a problem because appereatly the other users didn't have these problems running those examples. Thanks
Running the script with sh scriptname overrides any default interpreter set inside your script. In your case the bourne shell (sh) runs the script instead of the bourne again shell (bash). The sh does not support [[ and the read command in its POSIX compliant form does not support -n flag.
In all likelihood, your sh in your system is not symlinked to bash and it is operating in itself as a POSIX compliant shell. Fix the problem by running
or run it with a ./ before the script name there by making the system to look out for the interpreter in the first line of the file (#!/bin/bash). Instead of fixing the interpreter you could also do #!/usr/bin/env bash for the OS to look up where bash is installed and execute with that.
chmod a+x
You could additionally see if ls -lrth /bin/sh to see if its symlinked to dash which is a minimal POSIX compliant shell available on Debian systems.

How to check the current shell and change it to bash via script?

if [ ! -f readexportfile ]; then
echo "readexportfile does not exist"
exit 0
The above is part of my script. When the current shell is /bin/csh my script fails with the following error:
If: Expression Syntax
Then: Command not found
If I run bash and then run my script, it runs fine(as expected).
So the question is: If there is any way that myscript can change the current shell and then interpretate rest of the code.
PS: If i keep bash in my script, it changes the current shell and rest of the code in script doesn't get executed.
The other replies are correct, however, to answer your question, this should do the trick:
[[ $(basename $SHELL) = 'bash' ]] || exec /bin/bash
The exec builtin replaces the current shell with the given command (in this case, /bin/bash).
You can use SHEBANG(#!) to overcome your issue.
In your code you are already using she-bang but make sure it is first and foremost line.
$ cat
if [ ! -f readexportfile ]; then
echo "readexportfile does not exist"
exit 0
echo "No File"
$ ./
readexportfile does not exist
$ echo $SHELL
In the above code even though I am using CSH that code executed as we mentioned shebang in the code. In case if there is no shebang then it will take the help of shell in which you are already logged in.
In you case you also check the location of bash interpreter using
$ which bash
$ cat /etc/shells |grep bash

How can a ksh script determine the full path to itself, when sourced from another?

How can a script determine it's path when it is sourced by ksh? i.e.
$ ksh "."
I've seen very nice ways of doing this in BASH posted on stackoverflow and elsewhere but haven't yet found a ksh method.
Using "$0" doesn't work. This simply refers to "ksh".
Update: I've tried using the "history" command but that isn't aware of the history outside the current script.
$ cat k.ksh
. j.ksh
$ cat j.ksh
a=$(history | tail -1)
echo $a
$ ./k.ksh
270 ./k.ksh
I would want it echo "* ./j.ksh".
If it's the AT&T ksh93, this information is stored in the .sh namespace, in the variable .sh.file.
echo "Sourced: ${.sh.file}"
$ ksh -c '. ./'
Sourced: /var/tmp/
The .sh.file variable is distinct from $0. While $0 can be ksh or /usr/bin/ksh, or the name of the currently running script, .sh.file will always refer to the file for the current scope.
In an interactive shell, this variable won't even exist:
$ echo ${.sh.file:?}
-ksh: .sh.file: parameter not set
I believe the only portable solution is to override the source command:
source() {
. "$1"
And then use source instead of . (the script name will be in $sourced).
The difference of course between sourcing and forking is that sourcing results in the invoked script being executed within the calling process. Henk showed an elegant solution in ksh93, but if, like me, you're stuck with ksh88 then you need an alternative. I'd rather not change the default ksh method of sourcing by using C-shell syntax, and at work it would be against our coding standards, so creating and using a source() function would be unworkable for me. ps, $0 and $_ are unreliable, so here's an alternative:
$ cat ; cat ; ./
echo "PPID: $$"
echo "FORKING"
If we set the invoked script in a variable, and source it using the variable, that variable will be available to the invoked script, since they are in the same process space.
echo "PID:$pid"
command=`ps -o args -p $pid | tail -1`
echo "COMMAND (from ps -o args of the PID): $command"
echo "COMMAND (from's \$_ ) : $arguments"
echo "\$SCRIPT variable: $SCRIPT"
echo dirname: `dirname $0`
echo ; echo
Output is as follows:
COMMAND (from ps -o args of the PID): /bin/ksh ./
COMMAND (from's $_ ) :
$SCRIPT variable:
dirname: .
PPID: 21665
COMMAND (from ps -o args of the PID): /bin/ksh ./
COMMAND (from's $_ ) : ./
$SCRIPT variable:
dirname: .
So when we set the SCRIPT variable in the caller script, the variable is either accessible from the sourced script's operands, or, in the case of a forked process, the variable along with all other environment variables of the parent process are copied for the child process. In either case, the SCRIPT variable can contain your command and arguments, and will be accessible in the case of both sourcing and forking.
You should find it as last command in the history.

Determining whether shell script was executed "sourcing" it

Is it possible for a shell script to test whether it was executed through source? That is, for example,
$ source
$ ./
Can distinguish from these different shell environments?
I think, what Sam wants to do may be not possible.
To what degree a half-baken workaround is possible, depends on...
...the default shell of users, and
...which alternative shells they are allowed to use.
If I understand Sam's requirement correctly, he wants to have a 'script',
myscript, that is...
...not directly executable via invoking it by its name myscript
(i.e. that has chmod a-x);
...not indirectly executable for users by invoking sh myscript or
invoking bash myscript
...only running its contained functions and commands if invoked by
sourcing it: . myscript
The first things to consider are these
Invoking a script directly by its name (myscript) requires a first line in
the script like #!/bin/bash or similar. This will directly determine which
installed instance of the bash executable (or symlink) will be invoked to run
the script's content. This will be a new shell process. It requires the
scriptfile itself to have the executable flag set.
Running a script by invoking a shell binary with the script's (path+)name as
an argument (sh myscript), is the same as '1.' -- except that the
executable flag does not need to be set, and said first line with the
hashbang isn't required either. The only thing needed is that the invoking
user needs read access to the scriptfile.
Invoking a script by sourcing its filename (. myscript) is very much the
same as '1.' -- exept that it isn't a new shell that is invoked. All the
script's commands are executed in the current shell, using its environment
(and also "polluting" its environment with any (new) variables it may set or
change. (Usually this is a very dangerous thing to do: but here it could be
used to execute exit $RETURNVALUE under certain conditions....)
For '1.':
Easy to achieve: chmod a-x myscript will prevent myscript from being
directly executable. But this will not fullfill requirements '2.' and '3.'.
For '2.' and '3.':
Much harder to achieve. Invokations by sh myscript require reading
privileges for the file. So an obvious way out would seem to chmod a-r
myscript. However, this will also dis-allow '3.': you will not be able to
source the script either.
So what about writting the script in a way that uses a Bashism? A Bashism is a
specific way to do something which other shells do not understand: using
specific variables, commands etc. This could be used inside the script to
discover this condition and "do something" about it (like "display warning.txt",
"mailto admin" etc.). But there is no way in hell that this will prevent sh or
bash or any other shell from reading and trying to execute all the following
commands/lines written into the script unless you kill the shell by invoking
Examples: in Bash, the environment seen by the script knows of $BASH,
invoked by sh (also if sourced inside a sh), the executing shell will see
all these $BASH_* as empty environment variables. Again, this could be used
inside the script to discover this condition and "do something"... but not
prevent the following commands from being invoked!
I'm now assuming that...
...the script is using #!/bin/bash as its first line,
...users have set Bash as their shell and are invoking commands in the
following table from Bash and it is their login shell, is available and it is a symlink to bash or dash.
This will mean the following invokations are possible, with the listed values
for environment variables
vars+invok's | ./scriptname | sh scriptname | bash scriptname | . scriptname
$0 | ./scriptname | ./scriptname | ./scriptname | -bash
$SHLVL | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1
$SHELLOPTS | braceexpand: | (empty) | braceexpand:.. | braceexpand:
$BASH | /bin/bash | (empty) | /bin/bash | /bin/bash
$BASH_ARGV | (empty) | (empty) | (empty) | scriptname
$BASH_SUBSHELL | 0 | (empty) | 0 | 0
$SHELL | /bin/bash | /bin/bash | /bin/bash | /bin/bash
$OPTARG | (empty) | (empty) | (emtpy) | (emtpy)
Now you could put a logic into your text script:
If $0 is not equal to -bash, then do an exit $SOMERETURNVALUE.
In case the script was called via sh myscript or bash myscript, then it will
exit the calling shell. In case it was run in the current shell, it will
continue to run. (Warning: in case the script has any other exit statements,
your current shell will be 'killed'...)
So put into your non-executable myscript.txt near its beginning something like
this may do something close to your goal:
test x${BASH} = x/bin/bash && echo "$? : FINE.... You're using 'bash ...'"
test x${BASH} = x/bin/bash || echo "$? : RATS !!! -- You're not using BASH and I will kick you out!"
test x${BASH} = x/bin/bash || exit 42
test x"${0}" = x"-bash" && echo "$? : FINE.... You've sourced me, and I'm your login shell."
test x"${0}" = x"-bash" || echo "$? : RATS !!! -- You've not sourced me (or I'm not your bash login shell) and I will kick you out!"
test x"${0}" = x"-bash" || exit 33
This may or may not be what the asker wanted but, on a similar situation, I wanted a script to indicate that it is meant to be sourced and not directly run.
To achieve this effect my script reads:
#!/bin/echo Should be run as: source
export SOMEPATH="/some/path/on/my/system"
echo "Your environment has been set up"
So when I run it either as a command or sourced I get:
$ ./
Should be run as: source ./
$ source ./
Your environment has been set up
You can of course fool the script by running it as sh ./, but at least it gives the correct expected behaviour on 2 out of 3 cases.
This is what I was looking for:
[[ ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} = $0 ]] && main "$#"
I cannot add comment yet (stackexchange policies) so I add my own answer:
This one may works regardless if we do:
bash scriptname
on both bash and mksh.
if [ "${0##/*}" == scriptname ] # if the current name is our script
echo run
echo sourced
If you have a non-altering file path for regular users, then:
if [ "$(/bin/readlink -f "$0")" = "$KNOWN_PATH_OF_THIS_FILE" ]; then
# the file was executed
# the file was sourced
(it can also easily be loosened to only check for the filename or whatever).
But your users need to have read permission to be able to source the file, so absolutely nothing can stop them from doing what they want with the file. But it might help them out to not use it in the wrong way.
This solution is not dependent on Bashisms.
Yes it is possible. In general you can do the following:
#! /bin/bash
sourced () {
echo Sourced
executed () {
echo Executed
if [[ ${0##*/} == -* ]]; then
executed $#
Giving the following output:
$ ./myscript
$ . ./myscript
Based on Kurt Pfeifle’s answer, this works for me
if [ $SHLVL = 1 ]
echo 'script was sourced'
Since all of our machines have history, I did this:
check_script_call=$(history |tail -1|grep )
if [ -z "$check_script_call" ];then
echo "This file should be called as a source."
echo "Please, try again this way:"
echo "$ source /path/to/"
exit 1
Everytime you run a script (without source), your shell creates a new env without history.
If you want to care about performance you can try this:
if ! history |tail -1|grep set_vars ;then
echo -e "This file should be called as a source.\n"
echo "Please, try again this way:"
echo -e "$ source /path/to/set_vars\n"
exit 1
PS: I think Kurt's answer is much more complete but I think this could help.
In the first case, $0 will be "". In the second case, it will be "./myscript". But, in general, there's no way to tell source was used.
If you tell us what you're trying to do, instead of how you want to do it, a better answer might be forthcoming.
