Quoting numerical constants in Chez Scheme - scheme

I am curious as to why Chez Scheme does not treat numbers as symbols. Whether they are in a list or are quoted alone, number? returns true, meaning that it was not made into a symbol. Is there a practical reason for this?
Chez Scheme Version 9.5.4
Copyright 1984-2020 Cisco Systems, Inc.
> (number? (car '(1 2 3 4 5)))
> (symbol? (car '(1 2 3 4 5)))
> (define symbolic-num '5)
> (number? symbolic-num)
> (symbol? symbolic-num)

This is not specific to Chez, but is standard behaviour; see e.g. R5RS:
The rules for writing a symbol are exactly the same as the rules for writing an identifier [6.3.3 Symbols]
So a numeric literal can't be a symbol, because it's not an identifier.
Now, 'e is shorthand for (quote e), and
(quote <datum>) evaluates to <datum>. [4.1.2 Literal expressions]
That is, (quote 1) - '1 - evaluates to 1, which is an integer, and (quote a) - 'a - evaluates to a, which is a symbol.
Numerical constants, string constants, character constants, and boolean constants evaluate ``to themselves''; they need not be quoted. [4.1.2 Literal expressions]
This gets a bit confusing because REPLs print some things in the "shorthand-quoted" form, but that's just an output convention.
Note that (display 'a) will show a, not 'a.


Define a macro that returns the operator of an expression in Scheme?

I'm looking for functionality like this:
(op (+ 1 2))
; +
I can’t for the life of me seem to figure out how to do this using define-macro. Any help?
It's especially confusing cause I can do:
(car '(+ 1 2))
; +
But if I do:
(define-macro (op expr)
(car expr))
(op '(+ 1 2))
It doesn't work.
OP has defined the macro op as if it were a function, but Lisp macros do not work this way. The macro form is evaluated to produce a new form which substitutes for the original macro call, yet the macro arguments are passed into the macro body unevaluated. This means that within the macro body of op, car operates not on the data (+ 1 2), but rather on the data (quote (+ 1 2)).
The goal of the macro op is not to evaluate (car expr), but to produce the form (car expr) (where expr is replaced by the value of the macro argument), which is then evaluated in the REPL after the macro expansion has taken place. One could do this either using list:
(define-macro (opl expr)
(list 'car expr))
or using quasiquotation:
(define-macro (opq expr)
`(car ,expr))
Here, the backquote introduces a template for a list, and the comma causes the symbol expr to be evaluated to its value ((quote (+ 1 2))), and the result inserted into the list. A simple quoted list, e.g. '(car expr) would evaluate to the list (car expr), where expr is just the symbol expr. With quasiquotation, ,expr evaluates to the value of the argument provided in a macro call, e.g. `(car ,expr) --> (car '(+ 1 2)). Note that (list 'car expr) produces the same form when expr is '(+ 1 2), as with (opl '(+ 1 2))
This define-macro syntax is almost identical to the traditional defmacro syntax of Common Lisp, the difference there being that with defmacro the name of the macro goes before a list of formal parameters, e.g. (defmacro op (expr) ;...). define-macro is not available in Standard Scheme, but some Scheme implementations do support it. Guile Scheme supports both defmacro and define-macro. Both of the above macro solutions work in Guile:
scheme#(guile-user)> (opl '(+ 1 2))
$2 = +
scheme#(guile-user)> (opq '(+ 1 2))
$3 = +

Can someone explain equality to me in scheme/racket?

So I stumbled across this today and it has me puzzled.
(define (x) '(1))
(eq? (x) (x)) ;=> #t
(eq? '(1) '(1)) ;=> #f
(define (y) (list 1))
(eq? (y) (y)) ;=> #f
(eq? (list 1) (list 1)) ;=> #f
Can anyone explain what's happening here ?
When compiled this program
(define (x) '(1))
(eq? (x) (x))
(eq? '(1) '(1))
is compiled into (something like):
(define datum1 '(1))
(define datum2 '(1))
(define datum3 '(1))
(define (x) datum1)
(eq? (x) (x))
(eq? datum2 datum3)
Therefore (x) will always return the object stored in datum1.
The expressions (eq? '(1) '(1)) on the other hand will
find out that datum2 and datum3 does not store the same object.
Note: There is a choice for the compiler writer. Many Scheme implementation will compile the above program to:
(define datum1 '(1))
(define (x) datum1)
(eq? (x) (x))
(eq? datum1 datum1)
and then the result will be true in both cases.
Note: The documentation of quote doesn't explicitly state whether multiple occurrences of '(1) in a program will produce the same value or not. Therefore this behavior might change in the future. [Although I believe the current behavior is a deliberate choice]
eq? checks if the objects are the same (think "if the pointer refers to the same address in memory").
In the first case you're working with literals created at compile time. Comparing (and modifying) literals is generally undefined behaviour. Here it looks like procedure x returns the same literal every time, but in the second expression it looks like the 2 literals are not the same. As I said, undefined behaviour.
In the second case you're not working with literals but list creates a new list at execution time. So each call to y or list creates a fresh list.
uselpa's answer is correct.† I wanted to expand on what a quoted datum is, a little further, though.
As you know, all Scheme programs are internally read in as a syntax tree. In Racket, in particular, you use the read-syntax procedure to do it:
> (define stx (with-input-from-string "(foo bar)" read-syntax))
> stx
#<syntax::1 (foo bar)>
You can convert a syntax tree to a datum using syntax->datum:
> (syntax->datum stx)
'(foo bar)
quote is a special form, and what it does is return the quoted portion of the syntax tree as a datum. This is why, for many Scheme implementations, your x procedure returns the same object each time: it's returning the same portion of the syntax tree as a datum. (This is an implementation detail, and Scheme implementations are not required to have this behaviour, but it helps explain why you see what you see.)
And as uselpa's answer says, list creates a fresh list each time, if the list is non-empty. That's why the result of two separate non-empty invocations of list will always be distinct when compared with eq?.
(In Scheme, the empty list is required to be represented as a singleton object. So (eq? '() '()) is guaranteed to be true, as is (eq? (list) '()), (eq? (cdr (list 'foo)) (list)), etc.)
† I would not use the phrasing "undefined behaviour" for comparing literals because that's easily confused with the C and C++ meaning of UB, which is nasal demons, and although the result of comparing literals may not be what you expect, it would not cause your program to crash, etc. Modifying literals is nasal demons, of course.

what is apostrophe type in scheme

I have condition that uses the member function:
(cond ((member '1' (some-function)) (display #t)) (else (display #f)))
it works fine but i still couldn't find the answers to:
1)what is the type of '1'?
2)i have the next expression
(lambda(x)(= x 1))
how can I convert to the same type of '1'?
Notice that the cond expression is not doing what you think. What's really happening is this:
(cond ((member '1 '(some-function))
(display #t))
(display #f)))
In other words: the number 1 is being quoted and the expression '(some-function) is being interpreted as a single-element list with the symbol some-function as its only member. Regarding the first question, this expression:
… is invalid in Scheme - try typing it in the evaluation window, nothing will happen: the first quote applies to the number 1, and the second quote is expecting further input, so anything that's written after it will get quoted. FYI double quotes mean a string, as in many other languages: "1". But a single quote indicates a quoted expression, that evaluates to itself:
=> 1
And it's just shorthand for this:
(quote 1)
=> 1
Which in the above expression is unnecessary, a number already evaluates to itself:
=> 1
Now, about the second question, it doesn't make sense because '1' is not a type, as explained above.
'x is the same as (quote x). Scheme won't evaluate the argument so it's basically how you do constant values. It's not a single quote around rather you have two elements in the list quoted in your example like this:
(cond ((member '1 '(some-function)) (display #t)) (else (display #f)))
You never need to quote a number since it's always evaluated to itself. '1 is the same as just 1

Meaning of 'quote in Lisp

This question arose when reading SICP. Why (list 'quote '(a b c)) evaluated by the interpreter (R5RS in Dr.Racket) as '(a b c). For me it should be (quote (a b c)). For instance (list 'quot '(a b c)) is evaluated as (quot (a b c)). What is so special in the 'quote?
You'll get different behaviors depending on exactly what Lisp you're using (Scheme, Racket, Common Lisp, etc.) but in general, the system will accept 'x as a shorthand or syntactic sugar for (quote x). The two forms are exactly equivalent and their values are the same: the unevaluated x. When a result is coming out of the system, it might choose to print in the first way to make the result more intuitive to the user. A similar thing happens with cons, too. For instance,
(cons 1 2)
;=> (1 . 2)
because that's the general way that cons cells (pairs) are printed. However, there's a special case defined for when the second part of the pair is another list (either the empty list () or another pair, and that's why we have the following. I've also written a bit more about how lists and cons cells are printed in an answer to Recursive range in Lisp adds a period?.
(cons 1 '())
;=> (1)
(cons 1 '(2 3))
;=> (1 2 3)
Now, I've written the values of the expression above. E.g., the value of the form (cons 1 '(2 3)) is the list (1 2 3). As an additional complication, some systems (I'm thinking of some languages is Dr. Racket, in particular) don't print the value of a form in the interactive prompt, but rather print a form that would produce the same (for certain interpretations of “the same”) values. For instance, you might evaluate '(1 . 2) and see the output (cons 1 2) because that's another form that would produce the same value. This can be helpful if you're doing pure functional programming that has referential transparency, but if you're not expecting it, it can lead to some confusion.
A good way to see that we're getting the results that we should, regardless of how the system prints them, is to inspect them. We expect that (list 'quote '(a b c)) should return a list whose car is the symbol quote and whose cadr is the list (a b c). This is what we get (in Dr. Racket 5.3 with language R5RS):
> (display (list 'quote '(a b c)))
'(a b c)
> (display (car (list 'quote '(a b c))))
> (display (cadr (list 'quote '(a b c))))
(a b c)
We get similar results if we use 'qmmmt instead of 'quote:
> (display (list 'qmmmt '(a b c)))
(qmmmt (a b c))
> (display (car (list 'qmmmt '(a b c))))
> (display (cadr (list 'qmmmt '(a b c))))
(a b c)
The only difference is that in the first case, display displays the list whose car is the symbol quote using the shorthand that is available for such lists. That is, instead of displaying (quote (a b c)) it displayed '(a b c).
'(a b c) and (quote (a b c)) are actually different notations for the same. So don't be surprised if your Lisp prints the shorter version.
In general '<something> is the same as (quote <something>).
QUOTE is used in Lisp to mark expressions which should evaluate to themselves. Usually a list would be a function or macro call and a symbol would be a variable. If you want to treat those as data, you need to quote them.
Since (quote <something>) is used so often in Lisp, the abbreviated version '<something> has been introduced to save a bit of typing or reading...
display emits some behaviors. Eg. '(a . (b . (c . ()))) is displayed (a b c). 'quote is displayed quote and perhaps '(quote x y) is displayed (quote x y) while '(quote x) is displayed 'x or (quote x). Which one is implementation dependent but both mean the same.
As data (ie. quoted, like (quote quote) and it's abbrivation 'quote) the result of the evaluation, the symbol quote is nothing special, for any LISP, just like '+ and 'potato happen to be the symbols + and potato. Any symbol that mean something when not quoted is no special when quoted.
It also took me a while to understand this problem. But it's just your good-hearted lisp interpreter showing (quote (a b c)) in it's equivalent form '(a b c). Since there is no such equivalence/syntactic sugar for (quott (a b c)), it's shown as is.

Understanding symbols in Scheme

I am having a hard time understanding symbols in Scheme. The following confuses me:
1 ]=> (symbol? 'x)
; Value: #t
1 ]=> (symbol? '('x))
; Value: #f
I thought I understood why the first one is a symbol, but then why is '('x)) not? Can someone please explain why?
For what it's worth, I am running MIT/GNU Scheme.
In scheme '... is a shorthand for (quote ...).
Thus 'x is shorthand for (quote x).
And '(1 2 3) is shorthand (quote (1 2 3)).
When a quote expression is evaluated, the quoted values is not evaluated as an expression, but simply returned.
In (quote x) what is quoted is the symbol x. So (quote x) evaluates to the symbol x.
In (quote (1 2 3)) the quoted value is a list. It evaluates to (1 2 3).
In your slightly more complicated example, you have
'('x) which is shorthand for (quote ((quote x))).
This evaluates to the list ((quote x)). Which in most Schemes are
printed as ('x).
'('x) is a list, not a symbol. Symbols in Scheme are alphanumeric, like variables and keywords. So 'a is a symbol, and so is 'supercalafragalistic, but '(1 2 3) is a list of numbers.
I'm not sure exactly what's throwing you off, but it's probably the '. ' can be used to make symbols, but also to make lists, and other things too. Not everything that starts with ' is a symbol.
