what is apostrophe type in scheme - scheme

I have condition that uses the member function:
(cond ((member '1' (some-function)) (display #t)) (else (display #f)))
it works fine but i still couldn't find the answers to:
1)what is the type of '1'?
2)i have the next expression
(lambda(x)(= x 1))
how can I convert to the same type of '1'?

Notice that the cond expression is not doing what you think. What's really happening is this:
(cond ((member '1 '(some-function))
(display #t))
(display #f)))
In other words: the number 1 is being quoted and the expression '(some-function) is being interpreted as a single-element list with the symbol some-function as its only member. Regarding the first question, this expression:
… is invalid in Scheme - try typing it in the evaluation window, nothing will happen: the first quote applies to the number 1, and the second quote is expecting further input, so anything that's written after it will get quoted. FYI double quotes mean a string, as in many other languages: "1". But a single quote indicates a quoted expression, that evaluates to itself:
=> 1
And it's just shorthand for this:
(quote 1)
=> 1
Which in the above expression is unnecessary, a number already evaluates to itself:
=> 1
Now, about the second question, it doesn't make sense because '1' is not a type, as explained above.

'x is the same as (quote x). Scheme won't evaluate the argument so it's basically how you do constant values. It's not a single quote around rather you have two elements in the list quoted in your example like this:
(cond ((member '1 '(some-function)) (display #t)) (else (display #f)))
You never need to quote a number since it's always evaluated to itself. '1 is the same as just 1


Are self evaluating identifier ignored by quote?

I know that when you type for example in a repl 'a, it will output a without evaluating it and internally, in my case, it expend to (##core#quote a) in Chicken-scheme.
I know that numbers and strings are special in a way that they are self-evaluating symbols. I guess that for that reason, the quote doesn't seem to have any effect on them.
For example:
(+ '1 '2 '3)
> 6
(+ (quote 1) (quote 2) (quote 3))
> 6
(string-append '"hello " '"world")
>"hello world"
But doing the following
(quote 1) => (#core#quote '1) => (#core#quote (#core#quote 1))
If we do that:
(car ''a)
> quote
Which confirms what I tought. Then if we do the following we should find 1 as expected.
(cadr ''1)
> 1
Am I right that quoted self evaluating identifiers are ignored at evaluation time? Because if I do
(define a '1)
It doesn't print '1 but 1.
What you should try to do here is to understand how evaluation works by writing a very simple evaluator. For example (and this is pseudocode!):
(define (self-evaluating? form)
;; This might not be exactly right, might be missing one type or two,
;; but you get the idea.
(or (null? form)
(number? form)
(boolean? form)
(string? form)
(vector? form)
(character? form)))
(define (eval form env)
(cond ((self-evaluating? form)
;; Self-evaluating forms evaluate to themselves.
((symbol? form)
;; A symbol is evaluating by looking it up in the environment.
;; Note that this is pseudocode, and lookup-in-environment is not
;; a standard function...
(lookup-in-environment form env))
((list? form)
(eval-combination form env))))
(define (eval-combination form env)
(case (car form)
;; A quote special form is evaluated simply by returning the
;; argument to quote.
(second form))
;; We evaluate a definition by evaluating the body in the current
;; environment, and setting the variable to the result in that
;; environment.
;; Note again that this is pseudocode, and set-in-environment! is
;; not a standard function...
(set-in-environment! env (second form) (eval (third form) env)))
;; Other special forms
;; Default rule: evaluate all the subexpressions in the current
;; environment; the first one should be a procedure, which we then
;; apply to the list of values of the succeeding ones.
(apply (eval (car form) env)
(map (lambda (arg) (eval arg env)) (cdr form)))))))
By tracing the execution of that code by hand for a few examples (and you can ignore the env parameter for your case), you should be able to see what's going on. The key thing to note about an evaluator like this is that it's very orthogonal: for each type of form there is a separate rule on how to evaluate it, and the rules don't know about each other. It's all driven by this logic:
Is the form an atom or a combination (list)?
If the form is an atom, is it self-evaluating or is it a symbol?
If the form is a combination, is it a special form or a procedure application? The only thing we look at to decide this is the form's car.
You're right. Evaluating (quote <object>) returns that object. Evaluating a self-evaluating object also returns that object.
You're thinking of it backwards. It's not that quote is ignored when the object is self-evaluating, it's that self-evaluating objects effectively quote themselves.
Syntactic keywords define their own evaluation rules. For example:
(define <identifier> <inititailizer>)
does not evaluate <identifier> but does evaluate <initializer>. The syntactic keyword quote does not evaluate its argument but when quote itself is evaluated it returns its argument. So if you write:
(define a '1)
the '1 is evaluated which evaluates the quote syntax to the number 1.
Note that self-evaluating expressions are defined in R7RS as:
⟨self-evaluating⟩ −→ ⟨boolean⟩ | ⟨number⟩ | ⟨vector⟩
| ⟨character⟩ | ⟨string⟩ | ⟨byte vector⟩

Procedure printf in Scheme

For example, when I use the procedure printf on the list '((2 t r d)), the last line in my output is
and the number of times '(#<void>) appears depend on the number of list nested. Can you please explain this for me???
This is my printf function
(define counting
(lambda (lst)
(if (null? lst)
(printf "~a, ~s\n" (car lst) (length (cdr lst))))))
I have try to other procedure like fprintf and using this form
(fprintf (current-output-port) "~a, ~s\n" (car lst) (length (cdr lst)))
Same thing happens!
AFAIK there is no such procedure in the Scheme standard so you might need to add a tag for a implementation that has it. I know racket has printf.
A (display x) (and (printf x) in racket) alone usually don't display so what produced (#<void>) is not in the question. In Scheme every procedure evaluates to a value. To illustrate this try doing:
(map display '(1 2 3 4))
Which will return a list with 4 unspecified values since map makes a list of the results. display (and printf in racket) prints the result of the evaluation of the argument but doesn't need to return anything since the standard doesn't say that is should. Most implementations do this by returning an undefined object, but some actually return the argument too. The main function of them is to do side effect of displaying something on screen and that it has done. for ignoring return values you can use for-each which is map just for side effects.
(for-each display '(1 2 3 4))
When that said in Scheme it's normal that every procedure return something and you misread output with the REPLs printing of the returned values.
You said that 'the last line of your output is '(#<void>) - this is occurring because your Scheme environment is displaying 1) what you want to be printed and 2) the returned value of the evaluated expression. For example
> (list (display 1))
The '1' is printed and then the list result is printed. Since you are typing in an interactive session you will always get the returned value displayed. You can't really hide the returned value however most Schemes will recognize a 'undefined' return value and not print it.
> (display 1)
In the above, even though display returns #<void> the interpreter knows not to show it.

Understanding symbols in Scheme

I am having a hard time understanding symbols in Scheme. The following confuses me:
1 ]=> (symbol? 'x)
; Value: #t
1 ]=> (symbol? '('x))
; Value: #f
I thought I understood why the first one is a symbol, but then why is '('x)) not? Can someone please explain why?
For what it's worth, I am running MIT/GNU Scheme.
In scheme '... is a shorthand for (quote ...).
Thus 'x is shorthand for (quote x).
And '(1 2 3) is shorthand (quote (1 2 3)).
When a quote expression is evaluated, the quoted values is not evaluated as an expression, but simply returned.
In (quote x) what is quoted is the symbol x. So (quote x) evaluates to the symbol x.
In (quote (1 2 3)) the quoted value is a list. It evaluates to (1 2 3).
In your slightly more complicated example, you have
'('x) which is shorthand for (quote ((quote x))).
This evaluates to the list ((quote x)). Which in most Schemes are
printed as ('x).
'('x) is a list, not a symbol. Symbols in Scheme are alphanumeric, like variables and keywords. So 'a is a symbol, and so is 'supercalafragalistic, but '(1 2 3) is a list of numbers.
I'm not sure exactly what's throwing you off, but it's probably the '. ' can be used to make symbols, but also to make lists, and other things too. Not everything that starts with ' is a symbol.

Using "do" in Scheme

What is the difference between CODE SNIPPET 1 and CODE SNIPPET 2?
(define i 0)
(do ()
((= i 5)) ; Two sets of parentheses
(display i)
(set! i (+ i 1)))
(define i 0)
(do ()
(= i 5) ; One set of parentheses
(display i)
(set! i (+ i 1)))
The first code snippet produces 01234 and the second produces 5. What is going on? What does the extra set of parentheses do? Also, I have seen [(= i 50)] used instead of ((= i 5)). Is there a distinction? Thanks!
The general structure of a do form is like this:
(do ((<variable1> <init1> <step1>)
(<test> <expression> ...)
<command> ...)
Paraphrasing http://www.r6rs.org/final/html/r6rs-lib/r6rs-lib-Z-H-6.html#node_chap_5, each iteration begins by evaluating <test>, if it evaluates to a true value, <expression>s are evaluated from left to right and the last value is returned as the result of the do form. In your second example = would be evaluated as a boolean meaning true, then i would be evaluated and at last 5 is the return value of the form. In the first case (= i 5) is the test and the do form returns an undefined value. The usual way to write a loop would be more like this:
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 5) i) ; maybe return the last value of the iteration
(display i))
You don't need an explicit mutation of the loop variable as this is handled by the <step> expression.
In the first case, ((= i 5)) functions as a test for termination. So the do loop is repeated until i = 5.
In the second case, (= i 5) isn't a test. The do loop simply executes the first form, which returns 5.
(Per the attached comments) brackets are interchangeable in some dialects of scheme. It is sometimes considered idiomatic to use [] for parameters (i.e. to the parent do).

Function in Scheme that checks whether the length of a list is even

Hi I have edited the code for function in scheme that checks whether the length of a list is even.
(define even-length?
(lambda (l)
((null? l)#f)
((equal? (remainder (length(l)) 2) 0) #t)
(else #f))))
Is it corrrect?
You seem to have the syntax for if and cond all mixed up. I suggest referring to the language reference. if only has two clauses, and you don't write else for the else clause. (Hint: You shouldn't need an if for this function at all.)
Also, consider whether it makes sense to return null if the list is null; probably you want to return #t or #f instead.
Oh yeah, and rewrite your call of length to be a proper prefix-style Scheme function call.
The code is clearly wrong -- your %2 assuming infix notation, where Scheme uses prefix notation. The syntax of your if is wrong as well -- for an if, the else is implicit (i.e. you have if condition true-expression false-expression. In this case, you're trying to return #t from one leg and #f from another leg -- that's quite unnecessary. You can just return the expression that you tested in the if.
Edit: one other detail -- you should really rename this to something like even-length?. Even if I assume that it's a predicate, a name like even would imply to me that (even 3) should return #f, and (even 4) should return #t -- but in this case, neither works at all.
Edit2: Since mquander already gave you one version of the code, I guess one more won't hurt. I'd write it like:
(define (even-length? L) (even? (length L)))
I don't like using lower-case 'l' (but itself) much, so I've capitalized it. Since even? is built in, I've used that instead of finding the remainder.
Running this produces:
> (even-length? `(1 2 3))
> (even-length? `(1 2 3 4))
This is different from what you had in one respect: the length of an empty list is 0, which is considered an even number, so:
(even-length? `())
gives #t.
(define even-length? (lambda (l)
(even? (length l))))
(even-length? '(1 2 3 4))
(even-length? '(1 2 3 ))
As others pointed out, there is indeed a predicate to check evenness of a number, so why not using it?
EDIT: I just saw Jerry Coffin wrote the same function witht the same example... Sorry for repeating :-)
