Ada static compilation - windows

I have compiled a simple Ada application which uses the Win32Ada library.
I'm compiling the application on Windows using:
gnatmake C:\GNAT\2020\bin\src\main.adb -I"C:\GNAT\2020\lib\win32ada" -largs -lwin32ada.
The application works as expected on the compilation machine and when executing main.exe a MessageBox is executed.
However, when attempting to execute the application on another Windows system which doesn't have the Ada libraries installed, I received an error:
Does Ada support static compilation?
Can I compile the application so main.exe can execute on any Windows host without needing to bundle DLL's?
I couldn't find an answer in the gnatmake --help (but I'm also new to Ada).

The default linking mode is static on Windows. So, normally, you don't need to add any option. If you need to force it, use the -bargs -static gnatmake binder option or add
package Binder is
for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("-static");
end Binder;
to your .gpr project file.

Does Ada support static compilation?
Yes, it's the default mode.
Can I compile the application so main.exe can execute on any Windows host without needing to bundle DLL's?
You should be able to, but I haven't used the win32ada library much; I would be surprised if you couldn't do something like Deplhi where the executable interfaces with the Win32 API "directly", albeit with the abstraction of the VCL.
I think the item you want to flag is in the Linker, not Binder. (Though you might need both.) The best place to check for the nitty-gritty of arguments for GNAT is the documentation, simply because there's a huge number of arguments which are essentially non-intuitive in their naming or usage.
--unchecked-shared-lib-imports might be of interest; checking out the win32ada project file (especially any scenario variables) might give you the ability to switch it to a static library. In the worst case, if you add For library_kind use "static"; to the Win32Ada library, you should be able to build it statically yourself.


Compile single static library for Cortex M3, M4, M23 and M33

I'm currently working on a rather generic communication stack. It gets bytes in on one end, parses the packet and calls a callback.
I want to have this stack in a static library (i.e. libcommstack.a).
The library is aimed towards embedded ARM Cortex-M devices. At the moment we have specified that at least a Cortex-M3 should be used (but it should also work for an M4 or M33).
Right now I'm integrating it into another application to verify that linking it is possible. In the future the idea is that we will ship this .a file to customers so they can build their application around it, without having direct access to our sources (to encapsulate our IP).
We are using GCC ARM v7.2.1 to compile both the library and the application that is linked to it.
The application I'm trying to integrate it with is compiled for a Cortex M33 with -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu-fpv6-sp-d16.
The code for the library does not use any floating points and is compiled using -march=archv7-m (both have the -mthumb flag).
Linking seemed to all go well, until I actually called a function from the lib. At that point the linker starts to complain:
application.elf uses VFP register arguments, libcommstack.a(somefile.c.obj) does not
failed to merge target specific data of file libcommstack.a(somefile.c.obj)
Since I'm not using floating points in the library and I don't know (upfront) if the target application does or does not have an FPU (or even uses floats), I'm not sure how to approach this.
I figured there would be two approaches:
Compile a single version of the lib, using an instruction set that all of the microcontrollers understand. I was hoping that this would be the case with ARMv7 (although I'm not yet 100% confident that the M23/M33 also support this).
Compile a lot of different libs for the different flavors based on the different architectures, FPU, etc.
As you can imagine, I would prefer to keep it simple and go for option 1, but I'm not sure how to "convince" the linker to link these two (or perhaps how to convince the compiler NOT to care about floating points for the lib).
Does anyone know if option 1 is feasible and how it can be achieved?
If it is not feasible, what would be the variables to keep in mind to determine the different build flavors?
Does anyone know if option 1 is feasible
Well, feasible, probably.
how it can be achieved?
Get all the processors you want to support and determine the instructions sets available on all these processors. Then compile for that instruction set.
But, please don't, that is a workaround.
If it is not feasible, what would be the variables to keep in mind to determine the different build flavors?
Gcc has something like "multilib profiles". See arm-none-eabi-gcc --print-multi-lib output. If you have newlib installed, you can go to /usr/arm-none-eabi/lib/thumb/ and see the directories there - newlib is compiled for each profile and installs separate library for it and different library is picked up depending on configuration. Compile for each of those profiles, and package your library by putting libraries in proper /usr/arm-none-eabi/lib/proper/directory/here and compiler will pick them up by itself (see gcc -v output for library search paths). For an example search newlib sources where it happens, can't find it. (Here's my example). With cmake as a backend as a example you could compile and install as follows:
arm-none-eabi-gcc --print-multi-lib |
while IFS=';' read -r dir opts; do
cmake -B builddir CMAKE_C_FLAGS="$opts" CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR="$dir"
cmake --build builddir
cmake --install builddir --prefix "/usr/arm-none-eabi/"

Go code building linker error. Can I link manually?

I am building Go code that uses CGo heavily and this code must be compiled into a shared or static library (static is highly preferred). (code for reference)
It all works just fine on Linux and Mac, but on Windows it fails on linker stage either saying that all 4 modes (c-shared, shared, c-archive, archive) are not available or if invoke go tool link -shared manually complains about missing windows specific instructions.
My understanding is that all I need to build usable lib.a is to compile everything I will use into object files (*.o) and then put it through ar to produce usable static library.
Now the question is whether I can completely skip Go's linker and based on prepared .o files create .a manually?
How would I go about doing that if that is even possible?
Looks like gcc on windows is unable to automatically discover necessary shared libraries. The problem was caused by GCC and not by Go.
Although for compiling Go I had to use self-compiled master tip as current release (1.6.2) does not support shared/static libraries on windows/amd64.
Manually feeding gcc with each shared library (ntdll, winmm etc) in default location (C:\Windows\SysWOW64) has fixed the problem.

How to install and use open source library on Windows?

I'd like to use open source library on Windows. (ex:Aquila, following But I can't understand anything about "Build System"... Everyone just say like, "Unzip the tar, do configure, make, make file" at Linux, but I want to use them for Windows. There are some several questions.
i) Why do I have to "Install" for just source code? Why can't I use these header files by copying them to the working directory and throw #include ".\aquila\global.h" ??
ii) What are Configuration and Make/Make Install? I can't understand them. I just know that configuration open source with Windows need "CMake", and it is configuration tool... But what it actually does??
iii) Though I've done : cmake, mingw32-make, mingw32-make install... My compiler said "undefined references to ...". What this means and what should I do with them?
You don't need to install for sources. You do need to install for the libraries that get built from that source code and that your code is going to use.
configure is the standard name for the script that does build configuration for the software about to be built. The usual way it is run (and how you will see it mentioned) is ./configure.
make is a build management tool (as the tag here on SO will tell you). One of the most common mechanisms for building code on linux (etc.) is to use the autotools suite which uses the aforementioned configure script to generate build configuration information for use by generated makefiles which make then uses to build the software. make is also the way to run the default build target defined in a makefile (which is often the all target and which usually builds the appropriate library/binary/etc.).
make install is a specific, secondary, invocation of the make tool on the install target which (generally) installs the (in this case previously) built code into an appropriate location (in the autotools/configure universe the default location is generally under /usr/local).
cmake is, again as the SO tag says, a build system that generates configuration files for other build tools (make, VS, etc.). This allows the developers to create the build configuration once and build on multiple platforms/etc. (at least in theory).
If running cmake worked correctly then it should have generated the correct information for whatever target system you told it to use (make or VS or whatever). Assuming that was make that should have allowed mingw32-make to build the software correctly (assuming additionally that mingw32-make is not a distinct cmake target than make). If that is not working correctly then something is still missing from your system (and cmake probably should have caught that).
But to give any more detail you will need to give more detail about what errors you are actually getting and from what command.
(Oh, and on Windows, and especially if you plan on building your software with VS (or some other non-mingw32-make tool) the chances of you needing to run mingw32-make install are incredibly small).
For Windows use cmake or latest ninja.
The process is not simple or straight, but achievable. You need to write CMake configuration.
Building process is not simple and straight, that's why there exists language like Java(that's another thing though)
Rely on CMake build the library, and you will get the Open-Source library for Windows.
You can distribute this as library for Windows systems, distribute and integrate with your own software, include the Open Source library, in either cases, you would have to build it for Windows.
Writing CMake helps, it would be helpful to build for other platforms as well.
Now Question comes: Is there any other way except CMake for Windows Build
Would you love the flavor of writing directly Assembly?
If obviously answer is no, you would have to write CMake and generate sln for MSVC and other compilers.
Just fix some of the errors comes, read the FAQ, Documentation before building an Open Source library. And fix the errors as they lurk through.
It is like handling burning iron, but it pays if you're working on something meaningful. Most of the server libraries are Open Source(e.g. age old Apache httpd). So, think before what you're doing.
There are also not many useful Open Source libraries which you could use in your project, but it's the way to Use the Open Source libraries.

Undefined reference to __libc_init_array

I am trying to compile some code for an STM32 chip using CodeBench G++ Lite tools. However, it generates an error.
startup.o: In function `LoopFillZerobss':
(.text.Reset_Handler+0x2a): undefined reference to `__libc_init_array'
I have googled and it appears that libc_init_array is probably part of some standard gcc library...but I am not sure how to fix this error?
I also have errors such as this
arm-none-eabi-ld: cannot find libc.a
and similarly for libgcc.a and libm.a
The function __libc_init_array is part of CodeSourcery's 'CS3' mechanism for 'start up' code which ensures all of a programs static initialisation happens before main is executed.
Start by ensuring all of the libraries are found. That might be enough to fix all your problems.
One approach is to use arm-none-eabi-g++, and not use arm-none-eabi-ld directly, to do the linking because g++ should correctly pass some important parameters to arm-none-eabi-ld. In some case, that might be all that is needed to find and link the correct libraries.
If you aren't sure how to build on the command line, or arm-none-eabi-g++ isn't doing everything to resolve the missing libraries, go and have a look at LeafLabs web site, where they show how build from the command line using Makefiles
They provide a free, Open Source, IDE for STM32, built for Windows, Linux and Mac, which includes a working gcc-based toolchain for each of those platforms, and enough of the libraries to get started
Even if you'd prefer to use your toolchain for the actual build, it may be worth using theirs, with their Makefiles, to sanity check the process you are using to build your program.
I am not a member of LeafLabs staff, and have no relationship with the company other than I have bought some of their products, and try to answer questions on their forum.

Referencing Source Files of Shared Libraries in Valgrind

We have a software project which has the primary purpose of providing a library and API. We also provide example programs and utilities that use this library.
So, let's say that I have built and installed our library. When I run valgrind on one of the example / utility programs, I obviously see references to functions in the library. The issue is that it doesn't provide line numbers, and I would like it to.
Is there a way to tell Valgrind to reference source files that aren't obviously part of an executable, but are part of the source code for a library that is linked-in to the executable?
Make sure that you are compiling shared library with -g to add debug information. This should be enough for Valgrind to reference source files. See for more information.
