Maximizing the area of small rectangles in a bigger one (Rectangle packing) - algorithm

Let's say I have a set of rectangles of varying widths and heights, which cannot be rotated.
I now want to fit a subset of those into a larger rectangle with a set height and width, so that the sum of the areas of the smaller rectangles is maximized.
Is there an algorithm that can help me solve this problem?
I tried looking into rectangle packing in general, but all I could find were questions about minimizing the area taken up by the rectangles.
Here is a graphical example of what I want to do:
The rectangles on the right are the aforementioned set of smaller rectangles, which I want to fit into the left one.
As I cannot possibly put all the small rectangles into the bigger one, I now have to choose an optimal subset of them, like this, for example:
Is this the best arrangement and subset of rectangles? Probably not, since there is still some space left in the bigger rectangle. In an ideal case, the would be exactly 0 space left, and the sum of the areas of the small rectangles would be equal to the area of the big rectangle. However, as this is rarely possible, I need an algorithm, that can find the best possible arrangement and subset.


Minimum area calculation algorithm (Place tiles on edge only)

I have different dimension of small rectangles (1cm x 2xm, 2cmx3cm, 4cm*6cm etc). The number of different type rectangles may vary depending on case. Each type of different rectangles may have different number of counts.
I need to create a big rectangle with all these small rectangles which these small rectangles can only be placed on the edges. no rotations. The final outer rectangle should ideally be smiliar to a square shape. X ~Y. Not all edges need to be filled up. There can be gaps in between smaller rectangles. Picture Example:
I am trying to write a code that finds out the minimum possible area that can be formed.
I have an algorithm that loop through all possible placement to find out the minimum area possible. But that takes a long run time as number of different type rectangles and number of rectangles increase. i.e. 2 type of rectangles, each has 100 + rectangles. 8 for loops. That will be ~100^8 iterations
Any ideas on better and faster algorithm to calculate the minimum possible area? code is in python, but any algorithm concept is fine.
for rectange_1_top_count in (range(0,all_rectangles[1]["count"]+1)):
for rectange_1_bottom_count in range(0,all_rectangles[1]["count"]-rectange_1_top_count+1):
for rectange_1_left_count in (range(0,all_rectangles[1]["count"]-rectange_1_top_count-rectange_1_bottom_count+1)):
for rectange_1_right_count in ([all_rectangles[1]["count"]-rectange_1_top_count-rectange_1_bottom_count-rectange_1_left_count]):
for rectange_2_top_count in (range(0,all_rectangles[2]["count"]+1)):
for rectange_2_bottom_count in (range(0,all_rectangles[2]["count"]-rectange_2_top_count+1)):
for rectange_2_left_count in (range(0,all_rectangles[2]["count"]-rectange_2_bottom_count-rectange_2_top_count+1)):
for rectange_2_right_count in [(all_rectangles[2]["count"]-rectange_2_bottom_count-rectange_2_left_count-rectange_2_top_count)]:
if area< minimum_area:
This looks like an NP-hard problem, so there exists no simple and efficient algorithm. It doesn't mean that there is no good heuristic that you can use, but if you have many small rectangles, you won't find the optimal solution fast.
Why is it NP-hard? Let's assume all your rectangles have height 1 and you have on rectangle of height 2, then it would make sense to look for a solution with total height 2 (basically, you try to form two horizontal lines of height-1 rectangles with the same length). To figure out if such a solution exists, you would have to form two subsets of your small rectangles, both adding up to the same total width. This is called the partition problem and it is NP-complete. Even if there may be gaps and the total widths are not required to be the same, this is still an NP-hard problem. You can reduce the partition problem to your rectangle problem by converting the elements to partition into rectangles of height 1 as outlined above.
I'll wait for the answer to the questions I posted in the comments to your question and then think about it again.

Filling a polygon with rectangles

I have a fairly smooth polygon, say an ellipse with bulges and dents converted to polygon straight lines. I wish to fill this polygon with as few rectangles as possible, but as many as to maintain accuracy in small corners in the polygon. The rectangles may be any size, and of any amount.
The reason for this is doing a hit test on a web page on the polygon. The only practical way is to fill it with divs and do hit tests on all the divs.
Of course there will be a minimum square size for any rectangle, lest we more than just approximate the polygon and recreate it with pixel size rectangles.
In the general case, if you want to exactly represent a digital shape with rectangles, you will need at least as many rectangles as there are pixels on the outline forming corners. If you think of a digital straight edge at 45°, that means one rectangle per pixel. This is a serious limitation. (And don't even think of non-digital shapes.)
This said, you accept to approximate the shape with a certain error, and I suggest that you first shrink the shape by a constant factor, up to you: you will overlay a grid on the shape an decide whether every tile belongs to the shape or not. Doing this, you turn your shape in a binary image with "big pixels", and the challenge is now to decompose this image in rectangles (exactly this time).
I suggest a simple greedy strategy such that you try to find a large rectangle that fits entirely, and then repeat with the parts that remain.
If you apply a morphological erosion operation with a larger and larger rectangular structuring element, you will find the largest rectangle the fits in the shape image. In theory, you should try all combinations of width and height and keep the largest area or perimeter; this is a large amount of work. I would recommend to try with growing squares first, and when you found the largest square to continue in the direction that allows it.
After you have found a large rectangle, erase it from the shape image and start again, until you completely erase it.

Minimum number of rectangles in shape made from rectangles?

I'm not sure if there's an algorithm that can solve this.
A given number of rectangles are placed side by side horizontally from left to right to form a shape. You are given the width and height of each.
How would you determine the minimum number of rectangles needed to cover the whole shape?
i.e How would you redraw this shape using as few rectangles as possible?
I've can only think about trying to squeeze as many big rectangles as i can but that seems inefficient.
Any ideas?
You are given a number n , and then n sizes:
1 3
2 5
The above would have two rectangles of sizes 1x3 and 2x5 next to each other.
I'm wondering how many rectangles would i least need to recreate that shape given rectangles cannot overlap.
Since your rectangles are well aligned, it makes the problem easier. You can simply create rectangles from the bottom up. Each time you do that, it creates new shapes to check. The good thing is, all your new shapes will also be base-aligned, and you can just repeat as necessary.
First, you want to find the minimum height rectangle. Make a rectangle that height, with the width as total width for the shape. Cut that much off the bottom of the shape.
You'll be left with multiple shapes. For each one, do the same thing.
Finding the minimum height rectangle should be O(n). Since you do that for each group, worst case is all different heights. Totals out to O(n2).
For example:
In the image, the minimum for each shape is highlighted green. The resulting rectangle is blue, to the right. The total number of rectangles needed is the total number of blue ones in the image, 7.
Note that I'm explaining this as if these were physical rectangles. In code, you can completely do away with the width, since it doesn't matter in the least unless you want to output the rectangles rather than just counting how many it takes.
You can also reduce the "make a rectangle and cut it from the shape" to simply subtracting the height from each rectangle that makes up that shape/subshape. Each contiguous section of shapes with +ve height after doing so will make up a new subshape.
If you look for an overview on algorithms for the general problem, Rectangular Decomposition of Binary Images (article by Tomas Suk, Cyril Höschl, and Jan Flusser) might be helpful. It compares different approaches: row methods, quadtree, largest inscribed block, transformation- and graph-based methods.
A juicy figure (from page 11) as an appetizer:
Figure 5: (a) The binary convolution kernel used in the experiment. (b) Its 10 blocks of GBD decomposition.

packing rectangles into a container rectangle with minimum overlap

I have a case where I have a container rectangle of fixed dimensions, say WXH and I want to fill it up with two kinds of rectangles, with dimensions say w1Xh1 and w2Xh2,we can assume that w1,w2,h1 and h2 are integers, and these filling rectangles can be rotated by 90 degrees only. I want to fill up the container rectangle completely, for which there will be overlaps between rectangles. So, I have two objectives, first to determine minimum overlap area possible, and second determining the tiling placement(s) of rectangles that results in this minimum overlap area. How do I approach this problem? Is it possible to derive an exact solution algo for this? Will there be a unique tile placement solution?

Cover a Concave Polygon with a minimum number of rectangles

I am tyring to cover a simple concave polygon with a minimum rectangles. My rectangles can be any length, but they have maximum widths, and the polygon will never have an acute angle.
I thought about trying to decompose my concave polygon into triangles that produce a set of minimumally overlapping rectangles minimally bounding each triangle and then merging those rectangles into larger ones. However, I don't think this will work for small notches in the edges of the polygon. The triangles created by the reflex vertices on those notches will create the wrong rectangles. I am looking for rectangles that will span/ignore notches.
I don't really know anything about computational geometry, so I'm not really sure on how to begin asking the question.
I found other posts that were similar, but not what I need:
split polygon into minimum amount of rectangles and triangles
Covering an arbitrary polygon with minimum number of squares
Find $k$ rectangles so that they cover the maximum number of points
Algorithm for finding the fewest rectangles to cover a set of rectangles
Some examples: Black is the input. Red is the acceptable output.
Another exmaple: The second output is prefered. However, generating both outputs and using another factor to determine preference is probably necessary and not the responsibility of this algorithm.
Polygons that mimic curves are extremely rare. In this scenario much of the area of the rectangles is wasted. However, this is acceptable because each rectangle obeys the max width constraint.
Also, I found this article to be close to what I need:
Covering with rectangular pieces by Paul Iacob, Daniela Marinescu, and Cristina Luca
Maybe a better question is "How can I identify rectangular-like portions of a concave polygon?"
Here is an image showing the desired implementation:
The green is the actual material usage. The red rectangles are the layouts. The blue is the MBR of the entire polygon. I am thinking I should try to get little MBRs and fill them in. The 2-3 green rectangles in the upper left corner that terminate into the middle of the polygon are expensive. That is what I want to minimize. The green rectangles have a min and max width and height, but I can use as many rows and columns necessary to cover a region. Again, I must minimize the number of rectangles that do not span across the input. I can also modify the shape of the green rectangle to fit in small places that is also very expensive. In other words, getting as many rectangles as possible to span as much as possible is ideal.
Maybe I should simply be trying to identify rectangular regions like this:
Or, perhaps a better approach would be using largest-inscribed rectangles instead of MBRs. I could continually cut my polygon down using rectangles until I am left with regions were the largest-inscribed rectangle is not sharing an edge with the original polygon. The remaining regions would have to be handled with a heuristic approach.
I've been working with the engineering and manufacturing departments at my company to bring more clarificaiton to this problem. I am still waiting to confirm, but I am now thinking an algorithm that would return sets of largest inscribed rectangles would work. While it does not completely cover the shape, it would give preference to the orthognal regions while leaving the non-orthogonal regions to some heuristics. The only trick is to maxamize those orthogonal regions.
