Lottie animation not working correctly - animation

I developed this one pager which has Lottie Animation SVG
using the BodyMovin JS Script
Here is a link
Notice when you get to to the middle part where the title is:
You have this animation:
The screen get stucked and the scroll effect is bad in that section
I don't know why it happens
and I can't get any answer anywhere
can anyone assist?

apparently some containers are not yet in the DOM when you're trying to load the animations. You should make sure the element exists before loading an animation.
For example the element 'coin-mobile' doesn't seem to be present when loading the animation.


How to zoom in on K2 item module images

This is the website I am working on > http://legendofindia.com/
I have been stuck on the "What's New" of the page because the client wants the images displayed to have a mouse over effect that zooms in the picture.
kicker: when the picture zooms in the container box shouldn't move. and it has to be full css
Been trying a lot of approach editing the css files and been researching also but to no avail. I hope you guys can help me because my deadline is pretty close and this is the last thing I need to finish.
may be you can do like this jsfiddle.net/27Syr/5/
taken from Creating a Zoom Effect on an image on hover using CSS?

How can I create a looping fade-in/out image effect using CSS 3 transitions?

I’m trying to create a looping fade in/out effect for an image. It’s working in Chrome, but it doesn’t work in Firefox.
Here’s the code: http://jsfiddle.net/FTLJA/254/
(I did make it work with jQuery but that made the browser slow and flickery on Android phones, so I’m trying CSS instead.)
Thanks for any help.
Update: fixed.. please check the link again
Well, if ypu're only setting the WebKit properties (only #-webkit-keyframes and only -webkit-animation-...), then of course it will work only in WebKit and not in Firefox - add them with -moz prefix as well. Also remove the quotes around 'blink' to leave it just... blink and it works http://jsfiddle.net/FTLJA/261/
Ah yes — this shows a difference between CSS transitions and CSS animations.
CSS animations run once you’ve applied -webkit-animation-name to an element, i.e. they can run entirely from CSS.
Transitions, on the other hand, only run when you change the CSS property that they apply to. You can either do this via CSS pseudo-classes like :hover, or via JavaScript.
So, in order to make your transition work in browsers that don’t support -webkit-animation, you’ll need to run some JavaScript that changes the opacity of the image once a second — setInterval is your friend here.
(Note that your JavaScript won’t carry out the animation, it’ll just switch opacity straight from 1 to 0 and back again every second. The CSS transition will animate this change for you.)

Pan/Zoom painfully slow in IE8 RaphaelJS

I have been working on getting this seat mapping chart for a while and have created a few iterations, and the problem I keep finding is when I get to IE8 the panning for this is way to slow and delayed.
What I have at this point to cut down on load time is created a png to replace my "strokes" since I assume ie8 wanted to re-render each time I dragged the map.
I also added controls hoping to force IE8 users this option, but still there is a delay in the pan, and if I can have users with IE8 (and ie7 if possible) still drag/pan without the controls and the respond time a little faster that would be great.
Here is my current JSFiddle
I am still a little green with JS so if you have any suggestions it would be much appreciated. (PS Chrome frame is awesome but is not a option for me)
I have removed the original dragging function and replaced the code using jqueryui's draggable function. Martin had suggested to just drag the div, and not the Raphael elements. Doing so lets this thing fly in ie6-8 which is great, but then came my concern about scaling. What I was seeing before on zoom my paper element WxH would stay the same ratio, cutting off my drawing when it zoomed in. After digging through the Raphael documentation I came across paper.setSize. setSize was exactly what I needed to allow this project to move and groove in ie6-8 and pretty much conquer all browsers in its path.
So in short, using jqueryui's draggable and paper.setSize has cured my cross browser zoom n' pan blues.
From what can be seen in the Fiddle, you are triggering a new rendering of the image by calling .translate() inside of a mousemove event handler:
mapContainer.translate(currentMapPosX, currentMapPosY);
rsrGroupies.translate(currentMapPosX, currentMapPosY);
This approach is toxic for performance in all browsers, let alone IE8. When dealing with VML in IE8 you should consider that each and every DOM change inside the image will result in the image being rendered again. Doing that while panning will always be painfully slow.
I see that you are already using jQuery in your Fiddle. If you want to increase performance of your panning, you should consider doing the following:
Render the image in Raphaël exactly once for the current zoom level. Do not attempt to change transformations in your VML/SVG image at any point in time while panning.
With the mousemove implementation of panning you already have, move or scroll the HTML container that holds your VML/SVG image instead. Imagine a <div> with overflow: hidden and simply move the image inside relatively, or scroll to the appropriate position.
This will require some adjustment of your coordinate calculations, but it will improve your performance in all browsers.

webkit slide in and slide out a page

I'm new to webkit animations and I have been trying out to do this kind of animation
If you click the list element you will see page sliding in and sliding out.
I want to implement this animation to my app which is built with backbone.js, underscore.js, zepto.js
I could use jqTouch or jquery mobile but I would like to make it as light weight as possible, because I'm building it only for IOS. So thats way I wan't to implement it by my self.
Any hints to make this implementation or should I go with jqTouch?
In this example, there is some sort of (I hate to be vague...) ajax based content loading system. Take a look at the source:
<div data-role="page" id="article.php?siteName=psdtuts&origLink=http%3A%2F%2Fpsd.tutsplus.com%2F%3Fp%3D15026" class="ui-page ui-body-c">
When you first visit, that div doesn't exist. It's created by javascript when content is required, then filled with that content, then translated (animated) into the viewport.
Here is a step by step, deduced from a quick look at the page:
Base page is loaded, including css, javascript, nav list
Script is waiting for a nav item to be clicked.
Upon clicking, an ajax request is made to the content corresponding to the clicked item; determined by href="article.php?siteName=psdtuts&origLink=http://psd.tutsplus.com/?p=15081". My guess? This ajax request is getting content from the same place as psdtuts.com, likely in a database.
While that stuff is loading, javascript shows a loading animation. When loading is complete, it's hidden again.
Once the new content-filled div is created, it is given a default position with its left edge placed right outside of the right edge of the screen. Upon the event of being positioned, javascript then determines the view's dimensions and translates the div across the horizontal dimension. At the same time, the nav list is moved the same direction and distance.
When back is clicked, the view's dimensions are determined again (In case the window size changed) and the nav and content are translated to the right, hiding the content and showing the navigation again.
I could be off from how this exact sample is being done, but... Well, this would work.
You wouldn't be that crazy to use a framework for something like this, but I can understand wanting to do a custom job. It would certainly be faster for users, but slower for you. Depending on your intent, that would be just fine.
edit: If you're only serving this to users with webkit, using a framework is even less necessary... If you're not worrying about cross browser support, there's really not a lot going on here that you couldn't accomplish easily with raw javascript.
The only reason I use jQuery for example, most of the time, is to ensure things work alright in most use cases. It just smooths so many things out... Even if 95% of the framework isn't being utilized, it's worth it when you've got a deadline.
I founded out one good example

How to detect if SVG animation is available

Is there a good way to detect if SVG animation is available, and then adjust the DOM appropriately?
I'm using animateMotion to animate the motion of a g containing images. This only works in Mozilla; even worse, having the animateMotion unstarted leaves the images in a different position in both Mozilla and WebKit (but not the same place in each!).
It seems I need a way to adjust the properties on the g and images to deal with each scenario, and to add the animateMotion tag only if it would work. Any suggestions?
Modernizr detects only high level feature existence and trusts the browser not to lie. Desktop Safari, for example, has a big "Yes" for SMIL from Modernizr. But SMIL is only partly implemented in pretty much every browser (even Firefox 4!), and you have to test each individual attribute animation to figure out exactly which one is working or not.
For example, you can't animate the startOffset for text on a path animation in Desktop Safari using SMIL. There is no library that detects feature existence for things like this.
IMHO, where they exist you should use CSS transforms/animations for general purpose animation on everything other than IE. For IE, use Javascript (or Canvas) animations.
(BTW, animateTransform on Chrome is broken - it miscalculates the translations)
I just had this issue with a Samsung phone running Android 4.2.2. It would report true for all three of these: Modernizr.svg, Modernizr.svgclippaths, Modernizr.smil but no animation and the clip-paths where messed up. It looked like only one element could have a clip-path. Anyway, we ended with this not-so-great resolution:
isAndroid = /Android/.test( navigator.userAgent );
Sorry, android users, you'll only see the backup image. This is a horrible fix but it was only for a simple logo animation so...
Modernizr detects support for SVG animation (SMIL).
Without the complete example it's impossible to say for sure what's causing the differences.
