JavaScript Sorting a Function That Has multiple Numbers - sorting

I am trying to create a Random Lottery Number Generator code but I am having issues sorting the numbers from lower to greater. Here is my code of getting the numbers but I can't seem to figure out how to sort them.
function ball(){
let ball = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 70);
function whiteBalls(){
for(let i = 1; i <= 5; i++){
I've tried many different ways but keep getting errors. Thank you in advance.

Store the result in an array and sort the array:
function ball() {
return Math.ceil(Math.random() * 70);
function whiteBalls() {
let result = []
for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
return result.sort()


Why is my result variable not being changed?

So I am trying to solve N-Queens problem, and when I console.log(result) inside the solve function I am getting the correct output. but when I return the result array in the end, it seems like the result array has not been mutated at all, as I get [[-, -, -,-], [-,-,-,-]]
function solveNQueens(n) {
let result = [];
let buffer = Array(n).fill('-');
function solve(bufferIndexRow) {
if (bufferIndexRow === n) {
return console.log('FOUND ONE SOLUTION'); // Finished last row, filled queens array
for (let column = 0; column < n; column++) {
buffer[bufferIndexRow] = column;
if (isValid(bufferIndexRow, column)) {
solve(bufferIndexRow + 1);
buffer[bufferIndexRow] = '-'
function isValid(row, col) {
for(let i = 0; i< row; i++) {
if(buffer[i] == col || Math.abs(i - row) == Math.abs(buffer[i]- col))
return false;
return true;
return result;
you need to pass in buffer to solve so that it can push the updated buffer to result

elastic, can I use my own global ordinals with a painless terms aggregation script?

Here's what one of my document might look like
I want a terms aggregation, on the intersection of two fields CC.colors and CN.colors. That is, for this document, that field will have ["Green", "Blue"] in the intersection, and I want a term aggregation on this intersection.
As far as I understand, there are two ways to do it.
1) A painless script in terms aggregation, which returns the intersection of these two arrays for each document.
2) A new field created during index time, maybe called CC_CN.colors, which holds intersection for all docs.
I can't go ahead with 2 because my combinations will be too many. I can have any need during search time, like CC_CN, or CC_WA, or WA_CN_CC etc.
For 1), it works, but gets painfully slow. One reason is that 1) cannot use global ordinals.
Is there any trick, that I can ask elastic to build a custom global ordinal for my painless terms aggregation? I know there are just 25 colors in my system, so can give all colors to elastic somewhere, and "assure" them that I'll not return anything else but these colors from my aggregation?
Or, if I encode and store numbers instead of strings in index, would this be faster for elastic? e.g. 0 instead of "Black", 1 instead of "Green" etc.?
Other than intersection, my other use cases involve union etc. as well. Thanks for reading!
To answer it myself, we ended up asking for these arrays in _source and performing union/intersection in Ruby.
It is also possible to do this in painless, and that offers a bit better performance. Elastic uses map to do aggregation, and I couldn't figure out any way to use global ordinals. I don't think its possible.
We wrote code that generates painless code to perform intersection and union between arrays.
For any future wanderer, here's what the generated code looks like:
This is for union:
Stream stream = [].stream();
String[] stream_keys = new String[] {'CC.colors', 'CN.colors'};
for (int i = 0; i < stream_keys.length; ++i) {
if (doc.containsKey(stream_keys[i])) {
stream = Stream.concat(stream, doc[stream_keys[i]].stream());
stream = stream.distinct();
And this is for intersection (stream, list_0_stream and list_1_stream intersection):
List list_0 = list_0_stream.collect(Collectors.toList());
List list_1 = list_1_stream.collect(Collectors.toList());
return stream.filter(list_0::contains).filter(list_1::contains).toArray();
The performance seems to be acceptable.
There are 2 method offer to you
Cost alot of my time
^ ^
var All={
//Cover Encode
function EncodeColor(T1){
var T2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(T1));//Clone Original
for(var i in T2){
for(var j in T2[i]["colors"]){
return T2;
var NewAll=EncodeColor(All);
function SortColor(T1){
for(var i in T1){
T1[i]["colors"].sort((a, b) => {
return a-b;
function BuildSameColor(T1){
var CombineNew={};
var Name_Temp=[];
for(var i in T1){
for(var i =0;i<Name_Temp.length;i++){
for(var j =i+1;j<Name_Temp.length;j++){//j=i+1 because CC_CC not valid CC_CN is valid etc...
CombineNew[Name_Temp[i]+"_"+Name_Temp[j]]={"colors":T1[Name_Temp[i]]["colors"].concat(T1[Name_Temp[j]]["colors"])};//combine color array
SortColor(CombineNew);//Sort Result
//Sort will reduce compare time(later) when color is a lot
for(var i in CombineNew){
var NewAr=[];
for(var j=0;j<CombineNew[i]["colors"].length-1;j++){
return CombineNew;
var TTT=BuildSameColor(NewAll);
//Then Decode Color
function DecodeColor(T1){
var T2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(T1));//Clone Original
for(var i in T2){
for(var j in T2[i]["colors"]){
return T2;
var TTTQQ=DecodeColor(TTT);
//This Also work any length of color
var Examp={
var E_Examp=EncodeColor(Examp);
var Com_E_E_Examp=BuildSameColor(E_Examp);
var D_Examp=DecodeColor(Com_E_E_Examp);
Enjoin it!!!!!!!!
var All={
//Cover Encode
function EncodeColor(T1){
var T2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(T1));//Clone Original
for(var i in T2){
for(var j in T2[i]["colors"]){
return T2;
var NewAll=EncodeColor(All);
function SortColor(T1){
for(var i in T1){
T1[i]["colors"].sort((a, b) => {
return a-b;
function StaticSearch(T1,Name1,Name2){
if(Name1 in T1 && Name2 in T1 ){
var Temp= T1[Name1]["colors"].concat(T1[Name2]["colors"]);
var T2=[];
Temp.sort((a, b) => {
return a-b;
for(var i=0;i<Temp.length-1;i++){
var ReturnObj={};
ReturnObj[Name1+"_"+ Name2]={};
ReturnObj[Name1+"_"+ Name2]["colors"]=T2;
return ReturnObj;
return null;
var SearchResult=StaticSearch(NewAll,"CC","CN");
//Then Decode Color/*
function DecodeColor(T1){
var T2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(T1));//Clone Original
for(var i in T2){
for(var j in T2[i]["colors"]){
return T2;
var TTTQQ=DecodeColor(SearchResult);
//This Also work any length of color
var Examp={
var E_Examp=EncodeColor(Examp);
var Com_E_E_Examp=StaticSearch(E_Examp,"WA","CC");
var D_Examp=DecodeColor(Com_E_E_Examp);
Another Method Static Search

Speed Up Find-and-Replace Google Apps Script Function for sheets

I've written a pretty simple script that successfully takes information from one sheet in a Google Spreadsheet, and replaces information in a column in another sheet in the same spreadsheet pending satisfaction of two criteria: the receiving row has the same "Customer ID" and "Product Type." I say "simple" because it's intuitive, but extremely computationally demanding (taking nearly 30 seconds to run!).
From what I've read online, it's the sequential read and write operations that are causing the slowdown. I'm assuming that if I sort the sheets in question on the two criteria and THEN do a function that writes over subsequent rows, I may be able to speed it up. I'm a little weak on algorithms, so I'm still scratching my head on how to do this elegantly.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Below is my original script, and I've already made sure that the spreadsheet collapses empty rows, so time isn't wasted iterating over nothing.
function replaceRawWithRepChanges(receivedSheet) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(receivedSheet);
var repchanges = ss.getSheetByName('repchanges');
var rawSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
var rawTMtoReplace = rawSheet.getRange('P2:P');
var repCustID = repchanges.getRange('A1:A').getValues();
var repTM = repchanges.getRange('F1:F').getValues();
var repCategory = repchanges.getRange('G1:G').getValues();
var rawCustID = rawSheet.getRange('A2:A').getValues();
var rawTM = rawSheet.getRange('P2:P').getValues();
var rawCategory = rawSheet.getRange('U2:U').getValues();
var repInfo = [repCustID, repTM, repCategory];
var rawInfo = [rawCustID, rawTM, rawCategory];
for (var i=0; i < rawInfo[0].length; i++) {
for (var j=0; j < repInfo[0].length; j++) {
// var thisRawCust = rawInfo[0][i];
// var thisRepCust = repInfo[0][j];
if (rawInfo[0][i].toString() == repInfo[0][j].toString()) {
// var thisRawCategory = rawInfo[2][i];
// var thisRepCategory = repInfo[2][j];
if (rawInfo[2][i].toString() == repInfo[2][j].toString()) {
// var repvalue = repInfo[1][j];
rawInfo[1][i] = repInfo[1][j];
// var newRawValue = rawInfo[1][i];
return rawInfo[1];
Yes, you should sort the data (perhaps using the SORT command, which does work with multiple columns). Then, using two pointers, you only have to go down the columns once, rather than checking the entirety of repInfo for matches for every single row in rawInfo.
Once you've sorted the information, your loop might look like the following:
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
while (i < rawInfo[0].length && j < repInfo[0].length) {
if (rawInfo[0][i].toString() == repInfo[0][j].toString()) {
if (rawInfo[2][i].toString() == repInfo[2][j].toString()) {
} else if (rawInfo[2][i].toString() < repInfo[2][j].toString()) {
} else {
} else if (rawInfo[0][i].toString() < repInfo[0][j].toString()) {
} else {

Efficient algorithm to generate a kind of maze

I have done a lot of searching for this and have found lots of help to generate a maze, but I have a very specific requirement and all the loops Iv tried have failed horribly.
I created an editor where I could draw what I need, but a generator would help a great deal and this has failed.
Given a square grid of DIV elements (no smaller than 10x10 and no larger than 60x60) I need a joined path through and around the grid that will not touch itself at any point except at start/finish.
There must always be at least one blank square between all path squares (any number of blanks is fine so long as the path never comes into contact with itself).
There can be no dead ends and no loops (Where the path would cross itself).
This is kind of like a reverse maze - I do not need to fill the entire grid, in fact I have no problem with lots of space around the path. It might be easier to think of this along similar lines to a Monopoly board game where the path around the board wanders about instead of going around the edges. I'm actually stuck for an adequate description, hence calling it a reverse maze.
Things I tried:
Lots and lots of overly complex loops. Iv not really come very close and the issue is also one of performance.
Lots and lots of code designed to generate a maze. Some of these have been very good indeed, but they all generate a typical maze, which is not what I need at all really, and adapting the code has proven trickier than writing an insane set of loops within loops.
Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks.
Update Code
Okay, I have translated KIKO's PHP code into Javascript but somewhere along the line I have made a simple error that I cannot track down: The code works and generates a table of the correct dimensions and generates a path through it.
However, in the function "isWithinGrid" I have to subtract 1 from the width and height of the table or the entire thing will fail, and, if I do this, the code will work and created a path through the table minus one cell which will be incorrectly colored although clearly a part of the path.
Note that sometimes the path will be broken or touching itself. I have little doubt that some small problem is causing all of this, but currently this is the best I have come up with and any further help would be much appreciated.
class Grid{
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.cells = [];
for(var x=0; x < this.width; x++){
var tmparray = [];
for(var y=0; y < this.height; y++){
return (x >= 0) && (x <= this.width-1) && (y >= 0) && (y <= this.height-1);
return this.isWithinGrid(x,y) && this.cells[x][y];
this.cells[x][y] = boolean;
return this;
for(var x=x1; x < x2; x++){
return this;
for(var y=y1; y < y2; y++){
return this;
var left = Math.round(this.width/5);
var right = Math.round(4*this.width/5);
var top = Math.round(this.height/5);
var bottom = Math.round(4*this.height/5);
return this;
return this.isWithinPath(x,y) &&
this.isWithinGrid(x+dx,y+dy) &&
!this.isWithinPath(x+dx,y+dy) &&
!this.isWithinPath(x+2*dx,y+2*dy) &&
if (!this.canMoveCell(x,y,dx,dy)) return false;
if (!this.canMoveCell(x+dy,y+dx,dx,dy)) return false;
if (!this.canMoveCell(x-dy,y-dx,dx,dy)) return false;
return true;
var x=0, y=0, dx=0, dy=0;
do {
x = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.width) + 1;
y = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.height) + 1;
} while (!this.isWithinPath(x,y));
switch (Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1){
case 1: dx = -1; dy = 0; break;
case 2: dx = +1; dy = 0; break;
case 3: dx = 0; dy = +1; break;
case 4: dx = 0; dy = -1; break;
if (this.tryToDistortOnce(x,y,dx,dy)){
do {
x += dx;
y += dy;
} while (this.tryToDistortOnce(x,y,dx,dy));
return true;
return false;
distortPath(numberOfDistortions = 10){
for(var counter=1; counter < numberOfDistortions; counter++){
var tries = 0;
while (!this.distortOnce() && (tries < this.width+this.height)){ tries++; }
return this;
var str = '<table class="TSTTAB">';
for(var y=0; y < this.width; y++){
for(var x=0; x < this.height; x++){
str += '<td'+(this.cells[y][x] ? ' class="path">' : '>');
str += '</tr>';
str += '</table>';
document.getElementById('cont').innerHTML =str;
return this;
var Testgrid = new Grid(20,20);
.TSTTAB td{ width:20px; height: 20px; border: 1px solid #000;background-color: #E5E5E5; }
.TSTTAB td.path { background-color: #44F; }
<div id='cont'></div>
Well, I've given it a try. One hour of work seems more than enough for a simple question. It is, of course, far from perfect, but it illustrates what I was talking about. It generates solutions like this:
The complete code is:
// error reporting
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
// configuration
const SIZE_X = 20;
const SIZE_Y = 20;
const COMPLEXITY = 20;
// grid class
class Grid
public function __construct($width,$height)
// remember
$this->width = $width;
$this->height = $height;
// initiate grid
foreach (range(1,$width) as $x) {
foreach (range(1,$height) as $y) {
$this->cells[$x][$y] = FALSE; // false means: not in path
public function isWithinGrid($x,$y)
// testb whether (x,y) is within the grid
return ($x >= 1) && ($x <= $this->width) &&
($y >= 1) && ($y <= $this->height);
public function isWithinPath($x,$y)
// is a cell part of the path?
return $this->isWithinGrid($x,$y) && $this->cells[$x][$y];
public function setCellInPath($x,$y,$boolean)
// remember whether a cell is part of the path or not
$this->cells[$x][$y] = $boolean;
return $this;
public function drawHorizontalLine($x1,$x2,$y)
// simple horizontal line
foreach (range($x1,$x2) as $x) $this->setCellInPath($x,$y,TRUE);
return $this;
public function drawVerticalLine($x,$y1,$y2)
// simple vertical line
foreach (range($y1,$y2) as $y) $this->setCellInPath($x,$y,TRUE);
return $this;
public function drawSquare()
// simple square
$left = round($this->width/5);
$right = round(4*$this->width/5);
$top = round($this->height/5);
$bottom = round(4*$this->height/5);
return $this;
private function moveCell($x,$y,$dx,$dy)
// move a cell
private function canMoveCell($x,$y,$dx,$dy)
// answers the question whether or not we can move (x,y) by (dx,dy)
return $this->isWithinPath($x,$y) && // must be part of path
$this->isWithinGrid($x+$dx,$y+$dy) && // stay within grid
!$this->isWithinPath($x+$dx,$y+$dy) && // but not on the path
!$this->isWithinPath($x+2*$dx,$y+2*$dy) && // and don't touch path
!$this->isWithinPath($x+$dy+$dx,$y+$dx+$dy) && // and don't touch path
!$this->isWithinPath($x-$dy+$dx,$y-$dx+$dy); // and don't touch path
private function tryToDistortOnce($x,$y,$dx,$dy)
// this one should be able to move
if (!$this->canMoveCell($x,$y,$dx,$dy)) return FALSE;
// but also its neighbours must be able to move
if (!$this->canMoveCell($x+$dy,$y+$dx,$dx,$dy)) return FALSE;
if (!$this->canMoveCell($x-$dy,$y-$dx,$dx,$dy)) return FALSE;
// move the target cell by displacement
// move neighbours by adding two cells
return TRUE; // success!
private function distortOnce()
// distort a random cell, returns success or failure
// find a random cell in path
do {
$x = rand(1,$this->width);
$y = rand(1,$this->height);
} while (!$this->isWithinPath($x,$y));
// choose one of four directions to move in
switch (rand(1,4))
case 1: $dx = -1; $dy = 0; break;
case 2: $dx = +1; $dy = 0; break;
case 3: $dx = 0; $dy = +1; break;
case 4: $dx = 0; $dy = -1; break;
// try to do it
if ($this->tryToDistortOnce($x,$y,$dx,$dy))
// more moves
do {
$x += $dx;
$y += $dy;
} while ($this->tryToDistortOnce($x,$y,$dx,$dy));
return TRUE; // it was a success!
return FALSE; // we failed
public function distortPath($numberOfDistortions = 10)
// distort up to a certain amount of times
// find a random cell that is part of the path to distort
for ($counter = 1; $counter <= $numberOfDistortions; $counter++) {
// we try that a limited number of times, depending on the grid size
$tries = 0;
while (!$this->distortOnce() &&
($tries < $this->width+$this->height)) { $tries++; }
return $this;
public function renderGrid()
// render grid
echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><style>'.
' td { width:20px; height: 20px; border: 1px solid #000; }'.
' .path { background-color: #44F; }'.
foreach (range(1,SIZE_Y) as $y) {
echo '<tr>';
foreach (range(1,SIZE_X) as $x) {
echo '<td'.($this->cells[$x][$y] ? ' class="path">' : '>');
echo '</tr>';
echo '</body></html></table>';
return $this;
// create grid
$grid = new Grid(SIZE_X,SIZE_Y);
// start with a square, distort and then render
There are lots of things you can do to improve on this.... have fun!
On my server this code takes between 2 and 5 milliseconds to execute. Mileage may vary...

AS3 random algorithm

I need a suggestion. I want to have a function that returns random numbers from let say 1 to 100, with condition to not repeat the chosen number. It is something like chess table that will be filled with something random and not one thing over another thing... If someone can tell a suggestion I'll be very happy. Thanks.
Create an Array of 100 numbers (1..100), then 'sort' the Array by 'random'. You can then pull out the numbers one at a time working your way through the array.
I haven't tested the code below but I had these snippets available that you could piece together to achieve the intended result.
public static function randomNumber(min:Number, max:Number):Number{
var rnd:Number = Math.floor((Math.random()*((max+1)-min))+min);
return rnd;
public static function randomize(arr:Array):Array{
var len:Number = arr.length;
var rnd:Number;
var tmp:Object;
for(var i:Number=0;i<len;i++){
rnd = randomNumber(0,(len-1));
tmp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[rnd];
arr[rnd] = tmp;
return arr;
var setOfNumbers:Array = new Array();
for(var i:int=0;i<100;i++){
setOfNumbers[i] = (i+1);
var shuffledSetOfNumbers:Array = randomize(setOfNumbers);
For the purists this "randomizing" isn't "truly" random (if you're writing a Card shuffler for a Vegas gambling machine you'll want to use something different - case in point!)
My randomNumber and randomize functions above are static as I've typically included them that way in the apps I've needed them but you don't have to use it this way
My original lib used Number vs int or uint for some of the variables for more options when used but feel free to clean that up
also like that...
import flash.display.Sprite;
* ...
* #author Vadym Gordiienko
public class Main extends Sprite
public function Main():void
if (stage) init();
else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
private function init(e:Event = null):void
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
// entry point
var startArray:Array = generateNumberArray(100);
var randomArray:Array = randomArray(startArray);
trace("startArray = " + startArray);
trace("randomArray = " + randomArray);
* generate Array of numbers by length
* #param length
* #return Array of numbers
public static function generateNumberArray(length:int):Array
var numberArray:Array = [];
for (var i:int = 0; i < length; i++)
numberArray[i] = i+1;
return numberArray;
* generate randomly mixed array by input array
* #param inputArray - simple not mixed array
* #return Array - mixed array
public static function randomArray(inputArray:Array):Array
var randomArray:Array = [];
var tempArray:Array = [];
for (var i:int = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++)
while (tempArray.length)
var randomNumber:int = Math.round(Math.random() * (tempArray.length - 1));// get random number of left array
randomArray.push( tempArray[randomNumber] );
tempArray.splice(randomNumber, 1); // remove randomed element from temporary aarray
tempArray = null;
delete [tempArray];
return randomArray;
