How to share subdomain site using laravel valet? - laravel

I'm developing site with subdomain. I am using laravel valet as well So, It's currently look like https://app.portal.test/ in my local environment. I want to share this site using laravel valet sharing site option sharing-sites-via-ngrok. But it's not working. So I guess I want to do something different for sharing with subdomain. Anyone have any idea how to do for valet share for subdomain?

TLDR: You can't
You cant share https://app.portal.test (.test), thats for local only, it doesn't resolve on internet.
If you have public ip ( and that ip opens your localhost, then you can create a virtual host that point to that IP but you still need a real domain not test.
Using ngork is best option you have, You can also get a cheap $3 vps and point your domain to it.


Access Laravel website with valet in local network

I want to access the website using another device in the same network.
I don’t want to use valet share As it share it publicly.
I have followed the and changed the valet.conf with removing the from the line
Still can’t access the my website with (example ip)
What I get is (404 - Not Found) Which I think is from nginx
Please help

Laravel subdomain in shared hosting

Already I have hosted my laravel project and working fine. Now I wanted to create dev environment as a subdomain like Kindly help me to do.
First of all, check if your hosting and DNS provider allow subdomains.
Then, you can folow
this example
if you're using Apache2
If you're using nginx, try following this guide

Not able to redirect domain in Heroku (DNS)

I'm having hard times trying to redirect a custom domain on Heroku, have you guys had the same problem?
Configured custom domain on Heroku (already tried different variation):
The server asks for Server Name, so I add the only thing Heroku returns as the DNS:
Below there are two domains, the first says "servfail" (the current app domain), the second "nxdomain", which I've just bought it's fine.
Any advices? Should I deploy on another server? Thanks for the help!
You need to update the DNS servers of your domain to at the domain registrar's end (from where you purchased the domain)
After that it will work fine.
For those facing DNS redirecting problems in Heroku, I suggest this Add-on that you can add to your app in Heroku (for free): PointDNS
With it you can get many types of adresses, including IP and/or n1.server n2.server and so on, in which you can add the address to your domain settings.

What is the best solution to use a common domain/subdomain with Jekyll on Heroku and other hosting website?

I just moved my personal website to Octopress from Drupal. I am hosting it on Heroku and I really don't like the domain. I already have domain which I am planning to use with Heroku now for my main website.
The problem is I have some other websites hosted on my hosting service which use databases and other stuff. They were being accessed by, etc. I don't want to move them and have a similar subdomain naming thing to access them.
How can achieve this?
If I'm understanding you correctly, it should be easy to do this with your DNS settings. Simply point the DNS "A" records for "" and "" to Heroku and leave "" and "" pointing to your existing provider.

WampServer Hosting

about 6 months ago I got into coding, and I've always wanted to start my own game just for fun on the side.
I have wampserver on my computer, and was wondering if that server could publicly host things on the internet?
You need to:
Make sure your server is available on the internet. If you have a router or firewall you may need to open it up.
If you want to have a domain name you need to register that.
If your ISP can give you a static IP address then ask for that.
Whether you have a static IP or a dynamic one then you can use a service such as DynDNS to link the domain name to the IP address.
Yes, you can use your WAMPserver to allow people to publicly access your site.
From some quick googling, I didn't find any instructions, just that it was possible.
I just put a wamp server up on a box in my house just for funsies.
Here is a wampserver forum post with links to the info you seek.
Here is the basic rundown though:
Open up your router to port 80 and forward it to the box you are serving on.
Get setup on a DNS server, I used
In wamp you are gonna set apache to use virtual hosts (this is in the link).
After that you should be cool.
