How to include specified function in the flame graph? - linux-kernel

There is no function name that I want to see in the flame graph, but I'm sure this function works.
How can I do to show the function name what I want to see displayed in the flame graph?


Is D3 Force Layout the best option for this graph?

I would like to create a D3 graph like the image in this post.
Force Layout seem to be the best option, but, my nodes has to have different distances, and each node has to have different size.
So, should I insist on Force Layout?
I couldn't find any example similar to my problem, and it's being very hard to understand how to write down some code to implement those different distances and sizes.
The graph I want to make (it's my first question, so I don't have reputation to put an image directly in this post):
Different link distances and different radii can be achieved in d3js.
You can add a radius property to each node, i.e. your nodes should look something like {r:5, id:1, ...}. Then, when its time to create corresponding svg elements, you can do something like
var circles = svg.append("g").selectAll("circle").data(nodes);
circles.enter().append("circle").attr("r", function(d) { return d.r; });
Similarly, you can add a dist property to each of your links. Then add a link force to your simulation like this:
var sim = d3.forceSimulation(nodes)
.force("link", d3.forceLink(links)
return l.dist;
For a working example, you can check this codepen I just created. You can always check the official API reference for detailed information.
In my opinion, D3's force layout is a very flexible option for depicting graphs.

c3.js making step function chart with confidence intervals as areas

I'd like to make a step line chart but with the ability to create confidence intervals that are filled in.
A good example would be in this link:
My thought was to modify an area chart to customize where the area would be filled. However, I don't see any documentation on it.
Any thoughts?

D3 How to create a graph

I created with NodeXL this graph
Just in case the link will stop work in the future, the graph is a directed, grouped in clusters in different boxes.
I want to create a similar (or the same graph) and upload it in a website with D3. I haven't used before the D3 and it will be the first time, so if you want to suggest anything else, you are welcome.
I tried to find an example that will fit with my graph in the official gallery, but without a success.
Do you know any example or a tutorial that will fit to this graph?
P.S. The specific graph is a frequent one, that's why I ask a question here.

d3.js forced directed graph effects on enter

I use d3.js exactly as shown here but with different data value.
When the graph is first shown all elements are scattered and for around a second rapidly move towards their position. This looks nice in the sample, but for my data it does not look so nice. Any way to turn it off so that nodes start in their designated place? Any way to customize this entry visualization?
You can loop through the nodes array and set the .x/.y and .px/.py values to an initial position that you want the nodes in, and by doing so will limit the amount they need to move in their initial layout. If you turn off the force-directed algorithm (the tick() function) then you can apply standard .transtion().duration(500).attr("transform", xx) behavior to the nodes and links to make them animate in a manner you prefer before or after running the force-directed algorithm, but make sure you set the .x/.y and .px/.py attributes to their final position, otherwise they will be reset as soon as you .tick()

Display Graph using Boost Graph Library

Can anyone please tell me that once I've created a graph using Boost Graph library, how can I display that graph?
My biggest concern is that the edge weights are coming from an exernal data source over the network. And I need to be able to display the edgeweights live as they get updated.
Displaying graphs is a little bit harder then you seem to imagine. Your best bet is to use GraphViz through write_graphviz to create a visual representation of your graph.
Updating that graph "live" is a lot harder and you won't get anywhere with GraphViz but would need some real-time-graphics API and graph layouting algorithms that work continously.
