I'd like to make a step line chart but with the ability to create confidence intervals that are filled in.
A good example would be in this link: http://bl.ocks.org/ndarville/6552457
My thought was to modify an area chart to customize where the area would be filled. However, I don't see any documentation on it.
Any thoughts?
Has anyone added the ability to display values in a boxplot for dc.js?
Interesting answer given to this question related to matplotlib.
Adding a scatter of points to a boxplot using matplotlib
As it's currently implemented, the box plot will display any outliers as circles, and outliers are defined as the points which do not fall within the whiskers.
If you're willing to change the source, it's pretty easy to disable the whiskers and show all the data points.
You just need to change line 42:
var _whiskers = _whiskersIqr(_whiskerIqrFactor);
You could just set it to null, or add an accessor for whiskers. (There really should be one, looks like an oversight.)
It looks like this with no whiskers:
You'd have to dig a bit deeper and change the underlying d3-plugin if you want to display whiskers along with the data points.
I'd like to build a chart similar to:
Elevation over distance
This chart shows 3 things: elevation (y) distance (x) and colour represents the gradient change. How can I replicate this using D3.js?
You can check sample in the samples and pick something suitable for you depending on your requirement. But I'm suggesting something like this or this . First one does not give you color changing capability with it. You may need to read the documentation and find out. You can use the second one after reducing the width of bar to be very small. You may need to convert this to cater your data input method. I'm strongly suggesting you to go through the samples. As a help I'm posting few more samples you can customize.
Area Gradient fill
Applying a colour gradient to an area fill in d3.js
My graphs currently indicate "no data" by calculating the holes in my datasets, then generating a new fake dataset that ranges from nil to max(all-y-values), thus making it look like a full-height background. I make it an "area" dataset and apply an SVG pattern to make it look like this:
The problem arises when the y-axis scale is greater than the data, in other words when max(all-y-values) doesn't coincide with the top of the graph.
I need to make these shaded background intervals always the full height of the graph, and I'm willing to rethink the whole process of adding them.
My recent attempts have been trying to follow the "filling an area above the line" example described in D3 Tips and Tricks as well as the NVD3 documentation and various other resources, but I haven't seen anything working.
This is the "filling an area above the line" example from that link:
Any solution must either use ClojureScript and Om or at least be directly compatible with them, since I already have a proof of concept in the above links and I am looking for more.
Though I can write dc.js applications, I still don't understand how dc uses crossfilter objects, ie the dimensions and groups in various charts. When we click on an graph element, for instance, a pie chart slice, I believe dc is applying filters on the dimension, but does it manipulate the crossfilter object as well? Anyone knows of any document/article explaining how dc interacts with crossfilter objects? I know of http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/693841/Making-Dashboards-with-Dc-js-Part-Using-Crossfil
which is really good for beginners, but it does not go deep dive on this specific subject.
For instance, I have this dc chart: http://bit.ly/1nStSh3
Basically the dataset has object names (4 of them, P, Q, S, T) and its size for various dates. The two piecharts show the size for dates and objects respectively. There is a line chart which shows the data growth over a period of time. Now, when I click on the second graph, ie object names, both line chart and the first pie chart auto adjusts, but when I click on the first pie chart, the line chart does not change.
Your particular question is covered by the crossfilter documentation and the dc.js FAQ: a dimension does not observe its own filters, but only the filters on other dimensions.
To get the charts to respond to each other, create a duplicate of the dimension (construct another one with the same arguments) and put the charts on separate dimensions. (There is also work underway to reflect the brushing/filter state between charts that share the same dimension.)
As to your larger question, no, there is no documentation on the interaction between dc.js and crossfilter that I know of. As the principle maintainer (but not the original author) of dc.js, I hope to write such documentation in the next year.
There actually isn't much magic to it: charts just update the dimension filters and then trigger redraws on the charts in their group. The d3 transitions within each chart are what make it look fancier than that.
I'm quite confused and might need help just formulating the question, so please give good comments...
I'm trying to crossfilter some data where each data point has its own sub-dataset that I want to chart and filter on as well. Each point represents a geographic region, and associated with each point is a time series which measures a certain metric over time.
Here's what I've got so far: http://michaeldougherty.info/dcjs/
The top bar chart shows a particular value for 10 regions, and the choropleth is linked with the same data. Now, below that are two composite line charts. Each line corresponds to a region -- there are 10 lines in each graph, and each graph is measuring a different metric over time. I would like the lines to be filtered as well, so if one bar is selected, only one line will show on the line chart.
Moreover, I want to be able to filter by time on the line charts (through brushing) in addition to some other filter, so I can make queries like "filter out all regions whose line value between 9 AM and 5 PM is less than 20,000", which would also update the bar and choropleth charts.
This is where I'm lost. I'm considering scrapping DC.js for this and using crossfilter and d3.js directly because it seems so complicated, but I would love it if I'm missing something and DC.js can actually handle this. I'd also love some ideas on where to start implementing this in straight crossfilter, because I haven't fully wrapped my head around that yet either.
How does one deal with datasets within datasets?
Screenshot of the link above included for convenience: