Firefox Storage not updating - firefox

Lately Firefox Storage tab in it's Web Dev tools is not working correctly for me. When there are changes in the localStorage, the data displayed in the tab doesn't update, not even when I refresh the page. For it to work, I have to close Web Dev tools and then reopen it.
I tried using a fresh install of Firefox without addons, tried both Linux and Windows, tried in virtual machine, and still won't work, so I'm guessing it must be due to some recent update.
To reproduce the problem:
Go to any website
Open Web Dev Tools (F12)
Go to Storage tab
Right click Local Storage file and delete all
Refresh page to check if Storage updates
Anyone else having the same problem? Glad if anyone can help.


How do I stop a web browser from openning the same website everytime I start it?

Context: I have three web browsers installed on my Windows 10 computer which are Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
Problem: Whichever browser I newly open, they all start with this website:
How it happened: I clicked a link on a website yesterday and it automatically downloaded several applications and automatically installed themselves without showing any instructions to install them.
Thing I have tried: I have reset the browser On startup setting to open my homepage, but it still opens with the aforementioned weird URL.
Thing that may help: Opera browser is very considerate cause it has this option regarding the On startup setting, which is Ask me when Opera is started by a shortcut specifying an URL.
Analysis and need your help: Usually, I start a browser by clicking on the shortcut in Windows start menu, or the shortcut in desktop. This worked normally until the problem appeared. According to Thing that may help, this hostile URL must reside somewhere. Where can I find this unwelcoming shortcut on my computer? How come this shortcut can attach itself to every web browser on my computer? What is the next step I can do to resolve this problem? Is this kind of a virus?
Usually when that happens, you'll have to:
reset the browser settings (or at least reset the startup websites on settings)
go to the browser .exe, open it's properties and remove any flags that were added on the path.
I think you shoud uninstall these applications first.

Firefox Dev tools: How to persist calls in network analysis

Since Firebug is outdated with a recent update of Firefox I'm trying to work with the Firefox dev tools. As far as I read these are supposed to replace Firebug.
However there is one option I used frequently in Firebug and haven't found yet in the Dev tools: The persist option in the network analysis.
Since I work on a project that uses AJAX Calls to send data and then redirect to another page, I need to persist the calls to analyze them after the redirect. Otherwise the time is far to short to have a look at the data that was send with this call. (This project is for work so this architecture is nothing I could change).
Is there a way to persist the network calls in the Firefox Dev tools?
(I use Firefox 56.0.1 by the way)
Open the Settings for the Developer Tools:
Then select "Enable persistent logs" under "Common Preferences."
Starting from Firefox 57.0 the option got moved from the Settings to the Network panel:
On Firefox for Mac, in version 101.0.1, the "Persist Logs" option is now hidden behind the gear icon in the top right of dev tools box.

Why can't I see my Indexed DB in Firefox dev tools?

I have been developing a little speed dial page to learn how to work with IndexedDB. It's a locally hosted html page. When I open the page in Firefox, and attempt to inspect the Indexed DB the page creates, in the developer tools (under storage), it doesn't show any Databases. However, the page is successfully able to access and work with the DB (everything is loaded, and saved when the browser is closed). When I try it in Chrome, it shows the DB in the developer tools, and I am able to inspect the entries.
I am using the latest version of FF (56.0), but already had this issue with the previous version (55).
Has anyone else had issues with not being able to see Indexed DBs in Firefox developer tools? Does anyone know how to fix this, or is this a Firefox bug?
The issue seems to have been resolved by a Firefox update. I am now running Version 61.0.2, and I can now see the Indexed DB and all the entries in the developer tools, under Storage.
Resetting of the profile helped me.

Google developer console not loading in Chromium on Debian 7

I am using Debian 7 and Chromium browser.
I'm setting up OAuth authentication via google developer console, but for some reason when I enter, browser starts loading the page, saying "Waiting for" and is stuck forever.
Once in ~7 times it eventually loads the page, but then when I click on any tab, it freezes again.
Anyone experienced something like that?
P.S. On Windows everything's fine.
P.P.S The problem is specific for Chromium browser. Chromium also glitches with google+ notifications - they won't load.
you can try loading Google developer console in privacy mode, meaning opening the console from in an incognito window.
"If it works there, it means one of your extensions is causing the security problem and you should remove it." as it explained on the Google Chome Help page :'Fix connection errors.' (Your connection is not private > Tip 2: Try opening the page in incognito mode.)

Joomla toolbar for save, publish etc not appearing in admin

I have just installed Joomla 3.1.4 on my local PC. Everything seems fine and it installed successfully. However when I go into admin through Firefox it does not show the admin toolbar in the backend so after making changes I cannot save, publish etc. However when I go into the site through Chrome everything seems to work well and the toolbar appears. I cannot workout what is stopping Firefox from displaying the toolbar. I had installed the site a number of times so Firefox seems to remember something from my previous usage.
I've noticed some strangeness with this latest release, also. It may be an admin template bug. Try scrolling the page when you're ready to save.
Update: I just checked 2 of my J3! sites, and they seem ok. Maybe a cache issue?
