Shell command pr - bash

How do I edit command pr
tr [:upper:] [:lower:] < "${FILE}" | tr -d [:digit:] | sort | pr -s' ' -t3 | nl
so that the output looks like this:
1 bcxwhex jbdafn osnu
2 bijly jdofnx uriqcl
3 btgr jz uztyp
4 bwifmn kfaky wfwdz
5 bxgvs kigdo wgdax
6 cfukt lf wgfil
7 cgyqlp lnccknh ypt
8 eocbm njevos zcplnln
9 hgmbc ocndbmr znknpo
10 iawmkbh opder zyezfq
and not like this:
1 bcxwhex jbdafn osnu
2 bijly jdofnx uriqcl
3 btgr jz uztyp
4 bwifmn kfaky wfwdz
5 bxgvs kigdo wgdax
6 cfukt lf wgfil
7 cgyqlp lnccknh ypt
8 eocbm njevos zcplnln
9 hgmbc ocndbmr znknpo
10 iawmkbh opder zyezfq

Don't use -s ' ' if you don't want the columns to separated by a single space.
As an aside, don't use upper case for your private variables.

You should replace space to tab with tr, before you do nl
tr [:upper:] [:lower:] < "${FILE}" | tr -d [:digit:] | sort | pr -s' ' -t3 | tr ' ' \\t| nl
And that will tidy up the spaces for you


Shell scripting: how to sort array in file txt

I have a file txt
for example:
11 23 4 9
5 2 17 25
and the output that I want is:
2 4 5 9
11 17 23 25
Sort the numbers in the file with sort -un:
tr ' ' '\n' < file.txt | sort -un | tr '\n' ' '
$ tr -s ' ' '\n' <file | sort -n | paste -d ' ' - - - -
2 4 5 9
11 17 23 25
tr changes all spaces into newlines and removes excess newlines from the input. This create a stream of numbers, one number per line, which is then sorted numerically and pasted into four space-separate columns.
this gawk codes will work for the dynamic number of columns:
awk '{for(x=1;x<=NF;x++)a[++i]=$x}
for(x=1;x<=i;x++)printf "%s%s",b[x],x%NF==0?RS:FS,b[x]}' file

Sorting tab delimited numbers by column with pure bash script.

Im stuck on some homework. The requirements of the assignment are to accept an input file and perform some statistics on the values. The user may specify whether to calculate the statistics by row or by value. The shell script must be pure bash script so I can't use awk, sed, perl, python etc.
sample input:
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
39 43 4 3225 5 2 2
6 57 8 9 7 3 4
3 36 8 9 14 4 3
3 4 2 1 4 5 5
6 4 4814 7 7 6 6
I can't figure out how to sort and process the data by column. My code for processing the rows works fine.
while read -r line
echo $(printf "%d\n" $line | sort -n) | tr ' ' \\t > sorted.txt
#I perform the stats calculations
# for row line by working with the temp file sorted.txt
How could I process this data by column? I've never worked with shell script so I've been staring at this for hours.
If you wanted to analyze by columns you'll need the cols value first (number of columns). head -n 1 gives you the first row, and NF counts the number of fields, giving us the number of columns.
cols=$(head -n 1 test.txt | awk '{print NF}');
Then you can use cut with the '\t' delimiter to grab every column from input.txt, and run it through sort -n, as you did in your original post.
$ for i in `seq 2 $((cols+1))`; do cut -f$i -d$'\t' input.txt; done | sort -n > output.txt
For rows, you can use the shell built-in printf with the format modifier %dfor integers. The sort command works on lines of input, so we replace spaces ' ' with newlines \n using the tr command:
$ cat input.txt | while read line; do echo $(printf "%d\n" $line); done | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -n > output.txt
Now take the output file to gather our statistics:
Min: cat output.txt | head -n 1
Max: cat output.txt | tail -n 1
Sum: (courtesy of Dimitre Radoulov): cat output.txt | paste -sd+ - | bc
Mean: (courtesy of porges): cat output.txt | awk '{ $total += $2 } END { print $total/NR }'
Median: (courtesy of maxschlepzig): cat output.txt | awk ' { a[i++]=$1; } END { print a[int(i/2)]; }'
Histogram: cat output.txt | uniq -c
8 1
3 2
4 3
6 4
3 5
4 6
3 7
2 8
2 9
1 14
1 36
1 39
1 43
1 57
1 3225
1 4814

Using sort with space as a field separator

I'm trying to use the sort command to sort integers in string separated by a space. For example 8 6 5 7 9 56 -20 - 10. I receive the string on the standard output. I tried all of these but nothing works :
sort -t' '
sort -t ' '
sort -t " "
sort -t" "
sort -t=" "
echo "8 6 5 7 9 56 -20 - 10" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -n
Sort can only sort lines.
You can first read string into an array with space as delimiter then use sort with process substitution:
s='8 6 5 7 9 56 -20 - 10'
read -ra arr <<< "$s"
sort -n <(printf "%s\n" "${arr[#]}")
To store output in string again:
read -r str < <(sort -n <(printf "%s\n" "${arr[#]}") | tr '\n' ' ')
And check output:
declare -p str
declare -- str="-20 -10 5 6 7 8 9 56"

Finding all punctuation in a text file & print count

I have come close to counting all occurrences of punctuation, however punctuation characters that are right next to each other get counted as one.
Like so:
cat filename.txt |
tr -sc '[:punct:]' '\n' |
sort |
uniq -c |
sort -bnr`
Which prints something like this:
15 ,
9 !
5 .
2 ;
2 !"
2 '
1 -
1 --
1 :
1 ?
It is clearly only counting punctuation, but how would I separate those that are right next to each other?
tr -sc '[:punct:]' '\n'
Basically what you do here is replace all the non-punctuation characters with \n. So when there is no such character between two punctuation chars , you get them next to each other
You want something like that:
cat filename.txt | tr -cd [:punct:] | fold -w 1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -bnr

how to replace [10-15] to 10 11 12..15 in BASH

I have a file/string containing the following:
I then want to expand that to become this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 12
10 11 12 13 14 15
I know how to do it in a very long way (first capture the two numbers and then expand them using a for loop).
I would like to know if there is a faster/smarter way of achieve the same.
One way:(Pure bash solution)
while IFS=- read l1 l2
eval echo ${l1/[/{}".."${l2/]/}}
done < file
There are several solutions.
Solution 1:
sed 's/^/echo /; s/[[]/{/; s/]/}/; s/-/../' | bash
$ cat 1.txt | sed 's/^/echo /; s/[[]/{/; s/]/}/; s/-/../' | bash
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 12
10 11 12 13 14 15
Solution 2:
tr '[]-' ' ' | sed "s/^/seq -s' '/" | bash
$ cat 1.txt | tr '[]-' ' ' | sed "s/^/seq -s' '/" | bash
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 12
10 11 12 13 14 15
If you're confident that your input all matches that pattern:
while read a; do
seq -s' ' $(echo "$a" | tr '[]-' ' ')
Add error checking as appropriate.
Here's a one-liner:
cat lines | sed -E -e 's/\[|]//g' -e 's/-/ /g' | xargs -n 2 seq -s ' ' -t '\n'
As in:
$ cat <<EOF | sed -E -e 's/\[|]//g' -e 's/-/ /g' | xargs -n 2 seq -s ' ' -t '\n'
> [1-9]
> [11-12]
> [10-15]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 12
10 11 12 13 14 15
