How to rewrite this code to use retrieve() method? - spring-boot

How to rewrite this code to use retrieve() method?
suspend fun getEntity(): ResponseEntity<EntityDto> {
return restClient
.uri { ... }
When I use retrieve() I receive the following error:
Content type 'application/json;charset=UTF-8' not supported for

Your specified content type does not match with the content type in the response. Check the content type from the response and use appropriate one for .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON). Also check if error has occurred during that call, so that whole expected response do not match because of the error.


Webclient raises exceptions on responses with non-200 status codes. How can I return the response anyway?

When using Spring Webclient, any non-200 status code immediately throws an exception. I do not want this behavior.
I have the following API Service:
fun createSomething(body: String): SomeCustomResponse {
// Get signedRequest from another service (see below for that code)
return signedRequest
My response class intentionally contains an error field:
data class SomeCustomResponse(
val message: String? = null,
val error: String? = null
I want to pass the errors returned from this request to the front end, so the user can see the error messages. As long as the status code is 200, that works exactly as it should, but any non-200 status code throws immediately.
I've tried using .onStatus, but you can only return Throwable Monos using that, which I do not want to do. That attempted solution looks like this:
return signedRequest
.onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError) {
But that doesn't compile, complaining about:
Type mismatch: inferred type is Mono<SomeCustomResponse!>! but Mono<out Throwable!>! was expected
Type mismatch: inferred type is SomeCustomResponse! but Throwable! was expected
The signedRequest value is of type RequestHeadersSpec<*>, which is an AWS v4 signed API request. I cannot put custom logic into that service, as it is used for any number of other APIs.
For reference though, that code looks like this:
// Generate Auth headers and then:
return WebClient.create(baseUrl)
.uri { builder: UriBuilder -> builder.path(resourcePath).build() }
.header("X-Amz-Date", headers["X-Amz-Date"])
.header("Authorization", headers["Authorization"])
How can I bypass the default behavior of throwing exceptions here? I just want to return the response exactly as it currently does, regardless of status code.
According to the ResponseSpec.onStatus docs:
To suppress the treatment of a status code as an error and process it as a normal response, return Mono.empty() from the function. The response will then propagate downstream to be processed.
return signedRequest
.onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError) {
Bear in mind though, that if the error is a "real one" (e.g. the URL indeed does not exist) and the response body is not parseable, the method will throw a pretty misleading deserialisation exception.

How to mock webclient in Kotlin and spring boot for unit tests with mockk framework?

I have the following piece of code in Kotlin (using WebFlux), which I wanna test:
fun checkUser(user: People.User?): Mono<Unit> =
if (user==null) {
} else {
webClient.get().uri {
uriBuilder -> uriBuilder
//... building a URI
.doOnError {
//log something
}.map {
if (!item.isUserValid()) {
throw InvalidUserException()
My unit test so far looks like this:
fun `Returns error when user is invalid`() {
val user = People.User("name", "lastname", "street", "zip code")
However when I run it, it throw the following error:
io.mockk.MockKException: no answer found for: WebClient(#1).get()
at io.mockk.impl.stub.MockKStub.defaultAnswer(MockKStub.kt:90)
at io.mockk.impl.stub.MockKStub.answer(MockKStub.kt:42)
at io.mockk.impl.stub.MockKStub.handleInvocation(MockKStub.kt:263)
at io.mockk.impl.instantiation.JvmMockFactoryHelper$mockHandler$1.invocation(JvmMockFactoryHelper.kt:25)
I guess the error occurs because I havent mocked WebClient(#1).get() but I am not sure how to mock it. So far I have tried:
every { webClient.get() } returns WebClient.RequestHeadersUriSpec
but it doesnt compile. The error says:
Classifier 'RequestHeadersUriSpec' does not have a companion object, and thus must be initialized here
Someone knows how I can mock WebClient(#1).get()? Thanks in advance
Basically you need something like this:
mock ResponseSpec - mock the body or error in whichever way you need for the respective test case
mock RequestHeadersUriSpec - let the retrieve() method return the ResponseSpec mock
mock WebClient - let the get() method return the RequestHeadersUriSpec mock
Here is a full example:
val response = mockk<WebClient.ResponseSpec>()
val spec = mockk<WebClient.RequestHeadersUriSpec<*>>()
val client = mockk<WebClient>()
every { response.bodyToMono( } returns Mono.just("Hello StackOverflow")
every { spec.retrieve() } returns response
every { client.get() } returns spec
This will correctly print the Hello StackOverflow string.
Though it may be a "historical" question, I actually also had this problem recently.
Just as what Krause mentioned, the full call path of WebClient should be mocked. This means the method stream in every{} block should as the same as WebClient call. In your case, it may be something like
every{webClient.get().uri {???}.retrieve().bodyToMono(???)} returns Mono.just(...)
The next question is something about the error message io.mockk.MockKException: no answer found for: RequestBodyUriSpec(#3).uri(......). The key to the question is methods with parameters and without parameters are totally different things.
Thus, for target method, a uri(Function<UriBuilder, URI> uriFunction) is called(a lambda expression is used here to instead of Function interface). However, for mock method, a uri() method without any parameter is called. This is why the error message said , "no answer found for ...". Therefore, in order to match the mocked method, the code should be:
every{webClient.get().uri(any<java.util.function.Function<UriBuilder, URI>>()).retrieve().bodyToMono(???)} returns Mono.just(...)
Or, the any() method can be changed to the real URI which should be as the same as the target method.
Similarly, bodyToMono() should also be mocked with the correct parameter, which may be bodyToMono(any<ParameterizedTypeReference<*>>()).
Finally, the mock code may look like:
.uri(any<java.util.function.Function<UriBuilder, URI>>())
return Mono.just(...)

Can I access the request/response body on an ExchangeFilterFunction?

Given an exchange using WebClient, filtered by a custom ExchangeFilterFunction:
public Mono<ClientResponse> filter(ClientRequest request, ExchangeFunction next) {
.doOnSuccess(response -> {
// ...
Trying to access the response body more than once using response.bodyToMono() will cause the underlying HTTP client connector to complain that only one receiver is allowed. AFAIK, there's no way to access the body's Publisher in order to cache() its signals (and I'm not sure it'd be a good idea, resource-wise), as well as no way to mutate or decorate the response object in a manner that allows access to its body (like it's possible with ServerWebExchange on the server side).
That makes sense, but I am wondering if there are any ways I could subscribe to the response body's publisher from a form of filter such as this one. My goal is to log the request/response being sent/received by a given WebClient instance.
I am new to reactive programming, so if there are any obvious no-nos here, please do explain :)
Only for logging you could add a wiretap to the HttpClient as desribed in this answer.
However, your question is also interesting in a more general sense outside of logging.
One possible way is to create a duplicate of the ClientResponse instance with a copy of the previous request body. This might go against reactive principles, but it got the job done for me and I don't see big downsides given the small size of the response bodies in my client.
In my case, I needed to do so because the server sending the request (outside of my control) uses the HTTP status 200 Ok even if requests fail. Therefore, I need to peek into the response body in order to find out if anything went wrong and what the cause was. In my case I evict a session cookie in the request headers from the cache if the error message indicates that the session expired.
These are the steps:
Get the response body as a Mono of a String (cf (1)).
Return a Mono.Error in case an error is detected (cf (2)).
Use the String of the response body to build a copy of the original response (cf (3)).
You could also use a dependency on the ObjectMapper to parse the String into an object for analysis.
Note that I wrote this in Kotlin but it should be easy enough to adapt to Java.
class PeekIntoResponseBodyExchangeFilterFunction : ExchangeFilterFunction {
override fun filter(request: ClientRequest, next: ExchangeFunction): Mono<ClientResponse> {
.flatMap { response ->
// (1)
.flatMap { responseBody ->
if (responseBody.contains("Error message")) {
// (2)
Mono.error(RuntimeException("Response contains an error"))
} else {
// (3)
val clonedResponse = response.mutate().body(responseBody).build()

AWS Lex receives Invalid Response from lambda function - Can not construct instance of IntentResponse

Using Java8 in eclipse AWS SDK, I've created and uploaded a lambda function that is hooked in upon fulfillment of my lex intent.
Lambda has not problem receiving JSON request and parsing.
Then, I format a simple "Close" dialogAction response and send back to lex and receive the following error from the Test Bot page in the lex console:
An error has occurred: Received invalid response from Lambda:
Can not construct instance of IntentResponse:
no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize
from String value
{"contentType":"PlainText","content":"Thanks I got your info"}}}')
at [Source: "{\"dialogAction\":
{\"contentType\":\"PlainText\",\"content\":\"Thanks I got your
info\"}}}";line: 1, column: 1]
It seems to have a problem right away with the format (line 1, column 1), but my JSON string looks ok to me. Before returning the output string in the handleRequest java function, I am writing the it to the Cloudwatch log and it writes as follows:
"dialogAction": {
"type": "Close",
"fulfillmentState": "Fulfilled",
"message": {
"contentType": "PlainText",
"content": "Thanks I got your info"
Things I've tried:
Removing the message element as it's not required
Adding in non-required properties like sessionAttributes,
responseCard, etc
removing the double quotes
replacing double quotes with single quotes
hardcoding json from sample response format message in documentation
Is there something hidden at the http headers level or is java8 doing something to the JSON that is not visible?
Not sure if this is because I'm using Java8 or not, but a return value of "String" from the RequestHandler class handleRequest method will not work.
Yes, String is an object, but the constructors on the Lex side are expecting an "Object". I was converting my lex response POJO to a String before returning it in the handleRequest method. That was my mistake.
I fixed it by changing the return type of the handleRequest method to be "Object" instead of "String".
public Object handleRequest(Object input, Context context)
instead of
public String handleRequest(Object input, Context context)
You also have to implement the
public class LambdaFunctionHandler implements RequestHandler<Object, Object>
public class LambdaFunctionHandler implements RequestHandler<Object, String>
This solved my issue.
In my case I was facing exactly the same issue and was able to fix it by creating specific response POJO type and using this POJO as the return type for 'handleRequest' method. E.g. as follow:
public class BotResponse implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public DialogAction dialogAction = new DialogAction();
public DialogAction getDialogAction() {
return dialogAction;
public void setDialogAction(DialogAction dialogAction) {
this.dialogAction = dialogAction;
Note, I have also added the 'implements Serializable' just to be on safer side. Probably it is an overkill.
Not sure why but for me returning a well formatted JSON String object did not worked even after changing the return type of 'handleRequest' method to 'Object'.
I know this is an old question however thought this might help some else
#Mattbob Solution dint fix my issue, However he is in the right path. Best approach is to use a Response object, a custom response object and make the lambda return the custom response object. So i went to the Documentation and created a custom object that looks Response format here
At the time of answering question i couldnt find an object in SDK that matched the response Object so i had to recreate but if some one knows please comment below
Class xxxxx implements RequestHandler<Object, AccountResponse> {
public AccountResponse handleRequest(Object input, Context context) {
Lambda will look somewhat like this and just populate and return the object to match response structure and error goes away. Hope this helps.
Whenever we are returning the object to the bot from the backend make sure we need to pass content type along with content. But here we are passing wrong. So wE need to pass as like below. It is in Node.js
let message = {
contentType: "PlainText",
content: 'Testing bot'

Can I define a grpc call with a null request or response?

Does the rpc syntax in proto3 allow null requests or responses?
e.g. I want the equivalent of the following:
rpc Logout;
rpc Status returns (Status);
rpc Log (LogData);
Or should I just create a null type?
message Null {};
rpc Logout (Null) returns (Null);
rpc Status (Null) returns (Status);
rpc Log (LogData) returns (Null);
Kenton's comment below is sound advice:
... we as developers are really bad at guessing what we might want in the future. So I recommend being safe by always defining custom params and results types for every method, even if they are empty.
Answering my own question:
Looking through the default proto files, I came across Empty that is exactly like the Null type I suggested above :)
excerpt from that file:
// A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated
// empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request
// or the response type of an API method. For instance:
// service Foo {
// rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// }
message Empty {
You also can use predefined:
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
package MyPackage;
service MyService {
rpc Check(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
you can also use another bool property inside the Reply structure. like this
message Reply {
string result = 1;
bool found = 2;
so if you dont find the result or some error happened you can return from the service class this
return new Reply()
Found = false
