Internal IIS web site to URL - url-rewriting

I have installed a web site on one of my servers within our active directory domain. How do I create an actual URL such as http://TheWebApp instead of having users navigate to

You can add 192.168.0.xx and WebApp to hosts file in local machine. Then set the application as an independent site on server and bind to localhost:80. When you enter the http://WebApp in local machine, it will forwards to http://192.168.0.xx and points to the site on server.
Or you can buy a public domain and bind it to your server, then bind site to domain.


How to Redirect Route 53 subdomain to subdirectory of your website

I have a domain on Godaddy and using amazon Route 53 hosting. I want to create a subdomain and make it point to a subdirectory in my site. How is it possible?
I Have Tried
Using S3 bucket, but s3 settings say host a static site. My site isn't static so I believe that option won't work
I have added a subdomain on route 53 with the help of this article
How do I create a subdomain for a domain hosted through Route 53?
and then changed my server settings to make new domain point to a subdirectory using this answer
How to point domain name to Amazon EC2 subdirectory. But it didn't work. Web page shows DNS server not found
Any kind of help will be appriciated. Thanks in advance.
DNS resolves a domain name to the IP address of your server. It only resolves the first part of a URL that defines the server -- it is not involved in the remainder of the URL.
For example:
DNS converts into the IP address of the server. The request for /path/index.html is then sent to port 80 of that server.
Therefore, it is not possible to configure Amazon Route 53 (nor any DNS server) to point to a subdomain of your site.
You could, however, configure your web server to recognize requests going to different domain names and serve different content to the user. For example:
DNS will resolve to the same IP address, but the web server can notice that the original request was to, so it should serve a different set of content, or content from a desired subdirectory. This configuration would be done within your web server. If that's what you'd like to do, please consult your web server documentation or search the web for that topic.
I had the same issue.
The solution was for me to set the load balancer (Application Load Balancer) as target for and then in the load balancer listener rules, add a rule for the subdomain (as host header value) with a redirect.

How Can I Access SharePoint Site By Accessing Local Address

We have PHP based site host on (XAMPP) locally configured which we can access this site by typing we have made entry in local DNS against this
I have setpup sharepoint site on office365 which can be access through
I want to replaced my local server with above sharepoint site but I do not want to change URL.
If you're strictly interested in having the "" forwarding respond on the network served by your internal DNS, then here's a couple options:
Leverage the existing PHP site infrastructure to use Mod_rewrite ( Forwards all requests for to
Modify your local DNS records to forward the cname to your SP site collection URL.
If you're looking to meet your URL requirements on the global intranet, unfortunately there's no means to direct your cname to a specific Office 365 private Site Collection, since the server path portion of the URL is not controlled by DNS, and there is no URL rewriting at that level provided by Office 365.

Files uploaded to hosting service don't appear on domain root

I recently paid for a domain and hosting services through two different vendors. I pointed the domain to the IP provided by the hosting service, uploaded my HTML through Cpanel to the public_html folder in file manager but the page does not load when I point my browser to the IP or my domain. Instead, I have to type in the IP or my domain and add /~MyUserName
Is there something I am doing wrong? I can't access a higher level of folder in file manager than /~MyUserName. Do I need to point my domain to the IP/~MyUserName?
Thanks in advance
File Structure

How to assign FTP URL

I got an AMI of Windows Server 2012 running on Amazon, and use it as website container for all my web sites. I recently created an app in WinForms, I need to publish it. In the moment that I use the publish option it asks for an FTP site. I already use FileZilla Server. I created an user and account. The matter here is that it asks for an FTP URL ( and I only got ( I try to do this with IIS but only can do it with HTTP. How can I create an FTP URL for the site that will contains my ClickOnce app ?.
Check Public DNS column on Instances page of Amazon EC2 console.
Note that the public DNS may change when the instance is restarted.
So your FTP URL would be like:
Though, you need to configure the instance firewall to allow the FTP traffic, what is not easy in general. But that's out of scope of your question.

Configuration of website with IIS

I have a couple of configuration questions:
How do I configure the local web site to use IIS. I need to run the web site using IIS server not default visual studio web development server.
How do I give the solution name for website.
For example, normally when you create a web site it will display the website name as:
http://localhost/testproject or d://....../testproject
But I need to display the web site project name as testproject alone
Modify your hosts file to point at your ip address with a dns name for the second bit. Then set up your dns name in a website in iis. When you browse to the dns you will hit your website iis will strip the dns name for it and forward your request to the correct site.
For the first bit its too long winded you will have to read a tutorial..
