Replacing a string gives "A definition for the symbol "..." could not be located" error VS2019 - visual-studio

I want to change a section of code that has thousands of lines. The section I want to change exists on many lines and I don't want to do it one by one. When I right click on FormQQ_ATL and say replace, it gives "A definition for the symbol FormQQ_ATL could not be located error VS2019".image:
I guess I can't do that because it is a string. Is there way to solve this situation?


Are there ways to modify Rstudio's Console behavior when adding missing quotes

I've search both SO and Rstudio's community pages and failed to find aquestion, much less and answer to this annoyance I have experienced with Rstudio. (The Rstudio help pages won't let me post a second question within 12 hours of my first, which was explained as a bug.)
If I type:
... and then realize that test should be quoted, then putting the cursor at the end to test and entering a double-quote will give me two double-quotes "". It will not do this if I first enter a quote between ( and t and then it will also not give me doubling of the double-quote character at the end of `test. Why should it matter whether I first correct my error at the end of the symbol or at the beginning? Is there anything I can do to modify this quirk> It seems that a syntax aware console editor out to be able to tell when a doubling of quotes does not make sense. It's obviously making that "decision" when the quotes are entered between an open-paren and a character. Why not suppress the unhelpful behavior when it is between a character and a close-paren?

How do I ignore comments in a text file with LabVIEW?

I've created a script file reader, nothing more than a glorified text reader that changes loop cases in my program, but I need it to be able to ignore comments on a line, execute that command, and go to the next line and process the new command after it finds the comment denoted with a semicolon. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to do this.
Currently, the commands are read in like this:
I'd like to comment it with a semicolon like this:
DO THIS FUNCTION ;this is a comment to be ignored
Below is my text file read code, should be able to drag and drop it in to test. The command indicator just echoes the command being read. I've removed the rest of my program, sorry, can't send that part.
Can someone shed some light?
Is a semicolon used anywhere else in your file? Or is it just used to indicate a comment?
If it is only used to indicate a comment then as you read each line in, call the Split String primitive and split at the ";". Just use the top output regardless of whether or not the line contains a semicolon:
You can use the "Match Regular Expression Function" to split up the string, as #Moray already suggested.
Sadly I can't give you an example vi right now.
The main idea is:
find the "Match Regular Expression Function"
give it a ; as char to search for
there are three outputs of the function (before match, match, after match)
use the 'before match' instead of the whole line and give it to the rest of your program
This only works if your commands don't contain any ; except for the comments.
Note: I not quite sure what happens if you give the function a string that doesn't contain ; but you can figure that out by yourself by using the detailed help to this function :)

Symbol # in variable cannot be handled

I got a CSV file from my front-end as a XString and after I convert it into String it looks as follows:
In the next step I'm trying to perform SPLIT lv_string AT '##' INTO TABLE itab so I can get my data but it doesn't split anything, itab contains one line equal to lv_string.
If I try REPLACE '#' IN lv_string WITH space, lv_string doesn't change and sy-subrc is 4.
From my point of view I have this problem because the symbol # is used by SAP in this context as a symbol for non-printable symbols (that result from the conversion byte->string).
My question is: how may I use SPLIT/REPLACE with # in this case?
I also thought that I can change the SAP code page when converting XString to String but I already use the SAP code page 4110 (utf-8) and don't know a better alternative...
When you display a variable with the debugger, it displays the generic character # (U+0023) for all control characters which are not assigned a glyph ("non-printable symbols" as you say).
If the variable corresponds to the contents of a text file, and ## frequently occurs, there is a big chance that it's the combination of the control characters U+000D and U+000A which correspond to "newline" in Windows files.
In the backend debugger, you can check the hexadecimal values of those characters by clicking the button "Hexadezimal" (shown in your screenshot).
You may use the variable CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>CR_LF which contains those two control characters.

How to fix my code to get the characters before specified symbol like # in SSDT?

I am using visual studio ssdt (reporting services) .
I want to retrieve substring from string.
For example: In my database, I have 7720#449943AJFDJ,7777#9r49r49 or 8888888844#dj939393
I want to retrieve substring from first symbol to #.
I use this code = CInt(Split(Fields!PRESENTATION_NAME.Value.ToString, "#")(0)) .I didn't have any errors,but my code shows me 38505 - this's not true.I don't have string started with 38505.I was expecting from my code to show 7720 , 7777 or 8888888844. Do you know how to fix that?
I upload file to see what I mean.
Thank you
It looks like you're trying to get the text that comes before first the #? If so, the InStr function finds the position of the first occurrence of the specified text. This can then be used as the second parameter of the Left function, with 1 subtracted from it to omit the # from the final result.
Left(Fields!PRESENTATION_NAME.Value, InStr(Fields!PRESENTATION_NAME.Value, "#") - 1)

Prolog syntax error: operator expected

I was studying the Prolog, and met with the "syntax error: operator expected" for the following code:
process_list(X,[N1|Y],N):-N1 is 2*N-1,N1 < X,N2 is N+1,process_list(X,Y,N2).
That's all the code I wrote. What's the problem? I found some solutions saying that there are unexpected white spaces in the functors or arguments, but I think I do not include any white space in the above-mentioned places.
Thank you all for helping me!!!
Remark: I find that when I name the source code as "", I get this error. But when I name it as "", there is no error. Does it mean that the file name cannot start with an upper case letter?
I found the reason for this problem. I used the file name 'Test1'. But Prolog does not support upper case letter in the file name. I modified the file name to 'test1' and it works now.
