Symbol # in variable cannot be handled - debugging

I got a CSV file from my front-end as a XString and after I convert it into String it looks as follows:
In the next step I'm trying to perform SPLIT lv_string AT '##' INTO TABLE itab so I can get my data but it doesn't split anything, itab contains one line equal to lv_string.
If I try REPLACE '#' IN lv_string WITH space, lv_string doesn't change and sy-subrc is 4.
From my point of view I have this problem because the symbol # is used by SAP in this context as a symbol for non-printable symbols (that result from the conversion byte->string).
My question is: how may I use SPLIT/REPLACE with # in this case?
I also thought that I can change the SAP code page when converting XString to String but I already use the SAP code page 4110 (utf-8) and don't know a better alternative...

When you display a variable with the debugger, it displays the generic character # (U+0023) for all control characters which are not assigned a glyph ("non-printable symbols" as you say).
If the variable corresponds to the contents of a text file, and ## frequently occurs, there is a big chance that it's the combination of the control characters U+000D and U+000A which correspond to "newline" in Windows files.
In the backend debugger, you can check the hexadecimal values of those characters by clicking the button "Hexadezimal" (shown in your screenshot).
You may use the variable CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>CR_LF which contains those two control characters.


Need to strip out invalid characters in CSV file

I am generating a CSV file from a Microsoft SQL database that was provided to me, but somehow there are invalid characters in about two dozen places throughout the text (there are many thousands of lines of data). When I open the CSV in my text editor, they display as red, upside-down question marks (there are two of them in the attached screenshot).
When I copy the character and view the "find/replace" dialog in my text editor, I see this:
...but I have no idea what that means. I need to modify my script that generates the CSV so it strips these characters out, but I don't know how to identify them. My script is written in Classic ASP.
You can also use RegEx to remove unwanted characters:
Set objRegEx = CreateObject(“VBScript.RegExp”)
objRegEx.Global = True
objRegEx.Pattern = “[^A-Za-z]”
strCSV = objRegEx.Replace(strCSV, “”)
This code is from the following article which explains in details what it does:
How Can I Remove All the Non-Alphabetic Characters in a String?
In your case you will want to add some characters to the Pattern:
You can simply use the Replace function and specify Chr(191) (or "¿" directly):
Replace(yourCSV, Chr(191), "")
Replace(yourCSV, "¿", "")
This will remove the character. If you need to replace it with something else, change the last parameter from "" to a different value ("-" for example).
In general, you can use charmap.exe (Character Map) from Run menu, select Arial, find a symbol and copy it to the clipboard. You can then check its value using Asc("¿"), this will return the ASCII code to use with Chr().

Feeding multiple values into a barcode leaves a '0' barcode. How do I remove this barcode entirely?

I have a system currently set up that creates a barcode for a UPC on a label. This works for single items, but sometimes I have more than one item that tries to feed into that barcode, and when that happens it is set to have no value.
However, instead of there being no barcode, there is actually a small barcode that scans in as 0. How do I ensure that no barcode appears?
"$ItemBarCode$" is an item from a populated table that I do not control, and there can be as many items as needed. The customer requires no barcode when there are multiple items and requires a barcode when there is one. Their sample does not use a typical UPC style barcode.
You say you don't have control over the data in the table, but do you have control over the content/format of $ItemBarCode$?
Have the variable contain the ^FD prefix and ^FS suffix (and remove from the ZPL code). When the variable is blank/empty, nothing will print.
According to the software developer consultant, the solution is to create a customization in the system's code that allows for a logic line to fix this error. This is not something that can be fixed within ZPL itself, rather, there will be two separate labels. For instance,
if single item then print X
if multiple items then print Y
I have same situation. My solution is input barcode command in single line with its data and terminator ^FD and ^FS. So during parsing label file line by line, if data is zero or error than remove entire line. And its work for me

Render non english characters in asciidoctor-pdf

I am trying to write documentation with asciidoctor-pdf and I need to use characters like : ă,â,î,ş,ţ. The pdf output is rendered but the mentioned characters are rendered empty. I am not sure how to handle the issue.
For example:
I wrote this code:
= Document Title
Doc Writer <>
:doctype: book
:source-highlighter: coderay
:listing-caption: Listing
// Uncomment next line to set page size (default is Letter)
//:pdf-page-size: A4
A simple[AsciiDoc] document.
== Introducţie
A paragraph followed by a simple list with square bullets.
And the result was the word Introducţie rendered as Introduc ie and finally the error:
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.2/gems/pdf-core-0.2.5/lib/pdf/core/pdf_object.rb:55: warning: regexp match /.../n against to UTF-8 string
Can be a system encoding configuration problem?
Do I need to set different encoding configuration in ruby?
Thank you.
I think that if you want to be sure, you can always use the decimal entity references form. For the latin small Letter T with cedilla it is: ţ
Check this table for the complete list:
List of Unicode characters
In addition, if you want to use this special char in a title, there was an issue with it:
Section id with characters outside of Windows-1252 encoding causes warning
It seems to be fixed now, but I did not verify it.
One of possible ways to write such special characters in titles is to declare them in preamble of your asciidoc document, for example,
:t-cedil: ţ
and to call it in the main text
== pass:normal[Test-{t-cedil}]
So your title will look like

Splitting clipboard import in ABAP

I'm using CLPB_IMPORT function module to get clipboard to internal table. it's ok. I'am copying two column Excel data. So it fills the table with delimiter '#', like;
But the problem is splitting these strings. I'm trying;
LOOP AT foytab.
SPLIT foytab-tab AT '#' INTO temp1 temp2.
But it doesn't split. it puts whole line into temp1. I think the delimiter is not what I thought ('#'). Because when I write a string manually with delimiter '#' it splits.
Do you have any idea how to split this ?
You should not use CLPB_IMPORT since it's explicitly marked as obsolete. Use CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>CLIPBOARD_IMPORT instead.
The data is probably not separated by # but by a tab character. You can check this in the hex view of the debugger. # is just a replacement symbol the UI uses for any unprintable character. If the delimiter is the tab character, you can use the constant CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>HORIZONTAL_TAB.

ADO and Microsoft Text Driver - Field Delimiter Problem

I'm using VB6 and ADO together with the Microsoft Text Driver to import data from an ASCII file. The file is comma delimited but it also contains double quotation marks around text data fields. The fields are also fixed width.
I'm having a problem that the driver reads the columns incorrectly any time one of the rows contains a quotation mark double quotation inside the content. This happens inside the "part description" column which is the second column from the left. When this occurs, columns to the right are all Null value, which is not the case in the text file.
I think it would be better to use only the commas as delimiters. However, I believe that commas also occur in the "part description" column so this means I should really load the file as fixed width. I'm not aware that there is any way of doing this unless I can specify this in the schema.ini file.
Any ideas on how to resolve this?
You are allowed to specify fixed width in your Schema.ini file. However, it appears to me that the commas and quotation marks that also exist as delimiters/qualifiers will prevent this from working properly. It looks like I may have to "manually" read the file in and write it back out in my own format before I load it using the MS Text driver. Still looking for other opinions.
I would try changing the Format value in the registry for the Jet text engine (if that's what you're using) at the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines\Text. I think the default is CSVDelimited but you would change this to FixedLength. See
It's probably worth adding that although you have a Schema.ini file for settings, on some options the registry overrules them anyway
Actually, looking at the link I supplied, it seems you have to use a schema.ini file for fixed-length files. Have you tried something like the following, which specifies the width?
Col1=FirstName Text Width 7
Col2=LastName Text Width 10
Col3=ID Text Integer 3
I'm extra precautious with regional settings -- some users change default list separator. Usualy fix this with schema.ini like this:
