Laravel creating a relationship out of an view - best practice? - laravel

I defined a relationship
Author - Book
then i am able to create a new book by doing this
$author = new author();
that works and also doing this in my view
So every time the site is loaded i create a new book. I try to embed it in a small script with a button.
<button onclick="addBook()">Add new book</button>
<p id="addBook"></p>
function addBook() {
document.getElementById("addBook").innerHTML = {{$author->books()->create()}};
The Script is loaded on pageload and of course executed without neccesary pressed the button.
What is the best practise?
Is this an intended way to do such?
Or should i better make an POST call out of an form and handle the creation in the controller?

you cant do this. when code get to document.getElementById("addBook").innerHTML = {{$author->books()->create()}}; line, auto created book and dont wait for javascript method. you need api to do this, actually you should create a route called book/create and send ajax request with jquery or more libraries after click

It's better to do this in controller, and it's not correct to use the eloquent query in view,
It's better to use Ajax or JavaScript to call an API like:
$.post( "{{route('')}}", { /*object you want to create*/ } );


Is there a way to natively validate the customer form fields with Square?

I am using PHP Connect to submit a simple payment via Square. I’ve added a customer object, but do not see any validation settings for fields with the customer object via Square’s API. There must be a way to set custom required fields when dealing with a customer object. Can someone please point me the right way?
Here is the PHP script I am using to connect to Square:
As you can see, there is an onclick event in the button submit:
<button id="sq-creditcard" class="sq-button" onclick="requestCardNonce(event)">
I can remove this event and validate fields via jQuery, but I am having trouble when attempting to run the event on successful validation. Here is one example I have tried:
good = true;
good = false;
This is just a stripped down version of what I am attempting. Essentially, just passing the requestCardNonce(event) after everything checks out. But when I do this, it breaks...

Update template inside a view rendered from another controller

I am looking for the way to refresh a template inside a view rendered from another controller than the template's controller, I mean:
I got two controllers AdminController & UserController. And two gsps /admin/listUsers & /user/_searchResult.
Then a want to render view listUsers who have inside the template _searchResult and all right.
Now, i want to refresh the template _searchResult, but cant find how. I tryed calling render(view:"/admin/listUsers", template:"/user/_searchResult", model:[searchResult:result])
def listUsers(){
def search(){
//search users for the givven params and send result by chain if there's an action or update a template if it's needed
//in my case this method need to update the template _searchResult
def searchResult(){
<formRemote name="searchForm" url="[action:"search", controller:"user"]">
//Some fields for the search
//I need to place here some hidden inputs to send which
//template i want to update or action to redirect
<g:render template="/user/_searchResult"/>
//Just itterate and print the search result in a table
I hope I have explained the problem correctly, thanks!
I don't think I entirely understand your question, but I think the source of your confusion is that the way you are naming things doesn't follow regular conventions and you're not using the right tools for the job. Let me explain...
The methods on Controllers are called Actions. They send some data (the Model) to a View to be rendered into HTML. Views can be composed from smaller, reusable fragments called Templates. (sorry if I sound like I'm being condescending here, but I'm just trying to make sure we're all on the same page).
Now, what you've called templateA is actually a View, not a Template. You're correct that templateA (your View) can call templateB to render some markup, but then having the templateB try to call a method on another Controller doesn't make sense. That's not how things flow.
If you have some logic that needs to be executed after you've sent your Model to the View, you want to use a Tag Library (
To summarise, here's a quick recap.
A request should only call one Action, which sends the model to only one view.
If you need to reuse logic between Controllers, move that code to a Service.
If you need to reuse markup between Views, move that markup to a Template.
If you have logic that you want to have executed after you've sent the Model to the View, use a Tag Library.
Hopefully this will point you in the right direction.
--- UPDATE ---
OK, with the real code I can see better what you're trying to achieve. Firstly, as you're using the <g:formRemote> tag, you should have a good read of the docs at to understand what it does.
What you will have here is 2 separate requests. The first will be a regular page load by your browser, which is handled by the listUsers() action. Once the page is then finished loading, the user will enter a search term and hit the submit button. This will fire off a second ajax request, which will be handled by the search() action. This action could use the _searchResult.gsp template to render a HTML table to display the search results. When the browser get this, it will insert it into the DOM where you've told it to put it using the "update" attribute of the <g:formRemote> tag.
The important thing here is that from the server's perspective, these are 2 separate requests that are completely independent. They both first call an action, then send a model (a Map containing some data) to a view, which renders/merges the data with HTML and sends it back to the browser.
The difference between the 2 is that the first is a complete page load by the browser, whereas for the second request, the browser only loads a small chunk of HTML (the search results table) and updates the page content without reloading it.
So your code would look more like this...
def listUsers() {
<g:formRemote name="searchForm" update="insertSearchResultsHere"
url="[controller: 'user', action:'search']">
<input name="searchTerm" type="text" />
<div id="insertSearchResultsHere"></div>
def search() {
// use the search term to get a List<User>
render(template: "/user/searchResult", model: [users: users])
<g:each var="user" in="${users}">
%{-- Iterate through your search results --}%
I solved it by placing the attribute update and rendering the template alone:
<formRemote name="searchForm" url="[action:"search", controller:"user"]" update="divToUpdate">
//Some fields for the search
<div id="divToUpdate">
<g:render template="/user/_searchResult"/>
def search(){
render(template:"/user/_searchResult", model:[searchResult:result])
When i asked this question, i was new on Grails community and i was confused with the use of remoteFunction and tags that use it like remoteForm. But i had this confusion because of i had not read the documentation. So in my case, the solution was search for documentation about how to use remote tags and render. Thanks to #AndrewW for show me the way.

RedirectToAction MVC 3 after $.ajax call

From my view I am sending via $.ajax a JSON object to my controller to save it in the database.
If all succeeded i want to redirect to another action which will show a diferent view.
If i use this code:
return RedirectToAction("CreatePage", "Survey", new {id = question.PageId});
The execution goes to the Survey controller which returns a view but it is not shown.
I have read some post which said that it is not posible to redirect via ajax.
The solution I use so far is to redirect via javascript like this:
success: function (ret) {
window.location.href = "/Survey/CreatePage/" + $("#PageId").val();
Although this always works, sometimes i need to refresh the CreatePage view to show the last changes made.
Any idea of how to solve this problem better?
Thanks in advance
As mccow002 suggested, I wasn't really needing to make the call via AJAX for that part. After studying the solutions suggested, i realized that i could simple submit it in a form. My confusion came because I have a save and continue editing and a save. For the save and continue I use the AJAX call, but for the save option with the form being submitted is ok.
Thanks very much for your help.
Instead of redirecting to a new page, you can send a rendered html from .net code back to client and load that html in page, like this $("#main").load(renderedHtml).
But for refreshing the page you can write a simple script that run at specified intervals and refresh the page contens.
You could use [OutputCache] on the CreatePage action so that it doesn't cache the page or only caches for so long.
output caching

Codeigniter AJAX and POST

What is the best way to address an AJAX script that sends data to POST in codeigniter? Right now I am loading a view with the AJAX through $this->load->view('AJAX', $data); however there is no UI or user actions in the view. It's simply running through the script and returning POST data a little after the script loads. I receive the POST data in my model where I input the values into the DB and output some other values based on the data.
I need to open a real view, set metatags and re-direct the user to another website afterwards.
How do I address this?
The problem I'm facing is that I cannot open up another view because the AJAX view is the one that's in focus but I need this AJAX view to be temporary that basically does it's thing and sends to POST.
Is there any convention that I can lookup/research to what I'm describing? Let me know what kind of clarification is needed if any.
Some people like to write "ajax" controllers and post to them exclusively, but you don't need to do that. You can handle the request in the same controller that handles the non-ajax request. Personally, I exclusively return json, but you can return chunks of HTML if that works better for you.
Your exact problem is vague (actual code would help clarify), but I think you are on the wrong track. Don't use a view for processing anything ever. Use your Controller layer, this is for handling input and requests.
Example of controller method responding to either ajax or non-ajax request:
function edit_user()
$data['status'] = $this->user_model->save();
if ($this->input->is_ajax_request())
// return json string with our update status
// Something like: {"status":true}
echo json_encode($data);
// Load the non ajax view with the same data
$this->load->view('users/edit', $data)
$this->input->is_ajax_request() is a function of the Input class that reads $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] and checks if it's value is XMLHttpRequest. This should only be true if it's an "ajax" request.
You can make life easier by wrapping this in a class or function. No matter what you decide to do, don't use the view layer for processing data.
I think my problem is, how do I address javascript without a view? how do I call the script and/or where do I put the JS code in the controller? I felt it was the wrong direction to address the code in a view but I didn't see how else to do it.
Whenever possible, you should put javascript code in a .js file and use a <script> tag to load it, in an HTML document. The only other exception is putting it in a "view" file (a file that's only purpose is to construct your final HTML output). In other words, follow the same rules of HTML as to where to put javascript, and follow the usual conventions of MVC of where HTML belongs (in the view). Javascript code does not belong in your controller. Javascript is not processing your data, it is sending the data to the server.
I need to open a real view, set metatags and re-direct the user to another website afterwards.
If you want to load a view, then redirect (after a certain amount of time I assume), you can do it with javascript or a <meta> tag (but don't use a meta tag, use js).

how to get information from php without refreshing the page

sorry for the bad title but I'm not 100% sure what I need for this problem
I created a welcome page and then when you click on links you get more information, for example:
Click Me
And then the php would get the information based on the id.
so the information received is reloaded on the page after the pages refreshes
what I would like to be able to do is when user clicks on the link, use jquery to not allow the link to run but still run the url in the background (without refreshing the page)
I have no idea where to start from so I really hope you could help
In a nutshell, it's called Ajax: sending an HTTP request to your server through javaScript, and receiving a response which can contain results, data, or other information.
You mention jQuery, here are the docs about that:
are convenience methods, which encapsulate $.ajax with preset options. is an overview of the whole system in jQuery.
The basics go like
//include jquery, etc.
$.get('some_url_on_your_server.php',{'data':'whatever params'},function(data){
This will bind an element to make an Ajax call on click, and then you use the function ('success' function, in $.ajax) to handle the json data.
Have your server send back the data in JSON by using json_encode in php. Be sure to send the right header back, like
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($some_array);
There's a lot of resources on the web and SO for learning about Ajax, it's a big topic. Best of luck.
Make a JavaScript function, like sendData(linkId) and then each tag would have an onclick event called sendData(this). SendData(linkId) can then do an HTTPRequest (also known as an asynchronous or AJAX request) to a php file, let's call it handler.php, which receives GET or POST methods. I prefer using the prototype framework to do this kind of thing (you can get it at
Okay, now that I have said all that, let's look into the nitty-gritty of how to do this (way simplified for illustrative purposes).
Download the prototype script, save it on your server (like prototype/prototype.js, for example) and then put somewhere in your html <script type='text/javascript' language='Javascript' src='prototype/prototype.js'></script>
Your tags would look like this:<a id='exampleLink' onclick = 'sendData(this)'>Click me!</a>
You need JavaScript to do this: function sendData(tagId){
var url = 'handler.php?' + 'id=' + tagId;
var request = new AJAX.Request(url, {method = 'get'});
Finally, you need a php file (let's call it handler.php) that has the following: <?php
$tag_to_get = $_GET['tagId'];
That's it in a nutshell, but it's worth mentioning that you should give your user some sort of feedback that clicking link did something. Otherwise he will click the link furiously waiting for something to happen, when it is actually doing just what its supposed to but in secret. You do that by making your php script echo something at the end, like 'Success!', and then add an onSuccess parameter to your JavaScript's new Ajax.Request. I'll let you read how to do that on your own because the prototype website explains how to receive a response from the handler and put the feedback somewhere in your HTML without making the user refresh.
you can achieve that behavior with a jquery function called $.get ... you can get more information on how to use here
If you really want to (and I don't think you really do), you can use XMLHTTPRequest (wrapped in jQuery.get) to facilitate loading content into the page without page refreshing. You want an id or class on that tag, i.e. Click Me, and then:
$(".fetch").bind("click", function(evt)
$.get(this.attr("href"), function(data)
I would recommend you use AJAX to start with. A good place to being is
The link comes with a handy AJAX ASP/PHP Example too =))
Good Luck.
